/* BSD 3-Clause License * * Copyright © 2008-2022, Jice and the libtcod contributors. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef TCOD_CONSOLE_PRINTING_H_ #define TCOD_CONSOLE_PRINTING_H_ #include #include #ifndef NO_UNICODE #include #endif #include "config.h" #include "console_types.h" #include "error.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /// @defgroup PrintEASCII /// @{ /*************************************************************************** @brief Print a string on a console, using default colors and alignment. @param con A console pointer. @param x The starting X coordinate, the left-most position being 0. @param y The starting Y coordinate, the top-most position being 0. @param fmt A format string as if passed to printf. @param ... Variadic arguments as if passed to printf. */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use TCOD_console_printf instead.") TCODLIB_API void TCOD_console_print(TCOD_Console* con, int x, int y, const char* fmt, ...); /*************************************************************************** @brief Print an EASCII string on a console, using default colors. @param con A console pointer. @param x The starting X coordinate, the left-most position being 0. @param y The starting Y coordinate, the top-most position being 0. @param flag The blending flag. @param alignment The font alignment to use. @param fmt A format string as if passed to printf. @param ... Variadic arguments as if passed to printf. */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use TCOD_console_printf_ex instead.") TCODLIB_API void TCOD_console_print_ex( TCOD_Console* con, int x, int y, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, TCOD_alignment_t alignment, const char* fmt, ...); /*************************************************************************** @brief Print an EASCII string on a console constrained to a rectangle, using default colors and alignment. @param con A console pointer. @param x The starting X coordinate, the left-most position being 0. @param y The starting Y coordinate, the top-most position being 0. @param w The width of the region. If 0 then the maximum width will be used. @param h The height of the region. If 0 then the maximum height will be used. @param fmt A format string as if passed to printf. @param ... Variadic arguments as if passed to printf. @return The number of lines actually printed. */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use TCOD_console_printf_rect instead.") TCODLIB_API int TCOD_console_print_rect(TCOD_Console* con, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char* fmt, ...); /*************************************************************************** @brief Print an EASCII string on a console constrained to a rectangle, using default colors. @param con A console pointer. @param x The starting X coordinate, the left-most position being 0. @param y The starting Y coordinate, the top-most position being 0. @param w The width of the region. If 0 then the maximum width will be used. @param h The height of the region. If 0 then the maximum height will be used. @param flag The blending flag. @param alignment The font alignment to use. @param fmt A format string as if passed to printf. @param ... Variadic arguments as if passed to printf. @return The number of lines actually printed. */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use TCOD_console_printf_rect_ex instead.") TCODLIB_API int TCOD_console_print_rect_ex( TCOD_Console* con, int x, int y, int w, int h, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, TCOD_alignment_t alignment, const char* fmt, ...); /*************************************************************************** @brief Print a titled, framed region on a console, using default colors and alignment. @param con A console pointer. @param x The starting X coordinate, the left-most position being 0. @param y The starting Y coordinate, the top-most position being 0. @param w The width of the frame. @param h The height of the frame. @param empty If true the characters inside of the frame will be cleared with spaces. @param flag The blending flag. @param fmt A format string as if passed to printf. @param ... Variadic arguments as if passed to printf. This function makes assumptions about the fonts character encoding and may draw garbage with some tilesets. \rst .. deprecated:: 1.19 This function is not using Unicode frame characters and has been deprecated. \endrst */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use TCOD_console_printf_frame instead.") TCODLIB_API void TCOD_console_print_frame( TCOD_console_t con, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool empty, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, const char* fmt, ...); /*************************************************************************** @brief Return the number of lines that would be printed by an EASCII string. @param con A console pointer. @param x The starting X coordinate, the left-most position being 0. @param y The starting Y coordinate, the top-most position being 0. @param w The width of the region. If 0 then the maximum width will be used. @param h The height of the region. If 0 then the maximum height will be used. @param fmt A format string as if passed to printf. @param ... Variadic arguments as if passed to printf. @return The number of lines that would have been printed. */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use TCOD_console_get_height_rect_fmt instead.") TCODLIB_API int TCOD_console_get_height_rect(TCOD_Console* con, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char* fmt, ...); /// @} #ifndef NO_UNICODE /// @defgroup PrintWide /// @{ /*************************************************************************** \rst .. deprecated:: 1.8 Use :any:`TCOD_console_printf` instead. \endrst */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use TCOD_console_printf instead.") TCODLIB_API void TCOD_console_print_utf(TCOD_Console* con, int x, int y, const wchar_t* fmt, ...); /*************************************************************************** \rst .. deprecated:: 1.8 Use :any:`TCOD_console_printf_ex` instead. \endrst */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use TCOD_console_printf_ex instead.") TCODLIB_API void TCOD_console_print_ex_utf( TCOD_Console* con, int x, int y, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, TCOD_alignment_t alignment, const wchar_t* fmt, ...); /*************************************************************************** \rst .. deprecated:: 1.8 Use :any:`TCOD_console_printf_rect` instead. \endrst */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use TCOD_console_printf_rect instead.") TCODLIB_API int TCOD_console_print_rect_utf(TCOD_Console* con, int x, int y, int w, int h, const wchar_t* fmt, ...); /*************************************************************************** \rst .. deprecated:: 1.8 Use :any:`TCOD_console_printf_rect_ex` instead. \endrst */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use TCOD_console_printf_rect_ex instead.") TCODLIB_API int TCOD_console_print_rect_ex_utf( TCOD_Console* con, int x, int y, int w, int h, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, TCOD_alignment_t alignment, const wchar_t* fmt, ...); /*************************************************************************** \rst .. deprecated:: 1.8 \endrst */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use TCOD_console_get_height_rect_fmt instead.") TCODLIB_API int TCOD_console_get_height_rect_utf( TCOD_Console* con, int x, int y, int w, int h, const wchar_t* fmt, ...); /// @} #endif typedef enum { TCOD_COLCTRL_1 = 1, TCOD_COLCTRL_2, TCOD_COLCTRL_3, TCOD_COLCTRL_4, TCOD_COLCTRL_5, TCOD_COLCTRL_NUMBER = 5, TCOD_COLCTRL_FORE_RGB, TCOD_COLCTRL_BACK_RGB, TCOD_COLCTRL_STOP } TCOD_colctrl_t; TCODLIB_API void TCOD_console_set_color_control(TCOD_colctrl_t con, TCOD_color_t fore, TCOD_color_t back); /* UTF-8 functions */ #ifndef TCOD_NO_UNICODE /** Format and print a UTF-8 string to a console. \rst .. versionadded:: 1.8 .. versionchanged:: 1.16 Now returns a negative error code on failure. \endrst */ TCODLIB_API TCODLIB_FORMAT(4, 5) TCOD_Error TCOD_console_printf(TCOD_Console* __restrict con, int x, int y, const char* __restrict fmt, ...); /** Format and print a UTF-8 string to a console. \rst .. versionadded:: 1.8 .. versionchanged:: 1.16 Now returns a negative error code on failure. \endrst */ TCODLIB_API TCODLIB_FORMAT(6, 7) TCOD_Error TCOD_console_printf_ex( TCOD_Console* __restrict con, int x, int y, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, TCOD_alignment_t alignment, const char* __restrict fmt, ...); /** Format and print a UTF-8 string to a console. \rst .. versionadded:: 1.8 .. versionchanged:: 1.16 Now returns a negative error code on failure. \endrst */ TCODLIB_API TCODLIB_FORMAT(6, 7) int TCOD_console_printf_rect( TCOD_Console* __restrict con, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char* __restrict fmt, ...); /** Format and print a UTF-8 string to a console. \rst .. versionadded:: 1.8 .. versionchanged:: 1.16 Now returns a negative error code on failure. \endrst */ TCODLIB_API TCODLIB_FORMAT(8, 9) int TCOD_console_printf_rect_ex( TCOD_Console* __restrict con, int x, int y, int w, int h, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, TCOD_alignment_t alignment, const char* __restrict fmt, ...); /** Print a framed and optionally titled region to a console, using default colors and alignment. This function uses Unicode box-drawing characters and a UTF-8 formatted string. \rst .. versionadded:: 1.8 .. versionchanged:: 1.16 Now returns a negative error code on failure. \endrst */ TCODLIB_API TCODLIB_FORMAT(8, 9) TCOD_Error TCOD_console_printf_frame( TCOD_Console* __restrict con, int x, int y, int w, int h, int empty, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, const char* __restrict fmt, ...); /** Return the number of lines that would be printed by this formatted string. \rst .. versionadded:: 1.8 .. versionchanged:: 1.16 Now returns a negative error code on failure. \endrst */ TCODLIB_API TCODLIB_FORMAT(6, 7) int TCOD_console_get_height_rect_fmt( TCOD_Console* __restrict con, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char* __restrict fmt, ...); /** @brief Print a string of a specified length to a console. @param console A pointer to a TCOD_Console. @param x The starting X position, starting from the left-most tile as zero. @param y The starting Y position, starting from the upper-most tile as zero. @param n The length of the string buffer `str[n]` in bytes. @param str The text to print. This string can contain libtcod color codes. @param fg The foreground color. The printed text is set to this color. If NULL then the foreground will be left unchanged, inheriting the previous value of the tile. @param bg The background color. The background tile under the printed text is set to this color. If NULL then the background will be left unchanged. @param flag The background blending flag. If unsure then use `TCOD_BKGND_SET`. @param alignment The text justification. This is one of `TCOD_alignment_t` and is normally `TCOD_LEFT`. @return TCOD_Error Any problems such as malformed UTF-8 will return a negative error code. \rst .. versionadded:: 1.19 \endrst */ TCOD_PUBLIC TCOD_Error TCOD_console_printn( TCOD_Console* __restrict console, int x, int y, size_t n, const char* __restrict str, const TCOD_ColorRGB* __restrict fg, const TCOD_ColorRGB* __restrict bg, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, TCOD_alignment_t alignment); /** @brief Print a string of a specified length in a bounding box to a console. @param console A pointer to a TCOD_Console. @param x The starting X position, starting from the left-most tile as zero. @param y The starting Y position, starting from the upper-most tile as zero. @param width The maximum width of the bounding region in tiles. @param height The maximum height of the bounding region in tiles. @param n The length of the string buffer `str[n]` in bytes. @param str The text to print. This string can contain libtcod color codes. @param fg The foreground color. The printed text is set to this color. If NULL then the foreground will be left unchanged, inheriting the previous value of the tile. @param bg The background color. The background tile under the printed text is set to this color. If NULL then the background will be left unchanged. @param flag The background blending flag. If unsure then use `TCOD_BKGND_SET`. @param alignment The text justification. This is one of `TCOD_alignment_t` and is normally `TCOD_LEFT`. @return int The height of the printed text, or a negative error code on failure. \rst .. versionadded:: 1.19 \endrst */ TCOD_PUBLIC int TCOD_console_printn_rect( TCOD_Console* __restrict console, int x, int y, int width, int height, size_t n, const char* __restrict str, const TCOD_ColorRGB* __restrict fg, const TCOD_ColorRGB* __restrict bg, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, TCOD_alignment_t alignment); /** @brief Return the height of the word-wrapped text with the given parameters. @param console A pointer to a TCOD_Console. @param x The starting X position, starting from the left-most tile as zero. @param y The starting Y position, starting from the upper-most tile as zero. @param width The maximum width of the bounding region in tiles. @param height The maximum height of the bounding region in tiles. @param n The length of the string buffer `str[n]` in bytes. @param str The text to print. This string can contain libtcod color codes. @return int The height of the word-wrapped text as if it were printed, or a negative error code on failure. \rst .. versionadded:: 1.19 \endrst */ TCOD_PUBLIC int TCOD_console_get_height_rect_n( TCOD_Console* __restrict console, int x, int y, int width, int height, size_t n, const char* __restrict str); /** @brief Return the height of the word-wrapped text with the given width. @param width The maximum width of the bounding region in tiles. @param n The length of the string buffer `str[n]` in bytes. @param str The text to print. This string can contain libtcod color codes. @return int The height of the word-wrapped text as if it were printed, or a negative error code on failure. \rst .. versionadded:: 1.19 \endrst */ TCOD_PUBLIC int TCOD_console_get_height_rect_wn(int width, size_t n, const char* __restrict str); // Deprecated function. TCOD_PUBLIC TCOD_Error TCOD_console_printn_frame( TCOD_Console* __restrict console, int x, int y, int width, int height, size_t n, const char* __restrict title, const TCOD_ColorRGB* __restrict fg, const TCOD_ColorRGB* __restrict bg, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, bool clear); /***************************************************************************** @brief Print a formatted string using a va_list. @param console A pointer to a TCOD_Console. @param x The starting X position, starting from the left-most tile as zero. @param y The starting Y position, starting from the upper-most tile as zero. @param fg The foreground color. The printed text is set to this color. If NULL then the foreground will be left unchanged, inheriting the previous value of the tile. @param bg The background color. The background tile under the printed text is set to this color. If NULL then the background will be left unchanged. @param flag The background blending flag. If unsure then use `TCOD_BKGND_SET`. @param alignment The text justification. This is one of `TCOD_alignment_t` and is normally `TCOD_LEFT`. @param fmt The format string for a vprintf-like function. @param args The arguments for the formatted string. @return TCOD_Error Any problems such as malformed UTF-8 will return a negative error code. \rst .. versionadded:: 1.19 \endrst */ TCOD_PUBLIC TCOD_Error TCOD_console_vprintf( TCOD_Console* __restrict console, int x, int y, const TCOD_color_t* __restrict fg, const TCOD_color_t* __restrict bg, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, TCOD_alignment_t alignment, const char* __restrict fmt, va_list args); /***************************************************************************** @brief Print a formatted string using a va_list within a bounding box. @param console A pointer to a TCOD_Console. @param x The starting X position, starting from the left-most tile as zero. @param y The starting Y position, starting from the upper-most tile as zero. @param width The maximum width of the bounding region in tiles. @param height The maximum height of the bounding region in tiles. @param fg The foreground color. The printed text is set to this color. If NULL then the foreground will be left unchanged, inheriting the previous value of the tile. @param bg The background color. The background tile under the printed text is set to this color. If NULL then the background will be left unchanged. @param flag The background blending flag. If unsure then use `TCOD_BKGND_SET`. @param alignment The text justification. This is one of `TCOD_alignment_t` and is normally `TCOD_LEFT`. @param fmt The format string for a vprintf-like function. @param args The arguments for the formatted string. @return TCOD_PUBLIC \rst .. versionadded:: 1.19 \endrst */ TCOD_PUBLIC int TCOD_console_vprintf_rect( TCOD_Console* __restrict console, int x, int y, int width, int height, const TCOD_color_t* __restrict fg, const TCOD_color_t* __restrict bg, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, TCOD_alignment_t alignment, const char* fmt, va_list args); /***************************************************************************** @brief Information about a string to be printed */ typedef struct TCOD_PrintParamsRGB { int x; // The starting X coordinate, the left-most position being 0. int y; // The starting Y coordinate, the top-most position being 0. int width; // Width of the bounding rectangle. Will be unbound if set to 0 int height; // Height of the bounding rectangle. Will be unbound if set to 0 const TCOD_ColorRGB* __restrict fg; // An optional foreground color of the string const TCOD_ColorRGB* __restrict bg; // An optional background color of the string TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag; // The background blending flag. The default of `TCOD_BKGND_NONE` implies `TCOD_BKGND_SET`. TCOD_alignment_t alignment; // The text justification. Defaults to `TCOD_LEFT`. } TCOD_PrintParamsRGB; /***************************************************************************** @brief Prints a formatted string to the console. @param console A pointer to a TCOD_Console. @param params Information about how the string should be printed @param fmt The format string for a vprintf-like function. @param args The arguments for the formatted string. @return An error code if less than 0 \rst .. versionadded:: 1.23 \endrst */ TCOD_PUBLIC TCODLIB_FORMAT(3, 4) int TCOD_printf_rgb( TCOD_Console* __restrict console, TCOD_PrintParamsRGB params, const char* __restrict fmt, ...); /***************************************************************************** @brief Prints n-bytes of a string string to the console. @param console A pointer to a TCOD_Console. @param params Information about how the string should be printed @param str The string to be read from. @param n Length of string in bytes @return An error code if less than 0 \rst .. versionadded:: 1.23 \endrst */ TCOD_PUBLIC int TCOD_printn_rgb( TCOD_Console* __restrict console, TCOD_PrintParamsRGB params, int n, const char* __restrict str); /***************************************************************************** @brief Prints a formatted string using va_list @param console A pointer to a TCOD_Console. @param params Information about how the string should be printed @param fmt The format string for a vprintf-like function @param args The arguments for the format string @return An error code if less than 0 \rst .. versionadded:: 1.23 \endrst */ TCOD_PUBLIC int TCOD_vprintf_rgb( TCOD_Console* __restrict console, TCOD_PrintParamsRGB params, const char* __restrict fmt, va_list args); #endif // TCOD_NO_UNICODE #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif // __cplusplus #endif /* TCOD_CONSOLE_PRINTING_H_ */