#include "UITestScene.h" #include "ActionCode.h" #include "Resources.h" UITestScene::UITestScene(GameEngine* g) : Scene(g) { registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Grave, "debug_menu"); text.setFont(game->getFont()); text.setString("UITest: surprised to be here? game.py raised an exception."); text.setCharacterSize(24); //registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Space, "start_game"); //registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Up, "up"); //registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Down, "down"); // note - you can't use the pointer to UI elements in constructor. // The scene map is still being assigned to, so this object can't be looked up. /* auto ui = Resources::game->scene_ui("uitest"); if (ui) { std::cout << "Got back a UI vector from Resources::game.\n"; } else { std::cout << "No UI vector was returned.\n"; } */ // Create a UI element or three? auto e1 = std::make_shared(100,150,400,400); e1->box.setPosition(100, 150); e1->box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(400,400)); e1->box.setFillColor(sf::Color(255, 0, 0)); //e1.fillColor(sf::Color(255,0,0)); //if (ui) ui->push_back(e1); ui_elements->push_back(e1); auto e1a = std::make_shared(50,50,200,200); e1a->box.setPosition(50, 50); e1a->box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(200,200)); e1a->box.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 255, 0)); //e1a.fillColor(sf::Color(0, 255, 0)); e1->children->push_back(e1a); auto e1aa = std::make_shared(5,5,100,100); e1aa->box.setPosition(5, 5); e1aa->box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(100,100)); e1aa->box.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 0, 255)); //e1aa.fillColor(sf::Color(0, 0, 255)); e1a->children->push_back(e1aa); auto e2 = std::make_shared(); e2->text.setFont(game->getFont()); e2->text.setString("Hello World."); //e2.text.setColor(sf::Color(255, 255, 255)); e2->text.setPosition(50, 250); //if (ui) ui->push_back(e2); ui_elements->push_back(e2); //ui_elements.push_back(&e1); //ui_elements.push_back(&e2); //t.loadFromFile("./assets/kenney_tinydungeon.png"); //t.setSmooth(false); //auto* indextex = new IndexTexture(t, 16, 12, 11); //Resources::game->textures.push_back(*indextex); auto ptex = std::make_shared("./assets/kenney_tinydungeon.png", 16, 16); //std::cout << Resources::game->textures.size() << " textures loaded.\n"; auto e3 = std::make_shared(ptex, 84, sf::Vector2f(10, 10), 4.0); // Make UISprite more like IndexSprite: this is bad //e3->x = 10; e3->y = 10; //e3->texture_index = 0; //e3->sprite_index = 84; //e3->scale = 4.0f; //e3->update(); // This goes to show how inconvenient the default constructor is. It should be removed //e3->itex = &Resources::game->textures[0]; //e3->sprite.setTexture(e3->itex->texture); //e3->sprite_index = 84; //e3->sprite.setTextureRect(e3->itex->spriteCoordinates(e3->sprite_index)); //e3->setPosition(10, 10); //e3->setScale(4.0f); e1aa->children->push_back(e3); auto e4 = std::make_shared( ptex, //indextex, //&Resources::game->textures[0], 85, sf::Vector2f(90, 10), 4.0); e1aa->children->push_back(e4); //std::cout << "UISprite built: " << e4->sprite.getPosition().x << " " << e4->sprite.getPosition().y << " " << e4->sprite.getScale().x << " " << // e4->sprite_index << " " << std::endl; /* // note - you can't use the pointer to UI elements in constructor. // The scene map is still being assigned to, so this object can't be looked up. if (ui) std::cout << "pointer to ui_elements now shows size=" << ui->size() << std::endl; */ // UIGrid test: (in grid cells) ( in screen pixels ) // constructor args: w h texture x y w h auto e5 = std::make_shared(4, 4, ptex, sf::Vector2f(550, 150), sf::Vector2f(200, 200)); e5->zoom=2.0; e5->points[0].color = sf::Color(255, 0, 0); e5->points[1].tilesprite = 1; e5->points[5].color = sf::Color(0, 255, 0); e5->points[6].tilesprite = 2; e5->points[10].color = sf::Color(0, 0, 255); e5->points[11].tilesprite = 3; e5->points[15].color = sf::Color(255, 255, 255); ui_elements->push_back(e5); //UIEntity test: // asdf // TODO - reimplement UISprite style rendering within UIEntity class. Entities don't have a screen pixel position, they have a grid position, and grid sets zoom when rendering them. auto e5a = std::make_shared(*e5); // this basic constructor sucks: sprite position + zoom are irrelevant for UIEntity. e5a->grid = e5; //auto e5as = UISprite(indextex, 85, sf::Vector2f(0, 0), 1.0); //e5a->sprite = e5as; // will copy constructor even exist for UISprite...? e5a->sprite = UISprite(ptex, 85, sf::Vector2f(0, 0), 1.0); e5a->position = sf::Vector2f(1, 0); e5->entities->push_back(e5a); } void UITestScene::update() { //std::cout << "MenuScene update" << std::endl; } void UITestScene::doAction(std::string name, std::string type) { //std::cout << "MenuScene doAction: " << name << ", " << type << std::endl; //if (name.compare("start_game") == 0 and type.compare("start") == 0) if(ACTION("start_game", "start")) game->changeScene("py"); else if ACTIONONCE("debug_menu") { McRFPy_API::REPL(); } /* else if(ACTIONONCE("up")) game->getWindow().setSize(sf::Vector2u(1280, 800)); else if(ACTIONONCE("down")) game->getWindow().setSize(sf::Vector2u(1024, 768)); */ } void UITestScene::sRender() { game->getWindow().clear(); game->getWindow().draw(text); // draw all UI elements //for (auto e: ui_elements) //auto ui = Resources::game->scene_ui("uitest"); //if (ui) auto vec = *ui_elements; for (auto e: vec) { //std::cout << "Rendering element\n"; if (e) e->render(); } //e1.render(sf::Vector2f(0, 0)); //e1.render(sf::Vector2f(-100, -100)); game->getWindow().display(); //McRFPy_API::REPL(); }