//dwarf names
name "dwarf male" {
  syllablesStart = "A, An, Ba, Bi, Bo, Bom, Da, Dar, De, Do, Du, Due, Duer, Dwa, Fa, Fal, Fi, Fre, Fun, Ga, Gar, Gim, Glo, Go, Gom, Gro, Gwar, Ib, Jor, Ka, Ki, Kil, Lo, Mar, Na, Nal, O, Ras, Ren, Ro, Ta, Tar, Tel, Thi, Tho, Thon, Thra, Tor, Von, We, Wer, Yen, Yur"
  syllablesEnd = "bil, bin, bur, char, den, dir, dur, fri, fur, in, li, lin, mil, mur, ni, nur, ran, ri, ril, rimm, rin, thur, tri, ulf, un, ur, vi, vil, vim, vin, vri"
  rules = "$s$e"
  illegal = "rur, ueu"

name "dwarf female" {
  syllablesStart = "A, An, Ba, Bi, Bo, Bom, Da, Dar, De, Do, Du, Due, Duer, Dwa, Fa, Fal, Fi, Fre, Fun, Ga, Gar, Gim, Glo, Go, Gom, Gro, Gwar, Ib, Jor, Ka, Ki, Kil, Lo, Mar, Na, Nal, O, Ras, Ren, Ro, Ta, Tar, Tel, Thi, Tho, Thon, Thra, Tor, Von, We, Wer, Yen, Yur"
  syllablesEnd = "al, ali, ba, bida, bra, da, deth, di, fra, gret, hild, iess, kala, la, laani, li, lona, ma, mae, mala, na, nuda, ra, ta, tala, tu, tuna, vada, vara, ya"
  rules = "$s$e"
  illegal = "dueal, frefra, grogret"

//surnames have semantic information. Here, they're separated into three
//somewhat coherent sets and either is chosen
name "dwarf surname" {
  //1st set - smith & Mr.Muscle surnames
  syllablesPre = "Boulder, Bronze, Coal, Copper, Gem, Granite, Hammer, Iron, Marble, Metal, Rock, Steel, Stone, Thunder"
  syllablesPost = "bender, breaker, carver, club, crusher, cutter, digger, fist, foot, forger, heart, smasher, smith"
  //2nd set - warrior surnames
  syllablesStart = "Bear, Boar, Dragon, Giant, Goblin, Elf, Ettin, Foe, Kobold, Ogre, Orc,Spider, Troll, Wolf"
  syllablesEnd = "bane, basher, _Battler, _Beheader, boxer, _Butcher, choker, cleaver, crusher, cutter, doom, eater, _Executioner, _Fighter, _Garrotter, grapple, _Gutter, hammer, killer, mauler, masher, ripper, slasher, slayer, slicer, smasher, _Strangler, striker, _Wrestler"
  //3rd set - heroic and general
  phonemesVocals = "Black, Blood, Bronze, Fire, Firm, Grey, Hard, Ice, Iron, Moon, Oak, Onyx, Red, Steel, Stone, Strong, Thunder, White"
  phonemesConsonants = "axe, beard, blade, brand, cheek, fist, foot, hair, hammer, hand, head, heart, pick, shield, spear, spike, sword"
  rules = "$P$p, $s$e, $v$c"