/* BSD 3-Clause License * * Copyright © 2008-2022, Jice and the libtcod contributors. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _TCOD_LIST_HPP #define _TCOD_LIST_HPP #include // NULL #include // memcpy #include #include "list.h" /** @PageName list @PageCategory Base toolkits @PageTitle All purposes container @PageDesc This is a fast, lightweight and generic container, that provides array, list and stack paradigms. Note that this module has no Python wrapper. Use Python built-in containers instead. */ // fast & lightweight list template template class TCODList { T* array = nullptr; int fillSize = 0; int allocSize = 0; public: /** @PageName list_create @PageFather list @PageTitle Creating a list @FuncTitle Using the default constructor @FuncDesc You can create an empty list with the default constructor. The C version returns a handler on the list. @Cpp template TCODList::TCODList() @C TCOD_list_t TCOD_list_new() @CppEx TCODList intList; TCODList *floatList = new TCODList(); @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_t floatList = TCOD_list_new(); */ [[deprecated("TCODList is unsuitable as a C++ container.")]] TCODList() = default; /** @PageName list_create @FuncTitle Duplicating an existing list @FuncDesc You can create a list by duplicating an existing list. @Cpp template TCODList::TCODList(const TCODList &l) @C TCOD_list_t TCOD_list_duplicate(TCOD_list_t l) @Param l Existing list to duplicate. @CppEx TCODList intList; intList.push(3); intList.push(5); TCODList intList2(intList); // intList2 contains two elements : 3 and 5 @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)3); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)5); TCOD_list_t intList2 = TCOD_list_duplicate(intList); // intList2 contains two elements : 3 and 5 */ TCODList(const TCOD_list_t l) { for (void** it = TCOD_list_begin(l); it != TCOD_list_end(l); ++it) { push(*static_cast(static_cast(it))); } } TCODList(const TCODList& rhs) { *this = rhs; } TCODList& operator=(const TCODList& rhs) { while (allocSize < rhs.allocSize) allocate(); fillSize = rhs.fillSize; int i = 0; for (T* t = rhs.begin(); t != rhs.end(); ++t) { array[++i] = *t; } return *this; } TCODList(TCODList&& rhs) noexcept { swap(*this, rhs); }; TCODList& operator=(TCODList&& rhs) noexcept { swap(*this, rhs); return *this; } /** @PageName list_create @FuncTitle Deleting a list @FuncDesc You can delete a list, freeing any allocated resources. Note that deleting the list does not delete it's elements. You have to use clearAndDelete before deleting the list if you want to destroy the elements too. @Cpp virtual template TCODList::~TCODList() @C void TCOD_list_delete(TCOD_list_t l) @Param l In the C version, the list handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList *intList = new TCODList(); // allocate a new empty list intList->push(5); // the list contains 1 element at position 0, value = 5 delete intList; // destroy the list @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)5); TCOD_list_delete(intList); */ virtual ~TCODList() { if (array) delete[] array; } friend void swap(TCODList& lhs, TCODList& rhs) noexcept { using std::swap; swap(lhs.array, rhs.array); swap(lhs.fillSize, rhs.fillSize); swap(lhs.allocSize, rhs.allocSize); } /** @PageName list_create @FuncTitle Preallocating memory @FuncDesc You can also create an empty list and pre-allocate memory for elements. Use this if you know the list size and want the memory to fit it perfectly. @Cpp template TCODList::TCODList(int nbElements) @C TCOD_list_t TCOD_list_allocate(int nbElements) @Param nbElements Allocate memory for nbElements. @CppEx TCODList intList(5); // create an empty list, pre-allocate memory for 5 elements @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_allocate(5); */ [[deprecated("TCODList is unsuitable as a C++ container.")]] TCODList(int nbElements) { fillSize = 0; allocSize = nbElements; array = new T[nbElements]; } // clang-format off /** @PageName list_array @PageTitle Basic array operations @PageFather list @FuncTitle Setting an element @FuncDesc You can assign a value with set. If needed, the array will allocate new elements up to idx. @Cpp template void TCODList::set(const T elt, int idx) @C void TCOD_list_set(TCOD_list_t l,const void *elt, int idx) @Param elt Element to put in the array. @Param idx Index of the element. 0 <= idx @Param l In the C version, the handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList intList; // the array is empty (contains 0 elements) intList.set(5,0); // the array contains 1 element at position 0, value = 5 intList.set(7,2); // the array contains 3 elements : 5, 0, 7 @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_set(intList,(const void *)5,0); TCOD_list_set(intList,(const void *)7,2); */ void set(const T elt, int idx) { if ( idx < 0 ) return; while ( allocSize < idx+1 ) allocate(); array[idx] = elt; if ( idx+1 > fillSize ) fillSize = idx+1; } /** @PageName list_array @FuncTitle Getting an element value @FuncDesc You can retrieve a value with get. @Cpp template T TCODList::get(int idx) const @C void * TCOD_list_get(TCOD_list_t l,int idx) @Param idx Index of the element. 0 <= idx < size of the array @Param l In the C version, the handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList intList; intList.set(5,0); int val = intList.get(0); // val == 5 @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_set(intList,(const void *)5,0); int val = (int)TCOD_list_get(intList,0); // val == 5 */ T get(int idx) const { return array[idx]; } /** @PageName list_array @FuncTitle Checking if a list is empty @Cpp template bool TCODList::isEmpty() const @C bool TCOD_list_is_empty(TCOD_list_t l) @Param l In the C version, the handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList intList; bool empty=intList.isEmpty(); // empty == true intList.set(3,0); empty=intList.isEmpty(); // empty == false @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); bool empty=TCOD_list_is_empty(intList); // empty == true TCOD_list_set(intList,(const void *)5,0); empty=TCOD_list_is_empty(intList); // empty == false */ bool isEmpty() const { return ( fillSize == 0 ); } /** @PageName list_array @FuncTitle Getting the list size @Cpp template int TCODList::size() const @C int TCOD_list_size(TCOD_list_t l) @Param l In the C version, the handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList intList; int size=intList.size(); // size == 0 intList.set(3,0); size=intList.size(); // size == 1 @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); int size=TCOD_list_size(intList); // size == 0 TCOD_list_set(intList,(const void *)5,0); size=TCOD_list_size(intList); // size == 1 */ int size() const { return fillSize; } /** @PageName list_array @FuncTitle Checking if an element is in the list @Cpp template bool TCODList::contains(const T elt) const @C bool TCOD_list_contains(TCOD_list_t l,const void * elt) @Param elt The element. @Param l In the C version, the handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList intList; intList.set(3,0); bool has3 = intList.contains(3); // has3 == true bool has4 = intList.contains(4); // has4 == false @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_set(intList,(const void *)3,0); bool has3 = TCOD_list_contains(intList,(const void *)3); // has3 == true bool has4 = TCOD_list_contains(intList,(const void *)4); // has4 == false */ bool contains(const T elt) const { for (T* curElt = begin(); curElt != end(); ++curElt) { if (*curElt == elt) { return true; } } return false; } /** @PageName list_list @PageFather list @PageTitle Basic list operations @FuncTitle Insert an element in the list @Cpp template void TCODList::insertBefore(const T elt,int before) @C void TCOD_list_insert_before(TCOD_list_t l,const void *elt,int before) @Param elt Element to insert in the list. @Param idx Index of the element after the insertion. 0 <= idx < list size @Param l In the C version, the list handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList intList; // the list is empty (contains 0 elements) intList.set(0,5); // the list contains 1 element at position 0, value = 5 intList.insertBefore(2,0); // the list contains 2 elements : 2,5 @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_set(intList,0,(const void *)5); TCOD_list_insert_before(intList,(const void *)2,0); */ T * insertBefore(const T elt,int before) { if ( fillSize+1 >= allocSize ) allocate(); for (int idx=fillSize; idx > before; idx--) { array[idx]=array[idx-1]; } array[before]=elt; fillSize++; return &array[before]; } /** @PageName list_list @FuncTitle Removing an element from the list @FuncDesc The _fast versions replace the element to remove with the last element of the list. They're faster, but do not preserve the list order. @Cpp template void TCODList::remove(const T elt) template void TCODList::removeFast(const T elt) @C void TCOD_list_remove(TCOD_list_t l, const void * elt) void TCOD_list_remove_fast(TCOD_list_t l, const void * elt) @Param elt The element to remove @Param l In the C version, the list handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList intList; // the list is empty (contains 0 elements) intList.set(0,5); // the list contains 1 element at position 0, value = 5 intList.remove(5); // the list is empty @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_set(intList,0,(const void *)5); TCOD_list_remove(intList,(const void *)5); */ void remove(const T elt) { for ( T* curElt = begin(); curElt != end(); curElt ++) { if ( *curElt == elt ) { remove(curElt); return; } } } void removeFast(const T elt) { for ( T* curElt = begin(); curElt != end(); curElt ++) { if ( *curElt == elt ) { removeFast(curElt); return; } } } /** @PageName list_list @FuncTitle Concatenating two lists @FuncDesc You can concatenate two lists. Every element of l2 will be added to current list (or l in the C version) : @Cpp template void TCODList::addAll(const TCODList &l2) @C void TCOD_list_add_all(TCOD_list_t l, TCOD_list_t l2) @Param l The list inside which elements will be added. @Param l2 the list handler containing elements to insert. @CppEx TCODList intList; intList.set(1,3); // intList contains 2 elements : 0, 3 TCODList intList2; // intList2 is empty intList2.set(0,1); // intList2 contains 1 element : 1 intList2.addAll(intList); // intList2 contains 3 elements : 1, 0, 3 @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_set(intList,1,(const void *)3); TCOD_list_t intList2 = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_set(intList2,0,(const void *)1); TCOD_list_add_all(intList2,intList); */ void addAll(const TCODList &l2) { for (T *t=l2.begin(); t!= l2.end(); t++) { push(*t); } } /** @PageName list_list @FuncTitle Emptying a list @Cpp template void TCODList::clear() @C void TCOD_list_clear(TCOD_list_t l) @Param l In the C version, the list handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList intList; intList.set(0,3); // intList contains 1 element intList.clear(); // intList is empty @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_set(intList,0,(const void *)5); TCOD_list_clear(intList); */ void clear() { fillSize=0; } /** @PageName list_list @FuncTitle Emptying a list and destroying its elements @FuncDesc For lists containing pointers, you can clear the list and delete (or free for C) the elements : @Cpp template void TCODList::clearAndDelete() @C void TCOD_list_clear_and_delete(TCOD_list_t l) @Param l In the C version, the list handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList intList; MyClass * cl=new MyClass(); // new instance of MyClass allocated here intList.set(0,cl); intList.clear(); // the list is empty. cl is always valid intList.set(0,cl); intList.clearAndDelete(); // the list is empty. delete cl has been called. The address cl is no longer valid. @C TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); void *data=calloc(10,1); // some memory allocation here TCOD_list_set(intList,0,(const void *)data); TCOD_list_clear(intList); // the list is empty, but data is always valid TCOD_list_set(intList,0,(const void *)data); TCOD_list_clear_and_delete(intList); // the list is empty, free(data) has been called. The address data is no longer valid */ void clearAndDelete() { for ( T* curElt = begin(); curElt != end(); curElt ++ ) { delete (*curElt); } fillSize=0; } /** @PageName list_list @FuncTitle Reversing a list @FuncDesc This function reverses the order of the elements in the list. @Cpp void TCODList::reverse() @C void TCOD_list_reverse(TCOD_list_t l) @Param l In the C version, the list handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList intList; // the list is empty (contains 0 elements) intList.push(5); // the list contains 1 element at position 0, value = 5 intList.push(2); // the list contains 2 elements : 5,2 intList.reverse(); // now order is 2,5 @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)5); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)2); TCOD_list_reverse(); */ void reverse() { T* head = begin(); T* tail = end(); while ( head < tail ) { T tmp = *head; *head=*tail; *tail=tmp; head++; tail--; } } /** @PageName list_stack @PageTitle Basic stack operations @PageFather list @FuncTitle Pushing an element on the stack @FuncDesc You can push an element on the stack (append it to the end of the list) : @Cpp template void TCODList::push(const T elt) @C void TCOD_list_push(TCOD_list_t l, const void * elt) @Param elt Element to append to the list. @Param l In the C version, the list handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList intList; // the list is empty (contains 0 elements) intList.push(5); // the list contains 1 element at position 0, value = 5 intList.push(2); // the list contains 2 elements : 5,2 @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)5); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)2); */ void push(const T elt) { if ( fillSize+1 >= allocSize ) allocate(); array[fillSize++] = elt; } /** @PageName list_stack @FuncTitle Popping an element from the stack @FuncDesc You can pop an element from the stack (remove the last element of the list). @Cpp template T TCODList::pop() @C void * TCOD_list_pop(TCOD_list_t l) @Param l In the C version, the list handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList intList; // the list is empty (contains 0 elements) intList.push(5); // the list contains 1 element at position 0, value = 5 intList.push(2); // the list contains 2 elements : 5,2 int val = intList.pop(); // val == 2, the list contains 1 element : 5 val = intList.pop(); // val == 5, the list is empty @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)5); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)2); int val = (int)TCOD_list_pop(intList); val = (int)TCOD_list_pop(intList); */ T pop() { if ( fillSize == 0 ) return T{}; return array[--fillSize]; } /** @PageName list_stack @FuncTitle Peeking the last element of the stack @FuncDesc You can read the last element of the stack without removing it : @Cpp template T TCODList::peek() const @C void * TCOD_list_peek(TCOD_list_t l) @Param l In the C version, the list handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList intList; intList.push(3); // intList contains 1 elements : 3 int val = intList.peek(); // val == 3, inList contains 1 elements : 3 intList.push(2); // intList contains 2 elements : 3, 2 val = intList.peek(); // val == 2, inList contains 2 elements : 3, 2 @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)3); int val = (int)TCOD_list_peek(intList); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)2); val = (int)TCOD_list_peek(intList); */ T peek() const { if ( fillSize == 0 ) return T{}; return array[fillSize-1]; } /** @PageName list_iterator @PageFather list @PageTitle Iterators @FuncDesc You can iterate through the elements of the list using an iterator. begin() returns the address of the first element of the list. You go to the next element using the increment operator ++. When the iterators value is equal to end(), you've gone through all the elements. Warning ! You cannot insert elements in the list while iterating through it. Inserting elements can result in reallocation of the list and your iterator will not longer be valid. @Cpp template T * TCODList::begin() const template T * TCODList::end() const @C void ** TCOD_list_begin(TCOD_list_t l) void ** TCOD_list_end(TCOD_list_t l) @Param l In the C version, the list handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList intList; // the list is empty (contains 0 elements) intList.push(5); // the list contains 1 element at position 0, value = 5 intList.push(2); // the list contains 2 elements : 5,2 for ( int * iterator = intList.begin(); iterator != intList.end(); iterator ++ ) { int currentValue=*iterator; printf("value : %d\n", currentValue ); } @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)5); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)2); for ( int * iterator = (int *)TCOD_list_begin(intList); iterator != (int *)TCOD_list_end(intList); iterator ++ ) { int currentValue=*iterator; printf("value : %d\n", currentValue ); } */ T * begin() const { if ( fillSize == 0 ) return (T *)NULL; return &array[0]; } T * end() const { if ( fillSize == 0 ) return (T *)NULL; return &array[fillSize]; } /** @PageName list_iterator @FuncDesc You can remove an element from the list while iterating. The element at the iterator position will be removed. The function returns the new iterator. The _fast versions replace the element to remove with the last element of the list. They're faster, but do not preserve the list order. @Cpp template T *TCODList::remove(T *iterator) template T *TCODList::removeFast(T *iterator) @C void **TCOD_list_remove_iterator(TCOD_list_t l, void **iterator) void **TCOD_list_remove_iterator_fast(TCOD_list_t l, void **iterator) @Param iterator The list iterator. @Param l In the C version, the list handler, returned by a constructor. @CppEx TCODList intList; // the list is empty (contains 0 elements) intList.push(5); // the list contains 1 element at position 0, value = 5 intList.push(2); // the list contains 2 elements : 5,2 intList.push(3); // the list contains 3 elements : 5,2,3 for ( int * iterator = intList.begin(); iterator != intList.end(); iterator ++ ) { int currentValue=*iterator; if ( currentValue == 2 ) { // remove this value from the list and keep iterating on next element (value == 3) iterator = intList.remove(iterator); } printf("value : %d\n", currentValue ); // all 3 values will be printed : 5,2,3 } // now the list contains only two elements : 5,3 @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)5); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)2); TCOD_list_push(intList,(const void *)3); for ( int * iterator = (int *)TCOD_list_begin(intList); iterator != (int *)TCOD_list_end(intList); iterator ++ ) { int currentValue=*iterator; if ( currentValue == 2 ) { iterator = (int *)TCOD_list_remove_iterator(intList,(void **)iterator); } printf("value : %d\n", currentValue ); } */ T *remove(T *elt) { for ( T* curElt = elt; curElt < end()-1; curElt ++) { *curElt = *(curElt+1); } fillSize--; if ( fillSize == 0 ) return ((T *)NULL)-1; else return elt-1; } T *removeFast(T *elt) { *elt = array[fillSize-1]; fillSize--; if ( fillSize == 0 ) return ((T *)NULL)-1; else return elt-1; } protected : void allocate() { int newSize = allocSize * 2; if ( newSize == 0 ) newSize = 16; T *newArray = new T[ newSize ]; if ( array ) { if ( fillSize > 0 ) memcpy(newArray, array, sizeof(T)*fillSize); delete [] array; } array=newArray; allocSize=newSize; } }; #endif