
125 lines
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#include "Animation.h"
Animation::Animation(float _d, std::function<void()> _cb, bool _l)
:duration(_d), callback(_cb), loop(_l), elapsed(0.0f) {}
// linear interpolation constructor
template<typename T>
LerpAnimation<T>::LerpAnimation(float _d, T _ev, T _sv, std::function<void()> _cb, std::function<void(T)> _w, bool _l)
:Animation(_d, _cb, _l), //duration(_d), target(_t), callback(_cb), loop(_l),elapsed(0.0f),
startvalue(_sv), endvalue(_ev), write(_w) {}
// discrete values constructor
template<typename T>
DiscreteAnimation<T>::DiscreteAnimation(float _d, std::vector<T> _v, std::function<void()> _cb, std::function<void(T)> _w, bool _l)
:Animation(_d, _cb, _l), //duration(_d), target(_t), callback(_cb), loop(_l), elapsed(0.0f),
index(0), nonelapsed(0.0f), values(_v), write(_w) {
timestep = _d / _v.size();
/* // don't call virtual functions (like cancel()) from base class destructor
* // child classes destructors' are called first anyway
Animation::~Animation() {
// deconstructor sets target to desired end state (no partial values)
void LerpAnimation<std::string>::lerp() {
//*(std::string*)target = ;
write(endvalue.substr(0, endvalue.length() * (elapsed / duration)));
void LerpAnimation<int>::lerp() {
int delta = endvalue - startvalue;
//*(int*)target = ;
write(startvalue + (elapsed / duration * delta));
void LerpAnimation<float>::lerp() {
int delta = endvalue - startvalue;
//*(float*)target = ;
write(startvalue + (elapsed / duration * delta));
void LerpAnimation<sf::Vector2f>::lerp() {
//std::cout << "sf::Vector2f implementation of lerp." << std::endl;
int delta_x = endvalue.x - startvalue.x;
int delta_y = endvalue.y - startvalue.y;
//std::cout << "Start: " << startvalue.x << ", " << startvalue.y << "; End: " << endvalue.x << ", " << endvalue.y << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Delta: " << delta_x << ", " << delta_y << std::endl;
//((sf::Vector2f*)target)->x = startvalue.x + (elapsed / duration * delta_x);
//((sf::Vector2f*)target)->y = startvalue.y + (elapsed / duration * delta_y);
write(sf::Vector2f(startvalue.x + (elapsed / duration * delta_x),
startvalue.y + (elapsed / duration * delta_y)));
void LerpAnimation<sf::Vector2i>::lerp() {
int delta_x = endvalue.x - startvalue.y;
int delta_y = endvalue.y - startvalue.y;
//((sf::Vector2i*)target)->x = startvalue.x + (elapsed / duration * delta_x);
//((sf::Vector2i*)target)->y = startvalue.y + (elapsed / duration * delta_y);
write(sf::Vector2i(startvalue.x + (elapsed / duration * delta_x),
startvalue.y + (elapsed / duration * delta_y)));
template<typename T>
void LerpAnimation<T>::step(float delta) {
if (complete) return;
elapsed += delta;
//std::cout << "LerpAnimation step function. Elapsed: " << elapsed <<std::endl;
if (isDone()) { callback(); complete = true; cancel(); }; //use the exact value, not my math
template<typename T>
void DiscreteAnimation<T>::step(float delta)
if (complete) return;
nonelapsed += delta;
//std::cout << "Nonelapsed: " << nonelapsed << " elapsed (pre-add): " << elapsed << " timestep: " << timestep << " duration: " << duration << " index: " << index << std::endl;
if (nonelapsed < timestep) return;
//std::cout << "values size: " << values.size() << " isDone(): " << isDone() << std::endl;
if (elapsed > duration && !complete) {callback(); complete = true; return; }
elapsed += nonelapsed; // or should it be += timestep?
if (index == values.size() - 1) return;
nonelapsed = 0; // or should it -= timestep?
//*(T*)target = values[index];
template<typename T>
void LerpAnimation<T>::cancel() {
//*(T*)target = endvalue;
template<typename T>
void DiscreteAnimation<T>::cancel() {
//*(T*)target = values[values.size() - 1];
write(values[values.size() - 1]);
bool Animation::isDone() {
return elapsed + Animation::EPSILON >= duration;
namespace animation_template_implementations {
// instantiate to compile concrete templates
//LerpAnimation<sf::Vector2f> implement_vector2f;
auto implement_v2f_const = LerpAnimation<sf::Vector2<float>>(4.0, sf::Vector2<float>(), sf::Vector2f(1,1), [](){}, [](sf::Vector2f v){}, false);
auto implement_disc_i = DiscreteAnimation<int>(3.0, std::vector<int>{0},[](){},[](int){},false);
//LerpAnimation<sf::Vector2i> implement_vector2i;
//LerpAnimation<int> implment_int;
//LerpAnimation<std::string> implment_string;
//LerpAnimation<float> implement_float;
//DiscreteAnimation<int> implement_int_discrete;