Crypt of Sokoban: incomplete 7DRL game and engine stress-test

This commit is contained in:
John McCardle 2024-03-08 22:26:40 -05:00
parent 9eb9562b9f
commit 45f07b7226
3 changed files with 435 additions and 1 deletions

assets/temp_logo.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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src/scripts/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
import mcrfpy
ui = mcrfpy.sceneUI("play")
t = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_tinydungeon.png", 16, 12, 11)
font = mcrfpy.Font("assets/JetbrainsMono.ttf")
frame_color = (64, 64, 128)
grid = mcrfpy.Grid(20, 15, t, 10, 10, 800, 595)
grid.zoom = 2.0
entity_frame = mcrfpy.Frame(815, 10, 194, 595, fill_color = frame_color)
inventory_frame = mcrfpy.Frame(10, 610, 800, 143, fill_color = frame_color)
stats_frame = mcrfpy.Frame(815, 610, 194, 143, fill_color = frame_color)
begin_btn = mcrfpy.Frame(350,250,100,100, fill_color = (255,0,0))
begin_btn.children.append(mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, "Begin", font))
def cos_keys(key, state):
if key == 'M' and state == 'start':
elif state == "end": return
elif key == "W":
elif key == "A":
elif key == "S":
elif key == "D":
def cos_init(*args):
if args[3] != "start": return
ui.remove(4) = cos_init
[ui.append(e) for e in (grid, entity_frame, inventory_frame, stats_frame, begin_btn)]
import random
def rcolor():
return tuple([random.randint(0, 255) for i in range(3)]) # TODO list won't work with GridPoint.color, so had to cast to tuple
x_max, y_max = grid.grid_size
for x in range(x_max):
for y in range(y_max):,y)).color = rcolor()
from math import pi, cos, sin
def mapgen(room_size_max = 7, room_size_min = 3, room_count = 4):
# reset map
for x in range(x_max):
for y in range(y_max):, y)).walkable = False, y)).transparent= False,y)).tilesprite = random.choices([40, 28], weights=[.8, .2])[0]
global cos_entities
for e in cos_entities:
e.e.position = (999,999) # TODO
cos_entities = []
#Dungeon generation
centers = []
attempts = 0
while len(centers) < room_count:
# Leaving this attempt here for later comparison. These rooms sucked.
# overlapping, uninteresting hallways, crowded into the corners sometimes, etc.
attempts += 1
if attempts > room_count * 15: break
# room_left = random.randint(1, x_max)
# room_top = random.randint(1, y_max)
# Take 2 - circular distribution of rooms
angle_mid = (len(centers) / room_count) * 2 * pi + 0.785
angle = random.uniform(angle_mid - 0.25, angle_mid + 0.25)
radius = random.uniform(3, 14)
room_left = int(radius * cos(angle)) + int(x_max/2)
if room_left <= 1: room_left = 1
if room_left > x_max - 1: room_left = x_max - 2
room_top = int(radius * sin(angle)) + int(y_max/2)
if room_top <= 1: room_top = 1
if room_top > y_max - 1: room_top = y_max - 2
room_w = random.randint(room_size_min, room_size_max)
if room_w + room_left >= x_max: room_w = x_max - room_left - 2
room_h = random.randint(room_size_min, room_size_max)
if room_h + room_top >= y_max: room_h = y_max - room_top - 2
#print(room_left, room_top, room_left + room_w, room_top + room_h)
if any( # centers contained in this randomly generated room
[c[0] >= room_left and c[0] <= room_left + room_w and c[1] >= room_top and c[1] <= room_top + room_h for c in centers]
continue # re-randomize the room position
(int(room_left + (room_w/2)), int(room_top + (room_h/2)))
for x in range(room_w):
for y in range(room_h):, room_top+y)).walkable=True, room_top+y)).transparent=True, room_top+y)).tilesprite = random.choice([48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53])
# generate a boulder
if (room_w > 2 and room_h > 2):
room_boulder_x, room_boulder_y = random.randint(room_left+1, room_left+room_w-1), random.randint(room_top+1, room_top+room_h-1)
cos_entities.append(BoulderEntity(room_boulder_x, room_boulder_y))
print(f"{room_count} rooms generated after {attempts} attempts.")
# hallways
pairs = []
for c1 in centers:
for c2 in centers:
if c1 == c2: continue
if (c2, c1) in pairs or (c1, c2) in pairs: continue
left = min(c1[0], c2[0])
right = max(c1[0], c2[0])
top = min(c1[1], c2[1])
bottom = max(c1[1], c2[1])
corners = [(left, top), (left, bottom), (right, top), (right, bottom)]
target, other = corners
for x in range(target[0], other[0], -1 if target[0] > other[0] else 1):
was_walkable =, target[1])).walkable, target[1])).walkable=True, target[1])).transparent=True
if not was_walkable:, target[1])).tilesprite = random.choices([0, 12, 24], weights=[.6, .3, .1])[0]
for y in range(target[1], other[1], -1 if target[1] > other[1] else 1):
was_walkable =[0], y)).walkable[0], y)).walkable=True[0], y)).transparent=True
if not was_walkable:[0], y)).tilesprite = random.choices([0, 12, 24], weights=[0.4, 0.3, 0.3])[0]
pairs.append((c1, c2))
# spawn exit and button
spawn_points = []
for x in range(x_max):
for y in range(y_max):
if, y)).walkable:
spawn_points.append((x, y))
door_spawn, button_spawn = spawn_points[:2]
cos_entities.append(ExitEntity(*door_spawn, *button_spawn))
# respawn player
global player
if player:
player.position = (999,999) # TODO - die() is broken and I don't know why
player = PlayerEntity()
#for x in range(x_max):
# for y in range(y_max):
# if, y)).walkable:
#,y)).tilesprite = random.choice([48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53])
# pass
# else:
#,y)).tilesprite = random.choices([40, 28], weights=[.8, .2])[0]
#131 - last sprite
#123, 124 - brown, grey rats
#121 - ghost
#114, 115, 116 - green, red, blue potion
#102 - shield
#98 - low armor guy, #97 - high armor guy
#89 - chest, #91 - empty chest
#84 - wizard
#82 - barrel
#66 - boulder
#64, 65 - graves
#48 - 53: ground (not going to figure out how they fit together tonight)
#42 - button-looking ground
#40 - basic solid wall
#36, 37, 38 - wall (left, middle, right)
#28 solid wall but with a grate
#21 - wide open door, 33 medium open, 45 closed door
#0 - basic dirt
class MyEntity:
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, sprite_num=86):
self.e = mcrfpy.Entity(x, y, t, sprite_num)
def die(self):
for i in range(len(grid.entities)):
e = grid.entities[i]
if e == self.e:
def bump(self, other, dx, dy):
raise NotImplementedError
def try_move(self, dx, dy):
tx, ty = int(self.e.position[0] + dx), int(self.e.position[1] + dy)
for e in cos_entities:
if e.e.position == (tx, ty):
#print(f"bumping {e}")
return e.bump(self, dx, dy)
if tx < 0 or tx >= x_max:
#print("out of bounds horizontally")
return False
if ty < 0 or ty >= y_max:
#print("out of bounds vertically")
return False
if, ty)).walkable == True:
self.e.position = (tx, ty)
return True
return False
def _relative_move(self, dx, dy):
tx, ty = int(self.e.position[0] + dx), int(self.e.position[1] + dy)
self.e.position = (tx, ty)
def move(self, direction):
if direction == "N":
self.try_move(0, -1)
elif direction == "E":
self.try_move(1, 0)
elif direction == "S":
self.try_move(0, 1)
elif direction == "W":
self.try_move(-1, 0)
cos_entities = []
class PlayerEntity(MyEntity):
def __init__(self):
# find spawn point
spawn_points = []
for x in range(x_max):
for y in range(y_max):
if, y)).walkable:
spawn_points.append((x, y))
for spawn in spawn_points:
for e in cos_entities:
if e.e.position == spawn: break
#print(f"spawn at {spawn}")
super().__init__(spawn[0], spawn[1], sprite_num=84)
class BoulderEntity(MyEntity):
def __init__(self, x, y):
super().__init__(x, y, 66)
def bump(self, other, dx, dy):
if type(other) == BoulderEntity:
#print("Boulders can't push boulders")
return False
tx, ty = int(self.e.position[0] + dx), int(self.e.position[1] + dy)
# Is the boulder blocked the same direction as the bumper? If not, let's both move
old_pos = int(self.e.position[0]), int(self.e.position[1])
if self.try_move(dx, dy):
other.e.position = old_pos
return True
class ButtonEntity(MyEntity):
def __init__(self, x, y, exit):
super().__init__(x, y, 42)
self.exit = exit
def bump(self, other, dx, dy):
if type(other) == BoulderEntity:
other._relative_move(dx, dy)
return True
class ExitEntity(MyEntity):
def __init__(self, x, y, bx, by):
super().__init__(x, y, 45)
self.my_button = ButtonEntity(bx, by, self)
self.unlocked = False
global cos_entities
def unlock(self):
self.e.sprite_number = 21
self.unlocked = True
def lock(self):
self.e.sprite_number = 45
self.unlocked = True
def bump(self, other, dx, dy):
if type(other) == BoulderEntity:
return False
if self.unlocked:
other._relative_move(dx, dy)
player = None

View File

@ -1,2 +1,136 @@
print("Hello mcrogueface")
#print("Hello mcrogueface")
import mcrfpy
import cos_play
# Universal stuff
font = mcrfpy.Font("assets/JetbrainsMono.ttf")
texture = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_tinydungeon.png", 16, 12, 11)
texture_cold = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_ice.png", 16, 12, 11)
texture_hot = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_lava.png", 16, 12, 11)
# Test stuff
ui = mcrfpy.sceneUI("boom")
box = mcrfpy.Frame(40, 60, 200, 300, fill_color=(255,128,0), outline=4.0, outline_color=(64,64,255,96))
#caption = mcrfpy.Caption(10, 10, "Clicky", font, (255, 255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0, 255)) = lambda x, y, btn, type: print("Hello callback: ", x, y, btn, type)
test_sprite_number = 86
sprite = mcrfpy.Sprite(20, 60, texture, test_sprite_number, 4.0)
spritecap = mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, "60", font)
def click_sprite(x, y, btn, action):
global test_sprite_number
if action != "start": return
if btn in ("left", "wheel_up"):
test_sprite_number -= 1
elif btn in ("right", "wheel_down"):
test_sprite_number += 1
sprite.sprite_number = test_sprite_number # TODO - inconsistent naming for __init__, __repr__ and getsetter: sprite_number vs sprite_index
spritecap.text = test_sprite_number = click_sprite # TODO - sprites don't seem to correct for screen position or scale when clicking
box.children.append(spritecap) = click_sprite
# Loading Screen
ui = mcrfpy.sceneUI("loading")
logo_texture = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/temp_logo.png", 1024, 1, 1)
logo_sprite = mcrfpy.Sprite(50, 50, logo_texture, 0, 0.5)
ui.append(logo_sprite) = lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("menu")
logo_caption = mcrfpy.Caption(70, 600, "Click to Proceed", font, (255, 0, 0, 255), (0, 0, 0, 255))
logo_caption.fill_color =(255, 0, 0, 255)
# menu screen
for e in [
mcrfpy.Caption(10, 10, "Crypt of Sokoban", font, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)),
mcrfpy.Caption(20, 55, "a McRogueFace demo project", font, (192, 192, 192), (0, 0, 0)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 70, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 145, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 220, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 295, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
#mcrfpy.Frame(900, 10, 100, 100, fill_color=(255, 0, 0)),
def click_once(fn):
def wraps(*args, **kwargs):
action = args[3]
if action != "start": return
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
return wraps
def asdf(x, y, btn, action):
print(f"clicky @({x},{y}) {action}->{btn}")
def clicked_exit(*args):
menu_btns = [
("Boom", lambda *args: 1 / 0),
("Exit", clicked_exit),
("About", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("about")),
("Settings", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("settings")),
("Start", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("play"))
for i in range(len(mcrfpy.sceneUI("menu"))):
e = mcrfpy.sceneUI("menu")[i] # TODO - fix iterator
#print(e, type(e))
if type(e) is not mcrfpy.Frame: continue
label, fn = menu_btns.pop()
e.children.append(mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, label, font, (192, 192, 255), (0,0,0))) = fn
# settings screen
window_scaling = 1.0
scale_caption = mcrfpy.Caption(180, 70, "1.0x", font, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0))
scale_caption.fill_color = (255, 255, 255) # TODO - mcrfpy.Caption.__init__ is not setting colors
for e in [
mcrfpy.Caption(10, 10, "Settings", font, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 70, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)), # +
mcrfpy.Frame(300, 70, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)), # -
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 295, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
def game_scale(x, y, btn, action, delta):
global window_scaling
print(f"WIP - scale the window from {window_scaling:.1f} to {window_scaling+delta:.1f}")
window_scaling += delta
scale_caption.text = f"{window_scaling:.1f}x"
settings_btns = [
("back", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("menu")),
("-", lambda x, y, btn, action: game_scale(x, y, btn, action, -0.1)),
("+", lambda x, y, btn, action: game_scale(x, y, btn, action, +0.1))
for i in range(len(mcrfpy.sceneUI("settings"))):
e = mcrfpy.sceneUI("settings")[i] # TODO - fix iterator
#print(e, type(e))
if type(e) is not mcrfpy.Frame: continue
label, fn = settings_btns.pop()
#print(label, fn)
e.children.append(mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, label, font, (192, 192, 255), (0,0,0))) = fn