/* * Pyromancer ! configuration file, used for regression tests. */ config { debug=true // enable some debug/cheat stuff multithread=false // enable background threads // uncomment to force the number of background threads // threadPoolSize = 1 display { wallColor=#ABABAB groundColor=#E4E4E4 memoryWallColor=#331100 playerLightRange=15 playerLightColor=#FF7722 // player light at level 1 playerLightColorEnd=#990000 // player light at last level // messages config messageLife=5.0 // how many time a message is displayed debugColor=#AAAAAA infoColor=#FFFF72 warnColor=#FF9F00 criticalColor=#FF0000 fadeTime=0.8 fireSpeed=5.0 // for intro/end screen corpseColor=#888888 // flash when the player is hit hitFlashDelay=0.2 flashColor=#FF0000 // amulet light properties treasureLightRange=15 treasureLightColor=#888844 treasureIntensityDelay=0.6 treasureIntensityPattern="979897989798" finalExplosionTime=5.0 } spells { fireball { lightColor=#FF7700 trailLength=1 speed=0.3 // cells per second sparkLife=0.4 // in seconds sparkleLife=1.4 // in seconds sparkleSpeed=0.5 // cells/seconds standardLife=1.2 // in seconds baseRange=1.0 baseDamage=1 stunDelay=1.0 // in seconds } } fog { maxLevel=1.0 scale=5.0 octaves=3.0 speed=1.0 color=#000000 } creatures { burnDamage=1.0 // hp per second pathDelay=1.0 // seconds between path computation for a creature player { char='@' color=#FFFFFF speed=8.0 // cells per second. x2 when sprinting sprintLength=5.0 // in seconds sprintRecovery=10.0 // in seconds rangeAccommodation=5.0 // in seconds maxPathFinding=20 // cancel pathfinding if path too long healRate=2.0 // health points per second healIntensityDelay=15.0 healIntensityPattern="noise" longButtonDelay=0.3 longSpellDelay=1.0 // keyboard movement config. Only letter/number keys allowed. // Arrows, numpad, vi-keys, WASD always work moveUpKey='Z' moveDownKey='S' moveLeftKey='Q' moveRightKey='D' // quickslot shortcuts // (should correspond to main keyboard 1-0 keys) // qwerty layout quickslot1='1' quickslot2='2' quickslot3='3' quickslot4='4' quickslot5='5' quickslot6='6' quickslot7='7' quickslot8='8' quickslot9='9' quickslot10='0' // azerty layout /* quickslot1='&' quickslot2='�' quickslot3='\"' quickslot4='\'' quickslot5='(' quickslot6='-' quickslot7='�' quickslot8='_' quickslot9='�' quickslot10='�' */ } minion { char='m' color=#BBFF55 life=10 speed=6.0 // cells per second damage=2.0 // hp per second when at melee range } boss { char='Z' color=#FF8800 life=2500 speed=4.0 // cells per second secureDist=16 // try to keep squared distance to player above this value secureCoef=3.0 summonTime=10.0 // time to summon minions minionCount=10 // how many minions are summoned } } gameplay { timeScale=1.0 // time scale. Increase to increase game speed nbLevels=8 // number of levels dungeonMinSize=80 // size of dungeon at level 1 dungeonMaxSize=200 // size of dungeon at last level darknessLevel=50 // if light r+g+b < darknessLevel, creatures not seen penumbraLevel=100 // if light r+g+b < penumbraLevel, creatures seen as ? } ai_director { waveLength=30.0 // in seconds lowLevel=0.2 // no creatures below this level medLevel=0.8 medRate=20 // creatures per minute highRate=50 // creatures per minute hordeDelay=120 // horde attack every 2 minutes maxCreatures=100 spawnSourceRange=10 // spawn source covers an area of 10x10 distReplace=40 // if creature is too far from player, move it closer itemKillCount=30 // item dropped every 30 creatures } }