title: {{TITLE}} slug: {{SLUG}} category: {{CATEGORY}} startdate: {{EARLIESTDATE}} date: {{TODAY}} modified: {{TODAY}} ![alt text](images/article{{ARTICLENUM}}_image01_header.{{EXT}}) # TITLE asdf. etaoin shrdlu. LOREM IPSUM %%% ![alt text](/images/{{IMG_FN}}) original file name: {{IMG_ORIG_FN}} file date: {{IMG_FILE_DATE}} image date: {{IMG_META_DATE}} %%% ## Challenges and Setbacks asdf. etaoin shrdlu. LOREM IPSUM ## Favorite Part asdf. etaoin shrdlu. LOREM IPSUM ## What I Learned asdf. etaoin shrdlu. LOREM IPSUM ## Any Future Potential? asdf. etaoin shrdlu. LOREM IPSUM **This article is a *backblog*, in which I use a template generation script to turn folders of /images into a quick and dirty showcase of something I spent my time on.**