#include "PyScene.h" #include "ActionCode.h" #include "Resources.h" #include "PyCallable.h" PyScene::PyScene(GameEngine* g) : Scene(g) { // mouse events registerAction(ActionCode::MOUSEBUTTON + sf::Mouse::Left, "left"); registerAction(ActionCode::MOUSEBUTTON + sf::Mouse::Right, "right"); registerAction(ActionCode::MOUSEWHEEL + ActionCode::WHEEL_DEL, "wheel_up"); registerAction(ActionCode::MOUSEWHEEL + ActionCode::WHEEL_NEG + ActionCode::WHEEL_DEL, "wheel_down"); registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Grave, "debug_menu"); } void PyScene::update() { } void PyScene::do_mouse_input(std::string button, std::string type) { auto unscaledmousepos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(game->getWindow()); auto mousepos = game->getWindow().mapPixelToCoords(unscaledmousepos); UIDrawable* target; for (auto d: *ui_elements) { target = d->click_at(sf::Vector2f(mousepos)); if (target) { /* PyObject* args = Py_BuildValue("(iiss)", (int)mousepos.x, (int)mousepos.y, button.c_str(), type.c_str()); PyObject* retval = PyObject_Call(target->click_callable, args, NULL); if (!retval) { std::cout << "click_callable has raised an exception. It's going to STDERR and being dropped:" << std::endl; PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); } else if (retval != Py_None) { std::cout << "click_callable returned a non-None value. It's not an error, it's just not being saved or used." << std::endl; } */ target->click_callable->call(mousepos, button, type); } } } void PyScene::doAction(std::string name, std::string type) { if (ACTIONPY) { McRFPy_API::doAction(name.substr(0, name.size() - 3)); } else if (name.compare("left") == 0 || name.compare("rclick") == 0 || name.compare("wheel_up") == 0 || name.compare("wheel_down") == 0) { do_mouse_input(name, type); } else if ACTIONONCE("debug_menu") { McRFPy_API::REPL(); } } void PyScene::render() { game->getWindow().clear(); auto vec = *ui_elements; for (auto e: vec) { if (e) e->render(); } game->getWindow().display(); }