/* BSD 3-Clause License * * Copyright © 2008-2022, Jice and the libtcod contributors. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _TCOD_SYS_H #define _TCOD_SYS_H #include "image.h" #include "list.h" #include "mouse_types.h" #include "portability.h" typedef enum { TCOD_EVENT_NONE = 0, TCOD_EVENT_KEY_PRESS = 1, TCOD_EVENT_KEY_RELEASE = 2, TCOD_EVENT_KEY = TCOD_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | TCOD_EVENT_KEY_RELEASE, TCOD_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE = 4, TCOD_EVENT_MOUSE_PRESS = 8, TCOD_EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASE = 16, TCOD_EVENT_MOUSE = TCOD_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE | TCOD_EVENT_MOUSE_PRESS | TCOD_EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASE, /* #ifdef TCOD_TOUCH_INPUT */ TCOD_EVENT_FINGER_MOVE = 32, TCOD_EVENT_FINGER_PRESS = 64, TCOD_EVENT_FINGER_RELEASE = 128, TCOD_EVENT_FINGER = TCOD_EVENT_FINGER_MOVE | TCOD_EVENT_FINGER_PRESS | TCOD_EVENT_FINGER_RELEASE, /* #endif */ TCOD_EVENT_ANY = TCOD_EVENT_KEY | TCOD_EVENT_MOUSE | TCOD_EVENT_FINGER, } TCOD_event_t; struct SDL_Surface; typedef void (*SDL_renderer_t)(struct SDL_Surface* sdl_renderer); /* thread stuff */ typedef void* TCOD_thread_t; typedef void* TCOD_semaphore_t; typedef void* TCOD_mutex_t; typedef void* TCOD_cond_t; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif TCODLIB_API void TCOD_sys_startup(void); TCODLIB_API void TCOD_sys_shutdown(void); /* filesystem stuff */ TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API bool TCOD_sys_create_directory(const char* path); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API bool TCOD_sys_delete_file(const char* path); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API bool TCOD_sys_delete_directory(const char* path); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API bool TCOD_sys_is_directory(const char* path); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API TCOD_list_t TCOD_sys_get_directory_content(const char* path, const char* pattern); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API bool TCOD_sys_file_exists(const char* filename, ...); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API bool TCOD_sys_read_file(const char* filename, unsigned char** buf, size_t* size); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API bool TCOD_sys_write_file(const char* filename, unsigned char* buf, uint32_t size); #ifndef TCOD_NO_THREADS /* threads */ TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API TCOD_thread_t TCOD_thread_new(int (*func)(void*), void* data); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API void TCOD_thread_delete(TCOD_thread_t th); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API int TCOD_sys_get_num_cores(void); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API void TCOD_thread_wait(TCOD_thread_t th); /* mutex */ TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API TCOD_mutex_t TCOD_mutex_new(void); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API void TCOD_mutex_in(TCOD_mutex_t mut); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API void TCOD_mutex_out(TCOD_mutex_t mut); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API void TCOD_mutex_delete(TCOD_mutex_t mut); /* semaphore */ TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API TCOD_semaphore_t TCOD_semaphore_new(int initVal); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API void TCOD_semaphore_lock(TCOD_semaphore_t sem); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API void TCOD_semaphore_unlock(TCOD_semaphore_t sem); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API void TCOD_semaphore_delete(TCOD_semaphore_t sem); /* condition */ TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API TCOD_cond_t TCOD_condition_new(void); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API void TCOD_condition_signal(TCOD_cond_t sem); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API void TCOD_condition_broadcast(TCOD_cond_t sem); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API void TCOD_condition_wait(TCOD_cond_t sem, TCOD_mutex_t mut); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API void TCOD_condition_delete(TCOD_cond_t sem); #endif // TCOD_NO_THREADS #ifndef NO_SDL /* dynamic library */ typedef void* TCOD_library_t; TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API TCOD_library_t TCOD_load_library(const char* path); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API void* TCOD_get_function_address(TCOD_library_t library, const char* function_name); TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API void TCOD_close_library(TCOD_library_t); /*************************************************************************** @brief Alias for SDL_GetTicks. \rst .. deprecated:: 1.19 You should call SDL_GetTicks directly. \endrst */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use SDL_GetTicks instead.") TCODLIB_API uint32_t TCOD_sys_elapsed_milli(void); /*************************************************************************** @brief Returns the number of seconds since the start of the program. \rst .. deprecated:: 1.19 Use SDL_GetTicks and convert the result into seconds instead of using this function. \endrst */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use SDL_GetTicks instead.") TCODLIB_API float TCOD_sys_elapsed_seconds(void); /*************************************************************************** @brief Alias for SDL_Delay. \rst .. deprecated:: 1.19 You should call SDL_Delay directly. \endrst */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use SDL_Delay instead.") TCODLIB_API void TCOD_sys_sleep_milli(uint32_t val); /*************************************************************************** @brief Set the desired framerate. \rst .. deprecated:: 1.19 This function will not affect libtcod contexts. Set the framerate with :any:`tcod::Timer` instead. \endrst */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("This function is not compatible with contexts. Use tcod::Timer or SDL timing functions instead.") TCODLIB_API void TCOD_sys_set_fps(int val); /*************************************************************************** @brief Get the current framerate. \rst .. deprecated:: 1.19 This function will not work with libtcod contexts. Use :any:`tcod::Timer` instead. \endrst */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("This function is not compatible with contexts. Use tcod::Timer or SDL timing functions instead.") TCODLIB_API int TCOD_sys_get_fps(void); /*************************************************************************** @brief Get the delta time between the last two frames. \rst .. deprecated:: 1.19 This function will not work with libtcod contexts. Use :any:`tcod::Timer` instead. \endrst */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("This function is not compatible with contexts. Use tcod::Timer or SDL timing functions instead.") TCODLIB_API float TCOD_sys_get_last_frame_length(void); TCOD_DEPRECATED("This function is not compatible with contexts.") TCODLIB_API void TCOD_sys_save_screenshot(const char* filename); TCOD_DEPRECATED("This function is not compatible with contexts.") TCODLIB_API void TCOD_sys_force_fullscreen_resolution(int width, int height); TCOD_DEPRECATED("This function is not compatible with contexts.") TCODLIB_API TCOD_NODISCARD int TCOD_sys_set_renderer(TCOD_renderer_t renderer); TCOD_DEPRECATED("This function is not compatible with contexts.") TCODLIB_API TCOD_renderer_t TCOD_sys_get_renderer(void); /** Return the resolution of the current monitor. */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use SDL to determine the screen resolution instead.") TCODLIB_API TCOD_Error TCOD_sys_get_current_resolution(int* w, int* h); TCOD_DEPRECATED("This function is not compatible with contexts.") TCODLIB_API void TCOD_sys_get_fullscreen_offsets(int* offset_x, int* offset_y); TCOD_DEPRECATED("This function is not compatible with contexts.") TCODLIB_API void TCOD_sys_get_char_size(int* w, int* h); /** * Upload a tile to the active tileset. * * `asciiCode` is the Unicode codepoint for this tile. * * `font_x` and `font_y` are the tile-coordinates on the active tilemap. * * `img` is the tile to upload. * * `x` and `y` are the upper-left pixel-coordinates of the tile on the `img`. */ TCODLIB_API void TCOD_sys_update_char(int asciiCode, int font_x, int font_y, TCOD_image_t img, int x, int y); TCODLIB_API struct SDL_Window* TCOD_sys_get_SDL_window(void); TCODLIB_API struct SDL_Renderer* TCOD_sys_get_SDL_renderer(void); TCOD_DEPRECATED("This API is deprecated, use SDL_WaitEvent instead.") TCODLIB_API TCOD_event_t TCOD_sys_wait_for_event(int eventMask, TCOD_key_t* key, TCOD_mouse_t* mouse, bool flush); TCOD_DEPRECATED("This API is deprecated, use SDL_PollEvent instead.") TCODLIB_API TCOD_event_t TCOD_sys_check_for_event(int eventMask, TCOD_key_t* key, TCOD_mouse_t* mouse); /* clipboard */ TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use the SDL2 API to handle the clipboard.") TCODLIB_API bool TCOD_sys_clipboard_set(const char* value); TCOD_DEPRECATED("Use the SDL2 API to handle the clipboard.") TCODLIB_API char* TCOD_sys_clipboard_get(void); /* SDL renderer callback */ TCOD_DEPRECATED_NOMESSAGE TCODLIB_API void TCOD_sys_register_SDL_renderer(SDL_renderer_t renderer); #endif // NO_SDL #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif #endif