/* BSD 3-Clause License * * Copyright © 2008-2022, Jice and the libtcod contributors. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // clang-format off #ifndef _TCOD_HEIGHTMAP_HPP #define _TCOD_HEIGHTMAP_HPP #include "heightmap.h" #include "noise.hpp" /** @PageName heightmap @PageCategory Roguelike toolkits @PageTitle Heightmap toolkit @PageDesc This toolkit allows one to create a 2D grid of float values using various algorithms. The code using the heightmap toolkit can be automatically generated with the heightmap tool (hmtool) included in the libtcod package. */ class TCODLIB_API TCODHeightMap { public : int w,h; float *values; /** @PageName heightmap_init @PageFather heightmap @PageTitle Creating a heightmap @FuncTitle Creating an empty map @FuncDesc As with other modules, you have to create a heightmap object first : Note that whereas most other modules use opaque structs, the TCOD_heightmap_t fields can be freely accessed. Thus, the TCOD_heightmap_new function returns a TCOD_heightmap_t pointer, not a TCOD_heightmap_t. The w and h fields should not be modified after the heightmap creation. The newly created heightmap is filled with 0.0 values. @Cpp TCODHeightMap::TCODHeightMap(int w, int h) @C typedef struct { int w,h; float *values; } TCOD_heightmap_t; TCOD_heightmap_t *TCOD_heightmap_new(int w,int h) @Py heightmap_new(w,h) @C# TCODHeightMap::TCODHeightMap(int w, int h) @Param w,h The width and height of the heightmap. @CppEx TCODHeightMap myMap(50,50); @CEx TCOD_heightmap_t *my_map=TCOD_heightmap_new(50,50); @PyEx map=libtcod.heightmap_new(50,50) print map.w, map.h */ TCODHeightMap(int width, int height); /** @PageName heightmap_init @FuncTitle Destroying a heightmap @FuncDesc To release the resources used by a heightmap, destroy it with : @Cpp TCODHeightMap::~TCODHeightMap() @C void TCOD_heightmap_delete(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm) @Py heightmap_delete(hm) @C# void TCODHeightMap::Dispose() @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. */ virtual ~TCODHeightMap(); /** @PageName heightmap_base @PageFather heightmap @PageTitle Basic operations @PageDesc Those are simple operations applied either on a single map cell or on every map cell. @FuncTitle Setting a cell value @FuncDesc Once the heightmap has been created, you can do some basic operations on the values inside it. You can set a single value : @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::setValue(int x, int y, float v) @C void TCOD_heightmap_set_value(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, int x, int y, float value) @Py heightmap_set_value(hm, x, y, value) @C# void TCODHeightMap::setValue(int x, int y, float v) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param x,y Coordinates of the cells to modify inside the map. 0 <= x < map width 0 <= y < map height @Param value The new value of the map cell. */ inline void setValue(int x, int y, float v) { values[x+y*w]=v; } /** @PageName heightmap_base @FuncTitle Adding a float value to all cells @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::add(float value) @C void TCOD_heightmap_add(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, float value) @Py heightmap_add(hm, value) @C# void TCODHeightMap::add(float value) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param value Value to add to every cell. */ void add(float f); /** @PageName heightmap_base @FuncTitle Multiplying all values by a float @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::scale(float value) @C void TCOD_heightmap_scale(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, float value) @Py heightmap_scale(hm, value) @C# void TCODHeightMap::scale(float value) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param value Every cell's value is multiplied by this value. */ void scale(float f); /** @PageName heightmap_base @FuncTitle Resetting all values to 0.0 @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::clear() @C void TCOD_heightmap_clear(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm) @Py heightmap_clear(hm) @C# void TCODHeightMap::clear() @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. */ void clear(); // resets all values to 0.0 /** @PageName heightmap_base @FuncTitle Clamping all values @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::clamp(float min, float max) @C void TCOD_heightmap_clamp(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, float min, float max) @Py heightmap_clamp(hm, mi, ma) @C# void TCODHeightMap::clamp(float min, float max) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param min,max Every cell value is clamped between min and max. min < max */ void clamp(float min, float max); /** @PageName heightmap_base @FuncTitle Copying values from another heightmap @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::copy(const TCODHeightMap *source) @C void TCOD_heightmap_copy(const TCOD_heightmap_t *source,TCOD_heightmap_t *dest) @Py heightmap_copy(source,dest) @C# void TCODHeightMap::copy(TCODHeightMap source) @Param source Each cell value from the source heightmap is copied in the destination (this for C++) heightmap. The source and destination heightmap must have the same width and height. @Param dest In the C and Python versions, the address of the destination heightmap. */ void copy(const TCODHeightMap *source); /** @PageName heightmap_base @FuncTitle Normalizing values @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::normalize(float min=0.0f, float max=1.0f) @C void TCOD_heightmap_normalize(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, float min, float max) @Py heightmap_normalize(hm, mi=0.0, ma=1.0) @C# void TCODHeightMap::normalize() void TCODHeightMap::normalize(float min) void TCODHeightMap::normalize(float min, float max) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param min,max The whole heightmap is translated and scaled so that the lowest cell value becomes min and the highest cell value becomes max min < max */ void normalize(float newMin=0.0f, float newMax=1.0f); // scales the values to the range [newMin;newMax] /** @PageName heightmap_base @FuncTitle Doing a lerp operation between two heightmaps @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::lerp(const TCODHeightMap *a, const TCODHeightMap *b,float coef) @C void TCOD_heightmap_lerp_hm(const TCOD_heightmap_t *a, const TCOD_heightmap_t *b, TCOD_heightmap_t *res, float coef) @Py heightmap_lerp_hm(a, b, res, coef) @C# void TCODHeightMap::lerp(TCODHeightMap a, TCODHeightMap b, float coef) @Param a First heightmap in the lerp operation. @Param b Second heightmap in the lerp operation. @Param coef lerp coefficient. For each cell in the destination map (this for C++), value = a.value + (b.value - a.value) * coef @Param res In the C and Python versions, the address of the destination heightmap. */ void lerp(const TCODHeightMap *a, const TCODHeightMap *b,float coef); /** @PageName heightmap_base @FuncTitle Adding two heightmaps @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::add(const TCODHeightMap *a, const TCODHeightMap *b) @C void TCOD_heightmap_add_hm(const TCOD_heightmap_t *a, const TCOD_heightmap_t *b, TCOD_heightmap_t *res) @Py heightmap_add_hm(a, b, res) @C# void TCODHeightMap::add(TCODHeightMap a, TCODHeightMap b) @Param a First heightmap. @Param b Second heightmap. For each cell in the destination map (this for C++), value = a.value + b.value @Param res In the C and Python versions, the address of the destination heightmap. */ void add(const TCODHeightMap *a, const TCODHeightMap *b); /** @PageName heightmap_base @FuncTitle Multiplying two heightmaps @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::multiply(const TCODHeightMap *a, const TCODHeightMap *b) @C void TCOD_heightmap_multiply_hm(const TCOD_heightmap_t *a, const TCOD_heightmap_t *b, TCOD_heightmap_t *res) @Py heightmap_multiply_hm(a, b, res) @C# void TCODHeightMap::multiply(TCODHeightMap a, TCODHeightMap b) @Param a First heightmap. @Param b Second heightmap. For each cell in the destination map (this for C++), value = a.value * b.value @Param res In the C and Python versions, the address of the destination heightmap. */ void multiply(const TCODHeightMap *a, const TCODHeightMap *b); /** @PageName heightmap_modify @PageFather heightmap @PageTitle Modifying the heightmap @PageDesc Those are advanced operations involving several or all map cells. @FuncTitle Add hills @FuncDesc This function adds a hill (a half spheroid) at given position. @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::addHill(float x, float y, float radius, float height) @C void TCOD_heightmap_add_hill(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, float x, float y, float radius, float height) @Py heightmap_add_hill(hm, x, y, radius, height) @C# void TCODHeightMap::addHill(float x, float y, float radius, float height) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param x,y Coordinates of the center of the hill. 0 <= x < map width 0 <= y < map height @Param radius The hill radius. @Param height The hill height. If height == radius or -radius, the hill is a half-sphere. */ void addHill(float x, float y, float radius, float height); // adds a hill (half sphere) at given position /** @PageName heightmap_modify @FuncTitle Dig hills @FuncDesc This function takes the highest value (if height > 0) or the lowest (if height < 0) between the map and the hill. It's main goal is to carve things in maps (like rivers) by digging hills along a curve. @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::digHill(float hx, float hy, float h_radius, float height) @C void TCOD_heightmap_dig_hill(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, float x, float y, float radius, float height) @Py heightmap_dig_hill(hm, x, y, radius, height) @C# void TCODHeightMap::digHill(float hx, float hy, float h_radius, float height) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param x,y Coordinates of the center of the hill. 0 <= x < map width 0 <= y < map height @Param radius The hill radius. @Param height The hill height. Can be < 0 or > 0 */ void digHill(float hx, float hy, float h_radius, float height); /** @PageName heightmap_modify @FuncTitle Simulate rain erosion @FuncDesc This function simulates the effect of rain drops on the terrain, resulting in erosion patterns. @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::rainErosion(int nbDrops,float erosionCoef,float sedimentationCoef,TCODRandom *rnd) @C void TCOD_heightmap_rain_erosion(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, int nbDrops,float erosionCoef,float sedimentationCoef,TCOD_random_t rnd) @Py heightmap_rain_erosion(hm, nbDrops,erosionCoef,sedimentationCoef,rnd=0) @C# void TCODHeightMap::rainErosion(int nbDrops, float erosionCoef, float sedimentationCoef, TCODRandom rnd) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param nbDrops Number of rain drops to simulate. Should be at least width * height. @Param erosionCoef Amount of ground eroded on the drop's path. @Param sedimentationCoef Amount of ground deposited when the drops stops to flow @Param rnd RNG to use, NULL for default generator. */ void rainErosion(int nbDrops,float erosionCoef,float sedimentationCoef,TCODRandom *rnd); /** @PageName heightmap_modify @FuncTitle Do a generic transformation @FuncDesc This function allows you to apply a generic transformation on the map, so that each resulting cell value is the weighted sum of several neighbour cells. This can be used to smooth/sharpen the map. See examples below for a simple horizontal smoothing kernel : replace value(x,y) with 0.33*value(x-1,y) + 0.33*value(x,y) + 0.33*value(x+1,y).To do this, you need a kernel of size 3 (the sum involves 3 surrounding cells). The dx,dy array will contain : dx=-1,dy = 0 for cell x-1,y dx=1,dy=0 for cell x+1,y dx=0,dy=0 for current cell (x,y) The weight array will contain 0.33 for each cell. @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::kernelTransform(int kernelSize, int *dx, int *dy, float *weight, float minLevel,float maxLevel) @C void TCOD_heightmap_kernel_transform(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, int kernel_size, int *dx, int *dy, float *weight, float minLevel,float maxLevel) @Py heightmap_kernel_transform(hm, kernel_size, dx, dy, weight, minLevel,maxLevel) @C# void TCODHeightMap::kernelTransform(int kernelSize, int[] dx, int[] dy, float[] weight, float minLevel, float maxLevel) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. kernelSize Number of neighbour cells involved. @Param dx,dy Array of kernelSize cells coordinates. The coordinates are relative to the current cell (0,0) is current cell, (-1,0) is west cell, (0,-1) is north cell, (1,0) is east cell, (0,1) is south cell, ... @Param weight Array of kernelSize cells weight. The value of each neighbour cell is scaled by its corresponding weight @Param minLevel The transformation is only applied to cells which value is >= minLevel. @Param maxLevel The transformation is only applied to cells which value is <= maxLevel. @CEx int dx [] = {-1,1,0}; int dy[] = {0,0,0}; float weight[] = {0.33f,0.33f,0.33f}; TCOD_heightMap_kernel_transform(heightmap,3,dx,dy,weight,0.0f,1.0f); @CppEx int dx [] = {-1,1,0}; int dy[] = {0,0,0}; float weight[] = {0.33f,0.33f,0.33f}; heightmap->kernelTransform(heightmap,3,dx,dy,weight,0.0f,1.0f); */ void kernelTransform(int kernelSize, const int *dx, const int *dy, const float *weight, float minLevel,float maxLevel); /** @PageName heightmap_modify @FuncTitle Add a Voronoi diagram @FuncDesc This function adds values from a Voronoi diagram to the map. @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::addVoronoi(int nbPoints, int nbCoef, float *coef,TCODRandom *rnd) @C void TCOD_heightmap_add_voronoi(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, int nbPoints, int nbCoef, float *coef,TCOD_random_t rnd) @Py heightmap_add_voronoi(hm, nbPoints, nbCoef, coef,rnd=0) @C# void TCODHeightMap::addVoronoi(int nbPoints, int nbCoef, float[] coef, TCODRandom rnd) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param nbPoints Number of Voronoi sites. @Param nbCoef The diagram value is calculated from the nbCoef closest sites. @Param coef The distance to each site is scaled by the corresponding coef. Closest site : coef[0], second closest site : coef[1], ... @Param rnd RNG to use, NULL for default generator. */ void addVoronoi(int nbPoints, int nbCoef, const float *coef,TCODRandom *rnd); /** @PageName heightmap_modify @FuncTitle Add a fbm This function adds values from a simplex fbm function to the map. @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::addFbm(TCODNoise *noise,float mul_x, float mul_y, float add_x, float add_y, float octaves, float delta, float scale) @C void TCOD_heightmap_add_fbm(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, TCOD_noise_t noise,float mul_x, float mul_y, float add_x, float add_y, float octaves, float delta, float scale) @Py heightmap_add_fbm(hm, noise,mul_x, mul_y, add_x, add_y, octaves, delta, scale) @C# void TCODHeightMap::addFbm(TCODNoise noise, float mul_x, float mul_y, float add_x, float add_y, float octaves, float delta, float scale) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param noise The 2D noise to use. @Param mul_x, mul_y / add_x, add_y The noise coordinate for map cell (x,y) are (x + add_x)*mul_x / width , (y + add_y)*mul_y / height. Those values allow you to scale and translate the noise function over the heightmap. @Param octaves Number of octaves in the fbm sum. @Param delta / scale The value added to the heightmap is delta + noise * scale. @Param noise is between -1.0 and 1.0 */ void addFbm(TCODNoise *noise,float mul_x, float mul_y, float add_x, float add_y, float octaves, float delta, float scale); /** @PageName heightmap_modify @FuncTitle Scale with a fbm @FuncDesc This function works exactly as the previous one, but it multiplies the resulting value instead of adding it to the heightmap. @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::scaleFbm(TCODNoise *noise,float mul_x, float mul_y, float add_x, float add_y, float octaves, float delta, float scale) @C void TCOD_heightmap_scale_fbm(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, TCOD_noise_t noise,float mul_x, float mul_y, float add_x, float add_y, float octaves, float delta, float scale) @Py heightmap_scale_fbm(hm, noise,mul_x, mul_y, add_x, add_y, octaves, delta, scale) @C# void TCODHeightMap::scaleFbm(TCODNoise noise, float mul_x, float mul_y, float add_x, float add_y, float octaves, float delta, float scale) */ void scaleFbm(TCODNoise *noise,float mul_x, float mul_y, float add_x, float add_y, float octaves, float delta, float scale); /** @PageName heightmap_modify @FuncTitle Dig along a Bezier curve @FuncDesc This function carve a path along a cubic Bezier curve using the digHill function. Could be used for roads/rivers/... Both radius and depth can vary linearly along the path. @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::digBezier(int px[4], int py[4], float startRadius, float startDepth, float endRadius, float endDepth) @C void TCOD_heightmap_dig_bezier(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, int px[4], int py[4], float startRadius, float startDepth, float endRadius, float endDepth) @Py heightmap_dig_bezier(hm, px, py, startRadius, startDepth, endRadius, endDepth) @C# void TCODHeightMap::digBezier(int[] px, int[] py, float startRadius, float startDepth, float endRadius, float endDepth) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param px,py The coordinates of the 4 Bezier control points. @Param startRadius The path radius in map cells at point P0. Might be < 1.0 @Param startDepth The path depth at point P0. @Param endRadius The path radius in map cells at point P3. Might be < 1.0 @Param endDepth The path depth at point P3. */ void digBezier(int px[4], int py[4], float startRadius, float startDepth, float endRadius, float endDepth); /** @PageName heightmap_read @PageFather heightmap @PageTitle Reading data from the heightmap @PageDesc Those functions return raw or computed information about the heightmap. @FuncTitle Get the value of a cell @FuncDesc This function returns the height value of a map cell. @Cpp float TCODHeightMap::getValue(int x, int y) const @C float TCOD_heightmap_get_value(const TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, int x, int y) @Py heightmap_get_value(hm, x, y) @C# float TCODHeightMap::getValue(int x, int y) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param x,y Coordinates of the map cell. 0 <= x < map width 0 <= y < map height */ inline float getValue(int x, int y) const { return values[x+y*w]; } /** @PageName heightmap_read @FuncTitle Interpolate the height @FuncDesc This function returns the interpolated height at non integer coordinates. @Cpp float TCODHeightMap::getInterpolatedValue(float x, float y) const @C float TCOD_heightmap_get_interpolated_value(const TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, float x, float y) @Py heightmap_get_interpolated_value(hm, x, y) @C# float TCODHeightMap::getInterpolatedValue(float x, float y) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param x,y Coordinates of the map cell. 0 <= x < map width 0 <= y < map height */ float getInterpolatedValue(float x, float y) const; /** @PageName heightmap_read @FuncTitle Get the map slope @FuncDesc This function returns the slope between 0 and PI/2 at given coordinates. @Cpp float TCODHeightMap::getSlope(int x, int y) const @C float TCOD_heightmap_get_slope(const TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, int x, int y) @Py heightmap_get_slope(hm, x, y) @C# float TCODHeightMap::getSlope(int x, int y) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param x,y Coordinates of the map cell. 0 <= x < map width 0 <= y < map height */ float getSlope(int x, int y) const; // returns the slope in radian between 0 and PI/2 /** @PageName heightmap_read @FuncTitle Get the map normal @FuncDesc This function returns the map normal at given coordinates. @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::getNormal(float x, float y,float n[3], float waterLevel=0.0f) const @C void TCOD_heightmap_get_normal(const TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, float x, float y, float n[3], float waterLevel) @Py heightmap_get_normal(hm, x, y, waterLevel) # returns nx,ny,nz @C# void TCODHeightMap::getNormal(float x, float y, float[] n, float waterLevel) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param x,y Coordinates of the map cell. 0 <= x < map width 0 <= y < map height @Param n The function stores the normalized normal vector in this array. @Param waterLevel The map height is clamped at waterLevel so that the sea is flat. */ void getNormal(float x, float y,float n[3], float waterLevel=0.0f) const; // returns the surface normal or (0,0,1) if beyond water level. /** @PageName heightmap_read @FuncTitle Count the map cells inside a height range @FuncDesc This function returns the number of map cells which value is between min and max. @Cpp int TCODHeightMap::countCells(float min,float max) const @C int TCOD_heightmap_count_cells(const TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, float min, float max) @Py heightmap_count_cells(hm, min, max) @C# int TCODHeightMap::countCells(float min, float max) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param min,max Only cells which value is >=min and <= max are counted. */ int countCells(float min,float max) const; /** @PageName heightmap_read @FuncTitle Check if the map is an island @FuncDesc This function checks if the cells on the map border are below a certain height. @Cpp bool TCODHeightMap::hasLandOnBorder(float waterLevel) const @C bool TCOD_heightmap_has_land_on_border(const TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, float waterLevel) @Py heightmap_has_land_on_border(hm, waterLevel) @C# bool TCODHeightMap::hasLandOnBorder(float waterLevel) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param waterLevel Return true only if no border cell is > waterLevel. */ bool hasLandOnBorder(float waterLevel) const; /** @PageName heightmap_read @FuncTitle Get the map min and max values @FuncDesc This function calculates the min and max of all values inside the map. @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::getMinMax(float *min, float *max) const @C void TCOD_heightmap_get_minmax(const TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, float *min, float *max) @Py heightmap_get_minmax(hm) # returns min,max @C# void TCODHeightMap::getMinMax(out float min, out float max) @Param hm In the C version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param min, max The min and max values are returned in these variables. */ void getMinMax(float *min, float *max) const; // void heatErosion(int nbPass,float minSlope,float erosionCoef,float sedimentationCoef,TCODRandom *rnd); /** @PageName heightmap_modify @FuncTitle Generate a map with mid-point displacement @FuncDesc This algorithm generates a realistic fractal heightmap using the diamond-square (or random midpoint displacement) algorithm. The roughness range should be comprised between 0.4 and 0.6. The image below show the same map with roughness varying from 0.4 to 0.6. It's also a good habit to normalize the map after using this algorithm to avoid unexpected heights. @Cpp void TCODHeightMap::midPointDisplacement(TCODRandom *rng=NULL,float roughness=0.45f) @C void TCOD_heightmap_mid_point_displacement(TCOD_heightmap_t *hm, TCOD_random_t rnd, float roughness) @Py heightmap_mid_point_displacement(hm, rng, roughness) @Param hm In the C and Python version, the address of the heightmap struct returned by the creation function. @Param rng Random number generation to use, or NULL/0 to use the default one. @Param roughness Map roughness. */ void midPointDisplacement(TCODRandom *rnd = NULL, float roughness=0.45f); void islandify(float seaLevel,TCODRandom *rnd); // lowers the terrain near the heightmap borders // TODO : checks island connectivity with floodfill private : // void setMPDHeight(TCODRandom *rnd,int x,int y, float z, float offset); // void setMDPHeightSquare(TCODRandom *rnd,int x, int y, int initsz, int sz,float offset); }; #endif