/* BSD 3-Clause License * * Copyright © 2008-2022, Jice and the libtcod contributors. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // clang-format off #ifndef _TCOD_BSP_HPP #define _TCOD_BSP_HPP #include <utility> #include "bsp.h" #include "list.hpp" #include "mersenne.hpp" #include "tree.hpp" class TCODBsp; class TCODLIB_API ITCODBspCallback { public : virtual ~ITCODBspCallback() {} virtual bool visitNode(TCODBsp *node, void *userData) = 0; }; /** @PageName bsp @PageCategory Roguelike toolkits @PageTitle BSP toolkit @PageDesc This toolkit allows one to create and manipulate 2D Binary Space Partition trees. They can be used to split a rectangular region into non overlapping sub-regions. */ class TCODLIB_API TCODBsp : public TCODTree { public : int x,y,w,h; // int position; // position of splitting bool horizontal; // horizontal splitting ? uint8_t level; // level in the tree /** @PageName bsp_init @PageFather bsp @PageTitle Creating a BSP tree @FuncTitle Creating the root node @FuncDesc First, you have to create the root node of the tree. This node encompasses the whole rectangular region. @Cpp TCODBsp::TCODBsp(int x,int y,int w, int h) @C TCOD_bsp_t *TCOD_bsp_new_with_size(int x,int y,int w, int h) @Py bsp_new_with_size(x,y,w, h) @C# TCODBsp::TCODBsp(int x, int y, int w, int h) @Param x,y,w,h Top left corner position and size of the rectangular region covered by the BSP tree. @CppEx TCODBsp *myBSP = new TCODBsp(0,0,50,50); @CEx TCOD_bsp_t *my_bsp=TCOD_bsp_new_with_size(0,0,50,50); @PyEx my_bsp=libtcod.bsp_new_with_size(0,0,50,50) */ TCODBsp() : level(0) {} TCODBsp(int x,int y,int w, int h) : x(x),y(y),w(w),h(h),level(0) {} TCODBsp(const TCODBsp&) = delete; TCODBsp& operator=(const TCODBsp&) = delete; TCODBsp(TCODBsp&& rhs) noexcept { (*this) = std::move(rhs); }; TCODBsp& operator=(TCODBsp&& rhs) noexcept { std::swap(next, rhs.next); std::swap(father, rhs.father); std::swap(sons, rhs.sons); return *this; }; /** @PageName bsp_init @FuncTitle Deleting a part of the tree @FuncDesc You can delete a part of the tree, releasing resources for all sub nodes with : @Cpp void TCODBsp::removeSons() @C void TCOD_bsp_remove_sons(TCOD_bsp_t *node) @Py bsp_remove_sons(node) @C# TCODBsp::removeSons() @Param node In the C version, the node reference. @CppEx TCODBsp *myBSP = new TCODBsp(0,0,50,50); // create a tree myBSP->splitRecursive(NULL,4,5,5,1.5f,1.5f); // clear it (keep only the root) myBSP->removeSons(); // and rebuild another random tree myBSP->splitRecursive(NULL,4,5,5,1.5f,1.5f); @CEx TCOD_bsp_t *my_bsp=TCOD_bsp_new_with_size(0,0,50,50); TCOD_bsp_split_recursive(my_bsp,NULL,4,5,5,1.5f,1.5f); TCOD_bsp_remove_sons(my_bsp); TCOD_bsp_split_recursive(my_bsp,NULL,4,5,5,1.5f,1.5f); @PyEx my_bsp=libtcod.bsp_new_with_size(0,0,50,50) libtcod.bsp_split_recursive(my_bsp,0,4,5,5,1.5,1.5) libtcod.bsp_remove_sons(my_bsp) libtcod.bsp_split_recursive(my_bsp,0,4,5,5,1.5,1.5) */ void removeSons(); /** @PageName bsp_init @FuncTitle deleting the tree @FuncDesc You can also completely delete the tree, including the root node to release every resource used : @Cpp void TCODBsp::~TCODBsp() @C void TCOD_bsp_delete(TCOD_bsp_t *node) @Py bsp_delete(node) @C# void TCODBsp::Dispose() @Param node In the C version, the node reference. @CppEx TCODBsp *myBSP = new TCODBsp(0,0,50,50); // create a tree myBSP->splitRecursive(NULL,4,5,5,1.5f,1.5f); // use the tree ... // delete the tree delete myBSP; @CEx TCOD_bsp_t *my_bsp=TCOD_bsp_new_with_size(0,0,50,50); TCOD_bsp_split_recursive(my_bsp,NULL,4,5,5,1.5f,1.5f); // use the tree ... TCOD_bsp_delete(my_bsp); @PyEx my_bsp=libtcod.bsp_new_with_size(0,0,50,50) libtcod.bsp_split_recursive(my_bsp,0,4,5,5,1.5,1.5) # use the tree ... libtcod.bsp_delete(my_bsp) */ virtual ~TCODBsp(); /** @PageName bsp_split @PageFather bsp @PageTitle Splitting the tree @FuncTitle Splitting a node once @FuncDesc Once you have the root node, you can split it into two smaller non-overlapping nodes. @Cpp void TCODBsp::splitOnce(bool horizontal, int position) @C void TCOD_bsp_split_once(TCOD_bsp_t *node, bool horizontal, int position) @Py bsp_split_once(node, horizontal, position) @C# void TCODBsp::splitOnce(bool horizontal, int position) @Param node In the C version, the root node created with TCOD_bsp_new_with_size, or a node obtained by splitting. @Param horizontal If true, the node will be split horizontally, else, vertically. @Param position Coordinate of the splitting position. If horizontal is true, x <= position < x+w Else, y <= position < y+h @CppEx TCODBsp *myBSP = new TCODBsp(0,0,50,50); myBSP->splitOnce(true,20); // horizontal split into two nodes : (0,0,50,20) and (0,20,50,30) @CEx TCOD_bsp_t *my_bsp=TCOD_bsp_new_with_size(0,0,50,50); TCOD_bsp_split_once(my_bsp,false,20); // vertical split into two nodes : (0,0,20,50) and (20,0,30,50) @PyEx my_bsp=libtcod.bsp_new_with_size(0,0,50,50) libtcod.bsp_split_once(my_bsp,False,20) # vertical split into two nodes : (0,0,20,50) and (20,0,30,50) */ void splitOnce(bool horizontal, int position); /** @PageName bsp_split @FuncTitle Recursively splitting a node @FuncDesc You can also recursively split the bsp. At each step, a random orientation (horizontal/vertical) and position are chosen : @Cpp void TCODBsp::splitRecursive(TCODRandom *randomizer, int nb, int minHSize, int minVSize, float maxHRatio, float maxVRatio); @C void TCOD_bsp_split_recursive(TCOD_bsp_t *node, TCOD_random_t randomizer, int nb, int minHSize, int minVSize, float maxHRatio, float maxVRatio) @Py bsp_split_recursive(node, randomizer, nb, minHSize, minVSize, maxHRatio, maxVRatio) @C# void TCODBsp::splitRecursive(TCODRandom randomizer, int nb, int minHSize, int minVSize, float maxHRatio, float maxVRatio) @Param node In the C version, the root node created with TCOD_bsp_new_with_size, or a node obtained by splitting. @Param randomizer The random number generator to use. Use NULL for the default one. @Param nb Number of recursion levels. @Param minHSize, minVSize minimum values of w and h for a node. A node is split only if the resulting sub-nodes are bigger than minHSize x minVSize @Param maxHRatio, maxVRation maximum values of w/h and h/w for a node. If a node does not conform, the splitting orientation is forced to reduce either the w/h or the h/w ratio. Use values near 1.0 to promote square nodes. @CppEx // Do a 4 levels BSP tree (the region is split into a maximum of 2*2*2*2 sub-regions). TCODBsp *myBSP = new TCODBsp(0,0,50,50); myBSP->splitRecursive(NULL,4,5,5,1.5f,1.5f); @CEx TCOD_bsp_t *my_bsp=TCOD_bsp_new_with_size(0,0,50,50); TCOD_bsp_split_recursive(my_bsp,NULL,4,5,5,1.5f,1.5f); @PyEx my_bsp=libtcod.bsp_new_with_size(0,0,50,50) libtcod.bsp_split_recursive(my_bsp,0,4,5,5,1.5,1.5) */ void splitRecursive(TCODRandom *randomizer, int nb, int minHSize, int minVSize, float maxHRatio, float maxVRatio); /** @PageName bsp_resize @PageTitle Resizing a tree @PageFather bsp @FuncDesc This operation resets the size of the tree nodes without changing the splitting data (orientation/position). It should be called with the initial region size or a bigger size, else some splitting position may be out of the region. You can use it if you changed the nodes size and position while using the BSP tree, which happens typically when you use the tree to build a dungeon. You create rooms inside the tree leafs, then shrink the leaf to fit the room size. Calling resize on the root node with the original region size allows you to reset all nodes to their original size. @Cpp void TCODBsp::resize(int x,int y, int w, int h) @C void TCOD_bsp_resize(TCOD_bsp_t *node, int x,int y, int w, int h) @Py bsp_resize(node, x,y, w, h) @C# void TCODBsp::resize(int x, int y, int w, int h) @Param node In the C version, the root node created with TCOD_bsp_new_with_size, or a node obtained by splitting. @Param x,y,w,h New position and size of the node. The original rectangular area covered by the node should be included in the new one to ensure that every splitting edge stay inside its node. @CppEx // We create a BSP, do some processing that will modify the x,y,w,h fields of the tree nodes, then reset all the nodes to their original size. TCODBsp *myBSP = new TCODBsp(0,0,50,50); myBSP->splitRecursive(NULL,4,5,5,1.5f,1.5f); // ... do something with the tree here myBSP->resize(0,0,50,50); @CEx TCOD_bsp_t *my_bsp=TCOD_bsp_new_with_size(0,0,50,50); TCOD_bsp_split_recursive(my_bsp,NULL,4,5,5,1.5f,1.5f); // ... do something with the tree here TCOD_bsp_resize(my_bsp,0,0,50,50); @PyEx my_bsp=libtcod.bsp_new_with_size(0,0,50,50) libtcod.bsp_split_recursive(my_bsp,0,4,5,5,1.5,1.5) # ... do something with the tree here libtcod.bsp_resize(my_bsp,0,0,50,50) */ void resize(int x,int y, int w, int h); /** @PageName bsp_read @PageFather bsp @PageTitle Reading information from the tree @FuncDesc Once you have built a BSP tree, you can retrieve information from any node. The node gives you free access to its fields : @Cpp class TCODBsp { public : int x,y,w,h; // int position; // position of splitting bool horizontal; // horizontal splitting ? uint8_t level; // level in the tree ... } @C typedef struct { int x,y,w,h; int position; bool horizontal; uint8_t level; ... } TCOD_bsp_t; @C# class TCODBsp { public int x { get; set; } public int y { get; set; } public int h { get; set; } public int w { get; set; } public int position { get; set; } public bool horizontal { get; set; } public byte level { get; set; } } @Param x,y,w,h Rectangular region covered by this node. @Param position If this node is not a leaf, splitting position. @Param horizontal If this node is not a leaf, splitting orientation. @Param level Level in the BSP tree (0 for the root, 1 for the root's sons, ...). */ /** @PageName bsp_read @FuncTitle Navigate in the tree @FuncDesc You can navigate from a node to its sons or its parent using one of those functions. Each function returns NULL if the corresponding node does not exists (if the node is not split for getLeft and getRight, and if the node is the root node for getFather). @Cpp TCODBsp *TCODBsp::getLeft() const TCODBsp *TCODBsp::getRight() const TCODBsp *TCODBsp::getFather() const @C TCOD_bsp_t * TCOD_bsp_left(TCOD_bsp_t *node) TCOD_bsp_t * TCOD_bsp_right(TCOD_bsp_t *node) TCOD_bsp_t * TCOD_bsp_father(TCOD_bsp_t *node) @Py bsp_left(node) bsp_right(node) bsp_father(node) @C# TCODBsp TCODBsp::getLeft() TCODBsp TCODBsp::getRight() TCODBsp TCODBsp::getFather() @Param node In the C version, the node reference. */ TCODBsp *getLeft() const { return static_cast<TCODBsp*>(sons); } TCODBsp *getRight() const { return sons ? static_cast<TCODBsp*>(sons->next) : NULL; } TCODBsp *getFather() const { return static_cast<TCODBsp*>(father); } /** @PageName bsp_read @FuncTitle Checking if a node is a leaf @FuncDesc You can know if a node is a leaf (not split, no sons) with this function : @Cpp bool TCODBsp::isLeaf() const @C bool TCOD_bsp_is_leaf(TCOD_bsp_t *node) @Py bsp_is_leaf(node) @C# bool TCODBsp::isLeaf() */ bool isLeaf() const { return sons == NULL ; } /** @PageName bsp_read @FuncTitle Check if a cell is inside a node @FuncDesc You can check if a map cell is inside a node. @Cpp bool TCODBsp::contains(int cx, int cy) const @C bool TCOD_bsp_contains(TCOD_bsp_t *node, int cx, int cy) @Py bsp_contains(node, cx, cy) @C# bool TCODBsp::contains(int x, int y) @Param node In the C version, the node reference. @Param cx,cy Map cell coordinates. */ bool contains(int x, int y) const; /** @PageName bsp_read @FuncTitle Getting the node containing a cell @FuncDesc You can search the tree for the smallest node containing a map cell. If the cell is outside the tree, the function returns NULL : @Cpp TCODBsp *TCODBsp::findNode(int cx, int cy) @C TCOD_bsp_t * TCOD_bsp_find_node(TCOD_bsp_t *node, int cx, int cy) @Py bsp_find_node(node, cx, cy) @C# TCODBsp TCODBsp::findNode(int x, int y) @Param node In the C version, the node reference. @Param cx,cy Map cell coordinates. */ TCODBsp *findNode(int x, int y); /** @PageName bsp_traverse @PageFather bsp @PageTitle Traversing the tree @FuncDesc You can scan all the nodes of the tree and have a custom function called back for each node. Each traversal function returns false if the traversal has been interrupted (a callback returned false). * Pre-order : the callback is called for the current node, then for the left son, then for the right son. * In-order : the callback is called for the left son, then for current node, then for the right son. * Post-order : the callback is called for the left son, then for the right son, then for the current node. * Level-order : the callback is called for the nodes level by level, from left to right. * Inverted level-order : the callback is called in the exact inverse order as Level-order. <table class="param"> <tbody><tr><th>Pre order</th><th>In order</th><th>Post order</th><th>Level order</th><th>Inverted level<br>order</th></tr> <tr><td><img src="bsp_preorder.png"></td><td><img src="bsp_inorder.png"></td><td><img src="bsp_postorder.png"></td><td><img src="bsp_levelorder.png"></td><td><img src="bsp_invlevelorder.png"></td></tr> </tbody></table> @Cpp class ITCODBspCallback { public : virtual bool visitNode(TCODBsp *node, void *userData) = 0; }; bool TCODBsp::traversePreOrder(ITCODBspCallback *callback, void *userData) bool TCODBsp::traverseInOrder(ITCODBspCallback *callback, void *userData) bool TCODBsp::traversePostOrder(ITCODBspCallback *callback, void *userData) bool TCODBsp::traverseLevelOrder(ITCODBspCallback *callback, void *userData) bool TCODBsp::traverseInvertedLevelOrder(ITCODBspCallback *callback, void *userData) @C typedef bool (*TCOD_bsp_callback_t)(TCOD_bsp_t *node, void *userData) bool TCOD_bsp_traverse_pre_order(TCOD_bsp_t *node, TCOD_bsp_callback_t callback, void *userData) bool TCOD_bsp_traverse_in_order(TCOD_bsp_t *node, TCOD_bsp_callback_t callback, void *userData) bool TCOD_bsp_traverse_post_order(TCOD_bsp_t *node, TCOD_bsp_callback_t callback, void *userData) bool TCOD_bsp_traverse_level_order(TCOD_bsp_t *node, TCOD_bsp_callback_t callback, void *userData) bool TCOD_bsp_traverse_inverted_level_order(TCOD_bsp_t *node, TCOD_bsp_callback_t callback, void *userData) @Py def bsp_callback(node, userData) : # ... bsp_traverse_pre_order(node, callback, userData=0) bsp_traverse_in_order(node, callback, userData=0) bsp_traverse_post_order(node, callback, userData=0) bsp_traverse_level_order(node, callback, userData=0) bsp_traverse_inverted_level_order(node, callback, userData=0) @C# bool TCODBsp::traversePreOrder(ITCODBspCallback callback) bool TCODBsp::traverseInOrder(ITCODBspCallback callback) bool TCODBsp::traversePostOrder(ITCODBspCallback callback) bool TCODBsp::traverseLevelOrder(ITCODBspCallback callback) bool TCODBsp::traverseInvertedLevelOrder(ITCODBspCallback callback) @Param node In the C version, the node reference (generally, the root node). @Param callback The function to call for each node. It receives the current node and the custom data as parameters If it returns false, the traversal is interrupted. @Param userData Custom data to pass to the callback. @CppEx class MyCallback : public ITCODBspCallback { public : bool visitNode(TCODBsp *node, void *userData) { printf("node pos %dx%d size %dx%d level %d\n",node->x,node->y,node->w,node->h,node->level); return true; } }; myBSP->traversePostOrder(new MyListener(),NULL); @CEx bool my_callback(TCOD_bsp_t *node, void *userData) { printf("node pos %dx%d size %dx%d level %d\n",node->x,node->y,node->w,node->h,node->level); return true; } TCOD_bsp_traverse_post_order(my_bsp,my_callback,NULL); @PyEx def my_callback(node, userData) : print "node pos %dx%d size %dx%d level %d"%(node.x,node.y,node.w,node.h,node.level)) return True libtcod.bsp_traverse_post_order(my_bsp,my_callback) */ bool traversePreOrder(ITCODBspCallback *listener, void *userData); bool traverseInOrder(ITCODBspCallback *listener, void *userData); bool traversePostOrder(ITCODBspCallback *listener, void *userData); bool traverseLevelOrder(ITCODBspCallback *listener, void *userData); bool traverseInvertedLevelOrder(ITCODBspCallback *listener, void *userData); protected : TCODBsp(TCODBsp *father, bool left); }; #endif