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import Decimal from 'break_infinity.js'
import Vue from 'vue'
export const state = () => ({
tabs: [
route: '/',
label: 'fas fa-clock',
title: 'Timekeeping Instruments',
darkColor: 'amber-900',
color: 'amber-400',
lightColor: 'amber-200',
locked: false,
route: '/apprentices',
label: 'fas fa-user-friends',
title: 'Apprentices',
darkColor: 'rose-900',
color: 'rose-400',
lightColor: 'rose-200',
locked: false,
route: '/missions',
label: 'fas fa-th-list',
title: 'Missions',
darkColor: 'sky-900',
color: 'sky-400',
lightColor: 'sky-200',
locked: false,
route: '/timemachine',
label: 'fas fa-fast-forward',
title: 'Time Machine',
darkColor: 'lime-900',
color: 'lime-400',
lightColor: 'lime-200',
locked: false,
route: '/timemagic',
label: 'fas fa-eye',
title: 'Time Magic',
darkColor: 'violet-900',
color: 'violet-400',
lightColor: 'violet-200',
locked: false,
route: '/wisdom',
label: 'fas fa-book-open',
title: 'Wisdom',
darkColor: 'teal-900',
color: 'teal-400',
lightColor: 'teal-100',
locked: false,
currency: new Decimal(0),
currencyTotal: new Decimal(0),
processes: [
instrument: 'Mechanical Clock',
worker: 'Engineer',
cost: 10,
created: false,
completion: 0, // how close it is to giving currency. 10 gained per second.
completionRequired: 10, // should be divisible by 10
baseReward: 5, // currency added when the bar is completed
workerLevel: 0, // 0 = not hired; 1+ = hired
nextWorkerCost: 25, // currency cost of next worker
nextWorkerFactor: 1.5, // worker cost *= this factor after each purchase
unlockThreshold: { tech: null, currency: 0 },
instrument: 'Hourglass',
worker: 'Glassblower',
cost: 100,
created: false,
completion: 0,
completionRequired: 20,
baseReward: 35,
workerLevel: 0,
nextWorkerCost: 200,
nextWorkerFactor: 1.6,
unlockThreshold: { tech: null, currency: 10000 },
instrument: 'Pocket Watch',
worker: 'Miniaturist',
cost: 1000,
created: false,
completion: 0,
completionRequired: 30,
baseReward: 80,
workerLevel: 0,
nextWorkerCost: 2000,
nextWorkerFactor: 1.8,
unlockThreshold: { tech: 0, currency: new Decimal(10e5) },
upgrades: [
name: 'Mathematics',
price: 100,
purchased: false,
missions: [
name: 'Create the Time Machine',
description: 'Soon you will be able to control time itself.',
completionCriteria: {
cost: 6000,
available: true,
viewed: false,
complete: false,
name: 'Time To Cheat Death',
'Your body seems to be failing you. ' +
'Write a book to pass your knowedge to your younger self through the time machine. ' +
"Now where's your pen...",
appearanceCriteria: {
age: 100,
completionCriteria: {
maxAge: true,
available: true,
viewed: false,
complete: false,
gameDate: 1991 * 12,
playerAge: 34 * 12,
playerAgeMax: 80 * 12,
playerLivedTotal: 0,
wisdomGained: 0, // wisdom gained so far on this run, not applied until player sends the book.
wisdomApplied: 0, // wisdom from previous runs
totalLifetimes: 1,
export const getters = {
activeTab(state) {
return state.tabs.find(
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
(tab) => tab.route === $nuxt.$route.path
canTimeTravel: (state) => {
if (state.playerAge.year < state.playerAgeMax.year) return true
if (state.playerAge.year > state.playerAgeMax.year) return false
return state.playerAge.month < state.playerAgeMax.month
gameMonth: (state) => {
return {
1: 'Jan.',
2: 'Feb.',
3: 'Mar.',
4: 'Apr.',
5: 'May.',
6: 'Jun.',
7: 'Jul.',
8: 'Aug.',
9: 'Sep.',
10: 'Oct.',
11: 'Nov.',
12: 'Dec.',
}[(state.gameDate % 12) + 1]
gameYear: (state) => {
return Math.floor(state.gameDate / 12)
currencySpent: (state) => {
return Decimal.subtract(state.currencyTotal, state.currency)
ageText: (state) => {
const year = Math.floor(state.playerAge / 12)
const month = state.playerAge % 12
return `${year}y${month}m`
ageMaxText: (state) => {
const year = Math.floor(state.playerAgeMax / 12)
const month = state.playerAgeMax % 12
return `${year}y${month}m`
export const mutations = {
addCurrency: (state, value) => {
state.currency = Decimal.add(state.currency, value)
state.currencyTotal = Decimal.add(state.currencyTotal, value)
spendCurrency: (state, value) => {
value = Decimal.mul(value, -1)
state.currency = Decimal.add(state.currency, value)
createInstrument: (state, instrument) => {
const index = state.processes.findIndex((p) => p.instrument === instrument)
Vue.set(state.processes[index], 'created', true)
setProcessCompletion: (state, { index, value }) => {
Vue.set(state.processes[index], 'completion', value)
setMissionAvailable: (state, missionIndex) => {
Vue.set(state.missions[missionIndex], 'available', true)
setMissionViewed: (state, missionIndex) => {
Vue.set(state.missions[missionIndex], 'viewed', true)
completeMission: (state, mission) => {
const index = state.missions.findIndex((m) => ===
Vue.set(state.missions[index], 'complete', true)
levelUpApprentice: (state, process) => {
if (process.nextWorkerCost > state.currency) {
const index = state.processes.findIndex((p) => p.worker === process.worker)
state.currency = Decimal.subtract(state.currency, process.nextWorkerCost)
Vue.set(state.processes[index], 'workerLevel', process.workerLevel + 1)
Math.floor(process.nextWorkerCost * process.nextWorkerFactor)
tickGameDate: (state) => {
state.gameDate += 1
state.playerAge += 1
if (!(state.playerAge % 12)) state.wisdomGained++
travelGameDate: (state, month) => {
state.gameDate = month