7DRL 2025 progress
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 662 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 674 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ sf::Sprite PyTexture::sprite(int index, sf::Vector2f pos, sf::Vector2f s)
PyObject* PyTexture::pyObject()
std::cout << "Find type" << std::endl;
auto type = (PyTypeObject*)PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Texture");
PyObject* obj = PyTexture::pynew(type, Py_None, Py_None);
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ int UICaption::init(PyUICaptionObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
// check types for font, fill_color, outline_color
std::cout << PyUnicode_AsUTF8(PyObject_Repr(font)) << std::endl;
//std::cout << PyUnicode_AsUTF8(PyObject_Repr(font)) << std::endl;
if (font != NULL && !PyObject_IsInstance(font, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Font")/*(PyObject*)&PyFontType)*/)){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "font must be a mcrfpy.Font instance");
return -1;
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import mcrfpy
import random
#t = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_tinydungeon.png", 16, 16)
t = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_TD_MR_IP.png", 16, 16)
#def iterable_entities(grid):
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ class COSEntity(): #mcrfpy.Entity): # Fake mcrfpy.Entity integration; engine bu
self._entity.sprite_number = value
def __repr__(self):
return f"<COSEntity ({self.draw_pos}) on {self.grid}>"
return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} ({self.draw_pos})>"
def die(self):
# ugly workaround! grid.entities isn't really iterable (segfaults)
@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ class COSEntity(): #mcrfpy.Entity): # Fake mcrfpy.Entity integration; engine bu
for e in self.game.entities:
if e is self: continue
if e.draw_pos == (tx, ty): e.ev_enter(self)
def act(self):
def ev_enter(self, other):
@ -106,11 +109,92 @@ class COSEntity(): #mcrfpy.Entity): # Fake mcrfpy.Entity integration; engine bu
#self.draw_pos = (tx, ty)
self.do_move(tx, ty)
class Equippable:
def __init__(self, hands = 0, hp_healing = 0, damage = 0, defense = 0, zap_damage = 1, zap_cooldown = 10, sprite = 129):
self.hands = hands
self.hp_healing = hp_healing
self.damage = damage
self.defense = defense
self.zap_damage = zap_damage
self.zap_cooldown = zap_cooldown
self.zap_cooldown_remaining = 0
self.sprite = self.sprite
self.quality = 0
def tick(self):
if self.zap_cooldown_remaining:
self.zap_cooldown_remaining -= 1
if self.zap_cooldown_remaining < 0: self.zap_cooldown_remaining = 0
def __repr__(self):
cooldown_str = f'({self.zap_cooldown_remaining} rounds until ready)'
return f"<Equippable hands={self.hands}, hp_healing={self.hp_healing}, damage={self.damage}, defense={self.defense}, zap_damage={self.zap_damage}, zap_cooldown={self.zap_cooldown}{cooldown_str if self.zap_cooldown_remaining else ''}, sprite={self.sprite}>"
def classify(self):
categories = []
if self.hands==0:
elif self.damage > 0:
categories.append(f"{self.hands}-handed weapon")
elif self.defense > 0:
elif self.zap_damage > 0:
categories.append("{self.hands}-handed magic weapon")
if len(categories) == 0:
return "unclassifiable"
elif len(categories) == 1:
return categories[0]
return "Erratic: " + ', '.join(categories)
#def compare(self, other):
# my_class = self.classify()
# o_class = other.classify()
# if my_class == "unclassifiable" or o_class == "unclassifiable":
# return None
# if my_class == "consumable":
# return other.hp_healing - self.hp_healing
class PlayerEntity(COSEntity):
def __init__(self, *, game):
#print(f"spawn at origin")
self.draw_order = 10
super().__init__(game.grid, 0, 0, sprite_num=84, game=game)
self.hp = 10
self.max_hp = 10
self.base_damage = 1
self.base_defense = 0
self.luck = 0
self.archetype = None
self.equipped = []
self.inventory = []
def tick(self):
for i in self.equipped:
def calc_damage(self):
dmg = self.base_damage
for i in self.equipped:
dmg += i.damage
return dmg
def calc_defense(self):
defense = self.base_defense
for i in self.equipped:
defense += i.damage
return defense
def do_zap(self):
def bump(self, other, dx, dy, test=False):
if type(other) == BoulderEntity:
print("Boulder hit w/ knockback!")
return self.game.pull_boulder_move((-dx, -dy), other)
print(f"oof, ouch, {other} bumped the player - {other.base_damage} damage from {other}")
self.hp = max(self.hp - max(other.base_damage - self.calc_defense(), 0), 0)
def respawn(self, avoid=None):
# find spawn point
@ -142,6 +226,8 @@ class BoulderEntity(COSEntity):
if type(other) == BoulderEntity:
#print("Boulders can't push boulders")
return False
elif type(other) == EnemyEntity:
if not other.can_push: return False
#tx, ty = int(self.e.position[0] + dx), int(self.e.position[1] + dy)
tx, ty = int(self.draw_pos[0] + dx), int(self.draw_pos[1] + dy)
# Is the boulder blocked the same direction as the bumper? If not, let's both move
@ -155,7 +241,7 @@ class BoulderEntity(COSEntity):
class ButtonEntity(COSEntity):
def __init__(self, x, y, exit_entity, *, game):
self.draw_order = 1
super().__init__(game.grid, x, y, 42, game=game)
super().__init__(game.grid, x, y, 250, game=game)
self.exit = exit_entity
def ev_enter(self, other):
@ -171,7 +257,8 @@ class ButtonEntity(COSEntity):
# self.exit.unlock()
# TODO: unlock, and then lock again, when player steps on/off
if not test:
other._relative_move(dx, dy)
pos = int(self.draw_pos[0]), int(self.draw_pos[1])
return True
class ExitEntity(COSEntity):
@ -199,5 +286,108 @@ class ExitEntity(COSEntity):
other._relative_move(dx, dy)
#TODO - player go down a level logic
if type(other) == PlayerEntity:
self.game.create_level(self.game.depth + 1)
self.game.depth += 1
print(f"welcome to level {self.game.depth}")
self.game.swap_level(self.game.level, self.game.spawn_point)
class EnemyEntity(COSEntity):
def __init__(self, x, y, hp=2, base_damage=1, base_defense=0, sprite=123, can_push=False, crushable=True, sight=8, move_cooldown=1, *, game):
self.draw_order = 7
super().__init__(game.grid, x, y, sprite, game=game)
self.hp = hp
self.base_damage = base_damage
self.base_defense = base_defense
self.base_sprite = sprite
self.can_push = can_push
self.crushable = crushable
self.sight = sight
self.move_cooldown = move_cooldown
self.moved_last = 0
def bump(self, other, dx, dy, test=False):
if self.hp == 0:
if not test:
old_pos = int(self.draw_pos[0]), int(self.draw_pos[1])
return True
if type(other) == PlayerEntity:
# TODO - get damage from player, take damage, decide to die or not
d = other.calc_damage()
self.hp -= d
self.hp = max(self.hp, 0)
if self.hp == 0:
self._entity.sprite_number = self.base_sprite + 246
self.draw_order = 1
print(f"Player hit for {d}. HP = {self.hp}")
#self.hp = 0
return False
elif type(other) == BoulderEntity:
if not self.crushable and self.hp > 0:
return False
if self.hp > 0:
print("Ouch, my entire body!!")
self._entity.sprite_number = self.base_sprite + 246
self.hp = 0
old_pos = int(self.draw_pos[0]), int(self.draw_pos[1])
if not test:
return True
def act(self):
if self.hp > 0:
# if player nearby: attack
x, y = self.draw_pos
px, py = self.game.player.draw_pos
for d in ((1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)):
if int(x + d[0]) == int(px) and int(y + d[1]) == int(py):
# slow movement (doesn't affect ability to attack)
if self.moved_last < 0:
self.moved_last -= 1
self.moved_last = self.move_cooldown
# if player is not nearby, wander
if abs(x - px) + abs(y - py) > self.sight:
d = random.choice(((1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)))
# if can_push and player in a line: KICK
if self.can_push:
if int(x) == int(px):
pass # vertical kick
elif int(y) == int(py):
pass # horizontal kick
# else, nearby pursue
towards = []
dist = lambda dx, dy: abs(px - (x + dx)) + abs(py - (y + dy))
current_dist = dist(0, 0)
for d in ((1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)):
if dist(*d) <= current_dist + 0.75: towards.append(d)
print(current_dist, towards)
target_dir = random.choice(towards)
class TreasureEntity(COSEntity):
def __init__(self, x, y, treasure_table=None, *, game):
self.draw_order = 6
super().__init__(game.grid, x, y, 89, game=game)
self.popped = False
def bump(self, other, dx, dy, test=False):
if type(other) != PlayerEntity:
return False
if self.popped:
print("It's already open.")
print("Take me, I'm yours!")
self._entity.sprite_number = 91
self.popped = True
@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ class BinaryRoomNode:
def __repr__(self):
return f"<RoomNode {self.data}>"
def center(self):
x, y, w, h = self.data
return (x + w // 2, y + h // 2)
def split(self):
new_data = binary_space_partition(*self.data)
self.left = BinaryRoomNode(new_data[0])
@ -35,6 +39,11 @@ class BinaryRoomNode:
return self.left.walk() + self.right.walk()
return [self]
def contains(self, pt):
x, y, w, h = self.data
tx, ty = pt
return x <= tx <= x + w and y <= ty <= y + h
class RoomGraph:
def __init__(self, xywh):
self.root = BinaryRoomNode(xywh)
@ -49,6 +58,7 @@ class RoomGraph:
def room_coord(room, margin=0):
x, y, w, h = room.data
#print(x,y,w,h, f'{margin=}', end=';')
w -= 1
h -= 1
margin += 1
@ -58,10 +68,37 @@ def room_coord(room, margin=0):
h -= margin
if w < 0: w = 0
if h < 0: h = 0
#print(x,y,w,h, end=' -> ')
tx = x if w==0 else random.randint(x, x+w)
ty = y if h==0 else random.randint(y, y+h)
#print((tx, ty))
return (tx, ty)
def adjacent_rooms(r, rooms):
x, y, w, h = r.data
adjacents = {}
for i, other_r in enumerate(rooms):
rx, ry, rw, rh = other_r.data
if (rx, ry, rw, rh) == r:
continue # Skip self
# Check vertical adjacency (above or below)
if rx < x + w and x < rx + rw: # Overlapping width
if ry + rh == y: # Above
adjacents[i] = (x + w // 2, y - 1)
elif y + h == ry: # Below
adjacents[i] = (x + w // 2, y + h + 1)
# Check horizontal adjacency (left or right)
if ry < y + h and y < ry + rh: # Overlapping height
if rx + rw == x: # Left
adjacents[i] = (x - 1, y + h // 2)
elif x + w == rx: # Right
adjacents[i] = (x + w + 1, y + h // 2)
return adjacents
class Level:
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.width = width
@ -70,6 +107,7 @@ class Level:
self.graph = RoomGraph( (0, 0, width, height) )
self.grid = mcrfpy.Grid(width, height, t, (10, 10), (1014, 758))
self.highlighted = -1 #debug view feature
self.walled_rooms = [] # for tracking "hallway rooms" vs "walled rooms"
def fill(self, xywh, highlight = False):
if highlight:
@ -84,7 +122,7 @@ class Level:
def highlight(self, delta):
rooms = self.graph.walk()
if self.highlighted < len(rooms):
print(f"reset {self.highlighted}")
#print(f"reset {self.highlighted}")
self.fill(rooms[self.highlighted].data) # reset
self.highlighted += delta
print(f"highlight {self.highlighted}")
@ -110,7 +148,7 @@ class Level:
def fill_rooms(self, features=None):
rooms = self.graph.walk()
print(f"rooms: {len(rooms)}")
#print(f"rooms: {len(rooms)}")
for i, g in enumerate(rooms):
X, Y, W, H = g.data
#c = [random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(3)]
@ -120,9 +158,14 @@ class Level:
self.grid.at((x, y)).tilesprite = ts
def wall_rooms(self):
self.walled_rooms = []
rooms = self.graph.walk()
for g in rooms:
#if random.random() > 0.66: continue
for i, g in enumerate(rooms):
# unwalled / hallways: not selected for small dungeons, first, last, and 65% of all other rooms
if len(rooms) > 3 and i > 1 and i < len(rooms) - 2 and random.random() < 0.35:
X, Y, W, H = g.data
for x in range(X, X+W):
self.grid.at((x, Y)).walkable = False
@ -138,13 +181,45 @@ class Level:
# self.grid.at((0, y)).walkable = False
self.grid.at((self.width-1, y)).walkable = False
def generate(self, target_rooms = 5, features=None):
if features is None:
shuffled = ["boulder", "button"]
features = ["spawn"] + shuffled + ["exit", "treasure"]
# Binary space partition to reach given # of rooms
def dig_path(self, start:"Tuple[int, int]", end:"Tuple[int, int]", walkable=True, color=None, sprite=None):
print(f"Digging: {start} -> {end}")
# get x1,y1 and x2,y2 coordinates: top left and bottom right points on the rect formed by two random points, one from each of the 2 rooms
x1 = min([start[0], end[0]])
x2 = max([start[0], end[0]])
dw = x2 - x1
y1 = min([start[1], end[1]])
y2 = max([start[1], end[1]])
dh = y2 - y1
# random: top left or bottom right as the corner between the paths
tx, ty = (x1, y1) if random.random() >= 0.5 else (x2, y2)
for x in range(x1, x1+dw):
if walkable:
self.grid.at((x, ty)).walkable = walkable
if color:
self.grid.at((x, ty)).color = color
if sprite is not None:
self.grid.at((x, ty)).tilesprite = sprite
for y in range(y1, y1+dh):
if walkable:
self.grid.at((tx, y)).walkable = True
if color:
self.grid.at((tx, y)).color = color
if sprite is not None:
self.grid.at((tx, y)).tilesprite = sprite
def generate(self, level_plan): #target_rooms = 5, features=None):
target_rooms = len(level_plan)
if type(level_plan) is set:
level_plan = random.choice(list(level_plan))
while len(self.graph.walk()) < target_rooms:
self.split(single=len(self.graph.walk()) > target_rooms * .5)
@ -152,44 +227,59 @@ class Level:
rooms = self.graph.walk()
feature_coords = {}
feature_coords = []
prev_room = None
for room in rooms:
if not features: break
f = features.pop(0)
feature_coords[f] = room_coord(room, margin=4 if f in ("boulder",) else 1)
for room_num, room in enumerate(rooms):
room_plan = level_plan[room_num]
if type(room_plan) == str: room_plan = [room_plan] # single item plans became single-character plans...
for f in room_plan:
#feature_coords.append((f, room_coord(room, margin=4 if f in ("boulder",) else 1)))
# boulders are breaking my brain. If I can't get boulders away from walls with margin, I'm just going to dig them out.
if f == "boulder":
x, y = room_coord(room, margin=0)
if x < 2: x += 1
if y < 2: y += 1
if x > self.grid.grid_size[0] - 2: x -= 1
if y > self.grid.grid_size[1] - 2: y -= 1
for _x in (1, 0, -1):
for _y in (1, 0, -1):
self.grid.at((x + _x, y + _y)).walkable = True
feature_coords.append((f, (x, y)))
feature_coords.append((f, room_coord(room, margin=0)))
## Hallway generation
# plow an inelegant path
if prev_room:
start = room_coord(prev_room, margin=2)
end = room_coord(room, margin=2)
# get x1,y1 and x2,y2 coordinates: top left and bottom right points on the rect formed by two random points, one from each of the 2 rooms
x1 = min([start[0], end[0]])
x2 = max([start[0], end[0]])
dw = x2 - x1
y1 = min([start[1], end[1]])
y2 = max([start[1], end[1]])
dh = y2 - y1
#print(x1, y1, x2, y2, dw, dh)
# random: top left or bottom right as the corner between the paths
tx, ty = (x1, y1) if random.random() >= 0.5 else (x2, y2)
for x in range(x1, x1+dw):
self.grid.at((x, ty)).walkable = True
#self.grid.at((x, ty)).color = (255, 0, 0)
#self.grid.at((x, ty)).tilesprite = -1
for y in range(y1, y1+dh):
self.grid.at((tx, y)).walkable = True
#self.grid.at((tx, y)).color = (0, 255, 0)
#self.grid.at((tx, y)).tilesprite = -1
self.dig_path(start, end, color=(0, 64, 0))
prev_room = room
# Tile painting
possibilities = None
while possibilities or possibilities is None:
possibilities = ct.wfc_pass(self.grid, possibilities)
## "hallway room" repainting
#for i, hall_room in enumerate(rooms):
# if self.walled_rooms[i]:
# print(f"walled room: {hall_room}")
# continue
# print(f"hall room: {hall_room}")
# x, y, w, h = hall_room.data
# for _x in range(x+1, x+w-1):
# for _y in range(y+1, y+h-1):
# self.grid.at((_x, _y)).walkable = False
# self.grid.at((_x, _y)).tilesprite = -1
# self.grid.at((_x, _y)).color = (0, 0, 0) # pit!
# targets = adjacent_rooms(hall_room, rooms)
# print(targets)
# for k, v in targets.items():
# self.dig_path(hall_room.center(), v, color=(64, 32, 32))
# for _, p in feature_coords:
# if hall_room.contains(p): self.dig_path(hall_room.center(), p, color=(92, 48, 48))
return feature_coords
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ def wfc_pass(grid, possibilities=None):
for v in possibilities.values():
if len(v) in counts: counts[len(v)] += 1
else: counts[len(v)] = 1
return possibilities
elif len(possibilities) == 0:
print("We're done!")
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import mcrfpy
#t = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_tinydungeon.png", 16, 16) # 12, 11)
#t = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_TD_MR_IP.png", 16, 16) # 12, 11)
t = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_TD_MR_IP.png", 16, 16) # 12, 11)
btn_tex = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/48px_ui_icons-KenneyNL.png", 48, 48)
font = mcrfpy.Font("assets/JetbrainsMono.ttf")
frame_color = (64, 64, 128)
@ -10,12 +11,36 @@ import cos_entities as ce
import cos_level as cl
#import cos_tiles as ct
class Resources:
def __init__(self):
self.music_enabled = True
self.music_volume = 40
self.sfx_enabled = True
self.sfx_volume = 100
self.master_volume = 100
# load the music/sfx files here
self.splats = []
for i in range(1, 10):
def play_sfx(self, sfx_id):
if self.sfx_enabled and self.sfx_volume and self.master_volume:
mcrfpy.setSoundVolume(self.master_volume/100 * self.sfx_volume)
def play_music(self, track_id):
if self.music_enabled and self.music_volume and self.master_volume:
mcrfpy.setMusicVolume(self.master_volume/100 * self.music_volume)
resources = Resources()
class Crypt:
def __init__(self):
self.ui = mcrfpy.sceneUI("play")
entity_frame = mcrfpy.Frame(815, 10, 194, 595, fill_color = frame_color)
inventory_frame = mcrfpy.Frame(10, 610, 800, 143, fill_color = frame_color)
@ -24,9 +49,66 @@ class Crypt:
#self.level = cl.Level(30, 23)
self.entities = []
self.stuck_btn = SweetButton(self.ui, (810, 700), "Stuck", icon=19, box_width=150, box_height = 60, click=self.stuck)
self.level_plan = {
1: [("spawn", "button", "boulder"), ("exit")],
2: [("spawn", "button", "boulder"), ("rat"), ("exit")],
3: [("spawn", "button", "boulder"), ("rat"), ("exit")],
4: [("spawn", "button", "rat"), ("boulder", "rat", "treasure"), ("exit")],
5: [("spawn", "button", "rat"), ("boulder", "rat"), ("exit")],
6: {(("spawn", "button"), ("boulder", "treasure", "exit")),
(("spawn", "boulder"), ("button", "treasure", "exit"))},
7: {(("spawn", "button"), ("boulder", "treasure", "exit")),
(("spawn", "boulder"), ("button", "treasure", "exit"))},
8: {(("spawn", "treasure", "button"), ("boulder", "treasure", "exit")),
(("spawn", "treasure", "boulder"), ("button", "treasure", "exit"))}
#9: self.lv_planner
# empty void for the player to initialize into
self.headsup = mcrfpy.Frame(10, 684, 320, 64, fill_color = (0, 0, 0, 0))
self.sidebar = mcrfpy.Frame(860, 4, 160, 600, fill_color = (96, 96, 160))
# Heads Up (health bar, armor bar) config
self.health_bar = [mcrfpy.Sprite(32*i, 2, t, 659, 2) for i in range(10)]
[self.headsup.children.append(i) for i in self.health_bar]
self.armor_bar = [mcrfpy.Sprite(32*i, 42, t, 659, 2) for i in range(10)]
[self.headsup.children.append(i) for i in self.armor_bar]
# (40, 3), caption, font, fill_color=font_color
self.stat_captions = mcrfpy.Caption((325,0), "HP:10\nDef:0(+0)", font, fill_color=(255, 255, 255))
self.stat_captions.outline = 3
self.stat_captions.outline_color = (0, 0, 0)
# Side Bar (inventory, level info) config
self.level_caption = mcrfpy.Caption((5,5), "Level: 1", font, fill_color=(255, 255, 255))
self.level_caption.size = 26
self.level_caption.outline = 3
self.level_caption.outline_color = (0, 0, 0)
self.inv_sprites = [mcrfpy.Sprite(15, 70 + 95*i, t, 659, 6.0) for i in range(5)]
for i in self.inv_sprites:
self.key_captions = [
mcrfpy.Sprite(75, 130 + (95*2) + 95 * i, t, 384 + i, 3.0) for i in range(3)
for i in self.key_captions:
self.inv_captions = [
mcrfpy.Caption((25, 130 + 95 * i), "x", font, fill_color=(255, 255, 255)) for i in range(5)
for i in self.inv_captions:
liminal_void = mcrfpy.Grid(1, 1, t, (0, 0), (16, 16))
self.grid = liminal_void
self.player = ce.PlayerEntity(game=self)
self.spawn_point = (0, 0)
# level creation moves player to the game level at the generated spawn point
#self.grid = mcrfpy.Grid(20, 15, t, (10, 10), (1014, 758))
self.player = ce.PlayerEntity(game=self)
self.swap_level(self.level, self.spawn_point)
# Test Entities
@ -35,10 +117,146 @@ class Crypt:
#ce.ExitEntity(12, 6, 14, 4, game=self)
# scene setup
[self.ui.append(e) for e in (self.grid,)] # entity_frame, inventory_frame, stats_frame)]
## might be done by self.swap_level
#[self.ui.append(e) for e in (self.grid, self.stuck_btn.base_frame)] # entity_frame, inventory_frame, stats_frame)]
self.possibilities = None # track WFC possibilities between rounds
self.enemies = []
#mcrfpy.setTimer("enemy_test", self.enemy_movement, 750)
#mcrfpy.Frame(x, y, box_width+shadow_offset, box_height, fill_color = (0, 0, 0, 255))
#Sprite(0, 3, btn_tex, icon, icon_scale)
#def enemy_movement(self, *args):
# for e in self.enemies: e.act()
#def spawn_test_rat(self):
# success = False
# while not success:
# x, y = [random.randint(0, i-1) for i in self.grid.grid_size]
# success = self.grid.at((x,y)).walkable
# self.enemies.append(ce.EnemyEntity(x, y, game=self))
def gui_update(self):
self.stat_captions.text = f"HP:{self.player.hp}\nDef:{self.player.calc_defense()}(+{self.player.calc_defense() - self.player.base_defense})"
for i, hs in enumerate(self.health_bar):
full_hearts = self.player.hp - (i*2)
empty_hearts = self.player.max_hp - (i*2)
hs.sprite_number = 659
if empty_hearts >= 2:
hs.sprite_number = 208
if full_hearts >= 2:
hs.sprite_number = 210
elif full_hearts == 1:
hs.sprite_number = 209
for i, arm_s in enumerate(self.armor_bar):
full_hearts = self.player.calc_defense() - (i*2)
arm_s.sprite_number = 659
if full_hearts >= 2:
arm_s.sprite_number = 211
elif full_hearts == 1:
arm_s.sprite_number = 212
#items = self.player.equipped[:] + self.player.inventory[:]
for i in range(5):
if i == 0:
item = self.player.equipped[0] if len(self.player.equipped) > 0 else None
elif i == 1:
item = self.player.equipped[1] if len(self.player.equipped) > 1 else None
elif i == 2:
item = self.player.inventory[0] if len(self.player.inventory) > 0 else None
elif i == 3:
item = self.player.inventory[1] if len(self.player.inventory) > 1 else None
elif i == 4:
item = self.player.inventory[2] if len(self.player.inventory) > 2 else None
if item is None:
self.inv_sprites[i].sprite_number = 659
if i > 1: self.key_captions[i - 2].sprite_number = 659
self.inv_captions[i].text = ""
self.inv_sprites[i].sprite_number = item.sprite
if i > 1:
self.key_captions[i - 2].sprite_number = 384 + (i - 2)
self.inv_captions[i].text = "Blah"
def lv_planner(self, target_level):
"""Plan room sequence in levels > 9"""
monsters = (target_level - 6) // 2
target_rooms = min(int(target_level // 2), 6)
target_treasure = min(int(target_level // 3), 4)
rooms = []
for i in range(target_rooms):
for o in ("spawn", "boulder", "button", "exit"):
r = random.randint(0, target_rooms-1)
monster_table = {
"rat": int(monsters * 0.8) + 2,
"big rat": max(int(monsters * 0.2) - 2, 0),
"cyclops": max(int(monsters * 0.1) - 3, 0)
monster_table = {k: v for k, v in monster_table.items() if v > 0}
monster_names = list(monster_table.keys())
monster_weights = [monster_table[k] for k in monster_names]
for m in range(monsters):
r = random.randint(0, target_rooms - 1)
rooms[r].append(random.choices(monster_names, weights = monster_weights)[0])
for t in range(target_treasure):
r = random.randint(0, target_rooms - 1)
return rooms
def treasure_planner(self, treasure_level):
"""Plan treasure contents at all levels"""
item_minlv = {
"buckler": 1,
"shield": 2,
"sword": 1,
"sword2": 2,
"sword3": 5,
"axe": 1,
"axe2": 2,
"axe3": 5,
"wand": 1,
"staff": 2,
"staff2": 5,
"red_pot": 3,
"blue_pot": 6,
"green_pot": 6,
"grey_pot": 6,
"sm_grey_pot": 1
base_wts = {
("buckler", "shield"): 0.25, # defensive items
("sword", "sword2", "axe", "axe2"): 0.4, #1h weapons
("sword3", "axe3"): 0.25, #2h weapons
("wand", "staff", "staff2"): 0.15, #magic weapons
("red_pot",): 0.25, #health
("blue_pot", "green_pot", "grey_pot", "sm_grey_pot"): 0.2 #stat upgrade potions
# find item name in base_wts key (base weight of the category)
base_weight = lambda s: base_wts[list([t for t in base_wts.keys() if s in t])[0]]
weights = {d[0]: base_weight(d[0]) for d in item_minlv.items() if treasure_level > d[1]}
if self.player.archetype is None:
prefs = []
elif self.player.archetype == "viking":
prefs = ["axe2", "axe3", "green_pot"]
elif self.player.archetype == "knight":
prefs = ["sword2", "shield", "grey_pot"]
elif self.player.archetype == "wizard":
prefs = ["staff", "staff2", "blue_pot"]
for i in prefs:
if i in weights: weights[i] *= 3
return weights
def start(self):
def add_entity(self, e:ce.COSEntity):
@ -49,22 +267,52 @@ class Crypt:
for e in self.entities:
def create_level(self, depth):
def create_level(self, depth, _luck = 0):
#if depth < 3:
# features = None
self.level = cl.Level(30, 23)
self.level = cl.Level(20, 20)
self.grid = self.level.grid
coords = self.level.generate()
if depth in self.level_plan:
plan = self.level_plan[depth]
plan = self.lv_planner(depth)
coords = self.level.generate(plan)
self.entities = []
for k, v in coords.items():
if self.player:
luck = self.player.luck
luck = 0
buttons = []
for k, v in sorted(coords, key=lambda i: i[0]): # "button" before "exit"; "button", "button", "door", "exit" -> alphabetical is correct sequence
if k == "spawn":
self.spawn_point = v
if self.player:
#self.player.draw_pos = v
self.spawn_point = v
elif k == "boulder":
ce.BoulderEntity(v[0], v[1], game=self)
elif k == "treasure":
ce.TreasureEntity(v[0], v[1], treasure_table = self.treasure_planner(depth + luck), game=self)
elif k == "button":
elif k == "exit":
ce.ExitEntity(v[0], v[1], coords["button"][0], coords["button"][1], game=self)
btn = buttons.pop(0)
ce.ExitEntity(v[0], v[1], btn[0], btn[1], game=self)
elif k == "rat":
ce.EnemyEntity(*v, game=self)
elif k == "big rat":
ce.EnemyEntity(*v, game=self, base_damage=2, hp=4, sprite=130)
elif k == "cyclops":
ce.EnemyEntity(*v, game=self, base_damage=3, hp=8, sprite=109, base_defense=2)
#if self.depth > 2:
#for i in range(10):
# self.spawn_test_rat()
def stuck(self, sweet_btn, args):
if args[3] == "end": return
self.swap_level(self.level, self.spawn_point)
def cos_keys(self, key, state):
d = None
@ -73,37 +321,286 @@ class Crypt:
elif key == "A": d = (-1, 0)
elif key == "S": d = (0, 1)
elif key == "D": d = (1, 0)
elif key == "M": self.level.generate()
elif key == "R":
self.possibilities = None
elif key == "T":
self.possibilities = None
elif key == "Y": self.level.split(single=True)
elif key == "U": self.level.highlight(+1)
elif key == "I": self.level.highlight(-1)
elif key == "O":
self.possibilities = None
#elif key == "M": self.level.generate()
#elif key == "R":
# self.level.reset()
# self.possibilities = None
#elif key == "T":
# self.level.split()
# self.possibilities = None
#elif key == "Y": self.level.split(single=True)
#elif key == "U": self.level.highlight(+1)
#elif key == "I": self.level.highlight(-1)
#elif key == "O":
# self.level.wall_rooms()
# self.possibilities = None
#elif key == "P": ct.format_tiles(self.grid)
#elif key == "P":
#self.possibilities = ct.wfc_pass(self.grid, self.possibilities)
elif key == "P":
self.possibilities = ct.wfc_pass(self.grid, self.possibilities)
if d: self.player.try_move(*d)
self.depth += 1
print(f"Descending: lv {self.depth}")
self.stuck(None, [1,2,3,4])
elif key == "Period":
elif key == "X":
# print(key)
if d:
self.entities.sort(key = lambda e: e.draw_order, reverse=False)
def enemy_turn(self):
self.entities.sort(key = lambda e: e.draw_order, reverse=False)
for e in self.entities:
def pull_boulder_search(self):
for dx, dy in ( (0, -1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1) ):
for e in self.entities:
if e.draw_pos != (self.player.draw_pos[0] + dx, self.player.draw_pos[1] + dy): continue
if type(e) == ce.BoulderEntity:
self.pull_boulder_move((dx, dy), e)
return self.enemy_turn()
print("No boulder found to pull.")
def pull_boulder_move(self, p, target_boulder):
print(p, target_boulder)
self.entities.sort(key = lambda e: e.draw_order, reverse=False)
if self.player.try_move(-p[0], -p[1], test=True):
old_pos = self.player.draw_pos
self.player.try_move(-p[0], -p[1])
def swap_level(self, new_level, spawn_point):
self.level = new_level
self.grid = self.level.grid
self.grid.zoom = 2.0
# TODO, make an entity mover function
self.player.grid = self.grid
self.player.draw_pos = spawn_point
crypt = Crypt()
# reform UI (workaround to ui collection iterators crashing)
while len(self.ui) > 0:
self.level_caption.text = f"Level: {self.depth}"
class SweetButton:
def __init__(self, ui:mcrfpy.UICollection,
pos:"Tuple[int, int]",
caption:str, font=font, font_size=24, font_color=(255,255,255), font_outline_color=(0, 0, 0), font_outline_width=2,
shadow_offset = 8, box_width=200, box_height = 80, shadow_color=(64, 64, 86), box_color=(96, 96, 160),
icon=4, icon_scale=1.75, click=lambda *args: None):
self.ui = ui
self.shadow_box = mcrfpy.Frame
x, y = pos
# box w/ drop shadow
self.shadow_offset = shadow_offset
self.base_frame = mcrfpy.Frame(x, y, box_width+shadow_offset, box_height, fill_color = (0, 0, 0, 255))
self.base_frame.click = self.do_click
# drop shadow won't need configured, append directly
self.base_frame.children.append(mcrfpy.Frame(0, 0, box_width, box_height, fill_color = shadow_color))
# main button is where the content lives
self.main_button = mcrfpy.Frame(shadow_offset, shadow_offset, box_width, box_height, fill_color = box_color)
self.click = click
# main button icon
self.icon = mcrfpy.Sprite(0, 3, btn_tex, icon, icon_scale)
# main button caption
self.caption = mcrfpy.Caption((40, 3), caption, font, fill_color=font_color)
self.caption.size = font_size
def unpress(self):
"""Helper func for when graphics changes or glitches make the button stuck down"""
self.main_button.x, self.main_button.y = (self.shadow_offset, self.shadow_offset)
def do_click(self, x, y, mousebtn, event):
if event == "start":
self.main_button.x, self.main_button.y = (0, 0)
elif event == "end":
self.main_button.x, self.main_button.y = (self.shadow_offset, self.shadow_offset)
result = self.click(self, (x, y, mousebtn, event))
if result: # return True from event function to instantly un-pop
self.main_button.x, self.main_button.y = (self.shadow_offset, self.shadow_offset)
def text(self):
return self.caption.text
def text(self, value):
self.caption.text = value
def sprite_number(self):
return self.icon.sprite_number
def sprite_number(self, value):
self.icon.sprite_number = value
class MainMenu:
def __init__(self):
self.ui = mcrfpy.sceneUI("menu")
self.crypt = None
components = []
# demo grid
# )
# title text
drop_shadow = mcrfpy.Caption((150, 10), "Crypt Of Sokoban", font, fill_color=(96, 96, 96), outline_color=(192, 0, 0))
drop_shadow.outline = 3
drop_shadow.size = 64
title_txt = mcrfpy.Caption((158, 18), "Crypt Of Sokoban", font, fill_color=(255, 255, 255))
title_txt.size = 64
# toast: text over the demo grid that fades out on a timer
self.toast = mcrfpy.Caption((150, 400), "", font, fill_color=(0, 0, 0))
self.toast.size = 28
self.toast.outline = 2
self.toast.outline_color = (255, 255, 255)
self.toast_event = None
# button - PLAY
#playbtn = mcrfpy.Frame(284, 548, 456, 120, fill_color =
play_btn = SweetButton(self.ui, (284, 548), "PLAY", box_width=456, box_height=110, icon=1, icon_scale=2.0, click=self.play)
# button - config menu pane
#self.config = lambda self, sweet_btn, *args: print(f"boop, sweet button {sweet_btn} config {args}")
config_btn = SweetButton(self.ui, (10, 678), "Settings", icon=2, click=self.show_config)
# button - insta-1080p scaling
scale_btn = SweetButton(self.ui, (10+256, 678), "Scale up\nto 1080p", icon=15, click=self.scale)
self.scaled = False
# button - music toggle
music_btn = SweetButton(self.ui, (10+256*2, 678), "Music\nON", icon=12, click=self.music_toggle)
self.music_enabled = True
self.music_volume = 40
# button - sfx toggle
sfx_btn = SweetButton(self.ui, (10+256*3, 678), "SFX\nON", icon=0, click=self.sfx_toggle)
self.sfx_enabled = True
self.sfx_volume = 40
[self.ui.append(e) for e in components]
def toast_say(self, txt, delay=10):
"kick off a toast event"
if self.toast_event is not None:
self.toast.text = txt
self.toast_event = 350
self.toast.fill_color = (255, 255, 255, 255)
self.toast.outline = 2
self.toast.outline_color = (0, 0, 0, 255)
mcrfpy.setTimer("toast_timer", self.toast_callback, 100)
def toast_callback(self, *args):
"fade out the toast text"
self.toast_event -= 5
if self.toast_event < 0:
self.toast_event = None
mcrfpy.text = ""
a = min(self.toast_event, 255)
self.toast.fill_color = (255, 255, 255, a)
self.toast.outline_color = (0, 0, 0, a)
def show_config(self, sweet_btn, args):
self.toast_say("Beep, Boop! Configurations will go here.")
def play(self, sweet_btn, args):
#if args[3] == "start": return # DRAMATIC on release action!
if args[3] == "end": return
self.crypt = Crypt()
def scale(self, sweet_btn, args, window_scale=None):
if args[3] == "end": return
if not window_scale:
self.scaled = not self.scaled
window_scale = 1.3
self.scaled = True
if self.scaled:
self.toast_say("Windowed mode only, sorry!\nCheck Settings for for fine-tuned controls.")
sweet_btn.text = "Scale down\n to 1.0x"
sweet_btn.text = "Scale up\nto 1080p"
def music_toggle(self, sweet_btn, args):
if args[3] == "end": return
self.music_enabled = not self.music_enabled
print(f"music: {self.music_enabled}")
if self.music_enabled:
sweet_btn.text = "Music is ON"
sweet_btn.sprite_number = 12
self.toast_say("Use your volume keys or\nlook in Settings for a volume meter.")
sweet_btn.text = "Music is OFF"
sweet_btn.sprite_number = 17
def sfx_toggle(self, sweet_btn, args):
if args[3] == "end": return
self.sfx_enabled = not self.sfx_enabled
print(f"sfx: {self.sfx_enabled}")
if self.sfx_enabled:
sweet_btn.text = "SFX are ON"
sweet_btn.sprite_number = 0
self.toast_say("Use your volume keys or\nlook in Settings for a volume meter.")
sweet_btn.text = "SFX are OFF"
sweet_btn.sprite_number = 17
mainmenu = MainMenu()
Reference in New Issue