remove more cruft files

This commit is contained in:
John McCardle 2024-03-06 21:10:31 -05:00
parent 145012074c
commit 6a1edfe182
12 changed files with 0 additions and 1598 deletions

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
class GridPoint:
def __init__(self, color, walkable, tilesprite, transparent, visible, discovered, color_overlay, tile_overlay, uisprite):
self.color = color
self.walkable = walkable
self.tilesprite = tilesprite
self.transparent = transparent
self.visible = visible
self.discovered = discovered
self.color_overlay = color_overlay
self.tile_overlay = tile_overlay
self.uisprite = uisprite
def __repr__(self):
return f"<GridPoint {self.color}, {self.tilesprite}/{self.uisprite} {'W' if self.walkable else '-'}{'T' if self.transparent else '-'}{'V' if self.visible else '-'}{'D' if self.discovered else '-'} {self.color_overlay}/{self.tile_overlay}>"
class Grid:
def __init__(self, title, gx, gy, gs, x, y, w, h, visible=False):
self.title = title
self.grid_x = gx
self.grid_y = gy
self.grid_size = gs
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.visible = visible
self.points = []
self.entities = []
def at(self, x, y):
if not (x > 0 and y > 0 and x < self.grid_x and y < self.grid_y): return None
return self.points[y * self.grid_y + x]
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Grid {self.grid_x}x{self.grid_y}, grid_size={self.grid_size}, (({self.x},{self.y}), ({self.w}, {self.h})), visible={self.visible}>"
# CGrid(Grid* _g, int _ti, int _si, int _x, int _y, bool _v)
class Entity:
def __init__(self, parent, tex_index, sprite_index, x, y, visible=True):
self.parent = parent
self.tex_index = tex_index
self.sprite_index = sprite_index
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.visible = visible
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Entity on grid {repr(self.parent)}@({self.x},{self.y}), TI={self.tex_index}, SI={self.sprite_index}, visible={self.visible}>"

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
import mcrfpy
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED, GREEN, BLUE = (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)
DARKRED, DARKGREEN, DARKBLUE = (192, 0, 0), (0, 192, 0), (0, 0, 192)
class MusicScene:
def __init__(self, ui_name = "demobox1", grid_name = "demogrid"):
# Texture & Sound Loading
print("Load textures")
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/test_portraits.png", 32, 8, 8) #0 - portraits
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 16, 64, 64) #1 - TinyWorld NPCs
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 32, 32, 32) #2 - TinyWorld NPCs - 2x2 sprite
# {"createSoundBuffer", McRFPy_API::_createSoundBuffer, METH_VARARGS, "(filename)"},
#{"loadMusic", McRFPy_API::_loadMusic, METH_VARARGS, "(filename)"},
#{"setMusicVolume", McRFPy_API::_setMusicVolume, METH_VARARGS, "(int)"},
#{"setSoundVolume", McRFPy_API::_setSoundVolume, METH_VARARGS, "(int)"},
#{"playSound", McRFPy_API::_playSound, METH_VARARGS, "(int)"},
#{"getMusicVolume", McRFPy_API::_getMusicVolume, METH_VARARGS, ""},
#{"getSoundVolume", McRFPy_API::_getSoundVolume, METH_VARARGS, ""},
self.ui_name = ui_name
self.grid_name = grid_name
print("Create UI")
# Create dialog UI
mcrfpy.createMenu(ui_name, 20, 540, 500, 200)
mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, f"Music Volume: {mcrfpy.getMusicVolume()}", 24, RED)
mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, f"SFX Volume: {mcrfpy.getSoundVolume()}", 24, RED)
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKBLUE, (0, 0, 0), "clicky", "testaction")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKRED, (0, 0, 0), "Music+", "mvol+")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Music-", "mvol-")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, GREEN, "SFX+", "svol+")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, RED, "SFX-", "svol-")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKRED, (0, 0, 0), "REPL", "startrepl")
mcrfpy.createSprite(ui_name, 1, 0, 20, 40, 3.0)
print("Create UI 2")
entitymenu = "entitytestmenu"
mcrfpy.createMenu(entitymenu, 840, 20, 20, 500)
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 10, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "PlayM", "playm")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 60, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "StopM", "stopm")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 110, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "SFX", "boom")
print("Make UIs visible")
self.menus = mcrfpy.listMenus()
self.menus[0].visible = True
self.menus[1].w = 170
self.menus[1].visible = True
self.mvol = mcrfpy.getMusicVolume()
self.svol = mcrfpy.getSoundVolume()
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("mvol+", lambda: self.setmvol(self.mvol+10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("mvol-", lambda: self.setmvol(self.mvol-10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("svol+", lambda: self.setsvol(self.svol+10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("svol-", lambda: self.setsvol(self.svol-10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("playm", lambda: None)
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("stopm", lambda: None)
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("boom", lambda: mcrfpy.playSound(0))
def setmvol(self, v):
self.menus[0].captions[0].text = f"Music Volume: {mcrfpy.getMusicVolume():.1f}"
self.mvol = mcrfpy.getMusicVolume()
def setsvol(self, v):
self.menus[0].captions[1].text = f"Sound Volume: {mcrfpy.getSoundVolume():.1f}"
self.svol = mcrfpy.getSoundVolume()
scene = None
def start():
global scene
scene = MusicScene()

View File

@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
import UIMenu
import Grid
import mcrfpy
from random import randint, choice
from pprint import pprint
#print("TestScene imported")
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED, GREEN, BLUE = (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)
DARKRED, DARKGREEN, DARKBLUE = (192, 0, 0), (0, 192, 0), (0, 0, 192)
animations_in_progress = 0
# don't load grid over and over, use the global scene
scene = None
class TestEntity:
def __init__(self, grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width=64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False):
self.grid = grid
self.basesprite = basesprite
self.texture_width = texture_width
self.walk_frames = walk_frames
self.attack_frames = attack_frames
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.facing_direction = 0
self.do_fov = do_fov
self.label = label
self.inventory = []
#print(f"Calling C++ with: {repr((self.grid, label, tex_index, self.basesprite, x, y, self))}")
grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
for g in grids:
if g.title == self.grid:
self.entity_index = len(g.entities)
mcrfpy.createEntity(self.grid, label, tex_index, self.basesprite, x, y, self)
def ai_act(self):
return # no AI motion
#if self.label == "player": return
self.move(randint(-1, 1), randint(-1, 1))
scene.actors += 1
def player_act(self):
def die(self):
#self.x = -2
#self.y = -2
self.x = -1000
self.y = -1000
self.label = "dead"
def interact(self, initiator, callback):
print(f"Interacted with {self.label}. ", end='')
if self.label == 'item':
print("'taking' item.")
print("blocking movement.")
def move(self, dx, dy, force=False):
# select animation direction
# prefer left or right for diagonals.
#grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
for g in scene.grids:
if g.title == self.grid:
if not force and + dx, self.y + dy) is None or not + dx, self.y + dy).walkable:
#print("Blocked at target location.")
if not force: # entities can be stepped on when force=True (like collecting items!)
for entity in scene.tes:
if (entity.x, entity.y) == (self.x + dx, self.y + dy):
print(f"Blocked by entity {entity.label} at ({entity.x}, {entity.y})")
return entity.interact(self, lambda: self.move(dx, dy, force=True))
if self.label == "player":
if (dx == 0 and dy == 0):
direction = self.facing_direction # TODO, jump straight to computer turn
elif (dx):
direction = 2 if dx == +1 else 3
direction = 0 if dy == +1 else 1
self.animate(direction, move=True, animove=(self.x + dx, self.y+dy))
self.facing_direction = direction
if (self.do_fov): mcrfpy.refreshFov()
def animate(self, direction, attacking=False, move=False, animove=None):
start_sprite = self.basesprite + (self.texture_width * (direction + (4 if attacking else 0)))
animation_frames = [start_sprite + i for i in range((self.attack_frames if attacking else self.walk_frames))]
0.15, # duration, seconds
self.grid, # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"entity", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
self.entity_index, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"sprite", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
self.animation_done, #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
animation_frames # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
#global animations_in_progress
#animations_in_progress += 1
if move:
pos = [self.x, self.y]
if (direction == 0): pos[1] += 1
elif (direction == 1): pos[1] -= 1
elif (direction == 2): pos[0] += 1
elif (direction == 3): pos[0] -= 1
if not animove:
self.x, self.y = pos
animove = pos
pos = animove
self.x, self.y = animove
#scene.move_entity(self.grid, self.entity_index, pos)
#for g in mcrfpy.listGrids():
for g in scene.grids:
if g.title == self.grid:
g.entities[self.entity_index].x = pos[0]
g.entities[self.entity_index].y = pos[1]
mcrfpy.modGrid(g, True)
if animove:
0.25, # duration, seconds
self.grid, # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"entity", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
self.entity_index, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"position", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
self.animation_done, #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
animove # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
#animations_in_progress += 1
def animation_done(self):
#global animations_in_progress
#animations_in_progress -= 1
scene.actors -= 1
#print(f"{self} done animating - {scene.actors} remaining")
if scene.actors <= 0:
scene.actors = 0
class TestItemEntity(TestEntity):
def __init__(self, grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width=64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Nothing"):
super().__init__(grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width, walk_frames, attack_frames, do_fov)
self.item = item
def interact(self, initiator, callback):
if self.label == 'dead': return super().interact(initiator, callback)
print(f"Interacted with {self.label}, an item. Adding {self.item} to {initiator.label}'s inventory")
class TestDoorEntity(TestEntity):
def __init__(self, grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width=64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Nothing"):
super().__init__(grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width, walk_frames, attack_frames, do_fov)
self.key = key
def interact(self, initiator, callback):
if self.label == 'dead': return super().interact(initiator, callback)
print(f"Interacted with {self.label}, a Door. ", end='')
if self.key in initiator.inventory:
print("Taking key & passing.")
print("The door is locked.")
class TestScene:
def __init__(self, ui_name = "demobox1", grid_name = "demogrid"):
# Texture & Sound Loading
self.actors = 0
#print("Load textures")
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/test_portraits.png", 32, 8, 8) #0 - portraits
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 16, 64, 64) #1 - TinyWorld NPCs
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 32, 32, 32) #2 - TinyWorld NPCs - 2x2 sprite
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/custom_player.png", 16, 5, 13) #3 - player
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/Sprite-0001.png", 80, 10, 10) #4 - LGJ2023 keycard + other icons
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/tiny_keycards.png", 16, 8, 8) #5 - tiny keycards (ground items)
self.ui_name = ui_name
self.grid_name = grid_name
# Menu index = 0
#print("Create UI")
# Create dialog UI
mcrfpy.createMenu(ui_name, 20, 540, 500, 200)
#mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, "Hello There", 18, BLACK)
mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, "", 24, RED)
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKBLUE, (0, 0, 0), "clicky", "testaction")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKRED, (0, 0, 0), "REPL", "startrepl")
##mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "map gen", "gridgen")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "mapL", "gridgen2")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKBLUE, (192, 0, 0), "a_menu", "animtest")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKRED, GREEN, "a_spr", "animtest2")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, GREEN, "Next sp", "nextsp")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, RED, "Prev sp", "prevsp")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, DARKGREEN, "+16 sp", "skipsp")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Next", "nextsp")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, (0, 0, 0), "Prev", "prevsp")
mcrfpy.createSprite(ui_name, 4, 1, 10, 10, 2.0)
# Menu index = 1
#print("Create UI 2")
entitymenu = "entitytestmenu"
mcrfpy.createMenu(entitymenu, 840, 20, 20, 500)
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 10, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Up", "test_up")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 60, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Down", "test_down")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 110, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Left", "test_left")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 160, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Right", "test_right")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 210, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Attack", "test_attack")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 210, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, RED, "TE", "testent")
# Menu index = 2
mcrfpy.createMenu( "gridtitlemenu", 0, -10, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createCaption("gridtitlemenu", "<grid name>", 18, WHITE)
#mcrfpy.createCaption("gridtitlemenu", "<camstate>", 16, WHITE)
# Menu index = 3
mcrfpy.createMenu( "hintsmenu", 0, 505, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createCaption("hintsmenu", "<hintline>", 16, WHITE)
# Menu index = 4
# menu names must be created in alphabetical order (?!) - thanks, C++ hash map
mcrfpy.createMenu( "i", 600, 20, 0, 0)
#mcrfpy.createMenu( "camstatemenu", 600, 20, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createCaption("i", "<camstate>", 16, WHITE)
# Menu index = 5
mcrfpy.createMenu( "j", 600, 500, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createButton( "j", 0, 0, 80, 40, DARKBLUE, WHITE, "Recenter", "activatecamfollow")
# Menu index = 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: keycard sprites
mcrfpy.createMenu("k", 540, 540, 80, 80) #6
mcrfpy.createSprite("k", 4, 0, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("l", 540 + (80 * 1), 540, 80, 80) #7
mcrfpy.createSprite("l", 4, 1, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("m", 540 + (80 * 2), 540, 80, 80) #8
mcrfpy.createSprite("m", 4, 2, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("n", 540 + (80 * 3), 540, 80, 80) #9
mcrfpy.createSprite("n", 4, 3, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("o", 540 + (80 * 4), 540, 80, 80) #10
mcrfpy.createSprite("o", 4, 4, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("p", 20, 20, 40, 40) #11
#mcrfpy.createButton("p", 0, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Register", "keyregistration")
mcrfpy.createButton("p", 0, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Register", "startrepl")
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("keyregistration", keyregistration)
#print("Make UIs visible")
self.menus = mcrfpy.listMenus()
self.menus[0].visible = True
self.menus[1].w = 170
self.menus[1].visible = True
self.menus[2].visible = True
for mn in range(2, 6):
self.menus[mn].bgcolor = BLACK
self.menus[mn].visible = True
for mn in range(6, 11):
self.menus[mn].bgcolor = BLACK
self.menus[mn].visible = False
#self.menus[2].bgcolor = BLACK
#self.menus[3].visible = True
#self.menus[3].bgcolor = BLACK
#self.menus[4].visible = True
#self.menus[4].bgcolor = BLACK
#self.menus[5].visible = True
#print(f"UI 1 gave back this sprite: {self.menus[0].sprites}")
#print("Create grid")
# create grid (title, gx, gy, gs, x, y, w, h)
mcrfpy.createGrid(grid_name, 100, 100, 16, 20, 20, 800, 500)
self.grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
#print("Create entities")
#mcrfpy.createEntity("demogrid", "dragon", 2, 545, 10, 10, lambda: None)
#mcrfpy.createEntity("demogrid", "tinyenemy", 1, 1538, 3, 6, lambda: None)
#print("Create fancy entity")
self.player = TestEntity("demogrid", "player", 3, 20, 17, 3, 5, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=5, do_fov=True)
self.tes = [
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1538, 5, 7, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1545, 7, 9, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1552, 9, 11, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1566, 11, 13, 64, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=6),
#TestEntity("demogrid", "item", 1, 1573, 13, 15, 64, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1583, 15, 17, 64, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 130, 9, 7, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 136, 11, 9, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 143, 13, 11, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 158, 15, 13, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 165, 17, 15, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "GreenKeyCard", 5, 0, 19, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Green Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "BlueKeyCard", 5, 1, 21, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Blue Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "RedKeyCard", 5, 2, 23, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Red Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "OrangeKeyCard", 5, 3, 25, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Orange Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "DevilKeyCard", 5, 4, 27, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Devil Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "GreenKeyDoor", 5, 8, 19, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Green Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "BlueKeyDoor", 5, 9, 21, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Blue Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "RedKeyDoor", 5, 10, 23, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Red Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "OrangeKeyDoor", 5, 11, 25, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Orange Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "DevilKeyDoor", 5, 12, 27, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Devil Keycard")
self.grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
self.entity_direction = 0
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("test_down", lambda: [te.animate(0, False, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("test_up", lambda: [te.animate(1, False, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("test_right", lambda: [te.animate(2, False, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("test_left", lambda: [te.animate(3, False, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("test_attack", lambda: [te.animate(0, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("testent", lambda: [te.animate(2, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("activatecamfollow", lambda: mcrfpy.camFollow(True))
# Button behavior
self.clicks = 0
self.sprite_index = 0
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("gridgen", self.gridgen)
#mcrfpy.registerPyAction("gridgen2", lambda: self.gridgen())
#mcrfpy.registerPyAction("animtest", lambda: self.createAnimation())
#mcrfpy.registerPyAction("animtest2", lambda: self.createAnimation2())
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("nextsp", lambda: self.changesprite(1))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("prevsp", lambda: self.changesprite(-1))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("skipsp", lambda: self.changesprite(16))
def itemguis(self):
items = ["Green Keycard", "Blue Keycard", "Red Keycard", "Orange Keycard", "Devil Keycard"]
for mn in range(6, 11):
self.menus[mn].visible = items[mn-6] in self.player.inventory
def animate_entity(self, direction, attacking=False):
if direction is None:
direction = self.entity_direction
self.entity_direction = direction
dragon_sprite = 545 + (32 * (direction + (4 if attacking else 0)))
dragon_animation = [dragon_sprite + i for i in range((5 if attacking else 4))]
1.0, # duration, seconds
"demogrid", # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"entity", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
0, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"sprite", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
lambda: self.animation_done("demobox1"), #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
dragon_animation # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
orc_sprite = 1538 + (64 * (direction + (4 if attacking else 0)))
orc_animation = [orc_sprite + i for i in range((5 if attacking else 4))]
1.0, # duration, seconds
"demogrid", # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"entity", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
1, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"sprite", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
lambda: self.animation_done("demobox1"), #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
orc_animation # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
#def move_entity(self, targetgrid, entity_index, position):
# for i, g in enumerate(self.grids):
# if g.title == targetgrid:
# g.entities[entity_index].x = position[0]
# g.entities[entity_index].y = position[1]
# #pts = g.points
# g.visible = True
# mcrfpy.modGrid(g)
# self.grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
# #self.grids[i].points = pts
# return
def changesprite(self, n):
self.sprite_index += n
self.menus[0].captions[0].text = f"Sprite #{self.sprite_index}"
self.menus[0].sprites[0].sprite_index = self.sprite_index
def click(self):
self.clicks += 1
self.menus[0].captions[0].text = f"Clicks: {self.clicks}"
self.menus[0].sprites[0].sprite_index = randint(0, 3)
def updatehints(self):
#self.menus[4].captions[0].text=f"follow: {mcrfpy.camFollow()}"
self.menus[4].captions[0].text="following" if mcrfpy.camFollow() else "free"
self.menus[5].visible = not mcrfpy.camFollow()
def gridgen(self):
#print(f"[Python] modifying {len(self.grids[0].points)} grid points")
for p in self.grids[0].points:
#p.color = (randint(0, 255), randint(64, 192), 0)
p.color = (0,0,0)
p.walkable = False
p.transparent = False
room_centers = [(randint(0, self.grids[0].grid_x-1), randint(0, self.grids[0].grid_y-1)) for i in range(20)] + [(17, 3), (20,10) + (20,5)]
#room_centers.append((3, 5))
for r in room_centers:
# random hallway
target = choice(room_centers)
length1 = abs(target[0] - r[0])
xbase = min(target[0], r[0])
for x in range(length1):
gpoint = self.grids[0].at(x, r[1])
if gpoint is None: continue
gpoint.walkable = True
gpoint.transparent = True
gpoint.color = (192, 192, 192)
length2 = abs(target[1] - r[1])
ybase = min(target[1], r[1])
for y in range(length2):
gpoint = self.grids[0].at(r[0], y)
if gpoint is None: continue
gpoint.walkable = True
gpoint.transparent = True
gpoint.color = (192, 192, 192)
for r in room_centers:
room_color = (randint(16, 24)*8, randint(16, 24)*8, randint(16, 24)*8)
#self.grids[0].at(r[0], r[1]).walkable = True
#self.grids[0].at(r[0], r[1]).color = room_color
halfx, halfy = randint(2, 11), randint(2,11)
for p_x in range(r[0] - halfx, r[0] + halfx):
for p_y in range(r[1] - halfy, r[1] + halfy):
gpoint = self.grids[0].at(p_x, p_y)
if gpoint is None: continue
gpoint.walkable = True
gpoint.transparent = True
gpoint.color = room_color
#print("[Python] Modifying:")
self.grids[0].at(10, 10).color = (255, 255, 255)
self.grids[0].at(10, 10).walkable = False
self.grids[0].visible = True
#self.grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
#print(f"Sent grid: {repr(self.grids[0])}")
#print(f"Received grid: {repr(mcrfpy.listGrids()[0])}")
def animation_done(self, s):
print(f"The `{s}` animation completed.")
#self.menus = mcrfpy.listMenus()
# if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "fsssiOOO", &duration, &parent, &target_type, &target_id, &field, &callback, &loop_obj, &values_obj)) return NULL;
def createAnimation(self):
self.menus = mcrfpy.listMenus()
self.menus[0].w = 500
self.menus[0].h = 200
3.0, # duration, seconds
"demobox1", # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"menu", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
0, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"size", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
lambda: self.animation_done("demobox1"), #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
[150, 100] # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
def createAnimation2(self):
lambda: self.animation_done("sprite change"),
[0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0]
def keytest():
print("Key tested.")
def keyregistration():
print("Registering 'keytest'")
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("keytest", keytest)
print("Registering input")
print(mcrfpy.registerInputAction(15, "keytest")) # 15 = P
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("player_move_up", lambda: scene.player.move(0, -1))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("player_move_left", lambda: scene.player.move(-1, 0))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("player_move_down", lambda: scene.player.move(0, 1))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("player_move_right", lambda: scene.player.move(1, 0))
mcrfpy.registerInputAction(ord('w') - ord('a'), "player_move_up")
mcrfpy.registerInputAction(ord('a') - ord('a'), "player_move_left")
mcrfpy.registerInputAction(ord('s') - ord('a'), "player_move_down")
mcrfpy.registerInputAction(ord('d') - ord('a'), "player_move_right")
def start():
global scene
#print("TestScene.start called")
scene = TestScene()

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
class Caption:
def __init__(self, text, textsize, color):
self.text = text
self.textsize = textsize
self.color = color
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Caption text={self.text}, textsize={self.textsize}, color={self.color}>"
class Button:
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, bgcolor, textcolor, text, actioncode):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.bgcolor = bgcolor
self.textcolor = textcolor
self.text = text
self.actioncode = actioncode
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Button ({self.x}, {self.y}, {self.w}, {self.h}), bgcolor={self.bgcolor}, textcolor={self.textcolor}, actioncode={self.actioncode}>"
class Sprite:
def __init__(self, tex_index, sprite_index, x, y):
self.tex_index = tex_index
self.sprite_index = sprite_index
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Sprite tex_index={self.tex_index}, self.sprite_index={self.sprite_index}, x={self.x}, y={self.y}>"
class UIMenu:
def __init__(self, title, x, y, w, h, bgcolor, visible=False):
self.title = title
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.bgcolor = bgcolor
self.visible = visible
self.captions = []
self.buttons = []
self.sprites = []
def __repr__(self):
return f"<UIMenu title={repr(self.title)}, x={self.x}, y={self.y}, w={self.w}, h={self.h}, bgcolor={self.bgcolor}, visible={self.visible}, {len(self.captions)} captions, {len(self.buttons)} buttons, {len(self.sprites)} sprites>"

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
print("[Python] Attempting import")
import scriptable
print(f"[Python] calling fibonacci(8): {scriptable.fibonacci(8)}")
print(f"[Python] calling fibonacci(15): {scriptable.fibonacci(15)}")
import venv
print("[Python] Importing library installed with pip")
import numpy

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
import mcrfpy
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/test_portraits.png", 32, 8, 8)
from random import choice, randint
box_colors = [
(0, 0, 192),
(0, 192, 0),
(192, 0, 0),
(192, 192, 0),
(0, 192, 192),
(192, 0, 192)
text_colors = [
(0, 0, 255),
(0, 255, 0),
(255, 0, 0),
(255, 255, 0),
(0, 255, 255),
(255, 0, 255)
test_x = 500
test_y = 10
for i in range(40):
ui_name = f"test{i}"
mcrfpy.createMenu(ui_name, test_x, test_y, 400, 200)
mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, "Hello There", 18, choice(text_colors))
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, choice(box_colors), (0, 0, 0), "asdf", "testaction")
mcrfpy.createSprite(ui_name, 0, randint(0, 3), 650, 60, 5.0)
test_x -= 50
test_y += 50
if (test_x <= 50):
test_x = 500

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
class GridPoint:
def __init__(self, color, walkable, tilesprite, transparent, visible, discovered, color_overlay, tile_overlay, uisprite):
self.color = color
self.walkable = walkable
self.tilesprite = tilesprite
self.transparent = transparent
self.visible = visible
self.discovered = discovered
self.color_overlay = color_overlay
self.tile_overlay = tile_overlay
self.uisprite = uisprite
def __repr__(self):
return f"<GridPoint {self.color}, {self.tilesprite}/{self.uisprite} {'W' if self.walkable else '-'}{'T' if self.transparent else '-'}{'V' if self.visible else '-'}{'D' if self.discovered else '-'} {self.color_overlay}/{self.tile_overlay}>"
class Grid:
def __init__(self, title, gx, gy, gs, x, y, w, h, visible=False):
self.title = title
self.grid_x = gx
self.grid_y = gy
self.grid_size = gs
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.visible = visible
self.points = []
self.entities = []
def at(self, x, y):
if not (x > 0 and y > 0 and x < self.grid_x and y < self.grid_y): return None
return self.points[y * self.grid_y + x]
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Grid {self.grid_x}x{self.grid_y}, grid_size={self.grid_size}, (({self.x},{self.y}), ({self.w}, {self.h})), visible={self.visible}>"
# CGrid(Grid* _g, int _ti, int _si, int _x, int _y, bool _v)
class Entity:
def __init__(self, parent, tex_index, sprite_index, x, y, visible=True):
self.parent = parent
self.tex_index = tex_index
self.sprite_index = sprite_index
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.visible = visible
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Entity on grid {repr(self.parent)}@({self.x},{self.y}), TI={self.tex_index}, SI={self.sprite_index}, visible={self.visible}>"

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
import mcrfpy
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED, GREEN, BLUE = (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)
DARKRED, DARKGREEN, DARKBLUE = (192, 0, 0), (0, 192, 0), (0, 0, 192)
class MusicScene:
def __init__(self, ui_name = "demobox1", grid_name = "demogrid"):
# Texture & Sound Loading
print("Load textures")
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/test_portraits.png", 32, 8, 8) #0 - portraits
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 16, 64, 64) #1 - TinyWorld NPCs
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 32, 32, 32) #2 - TinyWorld NPCs - 2x2 sprite
# {"createSoundBuffer", McRFPy_API::_createSoundBuffer, METH_VARARGS, "(filename)"},
#{"loadMusic", McRFPy_API::_loadMusic, METH_VARARGS, "(filename)"},
#{"setMusicVolume", McRFPy_API::_setMusicVolume, METH_VARARGS, "(int)"},
#{"setSoundVolume", McRFPy_API::_setSoundVolume, METH_VARARGS, "(int)"},
#{"playSound", McRFPy_API::_playSound, METH_VARARGS, "(int)"},
#{"getMusicVolume", McRFPy_API::_getMusicVolume, METH_VARARGS, ""},
#{"getSoundVolume", McRFPy_API::_getSoundVolume, METH_VARARGS, ""},
self.ui_name = ui_name
self.grid_name = grid_name
print("Create UI")
# Create dialog UI
mcrfpy.createMenu(ui_name, 20, 540, 500, 200)
mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, f"Music Volume: {mcrfpy.getMusicVolume()}", 24, RED)
mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, f"SFX Volume: {mcrfpy.getSoundVolume()}", 24, RED)
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKBLUE, (0, 0, 0), "clicky", "testaction")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKRED, (0, 0, 0), "Music+", "mvol+")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Music-", "mvol-")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, GREEN, "SFX+", "svol+")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, RED, "SFX-", "svol-")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKRED, (0, 0, 0), "REPL", "startrepl")
mcrfpy.createSprite(ui_name, 1, 0, 20, 40, 3.0)
print("Create UI 2")
entitymenu = "entitytestmenu"
mcrfpy.createMenu(entitymenu, 840, 20, 20, 500)
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 10, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "PlayM", "playm")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 60, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "StopM", "stopm")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 110, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "SFX", "boom")
print("Make UIs visible")
self.menus = mcrfpy.listMenus()
self.menus[0].visible = True
self.menus[1].w = 170
self.menus[1].visible = True
self.mvol = mcrfpy.getMusicVolume()
self.svol = mcrfpy.getSoundVolume()
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("mvol+", lambda: self.setmvol(self.mvol+10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("mvol-", lambda: self.setmvol(self.mvol-10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("svol+", lambda: self.setsvol(self.svol+10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("svol-", lambda: self.setsvol(self.svol-10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("playm", lambda: None)
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("stopm", lambda: None)
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("boom", lambda: mcrfpy.playSound(0))
def setmvol(self, v):
self.menus[0].captions[0].text = f"Music Volume: {mcrfpy.getMusicVolume():.1f}"
self.mvol = mcrfpy.getMusicVolume()
def setsvol(self, v):
self.menus[0].captions[1].text = f"Sound Volume: {mcrfpy.getSoundVolume():.1f}"
self.svol = mcrfpy.getSoundVolume()
scene = None
def start():
global scene
scene = MusicScene()

View File

@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
import UIMenu
import Grid
import mcrfpy
from random import randint, choice
from pprint import pprint
#print("TestScene imported")
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED, GREEN, BLUE = (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)
DARKRED, DARKGREEN, DARKBLUE = (192, 0, 0), (0, 192, 0), (0, 0, 192)
animations_in_progress = 0
# don't load grid over and over, use the global scene
scene = None
class TestEntity:
def __init__(self, grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width=64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False):
self.grid = grid
self.basesprite = basesprite
self.texture_width = texture_width
self.walk_frames = walk_frames
self.attack_frames = attack_frames
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.facing_direction = 0
self.do_fov = do_fov
self.label = label
self.inventory = []
#print(f"Calling C++ with: {repr((self.grid, label, tex_index, self.basesprite, x, y, self))}")
grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
for g in grids:
if g.title == self.grid:
self.entity_index = len(g.entities)
mcrfpy.createEntity(self.grid, label, tex_index, self.basesprite, x, y, self)
def ai_act(self):
return # no AI motion
#if self.label == "player": return
self.move(randint(-1, 1), randint(-1, 1))
scene.actors += 1
def player_act(self):
def die(self):
#self.x = -2
#self.y = -2
self.x = -1000
self.y = -1000
self.label = "dead"
def interact(self, initiator, callback):
print(f"Interacted with {self.label}. ", end='')
if self.label == 'item':
print("'taking' item.")
print("blocking movement.")
def move(self, dx, dy, force=False):
# select animation direction
# prefer left or right for diagonals.
#grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
for g in scene.grids:
if g.title == self.grid:
if not force and + dx, self.y + dy) is None or not + dx, self.y + dy).walkable:
#print("Blocked at target location.")
if not force: # entities can be stepped on when force=True (like collecting items!)
for entity in scene.tes:
if (entity.x, entity.y) == (self.x + dx, self.y + dy):
print(f"Blocked by entity {entity.label} at ({entity.x}, {entity.y})")
return entity.interact(self, lambda: self.move(dx, dy, force=True))
if self.label == "player":
if (dx == 0 and dy == 0):
direction = self.facing_direction # TODO, jump straight to computer turn
elif (dx):
direction = 2 if dx == +1 else 3
direction = 0 if dy == +1 else 1
self.animate(direction, move=True, animove=(self.x + dx, self.y+dy))
self.facing_direction = direction
if (self.do_fov): mcrfpy.refreshFov()
def animate(self, direction, attacking=False, move=False, animove=None):
start_sprite = self.basesprite + (self.texture_width * (direction + (4 if attacking else 0)))
animation_frames = [start_sprite + i for i in range((self.attack_frames if attacking else self.walk_frames))]
0.15, # duration, seconds
self.grid, # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"entity", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
self.entity_index, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"sprite", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
self.animation_done, #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
animation_frames # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
#global animations_in_progress
#animations_in_progress += 1
if move:
pos = [self.x, self.y]
if (direction == 0): pos[1] += 1
elif (direction == 1): pos[1] -= 1
elif (direction == 2): pos[0] += 1
elif (direction == 3): pos[0] -= 1
if not animove:
self.x, self.y = pos
animove = pos
pos = animove
self.x, self.y = animove
#scene.move_entity(self.grid, self.entity_index, pos)
#for g in mcrfpy.listGrids():
for g in scene.grids:
if g.title == self.grid:
g.entities[self.entity_index].x = pos[0]
g.entities[self.entity_index].y = pos[1]
mcrfpy.modGrid(g, True)
if animove:
0.25, # duration, seconds
self.grid, # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"entity", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
self.entity_index, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"position", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
self.animation_done, #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
animove # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
#animations_in_progress += 1
def animation_done(self):
#global animations_in_progress
#animations_in_progress -= 1
scene.actors -= 1
#print(f"{self} done animating - {scene.actors} remaining")
if scene.actors <= 0:
scene.actors = 0
class TestItemEntity(TestEntity):
def __init__(self, grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width=64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Nothing"):
super().__init__(grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width, walk_frames, attack_frames, do_fov)
self.item = item
def interact(self, initiator, callback):
if self.label == 'dead': return super().interact(initiator, callback)
print(f"Interacted with {self.label}, an item. Adding {self.item} to {initiator.label}'s inventory")
class TestDoorEntity(TestEntity):
def __init__(self, grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width=64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Nothing"):
super().__init__(grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width, walk_frames, attack_frames, do_fov)
self.key = key
def interact(self, initiator, callback):
if self.label == 'dead': return super().interact(initiator, callback)
print(f"Interacted with {self.label}, a Door. ", end='')
if self.key in initiator.inventory:
print("Taking key & passing.")
print("The door is locked.")
class TestScene:
def __init__(self, ui_name = "demobox1", grid_name = "demogrid"):
# Texture & Sound Loading
self.actors = 0
#print("Load textures")
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/test_portraits.png", 32, 8, 8) #0 - portraits
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 16, 64, 64) #1 - TinyWorld NPCs
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 32, 32, 32) #2 - TinyWorld NPCs - 2x2 sprite
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/custom_player.png", 16, 5, 13) #3 - player
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/Sprite-0001.png", 80, 10, 10) #4 - LGJ2023 keycard + other icons
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/tiny_keycards.png", 16, 8, 8) #5 - tiny keycards (ground items)
self.ui_name = ui_name
self.grid_name = grid_name
# Menu index = 0
#print("Create UI")
# Create dialog UI
mcrfpy.createMenu(ui_name, 20, 540, 500, 200)
#mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, "Hello There", 18, BLACK)
mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, "", 24, RED)
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKBLUE, (0, 0, 0), "clicky", "testaction")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKRED, (0, 0, 0), "REPL", "startrepl")
##mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "map gen", "gridgen")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "mapL", "gridgen2")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKBLUE, (192, 0, 0), "a_menu", "animtest")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKRED, GREEN, "a_spr", "animtest2")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, GREEN, "Next sp", "nextsp")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, RED, "Prev sp", "prevsp")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, DARKGREEN, "+16 sp", "skipsp")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Next", "nextsp")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, (0, 0, 0), "Prev", "prevsp")
mcrfpy.createSprite(ui_name, 4, 1, 10, 10, 2.0)
# Menu index = 1
#print("Create UI 2")
entitymenu = "entitytestmenu"
mcrfpy.createMenu(entitymenu, 840, 20, 20, 500)
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 10, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Up", "test_up")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 60, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Down", "test_down")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 110, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Left", "test_left")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 160, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Right", "test_right")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 210, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Attack", "test_attack")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 210, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, RED, "TE", "testent")
# Menu index = 2
mcrfpy.createMenu( "gridtitlemenu", 0, -10, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createCaption("gridtitlemenu", "<grid name>", 18, WHITE)
#mcrfpy.createCaption("gridtitlemenu", "<camstate>", 16, WHITE)
# Menu index = 3
mcrfpy.createMenu( "hintsmenu", 0, 505, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createCaption("hintsmenu", "<hintline>", 16, WHITE)
# Menu index = 4
# menu names must be created in alphabetical order (?!) - thanks, C++ hash map
mcrfpy.createMenu( "i", 600, 20, 0, 0)
#mcrfpy.createMenu( "camstatemenu", 600, 20, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createCaption("i", "<camstate>", 16, WHITE)
# Menu index = 5
mcrfpy.createMenu( "j", 600, 500, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createButton( "j", 0, 0, 80, 40, DARKBLUE, WHITE, "Recenter", "activatecamfollow")
# Menu index = 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: keycard sprites
mcrfpy.createMenu("k", 540, 540, 80, 80) #6
mcrfpy.createSprite("k", 4, 0, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("l", 540 + (80 * 1), 540, 80, 80) #7
mcrfpy.createSprite("l", 4, 1, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("m", 540 + (80 * 2), 540, 80, 80) #8
mcrfpy.createSprite("m", 4, 2, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("n", 540 + (80 * 3), 540, 80, 80) #9
mcrfpy.createSprite("n", 4, 3, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("o", 540 + (80 * 4), 540, 80, 80) #10
mcrfpy.createSprite("o", 4, 4, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("p", 20, 20, 40, 40) #11
#mcrfpy.createButton("p", 0, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Register", "keyregistration")
mcrfpy.createButton("p", 0, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Register", "startrepl")
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("keyregistration", keyregistration)
#print("Make UIs visible")
self.menus = mcrfpy.listMenus()
self.menus[0].visible = True
self.menus[1].w = 170
self.menus[1].visible = True
self.menus[2].visible = True
for mn in range(2, 6):
self.menus[mn].bgcolor = BLACK
self.menus[mn].visible = True
for mn in range(6, 11):
self.menus[mn].bgcolor = BLACK
self.menus[mn].visible = False
#self.menus[2].bgcolor = BLACK
#self.menus[3].visible = True
#self.menus[3].bgcolor = BLACK
#self.menus[4].visible = True
#self.menus[4].bgcolor = BLACK
#self.menus[5].visible = True
#print(f"UI 1 gave back this sprite: {self.menus[0].sprites}")
#print("Create grid")
# create grid (title, gx, gy, gs, x, y, w, h)
mcrfpy.createGrid(grid_name, 100, 100, 16, 20, 20, 800, 500)
self.grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
#print("Create entities")
#mcrfpy.createEntity("demogrid", "dragon", 2, 545, 10, 10, lambda: None)
#mcrfpy.createEntity("demogrid", "tinyenemy", 1, 1538, 3, 6, lambda: None)
#print("Create fancy entity")
self.player = TestEntity("demogrid", "player", 3, 20, 17, 3, 5, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=5, do_fov=True)
self.tes = [
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1538, 5, 7, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1545, 7, 9, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1552, 9, 11, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1566, 11, 13, 64, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=6),
#TestEntity("demogrid", "item", 1, 1573, 13, 15, 64, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1583, 15, 17, 64, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 130, 9, 7, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 136, 11, 9, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 143, 13, 11, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 158, 15, 13, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 165, 17, 15, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "GreenKeyCard", 5, 0, 19, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Green Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "BlueKeyCard", 5, 1, 21, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Blue Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "RedKeyCard", 5, 2, 23, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Red Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "OrangeKeyCard", 5, 3, 25, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Orange Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "DevilKeyCard", 5, 4, 27, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Devil Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "GreenKeyDoor", 5, 8, 19, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Green Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "BlueKeyDoor", 5, 9, 21, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Blue Keycard"),