/* BSD 3-Clause License * * Copyright © 2008-2022, Jice and the libtcod contributors. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // clang-format off #ifndef _TCOD_IMAGE_HPP #define _TCOD_IMAGE_HPP #include "color.hpp" #include "console.hpp" #include "image.h" #include "matrix.hpp" class TCODConsole; class TCODLIB_API TCODImage { public : /** @PageName image @PageTitle Image toolkit @PageCategory Base toolkits @PageDesc This toolkit contains some image manipulation utilities. */ /// @brief Default constructs an image. This will be in a partially invalid state until assigned a real image. TCODImage() noexcept = default; /** @PageName image_create @PageTitle Creating an image @PageFather image @FuncTitle Creating an empty image @FuncDesc You can create an image of any size, filled with black with this function. @Cpp TCODImage::TCODImage(int width, int height) @C TCOD_image_t TCOD_image_new(int width, int height) @Py image_new( width, height) @C# TCODImage::TCODImage(int width, int height) @Param width,height Size of the image in pixels. @CppEx TCODImage *pix = new TCODImage(80,50); @CEx TCOD_image_t pix = TCOD_image_new(80,50); @PyEx pix = libtcod.image_new(80,50) */ TCODImage(int width, int height); /** @PageName image_create @FuncTitle Loading a .bmp or .png image @FuncDesc You can read data from a .bmp or .png file (for example to draw an image using the background color of the console cells). Note that only 24bits and 32bits PNG files are currently supported. @Cpp TCODImage::TCODImage(const char *filename) @C TCOD_image_t TCOD_image_load(const char *filename) @Py image_load(filename) @C# TCODImage::TCODImage(string filename) @Param filename Name of the .bmp or .png file to load. @CppEx TCODImage *pix = new TCODImage("mypic.bmp"); @CEx TCOD_image_t pix = TCOD_image_load("mypic.bmp"); @PyEx pix = libtcod.image_load("mypic.bmp") */ TCODImage(const char *filename); /** @PageName image_create @FuncTitle Creating an image from a console @FuncDesc You can create an image from any console (either the root console or an offscreen console). The image size will depend on the console size and the font characters size. You can then save the image to a file with the save function. @Cpp TCODImage::TCODImage(const TCODConsole *console) @C TCOD_image_t TCOD_image_from_console(TCOD_console_t console) @Py image_from_console(console) @C# TCODImage::TCODImage(TCODConsole console) @Param console The console to convert. In the C version, use NULL for the root console. @CppEx TCODImage *pix = new TCODImage(TCODConsole::root); @CEx TCOD_image_t pix = TCOD_image_from_console(NULL); @PyEx pix = libtcod.image_from_console(0) */ TCODImage(const TCODConsole *console); TCODImage(const TCODImage&) = delete; TCODImage& operator=(const TCODImage&) = delete; TCODImage(TCODImage&& rhs) noexcept { std::swap(data, rhs.data); std::swap(deleteData, rhs.deleteData); }; TCODImage& operator=(TCODImage&& rhs) noexcept { std::swap(data, rhs.data); std::swap(deleteData, rhs.deleteData); return *this; }; // clang-format on /*************************************************************************** @brief Construct a new TCODImage object from a Matrix of pixels. This constructor is provisional. @param pixels A 2D matrix of RGB pixels. */ explicit TCODImage(const tcod::Matrix<TCOD_ColorRGB, 2>& pixels) : TCODImage(pixels.get_shape().at(0), pixels.get_shape().at(1)) { for (int y = 0; y < pixels.get_shape().at(1); ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < pixels.get_shape().at(0); ++x) { putPixel(x, y, pixels[{x, y}]); } } } // clang-format off /** @PageName image_create @FuncTitle refreshing an image created from a console @FuncDesc If you need to refresh the image with the console's new content, you don't have to delete it and create another one. Instead, use this function. Note that you must use the same console that was used in the TCOD_image_from_console call (or at least a console with the same size). @Cpp void TCODImage::refreshConsole(const TCODConsole *console) @C void TCOD_image_refresh_console(TCOD_image_t image, TCOD_console_t console) @Py image_refresh_console(image, console) @C# void TCODImage::refreshConsole(TCODConsole console) @Param image In the C version, the image created with TCOD_image_from_console. @Param console The console to capture. In the C version, use NULL for the root console. @CppEx TCODImage *pix = new TCODImage(TCODConsole::root); // create an image from the root console // ... modify the console pix->refreshConsole(TCODConsole::root); // update the image with the console's new content @CEx TCOD_image_t pix = TCOD_image_from_console(NULL); // ... modify the console .. TCOD_image_refresh_console(pix,NULL); @PyEx pix = libtcod.image_from_console(0) # ... modify the console .. libtcod.image_refresh_console(pix,0) */ void refreshConsole(const TCODConsole *console); /** @PageName image_read @PageTitle Reading data from a TCODImage @PageFather image @FuncTitle Getting the size of an image @FuncDesc You can read the size of an image in pixels with this function. @Cpp void TCODImage::getSize(int *w,int *h) const @C void TCOD_image_get_size(TCOD_image_t image, int *w,int *h) @Py image_get_size(image) # returns w,h @C# void TCODImage::getSize(out int w, out int h) @Param image In the C version, the image handler, obtained with the load function. @Param w,h When the function returns, those variables contain the size of the image. @CppEx TCODImage *pix = new TCODImage(80,50); int w,h; pix->getSize(&w,&h); // w = 80, h = 50 @CEx TCOD_image_t pix = TCOD_image_new(80,50); int w,h; TCOD_image_get_size(pix,&w,&h); // w = 80, h = 50 @PyEx pix = libtcod.image_new(80,50) w,h=libtcod.image_get_size(pix) # w = 80, h = 50 */ void getSize(int *w,int *h) const; /** @PageName image_read @FuncTitle Getting the color of a pixel @FuncDesc You can read the colors from an image with this function. @Cpp TCODColor TCODImage::getPixel(int x, int y) const @C TCOD_color_t TCOD_image_get_pixel(TCOD_image_t image,int x, int y) @Py image_get_pixel(image, x, y) @C# TCODColor TCODImage::getPixel(int x, int y) @Param image In the C and Python version, the image handler, obtained with the load function. @Param x,y The pixel coordinates inside the image. 0 <= x < width 0 <= y < height @CppEx TCODImage *pix = new TCODImage(80,50); TCODColor col=pix->getPixel(40,25); @CEx TCOD_image_t pix = TCOD_image_new(80,50); TCOD_color_t col=TCOD_image_get_pixel(pix,40,25); @PyEx pix = libtcod.image_new(80,50) col=libtcod.image_get_pixel(pix,40,25) */ TCODColor getPixel(int x, int y) const; /** @PageName image_read @FuncTitle Getting the alpha value of a pixel @FuncDesc If you have set a key color for this image with setKeyColor, or if this image was created from a 32 bits PNG file (with alpha layer), you can get the pixel transparency with this function. This function returns a value between 0 (transparent pixel) and 255 (opaque pixel). @Cpp int TCODImage::getAlpha(int x, int y) const @C int TCOD_image_get_alpha(TCOD_image_t image, int x, int y) @Py image_get_alpha(image, x, y) @C# int TCODImage::getAlpha(int x, int y) @Param image In the C and Python version, the image handler, obtained with the load function. @Param x,y The pixel coordinates inside the image. 0 <= x < width 0 <= y < height */ int getAlpha(int x,int y) const; /** @PageName image_read @FuncTitle Checking if a pixel is transparent @FuncDesc You can use this simpler version (for images with alpha layer, returns true only if alpha == 0) : @Cpp bool TCODImage::isPixelTransparent(int x,int y) const @C bool TCOD_image_is_pixel_transparent(TCOD_image_t image,int x, int y) @Py image_is_pixel_transparent(image, x, y) @C# bool TCODImage::isPixelTransparent(int x,int y) @Param image In the C and Python version, the image handler, obtained with the load function. @Param x,y The pixel coordinates inside the image. 0 <= x < width 0 <= y < height */ bool isPixelTransparent(int x, int y) const; /** @PageName image_read @FuncTitle Getting the average color of a part of the image @FuncDesc This method uses mipmaps to get the average color of an arbitrary rectangular region of the image. It can be used to draw a scaled-down version of the image. It's used by libtcod's blitting functions. @Cpp TCODColor TCODImage::getMipmapPixel(float x0,float y0, float x1, float y1) @C TCOD_color_t TCOD_image_get_mipmap_pixel(TCOD_image_t image,float x0,float y0, float x1, float y1) @Py image_get_mipmap_pixel(image,x0,y0, x1, y1) @C# TCODColor TCODImage::getMipmapPixel(float x0,float y0, float x1, float y1) @Param image In the C version, the image handler, obtained with the load function. @Param x0,y0 Coordinates in pixels of the upper-left corner of the region. 0.0 <= x0 < x1 0.0 <= y0 < y1 @Param x1,y1 Coordinates in pixels of the lower-right corner of the region. x0 < x1 < width y0 < y1 < height @CppEx // Get the average color of a 5x5 "superpixel" in the center of the image. TCODImage *pix = new TCODImage(80,50); TCODColor col=pix->getMipMapPixel(37.5f, 22.5f, 42.5f, 28.5f); @CEx TCOD_image_t pix = TCOD_image_new(80,50); TCOD_color_t col=TCOD_image_get_mipmap_pixel(pix,37.5f, 22.5f, 42.5f, 28.5f); @PyEx pix = libtcod.image_new(80,50) col=libtcod.image_get_mipmap_pixel(pix,37.5, 22.5, 42.5, 28.5) */ TCODColor getMipmapPixel(float x0,float y0, float x1, float y1); /** @PageName image_update @PageTitle Updating an image @PageFather image @FuncTitle Filling an image with a color @FuncDesc You can fill the whole image with a color with : @Cpp void TCODImage::clear(const TCODColor color) @C void TCOD_image_clear(TCOD_image_t image, TCOD_color_t color) @Py image_clear(image,color) @C# void TCODImage::clear(TCODColor color) @Param image In the C and Python version, the image to fill. @Param color The color to use. */ void clear(const TCODColor col); /** @PageName image_update @FuncTitle Changing the color of a pixel @Cpp TCODColor TCODImage::putPixel(int x, int y, const TCODColor col) @C void TCOD_image_put_pixel(TCOD_image_t image,int x, int y,TCOD_color_t col) @Py image_put_pixel(image,x, y,col) @C# TCODColor TCODImage::putPixel(int x, int y, TCODColor col) @Param image In the C version, the image handler, obtained with the load function. @Param x,y The pixel coordinates inside the image. 0 <= x < width 0 <= y < height @Param col The new color of the pixel. */ void putPixel(int x, int y, const TCODColor col); /** @PageName image_update @FuncTitle Scaling an image @FuncDesc You can resize an image and scale its content. If new_w < old_w or new_h < old_h, supersampling is used to scale down the image. Else the image is scaled up using nearest neighbor. @Cpp void TCODImage::scale(int new_w, int new_h) @C void TCOD_image_scale(TCOD_image_t image,int new_w, int new_h) @Py image_scale(image, new_w,new_h) @C# void TCODImage::scale(int new_w, int new_h) @Param image In the C and Python version, the image handler, obtained with the load function. @Param new_w,new_h The new size of the image. */ void scale(int new_w, int new_h); /** @PageName image_update @FuncTitle Flipping the image horizontally @Cpp void TCODImage::hflip() @C void TCOD_image_hflip(TCOD_image_t image) @Py image_hflip(image) @C# void TCODImage::hflip() @Param image In the C and Python version, the image handler, obtained with the load function. */ void hflip(); /** @PageName image_update @FuncTitle Flipping the image vertically @Cpp void TCODImage::vflip() @C void TCOD_image_vflip(TCOD_image_t image) @Py image_vflip(image) @C# void TCODImage::vflip() @Param image In the C and Python version, the image handler, obtained with the load function. */ void vflip(); /** @PageName image_update @FuncTitle Rotating the image clockwise @FuncDesc Rotate the image clockwise by increment of 90 degrees. @Cpp void TCODImage::rotate90(int numRotations=1) @C void TCOD_image_rotate90(TCOD_image_t image, int numRotations) @Py image_rotate90(image, num=1) @C# void TCODImage::rotate90(int numRotations) @Param image In the C and Python version, the image handler, obtained with the load function. @Param numRotations Number of 90 degrees rotations. Should be between 1 and 3. */ void rotate90(int numRotations=1); /** @PageName image_update @FuncTitle Inverting the colors of the image @Cpp void TCODImage::invert() @C void TCOD_image_invert(TCOD_image_t image) @Py image_invert(image) @C# void TCODImage::invert() @Param image In the C and Python version, the image handler, obtained with the load function. */ void invert(); /** @PageName image_save @PageFather image @PageTitle Saving an image to a bmp or png file. @PageDesc You can save an image to a 24 bits .bmp or .png file. @Cpp void TCODImage::save(const char *filename) @C void TCOD_image_save(TCOD_image_t image, const char *filename) @Py image_save(image, filename) @C# void TCODImage::save(string filename) @Param image In the C version, the image handler, obtained with any image creation function. @Param filename Name of the .bmp or .png file. @CppEx TCODImage *pix = new TCODImage(10,10); pix->save("mypic.bmp"); @CEx TCOD_image_t pix = TCOD_image_from_console(my_offscreen_console); TCOD_image_save(pix,"mypic.bmp"); @PyEx pix = libtcod.image_from_console(my_offscreen_console) libtcod.image_save(pix,"mypic.bmp") */ void save(const char *filename) const; /** @PageName image_blit @PageFather image @PageTitle Blitting an image on a console @FuncTitle Standard blitting @FuncDesc This function blits a rectangular part of the image on a console without scaling it or rotating it. Each pixel of the image fills a console cell. @Cpp void TCODImage::blitRect(TCODConsole *console, int x, int y, int w=-1, int h=-1, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t bkgnd_flag = TCOD_BKGND_SET ) const @C void TCOD_image_blit_rect(TCOD_image_t image, TCOD_console_t console, int x, int y, int w, int h, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t bkgnd_flag) @Py image_blit_rect(image, console, x, y, w, h, bkgnd_flag) @C# void TCODImage::blitRect(TCODConsole console, int x, int y) void TCODImage::blitRect(TCODConsole console, int x, int y, int w) void TCODImage::blitRect(TCODConsole console, int x, int y, int w, int h) void TCODImage::blitRect(TCODConsole console, int x, int y, int w, int h, TCODBackgroundFlag bkgnd_flag) @Param image In the C version, the image handler, obtained with the load function. @Param console The console on which the image will be drawn. In the C version, use NULL for the root console. @Param x,y Coordinates in the console of the upper-left corner of the image. @Param w,h Dimension of the image on the console. Use -1,-1 to use the image size. @Param flag This flag defines how the cell's background color is modified. See TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t. */ void blitRect(TCODConsole *console, int x, int y, int w=-1, int h=-1, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t bkgnd_flag = TCOD_BKGND_SET ) const; void blitRect(TCOD_Console &console, int x, int y, int w=-1, int h=-1, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t bkgnd_flag = TCOD_BKGND_SET ) const { TCOD_image_blit_rect(data, &console, x, y, w, h, bkgnd_flag); } /** @PageName image_blit @FuncTitle Blitting with scaling and/or rotation @FuncDesc This function allows you to specify the floating point coordinates of the center of the image, its scale and its rotation angle. @Cpp void TCODImage::blit(TCODConsole *console, float x, float y, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t bkgnd_flag = TCOD_BKGND_SET, float scale_x=1.0f, float scale_y=1.0f, float angle=0.0f) const @C void TCOD_image_blit(TCOD_image_t image, TCOD_console_t console, int x, int y, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t bkgnd_flag, float scale_x, float scale_y, float angle) @Py image_blit(image, console, x, y, bkgnd_flag, scale_x, scale_y, angle) @C# void TCODImage::blit(TCODConsole console, float x, float y) void TCODImage::blit(TCODConsole console, float x, float y, TCODBackgroundFlag bkgnd_flag) void TCODImage::blit(TCODConsole console, float x, float y, TCODBackgroundFlag bkgnd_flag, float scale_x) void TCODImage::blit(TCODConsole console, float x, float y, TCODBackgroundFlag bkgnd_flag, float scale_x, float scale_y) void TCODImage::blit(TCODConsole console, float x, float y, TCODBackgroundFlag bkgnd_flag, float scale_x, float scale_y, float angle) @Param image In the C version, the image handler, obtained with the load function. @Param console The console on which the image will be drawn. In the C version, use NULL for the root console. @Param x,y Coordinates in the console of the center of the image. @Param flag This flag defines how the cell's background color is modified. See TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t. @Param scale_x,scale_y Scale coefficient. Must be > 0.0. @Param angle Rotation angle in radians. */ void blit(TCODConsole *console, float x, float y, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t bkgnd_flag = TCOD_BKGND_SET, float scale_x=1.0f, float scale_y=1.0f, float angle=0.0f) const; void blit(TCOD_Console& console, float x, float y, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t bkgnd_flag = TCOD_BKGND_SET, float scale_x=1.0f, float scale_y=1.0f, float angle=0.0f) const { TCOD_image_blit(data, &console, x, y, bkgnd_flag, scale_x, scale_y, angle); } /** @PageName image_blit @FuncTitle Blitting with a mask @FuncDesc When blitting an image, you can define a key color that will be ignored by the blitting function. This makes it possible to blit non rectangular images or images with transparent pixels. @Cpp void TCODImage::setKeyColor(const TCODColor keyColor) @C void TCOD_image_set_key_color(TCOD_image_t image, TCOD_color_t keyColor) @Py image_set_key_color(image, keyColor) @C# void TCODImage::setKeyColor(TCODColor keyColor) @Param image In the C and Python version, the image handler, obtained with the load function. @Param color Pixels with this color will be skipped by blitting functions. @CppEx TCODImage *pix = TCODImage("mypix.bmp"); pix->setKeyColor(TCODColor::red); // blitting the image, omitting red pixels pix->blitRect(TCODConsole::root,40,25); @CEx TCOD_image_t pix = TCOD_image_new(10,10); TCOD_image_set_key_color(pix,TCOD_red); TCOD_image_blit_rect(pix,NULL,40,25,5,5,TCOD_BKGND_SET); @PyEx pix = libtcod.image_new(10,10) libtcod.image_set_key_color(pix,libtcod.red) libtcod.image_blit_rect(pix,0,40,25,5,5,libtcod.BKGND_SET) */ void setKeyColor(const TCODColor keyColor); /** @PageName image_blit @FuncTitle Blitting with subcell resolution @FuncDesc Eventually, you can use some special characters in the libtcod fonts : <img src="subcell.png"> to double the console resolution using this blitting function. <table><tr><td> Comparison before/after subcell resolution in TCOD :<br /> <img src="subcell_comp.png"></td><td> Pyromancer ! screenshot, making full usage of subcell resolution :<br /> <img src="subcell_pyro.png"></td></tr></table> @Cpp void TCODImage::blit2x(TCODConsole *dest, int dx, int dy, int sx=0, int sy=0, int w=-1, int h=-1 ) const; @C void TCOD_image_blit_2x(TCOD_image_t image, TCOD_console_t dest, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int w, int h); @Py image_blit_2x(image, dest, dx, dy, sx=0, sy=0, w=-1, h=-1) @C# void TCODImage::blit2x(TCODConsole dest, int dx, int dy); void TCODImage::blit2x(TCODConsole dest, int dx, int dy, int sx); void TCODImage::blit2x(TCODConsole dest, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy); void TCODImage::blit2x(TCODConsole dest, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int w); void TCODImage::blit2x(TCODConsole dest, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int w, int h); @Param image In the C and Python version, the image handler, obtained with the load function. @Param dest The console of which the image will be blitted. Foreground, background and character data will be overwritten. @Param dx,dy Coordinate of the console cell where the upper left corner of the blitted image will be. @Param sx,sy,w,h Part of the image to blit. Use -1 in w and h to blit the whole image. */ void blit2x(TCODConsole *dest, int dx, int dy, int sx=0, int sy=0, int w=-1, int h=-1) const; [[deprecated("This call is replaced by tcod::draw_quartergraphics.")]] void blit2x(TCOD_Console& dest, int dx, int dy, int sx=0, int sy=0, int w=-1, int h=-1) const { TCOD_image_blit_2x(data, &dest, dx, dy, sx, sy, w, h); } /** Return the pointer to this objects TCOD_Image data. \rst .. versionadded:: 1.17 \endrst */ TCOD_Image* get_data() noexcept { return data; } /** Return the const pointer to this objects TCOD_Image data. \rst .. versionadded:: 1.17 \endrst */ const TCOD_Image* get_data() const noexcept { return data; } TCODImage(TCOD_image_t img) : data(img), deleteData(false) {} virtual ~TCODImage(); /*************************************************************************** @brief Allow implicit conversions to TCOD_Image&. \rst .. versionadded:: 1.19 \endrst */ [[nodiscard]] operator TCOD_Image&() { return *data; } /*************************************************************************** @brief Allow implicit conversions to const TCOD_Image&. \rst .. versionadded:: 1.19 \endrst */ [[nodiscard]] operator const TCOD_Image&() const { return *data; } protected : friend class TCODLIB_API TCODSystem; friend class TCODLIB_API TCODZip; struct TCOD_Image *data{nullptr}; bool deleteData{false}; }; // clang-format on namespace tcod { /*************************************************************************** @brief Draw a double resolution image on a console using quadrant character glyphs. @param dest The console to draw to. @param source The source image which will be rendered. @param dest_xy The upper-left position to where the source will be drawn. @param source_rect The `{left, top, width, height}` region of the source image to draw. A width or height of -1 will use the full size of the image. @code{.cpp} auto console = tcod::Console{80, 50}; TCODImage* image = new TCODImage(console.get_width() * 2, console.get_height() * 2); tcod::draw_quartergraphics(console, image); @endcode \rst .. versionadded:: 1.19 \endrst */ inline void draw_quartergraphics( TCOD_Console& dest, const TCOD_Image& source, const std::array<int, 2>& dest_xy = {0, 0}, const std::array<int, 4>& src_rect = {0, 0, -1, -1}) { TCOD_image_blit_2x( &source, &dest, dest_xy.at(0), dest_xy.at(1), src_rect.at(0), src_rect.at(1), src_rect.at(2), src_rect.at(3)); } } // namespace tcod #endif /* _TCOD_IMAGE_HPP */