Squashed commit of the following: [standardize_color_handling]
closes #11 Check the abandoned feature branch for PyLinkedColor, a time-expensive but now abandoned feature to link a color value to a UIDrawable. There are some TODOs left in the PyColor class, but that can go under cleanup. I'm way over time on this, so I'm taking a small victory :) commit572aa52605
Author: John McCardle <mccardle.john@gmail.com> Date: Sat Mar 30 21:18:26 2024 -0400 More color table updates commit01706bd59d
Author: John McCardle <mccardle.john@gmail.com> Date: Sat Mar 30 21:13:31 2024 -0400 Color wrapup... Cutting PyLinkedColor to simplify my cursedly mortal, finite existence commit3991ac13d6
Author: John McCardle <mccardle.john@gmail.com> Date: Thu Mar 28 23:50:50 2024 -0400 Still having segfaults with LinkedColor and captions (specifically outline color, but that might not be the actual cause). PyColor shaping back up in simplified form. commit06e24a1b27
Author: John McCardle <mccardle.john@gmail.com> Date: Thu Mar 28 20:53:49 2024 -0400 LinkedColor now reflecting changes to the linked color value. Needs set method + RGBA / color properties commit41509dfe96
Author: John McCardle <mccardle.john@gmail.com> Date: Wed Mar 27 21:10:03 2024 -0400 Addressing issues with PyColor by splitting behavior off into PyLinkedColor commit13a4ddf41b
Author: John McCardle <mccardle.john@gmail.com> Date: Tue Mar 26 23:02:00 2024 -0400 Build runs again. PyColor objects are being instantiated, with bugs and no test of color changing commit1601fc7fab
Author: John McCardle <mccardle.john@gmail.com> Date: Mon Mar 25 20:48:08 2024 -0400 Still doesn't compile, but now the issue is in UI.h overcoupling. Progress! commit13672c8fdb
Author: John McCardle <mccardle.john@gmail.com> Date: Sun Mar 24 21:19:37 2024 -0400 Dabbling around this morning; still not building commit79090b553f
Author: John McCardle <mccardle.john@gmail.com> Date: Sun Mar 24 08:36:06 2024 -0400 Unsaved changes from last night commit2cac6f03c6
Author: John McCardle <mccardle.john@gmail.com> Date: Sat Mar 23 23:07:10 2024 -0400 untested PyColor base implementation commit3728e5fcc8
Author: John McCardle <mccardle.john@gmail.com> Date: Sat Mar 23 23:06:36 2024 -0400 Color naming prototype
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
aqua #00FFFF
black #000000
blue #0000FF
fuchsia #FF00FF
gray #808080
green #008000
lime #00FF00
maroon #800000
navy #000080
olive #808000
purple #800080
red #FF0000
silver #C0C0C0
teal #008080
white #FFFFFF
yellow #FFFF00
aliceblue #F0F8FF
antiquewhite #FAEBD7
aqua #00FFFF
aquamarine #7FFFD4
azure #F0FFFF
beige #F5F5DC
bisque #FFE4C4
black #000000
blanchedalmond #FFEBCD
blue #0000FF
blueviolet #8A2BE2
brown #A52A2A
burlywood #DEB887
cadetblue #5F9EA0
chartreuse #7FFF00
chocolate #D2691E
coral #FF7F50
cornflowerblue #6495ED
cornsilk #FFF8DC
crimson #DC143C
cyan #00FFFF
darkblue #00008B
darkcyan #008B8B
darkgoldenrod #B8860B
darkgray #A9A9A9
darkgreen #006400
darkkhaki #BDB76B
darkmagenta #8B008B
darkolivegreen #556B2F
darkorange #FF8C00
darkorchid #9932CC
darkred #8B0000
darksalmon #E9967A
darkseagreen #8FBC8F
darkslateblue #483D8B
darkslategray #2F4F4F
darkturquoise #00CED1
darkviolet #9400D3
deeppink #FF1493
deepskyblue #00BFFF
dimgray #696969
dodgerblue #1E90FF
firebrick #B22222
floralwhite #FFFAF0
forestgreen #228B22
fuchsia #FF00FF
gainsboro #DCDCDC
ghostwhite #F8F8FF
gold #FFD700
goldenrod #DAA520
gray #7F7F7F
green #008000
greenyellow #ADFF2F
honeydew #F0FFF0
hotpink #FF69B4
indianred #CD5C5C
indigo #4B0082
ivory #FFFFF0
khaki #F0E68C
lavender #E6E6FA
lavenderblush #FFF0F5
lawngreen #7CFC00
lemonchiffon #FFFACD
lightblue #ADD8E6
lightcoral #F08080
lightcyan #E0FFFF
lightgoldenrodyellow #FAFAD2
lightgreen #90EE90
lightgrey #D3D3D3
lightpink #FFB6C1
lightsalmon #FFA07A
lightseagreen #20B2AA
lightskyblue #87CEFA
lightslategray #778899
lightsteelblue #B0C4DE
lightyellow #FFFFE0
lime #00FF00
limegreen #32CD32
linen #FAF0E6
magenta #FF00FF
maroon #800000
mediumaquamarine #66CDAA
mediumblue #0000CD
mediumorchid #BA55D3
mediumpurple #9370DB
mediumseagreen #3CB371
mediumslateblue #7B68EE
mediumspringgreen #00FA9A
mediumturquoise #48D1CC
mediumvioletred #C71585
midnightblue #191970
mintcream #F5FFFA
mistyrose #FFE4E1
moccasin #FFE4B5
navajowhite #FFDEAD
navy #000080
navyblue #9FAFDF
oldlace #FDF5E6
olive #808000
olivedrab #6B8E23
orange #FFA500
orangered #FF4500
orchid #DA70D6
palegoldenrod #EEE8AA
palegreen #98FB98
paleturquoise #AFEEEE
palevioletred #DB7093
papayawhip #FFEFD5
peachpuff #FFDAB9
peru #CD853F
pink #FFC0CB
plum #DDA0DD
powderblue #B0E0E6
purple #800080
red #FF0000
rosybrown #BC8F8F
royalblue #4169E1
saddlebrown #8B4513
salmon #FA8072
sandybrown #FA8072
seagreen #2E8B57
seashell #FFF5EE
sienna #A0522D
silver #C0C0C0
skyblue #87CEEB
slateblue #6A5ACD
slategray #708090
snow #FFFAFA
springgreen #00FF7F
steelblue #4682B4
tan #D2B48C
teal #008080
thistle #D8BFD8
tomato #FF6347
turquoise #40E0D0
violet #EE82EE
wheat #F5DEB3
white #FFFFFF
whitesmoke #F5F5F5
yellow #FFFF00
yellowgreen #9ACD32
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
# data sources: CSS docs, jennyscrayoncollection 2017 article on Crayola colors, XKCD color survey
# target: Single C++ header file to provide a struct of color RGB codes and names.
# This file pre-computes the nearest neighbor of every color.
# if an RGB code being searched for is closer than the nearest neighbor, it's the closest color name.
def hex_to_rgb(txt):
if '#' in txt: txt = txt.replace('#', '')
r = txt[0:2]
g = txt[2:4]
b = txt[4:6]
return tuple([int(s, 16) for s in (r,g,b)])
class palette:
def __init__(self, name, filename, priority):
self.name = name
self.priority = priority
with open(filename, "r") as f:
print(f"scanning {filename}")
self.colors = {}
for line in f.read().split('\n'):
if len(line.split('\t')) < 2: continue
name, code = line.split('\t')
#print(name, code)
self.colors[name] = hex_to_rgb(code)
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Palette '{self.name}' - {len(self.colors)} colors, priority = {self.priority}>"
palettes = [
#palette("jenny", "jenny_colors.txt", 3), # I should probably use wikipedia as a source for copyright reasons
palette("crayon", "wikicrayons_colors.txt", 2),
palette("xkcd", "xkcd_colors.txt", 1),
palette("css", "css_colors.txt", 0),
#palette("matplotlib", "matplotlib_colors.txt", 2) # there's like 10 colors total, I think we'll survive without them
all_colors = []
from math import sqrt
def rgbdist(c1, c2):
return sqrt((c1.r - c2.r)**2 + (c1.g - c2.g)**2 + (c1.b - c2.b)**2)
class Color:
def __init__(self, r, g, b, name, prefix, priority):
self.r = r
self.g = g
self.b = b
self.name = name
self.prefix = prefix
self.priority = priority
self.nearest_neighbor = None
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Color ({self.r}, {self.g}, {self.b}) - '{self.prefix}:{self.name}', priority = {self.priority}, nearest_neighbor={self.nearest_neighbor.name if self.nearest_neighbor is not None else None}>"
def nn(self, colors):
nearest = None
nearest_dist = 999999
for c in colors:
dist = rgbdist(self, c)
if dist == 0: continue
if dist < nearest_dist:
nearest = c
nearest_dist = dist
self.nearest_neighbor = nearest
for p in palettes:
prefix = p.name
priority = p.priority
for name, rgb in p.colors.items():
all_colors.append(Color(*rgb, name, prefix, priority))
for c in all_colors:
smallest_dist = 9999999999999
largest_dist = 0
for c in all_colors:
dist = rgbdist(c, c.nearest_neighbor)
if dist > largest_dist: largest_dist = dist
if dist < smallest_dist: smallest_dist = dist
#print(f"{c.prefix}:{c.name} -> {c.nearest_neighbor.prefix}:{c.nearest_neighbor.name}\t{rgbdist(c, c.nearest_neighbor):.2f}")
# questions -
# are there any colors where their nearest neighbor's nearest neighbor isn't them? (There should be)
nonnear_pairs = 0
for c in all_colors:
neighbor = c.nearest_neighbor
their_neighbor = neighbor.nearest_neighbor
if c is not their_neighbor:
#print(f"{c.prefix}:{c.name} -> {neighbor.prefix}:{neighbor.name} -> {their_neighbor.prefix}:{their_neighbor.name}")
nonnear_pairs += 1
print("Non-near pairs:", nonnear_pairs)
#print(f"{c.prefix}:{c.name} -> {c.nearest_neighbor.prefix}:{c.nearest_neighbor.name}\t{rgbdist(c, c.nearest_neighbor):.2f}")
# Are there duplicates? They should be removed from the palette that won't be used
dupes = 0
for c in all_colors:
for c2 in all_colors:
if c is c2: continue
if c.r == c2.r and c.g == c2.g and c.b == c2.b:
dupes += 1
print("dupes:", dupes, "this many will need to be removed:", dupes / 2)
# What order to put them in? Do we want large radiuses first, or some sort of "common color" table?
# does manhattan distance change any answers over the 16.7M RGB values?
# What's the worst case lookup? (Checking all 1200 colors to find the name?)
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ PyObject* PyInit_mcrfpy()
using namespace mcrfpydef;
using namespace mcrfpydef;
PyTypeObject* pytypes[] = {
PyTypeObject* pytypes[] = {
/*SFML exposed types*/
/*SFML exposed types*/
&PyColorType, &PyFontType, &PyTextureType,
&PyColorType, /*&PyLinkedColorType,*/ &PyFontType, &PyTextureType,
/*UI widgets*/
/*UI widgets*/
&PyUICaptionType, &PyUISpriteType, &PyUIFrameType, &PyUIEntityType, &PyUIGridType,
&PyUICaptionType, &PyUISpriteType, &PyUIFrameType, &PyUIEntityType, &PyUIGridType,
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
#include "PyColor.h"
PyGetSetDef PyColor::getsetters[] = {
{"r", (getter)PyColor::get_member, (setter)PyColor::set_member, "Red component", (void*)0},
{"g", (getter)PyColor::get_member, (setter)PyColor::set_member, "Green component", (void*)1},
{"b", (getter)PyColor::get_member, (setter)PyColor::set_member, "Blue component", (void*)2},
{"a", (getter)PyColor::get_member, (setter)PyColor::set_member, "Alpha component", (void*)3},
PyColor::PyColor(sf::Color target)
:data(target) {}
PyObject* PyColor::pyObject()
PyObject* obj = PyType_GenericAlloc(&mcrfpydef::PyColorType, 0);
PyColorObject* self = (PyColorObject*)obj;
self->data = data;
return obj;
sf::Color PyColor::fromPy(PyObject* obj)
PyColorObject* self = (PyColorObject*)obj;
return self->data;
sf::Color PyColor::fromPy(PyColorObject* self)
return self->data;
void PyColor::set(sf::Color color)
data = color;
sf::Color PyColor::get()
return data;
Py_hash_t PyColor::hash(PyObject* obj)
auto self = (PyColorObject*)obj;
Py_hash_t value = 0;
value += self->data.r;
value << 8; value += self->data.g;
value << 8; value += self->data.b;
value << 8; value += self->data.a;
return value;
PyObject* PyColor::repr(PyObject* obj)
PyColorObject* self = (PyColorObject*)obj;
std::ostringstream ss;
sf::Color c = self->data;
ss << "<Color (" << int(c.r) << ", " << int(c.g) << ", " << int(c.b) << ", " << int(c.a) << ")>";
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
int PyColor::init(PyColorObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
using namespace mcrfpydef;
static const char* keywords[] = { "r", "g", "b", "a", nullptr };
PyObject* leader;
int r = -1, g = -1, b = -1, a = 255;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords, args, kwds, "O|iii", leader, &g, &b, &a)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "mcrfpy.Color requires a color object, 3-tuple, 4-tuple, color name, or integer values within 0-255 (r, g, b, optionally a)");
return -1;
// if the "r" arg is already a color, yoink that color value
if (PyObject_IsInstance(leader, (PyObject*)&PyColorType))
self->data = ((PyColorObject*)leader)->data;
return 0;
// else if the "r" arg is a 3-tuple, initialize to (r, g, b, 255)
// (if the "r" arg is a 4-tuple, initialize to (r, g, b, a))
else if (PyTuple_Check(leader))
if (PyTuple_Size(leader) < 3 && PyTuple_Size(leader) > 4)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Invalid tuple length: mcrfpy.Color requires a color object, 3-tuple, 4-tuple, color name, or integer values within 0-255 (r, g, b, optionally a)");
return -1;
r = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(leader, 0));
g = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(leader, 1));
b = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(leader, 2));
//a = 255; //default value
if (PyTuple_Size(leader) == 4)
a = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(leader, 3));
// value validation
if (r < 0 || r > 255 || g < 0 || g > 255 || b < 0 || b > 255 || a < 0 || a > 255)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Color values must be between 0 and 255.");
return -1;
self->data = sf::Color(r, g, b, a);
// else if the "r" arg is a string, initialize to {color lookup function value}
else if (PyUnicode_Check(leader))
PyErr_SetString(Py_NotImplemented, "Color names aren't ready yet");
return -1;
// else -
else if (!PyLong_Check(leader))
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "mcrfpy.Color requires a color object, 3-tuple, 4-tuple, color name, or integer values within 0-255 (r, g, b, optionally a)");
return -1;
r = PyLong_AsLong(leader);
// assert r, g, b are present and ints in range (0, 255) - if not enough ints were provided to the args/kwds parsed by init, g and/or b will still hold -1.
if (r < 0 || r > 255 || g < 0 || g > 255 || b < 0 || b > 255 || a < 0 || a > 255)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "R, G, B values are required, A value is optional; Color values must be between 0 and 255.");
return -1;
self->data = sf::Color(r, g, b, a);
return 0;
PyObject* PyColor::pynew(PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
return (PyObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
PyObject* PyColor::get_member(PyObject* obj, void* closure)
return Py_None;
int PyColor::set_member(PyObject* obj, PyObject* value, void* closure)
return 0;
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Python.h"
class PyColor;
class UIDrawable; // forward declare for pointer
typedef struct {
sf::Color data;
} PyColorObject;
class PyColor
sf::Color data;
void set(sf::Color);
sf::Color get();
PyObject* pyObject();
static sf::Color fromPy(PyObject*);
static sf::Color fromPy(PyColorObject*);
static PyObject* repr(PyObject*);
static Py_hash_t hash(PyObject*);
static int init(PyColorObject*, PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* pynew(PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args=NULL, PyObject* kwds=NULL);
static PyObject* get_member(PyObject*, void*);
static int set_member(PyObject*, PyObject*, void*);
static PyGetSetDef getsetters[];
namespace mcrfpydef {
static PyTypeObject PyColorType = {
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.Color",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyColorObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
.tp_repr = PyColor::repr,
.tp_hash = PyColor::hash,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("SFML Color Object"),
.tp_getset = PyColor::getsetters,
.tp_init = (initproc)PyColor::init,
.tp_new = PyColor::pynew,
@ -5,8 +5,13 @@
#include "IndexTexture.h"
#include "IndexTexture.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include <list>
#include <list>
#define ui_h
#include "PyCallable.h"
#include "PyCallable.h"
#include "PyTexture.h"
#include "PyTexture.h"
#include "PyColor.h"
//#include "PyLinkedColor.h"
enum PyObjectsEnum : int
enum PyObjectsEnum : int
@ -46,10 +51,12 @@ typedef struct {
} PyColorObject;
} PyColorObject;
/* // Moved to PyColor.h
typedef struct {
typedef struct {
std::shared_ptr<sf::Color> data;
std::shared_ptr<sf::Color> data;
} PyColorObject;
} PyColorObject;
class UIFrame: public UIDrawable
class UIFrame: public UIDrawable
@ -444,89 +451,89 @@ static int PyUIDrawable_set_click(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* value, void* c
static PyObject* PyColor_get_member(PyColorObject* self, void* closure)
// static PyObject* PyColor_get_member(PyColorObject* self, void* closure)
// {
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
// auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
if (member_ptr == 0)
// if (member_ptr == 0)
return PyLong_FromLong(self->data->r);
// return PyLong_FromLong(self->data->r);
else if (member_ptr == 1)
// else if (member_ptr == 1)
return PyLong_FromLong(self->data->g);
// return PyLong_FromLong(self->data->g);
else if (member_ptr == 2)
// else if (member_ptr == 2)
return PyLong_FromLong(self->data->b);
// return PyLong_FromLong(self->data->b);
else if (member_ptr == 3)
// else if (member_ptr == 3)
return PyLong_FromLong(self->data->a);
// return PyLong_FromLong(self->data->a);
// else
// {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "Invalid attribute");
// PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "Invalid attribute");
return nullptr;
// return nullptr;
// }
// }
static int PyColor_set_member(PyColorObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
// static int PyColor_set_member(PyColorObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
// {
if (PyLong_Check(value))
// if (PyLong_Check(value))
// {
long int_val = PyLong_AsLong(value);
// long int_val = PyLong_AsLong(value);
if (int_val < 0)
// if (int_val < 0)
int_val = 0;
// int_val = 0;
else if (int_val > 255)
// else if (int_val > 255)
int_val = 255;
// int_val = 255;
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
// auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
if (member_ptr == 0)
// if (member_ptr == 0)
self->data->r = static_cast<sf::Uint8>(int_val);
// self->data->r = static_cast<sf::Uint8>(int_val);
else if (member_ptr == 1)
// else if (member_ptr == 1)
self->data->g = static_cast<sf::Uint8>(int_val);
// self->data->g = static_cast<sf::Uint8>(int_val);
else if (member_ptr == 2)
// else if (member_ptr == 2)
self->data->b = static_cast<sf::Uint8>(int_val);
// self->data->b = static_cast<sf::Uint8>(int_val);
else if (member_ptr == 3)
// else if (member_ptr == 3)
self->data->a = static_cast<sf::Uint8>(int_val);
// self->data->a = static_cast<sf::Uint8>(int_val);
// }
// else
// {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Value must be an integer.");
// PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Value must be an integer.");
return -1;
// return -1;
// }
return 0;
// return 0;
// }
static PyGetSetDef PyColor_getsetters[] = {
// static PyGetSetDef PyColor_getsetters[] = {
{"r", (getter)PyColor_get_member, (setter)PyColor_set_member, "Red component", (void*)0},
// {"r", (getter)PyColor_get_member, (setter)PyColor_set_member, "Red component", (void*)0},
{"g", (getter)PyColor_get_member, (setter)PyColor_set_member, "Green component", (void*)1},
// {"g", (getter)PyColor_get_member, (setter)PyColor_set_member, "Green component", (void*)1},
{"b", (getter)PyColor_get_member, (setter)PyColor_set_member, "Blue component", (void*)2},
// {"b", (getter)PyColor_get_member, (setter)PyColor_set_member, "Blue component", (void*)2},
{"a", (getter)PyColor_get_member, (setter)PyColor_set_member, "Alpha component", (void*)3},
// {"a", (getter)PyColor_get_member, (setter)PyColor_set_member, "Alpha component", (void*)3},
// {NULL}
// };
static PyTypeObject PyColorType = {
// static PyTypeObject PyColorType = {
//PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
// //PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.Color",
// .tp_name = "mcrfpy.Color",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyColorObject),
// .tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyColorObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
// .tp_itemsize = 0,
.tp_dealloc = (destructor)[](PyObject* self)
// .tp_dealloc = (destructor)[](PyObject* self)
// {
PyColorObject* obj = (PyColorObject*)self;
// PyColorObject* obj = (PyColorObject*)self;
// obj->data.reset();
// Py_TYPE(self)->tp_free(self);
// },
//.tp_repr = (reprfunc)PyUIFrame_repr,
// //.tp_repr = (reprfunc)PyUIFrame_repr,
//.tp_hash = NULL,
// //.tp_hash = NULL,
// //.tp_iter
// //.tp_iternext
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
// .tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("SFML Color object (RGBA)"),
// .tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("SFML Color object (RGBA)"),
//.tp_methods = PyUIFrame_methods,
// //.tp_methods = PyUIFrame_methods,
//.tp_members = PyColor_members,
// //.tp_members = PyColor_members,
.tp_getset = PyColor_getsetters,
// .tp_getset = PyColor_getsetters,
//.tp_base = NULL,
// //.tp_base = NULL,
//.tp_init = (initproc)PyUIFrame_init,
// //.tp_init = (initproc)PyUIFrame_init,
.tp_new = [](PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) -> PyObject*
// .tp_new = [](PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) -> PyObject*
// {
PyColorObject* self = (PyColorObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
// PyColorObject* self = (PyColorObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
if (self) self->data = std::make_shared<sf::Color>();
// if (self) self->data = std::make_shared<sf::Color>();
return (PyObject*)self;
// return (PyObject*)self;
// }
// };
@ -591,32 +598,50 @@ static int PyUIDrawable_set_click(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* value, void* c
// TODO: manually calling tp_alloc to create a PyColorObject seems like an antipattern
// TODO: manually calling tp_alloc to create a PyColorObject seems like an antipattern
PyTypeObject* colorType = &PyColorType;
PyObject* pyColor = colorType->tp_alloc(colorType, 0);
PyTypeObject* colorType = &PyLinkedColorType;
PyObject* pyColor = colorType->tp_alloc(colorLinkedType, 0);
if (pyColor == NULL)
if (pyColor == NULL)
std::cout << "failure to allocate mcrfpy.Color / PyColorType" << std::endl;
std::cout << "failure to allocate mcrfpy.LinkedColor / PyLinkedColorType" << std::endl;
return NULL;
return NULL;
PyColorObject* pyColorObj = reinterpret_cast<PyColorObject*>(pyColor);
PyColorObject* pyColorObj = reinterpret_cast<PyLinkedColorObject*>(pyColor);
// fetch correct member data
// fetch correct member data
sf::Color color;
sf::Color color;
//sf::Color (*cgetter)();
//void (*csetter)(sf::Color);
//std::function<void(sf::Color)> csetter;
//std::function<sf::Color()> cgetter;
if (member_ptr == 0)
if (member_ptr == 0)
color = self->data->text.getFillColor();
color = self->data->text.getFillColor();
//return Py_BuildValue("(iii)", color.r, color.g, color.b);
//return Py_BuildValue("(iii)", color.r, color.g, color.b);
//csetter = &self->data->text.setFillColor;
//cgetter = &self->data->text.getFillColor;
//csetter = [s = self->data](sf::Color c){s->text.setFillColor(c);};
//cgetter = [s = self->data](){return s->text.getFillColor();};
else if (member_ptr == 1)
else if (member_ptr == 1)
color = self->data->text.getOutlineColor();
color = self->data->text.getOutlineColor();
//return Py_BuildValue("(iii)", color.r, color.g, color.b);
//return Py_BuildValue("(iii)", color.r, color.g, color.b);
//csetter = &self->data->text.setOutlineColor;
//cgetter = &self->data->text.getOutlineColor;
//csetter = [s = self->data](sf::Color c){s->text.setOutlineColor(c);};
//cgetter = [s = self->data](){return s->text.getOutlineColor();};
// initialize new mcrfpy.Color instance
// initialize new mcrfpy.Color instance
pyColorObj->data = std::make_shared<sf::Color>(color);
//pyColorObj->data = std::make_shared<sf::Color>(color);
//auto linkedcolor = PyLinkedColor(csetter, cgetter, self->data, member_ptr);
//linkedcolor.set(color); // don't need to set a linked color!
return pyColor;
//return pyColor;
return PyColor(color).pyObject();
static int PyUICaption_set_color_member(PyUICaptionObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
static int PyUICaption_set_color_member(PyUICaptionObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
@ -627,11 +652,20 @@ static int PyUIDrawable_set_click(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* value, void* c
if (PyObject_IsInstance(value, (PyObject*)&PyColorType))
if (PyObject_IsInstance(value, (PyObject*)&PyColorType))
// get value from mcrfpy.Color instance
// get value from mcrfpy.Color instance
PyColorObject* color = reinterpret_cast<PyColorObject*>(value);
PyColorObject* color = reinterpret_cast<PyColorObject*>(value);
r = color->data->r;
r = color->data->r;
g = color->data->g;
g = color->data->g;
b = color->data->b;
b = color->data->b;
a = color->data->a;
a = color->data->a;
//std::cout << "Build LinkedColor" << std::endl;
//auto lc = PyLinkedColor::fromPy(value);
auto c = ((PyColorObject*)value)->data;
//std::cout << "Fetch value" << std::endl;
//auto c = lc.get();
r = c.r; g = c.g; b = c.b; a = c.a;
std::cout << "got " << int(r) << ", " << int(g) << ", " << int(b) << ", " << int(a) << std::endl;
else if (!PyTuple_Check(value) || PyTuple_Size(value) < 3 || PyTuple_Size(value) > 4)
else if (!PyTuple_Check(value) || PyTuple_Size(value) < 3 || PyTuple_Size(value) > 4)
@ -898,9 +932,11 @@ static int PyUIDrawable_set_click(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* value, void* c
// initialize new mcrfpy.Color instance
// initialize new mcrfpy.Color instance
pyColorObj->data = std::make_shared<sf::Color>(color);
//pyColorObj->data = std::make_shared<sf::Color>(color);
return pyColor;
// TODO - supposed to return Linked
return PyColor(color).pyObject();
static int PyUIFrame_set_color_member(PyUIFrameObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
static int PyUIFrame_set_color_member(PyUIFrameObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
@ -911,12 +947,16 @@ static int PyUIDrawable_set_click(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* value, void* c
if (PyObject_IsInstance(value, (PyObject*)&PyColorType))
if (PyObject_IsInstance(value, (PyObject*)&PyColorType))
// get value from mcrfpy.Color instance
// get value from mcrfpy.Color instance
PyColorObject* color = reinterpret_cast<PyColorObject*>(value);
PyColorObject* color = reinterpret_cast<PyColorObject*>(value);
r = color->data->r;
r = color->data->r;
g = color->data->g;
g = color->data->g;
b = color->data->b;
b = color->data->b;
a = color->data->a;
a = color->data->a;
std::cout << "using color: " << r << " " << g << " " << b << " " << a << std::endl;
std::cout << "using color: " << r << " " << g << " " << b << " " << a << std::endl;
sf::Color c = ((PyColorObject*)value)->data;
r = c.r; g = c.g; b = c.b; a = c.a;
else if (!PyTuple_Check(value) || PyTuple_Size(value) < 3 || PyTuple_Size(value) > 4)
else if (!PyTuple_Check(value) || PyTuple_Size(value) < 3 || PyTuple_Size(value) > 4)
@ -1,221 +1,51 @@
#print("Hello mcrogueface")
import mcrfpy
import mcrfpy
import cos_play
# Universal stuff
font = mcrfpy.Font("assets/JetbrainsMono.ttf")
font = mcrfpy.Font("assets/JetbrainsMono.ttf")
texture = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_tinydungeon.png", 16, 16) #12, 11)
texture = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_tinydungeon.png", 16, 16)
texture_cold = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_ice.png", 16, 16) #12, 11)
texture_hot = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_lava.png", 16, 16) #12, 11)
# Test stuff
# build test widgets
ui = mcrfpy.sceneUI("boom")
box = mcrfpy.Frame(40, 60, 200, 300, fill_color=(255,128,0), outline=4.0, outline_color=(64,64,255,96))
#caption = mcrfpy.Caption(10, 10, "Clicky", font, (255, 255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0, 255))
#box.click = lambda x, y, btn, type: print("Hello callback: ", x, y, btn, type)
ui = mcrfpy.sceneUI("pytest")
test_sprite_number = 86
# Frame
sprite = mcrfpy.Sprite(20, 60, texture, test_sprite_number, 4.0)
f = mcrfpy.Frame(25, 19, 462, 346, fill_color=(255, 92, 92))
spritecap = mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, "60", font)
# fill (LinkedColor / Color): f.fill_color
def click_sprite(x, y, btn, action):
# outline (LinkedColor / Color): f.outline_color
global test_sprite_number
# pos (LinkedVector / Vector): f.pos
if action != "start": return
# size (LinkedVector / Vector): f.size
if btn in ("left", "wheel_up"):
test_sprite_number -= 1
elif btn in ("right", "wheel_down"):
test_sprite_number += 1
sprite.sprite_number = test_sprite_number # TODO - inconsistent naming for __init__, __repr__ and getsetter: sprite_number vs sprite_index
spritecap.text = test_sprite_number
sprite.click = click_sprite # TODO - sprites don't seem to correct for screen position or scale when clicking
# Caption
c = mcrfpy.Caption(512+25, 19, "Hi.", font)
# fill (LinkedColor / Color): c.fill_color
box.click = click_sprite
#color_val = c.fill_color
print("Set a fill color")
c.fill_color = (255, 255, 255)
print("Lol, did it segfault?")
# outline (LinkedColor / Color): c.outline_color
# font (Font): c.font
# pos (LinkedVector / Vector): c.pos
f_a = mcrfpy.Frame(250, 60, 80, 80, fill_color=(255, 92, 92))
# Sprite
f_a_txt = mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, "0", font)
s = mcrfpy.Sprite(25, 384+19, texture, 86, 9.0)
# pos (LinkedVector / Vector): s.pos
# texture (Texture): s.texture
f_b = mcrfpy.Frame(340, 60, 80, 80, fill_color=(92, 255, 92))
# Grid
f_b_txt = mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, "0", font)
g = mcrfpy.Grid(10, 10, texture, 512+25, 384+19, 462, 346)
# texture (Texture): g.texture
# pos (LinkedVector / Vector): g.pos
# size (LinkedVector / Vector): g.size
f_c = mcrfpy.Frame(430, 60, 80, 80, fill_color=(92, 92, 255))
for _x in range(10):
f_c_txt = mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, "0", font)
for _y in range(10):
g.at((_x, _y)).color = (255 - _x*25, 255 - _y*25, 255)
g.zoom = 2.0
[ui.append(d) for d in (f, c, s, g)]
import sys
# tests
def ding(*args):
f_a_txt.text = str(sys.getrefcount(ding)) + " refs"
f_b_txt.text = sys.getrefcount(dong)
f_c_txt.text = sys.getrefcount(stress_test)
def dong(*args):
f_a_txt.text = str(sys.getrefcount(ding)) + " refs"
f_b_txt.text = sys.getrefcount(dong)
f_c_txt.text = sys.getrefcount(stress_test)
running = False
timers = []
def add_ding():
global timers
n = len(timers)
mcrfpy.setTimer(f"timer{n}", ding, 100)
print("+1 ding:", timers)
def add_dong():
global timers
n = len(timers)
mcrfpy.setTimer(f"timer{n}", dong, 100)
print("+1 dong:", timers)
def remove_random():
global timers
target = random.choice(timers)
print("-1 timer:", target)
print("remove from list")
import random
import time
def stress_test(*args):
global running
global timers
if not running:
print("stress test initial")
running = True
mcrfpy.setTimer("recurse", stress_test, 1000)
mcrfpy.setTimer("terminate", lambda *args: mcrfpy.delTimer("recurse"), 30000)
ding(); dong()
#print("stress test random activity")
# add_ding,
# add_dong,
# remove_random
# ])()
print("Segfaultin' time")
print("Does this still work?")
print("How about now?")
# Loading Screen
ui = mcrfpy.sceneUI("loading")
logo_texture = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/temp_logo.png", 1024, 1024)#1, 1)
logo_sprite = mcrfpy.Sprite(50, 50, logo_texture, 0, 0.5)
logo_sprite.click = lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("menu")
logo_caption = mcrfpy.Caption(70, 600, "Click to Proceed", font, (255, 0, 0, 255), (0, 0, 0, 255))
logo_caption.fill_color =(255, 0, 0, 255)
# menu screen
for e in [
mcrfpy.Caption(10, 10, "Crypt of Sokoban", font, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)),
mcrfpy.Caption(20, 55, "a McRogueFace demo project", font, (192, 192, 192), (0, 0, 0)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 70, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 145, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 220, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 295, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
#mcrfpy.Frame(900, 10, 100, 100, fill_color=(255, 0, 0)),
def click_once(fn):
def wraps(*args, **kwargs):
action = args[3]
if action != "start": return
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
return wraps
def asdf(x, y, btn, action):
print(f"clicky @({x},{y}) {action}->{btn}")
def clicked_exit(*args):
menu_btns = [
("Boom", lambda *args: 1 / 0),
("Exit", clicked_exit),
("About", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("about")),
("Settings", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("settings")),
("Start", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("play"))
for i in range(len(mcrfpy.sceneUI("menu"))):
e = mcrfpy.sceneUI("menu")[i] # TODO - fix iterator
#print(e, type(e))
if type(e) is not mcrfpy.Frame: continue
label, fn = menu_btns.pop()
e.children.append(mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, label, font, (192, 192, 255), (0,0,0)))
e.click = fn
# settings screen
window_scaling = 1.0
scale_caption = mcrfpy.Caption(180, 70, "1.0x", font, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0))
scale_caption.fill_color = (255, 255, 255) # TODO - mcrfpy.Caption.__init__ is not setting colors
for e in [
mcrfpy.Caption(10, 10, "Settings", font, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 70, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)), # +
mcrfpy.Frame(300, 70, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)), # -
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 295, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
def game_scale(x, y, btn, action, delta):
global window_scaling
print(f"WIP - scale the window from {window_scaling:.1f} to {window_scaling+delta:.1f}")
window_scaling += delta
scale_caption.text = f"{window_scaling:.1f}x"
settings_btns = [
("back", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("menu")),
("-", lambda x, y, btn, action: game_scale(x, y, btn, action, -0.1)),
("+", lambda x, y, btn, action: game_scale(x, y, btn, action, +0.1))
for i in range(len(mcrfpy.sceneUI("settings"))):
e = mcrfpy.sceneUI("settings")[i] # TODO - fix iterator
#print(e, type(e))
if type(e) is not mcrfpy.Frame: continue
label, fn = settings_btns.pop()
#print(label, fn)
e.children.append(mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, label, font, (192, 192, 255), (0,0,0)))
e.click = fn
@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
#print("Hello mcrogueface")
import mcrfpy
import cos_play
# Universal stuff
font = mcrfpy.Font("assets/JetbrainsMono.ttf")
texture = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_tinydungeon.png", 16, 16) #12, 11)
texture_cold = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_ice.png", 16, 16) #12, 11)
texture_hot = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_lava.png", 16, 16) #12, 11)
# Test stuff
ui = mcrfpy.sceneUI("boom")
box = mcrfpy.Frame(40, 60, 200, 300, fill_color=(255,128,0), outline=4.0, outline_color=(64,64,255,96))
#caption = mcrfpy.Caption(10, 10, "Clicky", font, (255, 255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0, 255))
#box.click = lambda x, y, btn, type: print("Hello callback: ", x, y, btn, type)
test_sprite_number = 86
sprite = mcrfpy.Sprite(20, 60, texture, test_sprite_number, 4.0)
spritecap = mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, "60", font)
def click_sprite(x, y, btn, action):
global test_sprite_number
if action != "start": return
if btn in ("left", "wheel_up"):
test_sprite_number -= 1
elif btn in ("right", "wheel_down"):
test_sprite_number += 1
sprite.sprite_number = test_sprite_number # TODO - inconsistent naming for __init__, __repr__ and getsetter: sprite_number vs sprite_index
spritecap.text = test_sprite_number
sprite.click = click_sprite # TODO - sprites don't seem to correct for screen position or scale when clicking
box.click = click_sprite
f_a = mcrfpy.Frame(250, 60, 80, 80, fill_color=(255, 92, 92))
f_a_txt = mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, "0", font)
f_b = mcrfpy.Frame(340, 60, 80, 80, fill_color=(92, 255, 92))
f_b_txt = mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, "0", font)
f_c = mcrfpy.Frame(430, 60, 80, 80, fill_color=(92, 92, 255))
f_c_txt = mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, "0", font)
import sys
def ding(*args):
f_a_txt.text = str(sys.getrefcount(ding)) + " refs"
f_b_txt.text = sys.getrefcount(dong)
f_c_txt.text = sys.getrefcount(stress_test)
def dong(*args):
f_a_txt.text = str(sys.getrefcount(ding)) + " refs"
f_b_txt.text = sys.getrefcount(dong)
f_c_txt.text = sys.getrefcount(stress_test)
running = False
timers = []
def add_ding():
global timers
n = len(timers)
mcrfpy.setTimer(f"timer{n}", ding, 100)
print("+1 ding:", timers)
def add_dong():
global timers
n = len(timers)
mcrfpy.setTimer(f"timer{n}", dong, 100)
print("+1 dong:", timers)
def remove_random():
global timers
target = random.choice(timers)
print("-1 timer:", target)
print("remove from list")
import random
import time
def stress_test(*args):
global running
global timers
if not running:
print("stress test initial")
running = True
mcrfpy.setTimer("recurse", stress_test, 1000)
mcrfpy.setTimer("terminate", lambda *args: mcrfpy.delTimer("recurse"), 30000)
ding(); dong()
#print("stress test random activity")
# add_ding,
# add_dong,
# remove_random
# ])()
print("Segfaultin' time")
print("Does this still work?")
print("How about now?")
# Loading Screen
ui = mcrfpy.sceneUI("loading")
logo_texture = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/temp_logo.png", 1024, 1024)#1, 1)
logo_sprite = mcrfpy.Sprite(50, 50, logo_texture, 0, 0.5)
logo_sprite.click = lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("menu")
logo_caption = mcrfpy.Caption(70, 600, "Click to Proceed", font, (255, 0, 0, 255), (0, 0, 0, 255))
#logo_caption.fill_color =(255, 0, 0, 255)
# menu screen
for e in [
mcrfpy.Caption(10, 10, "Crypt of Sokoban", font, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)),
mcrfpy.Caption(20, 55, "a McRogueFace demo project", font, (192, 192, 192), (0, 0, 0)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 70, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 145, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 220, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 295, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
#mcrfpy.Frame(900, 10, 100, 100, fill_color=(255, 0, 0)),
def click_once(fn):
def wraps(*args, **kwargs):
action = args[3]
if action != "start": return
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
return wraps
def asdf(x, y, btn, action):
print(f"clicky @({x},{y}) {action}->{btn}")
def clicked_exit(*args):
menu_btns = [
("Boom", lambda *args: 1 / 0),
("Exit", clicked_exit),
("About", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("about")),
("Settings", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("settings")),
("Start", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("play"))
for i in range(len(mcrfpy.sceneUI("menu"))):
e = mcrfpy.sceneUI("menu")[i] # TODO - fix iterator
#print(e, type(e))
if type(e) is not mcrfpy.Frame: continue
label, fn = menu_btns.pop()
e.children.append(mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, label, font, (192, 192, 255), (0,0,0)))
e.click = fn
# settings screen
window_scaling = 1.0
scale_caption = mcrfpy.Caption(180, 70, "1.0x", font, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0))
#scale_caption.fill_color = (255, 255, 255) # TODO - mcrfpy.Caption.__init__ is not setting colors
for e in [
mcrfpy.Caption(10, 10, "Settings", font, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 70, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)), # +
mcrfpy.Frame(300, 70, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)), # -
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 295, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
def game_scale(x, y, btn, action, delta):
global window_scaling
print(f"WIP - scale the window from {window_scaling:.1f} to {window_scaling+delta:.1f}")
window_scaling += delta
scale_caption.text = f"{window_scaling:.1f}x"
settings_btns = [
("back", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("menu")),
("-", lambda x, y, btn, action: game_scale(x, y, btn, action, -0.1)),
("+", lambda x, y, btn, action: game_scale(x, y, btn, action, +0.1))
for i in range(len(mcrfpy.sceneUI("settings"))):
e = mcrfpy.sceneUI("settings")[i] # TODO - fix iterator
#print(e, type(e))
if type(e) is not mcrfpy.Frame: continue
label, fn = settings_btns.pop()
#print(label, fn)
e.children.append(mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, label, font, (192, 192, 255), (0,0,0)))
e.click = fn
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
Red #ED0A3F
Maroon #C32148
Scarlet #FD0E35
Brick Red #C62D42
English Vermilion #CC474B
Madder Lake #CC3336
Permanent Geranium Lake #E12C2C
Maximum Red #D92121
Chestnut #B94E48
Orange-Red #FF5349
Sunset Orange #FE4C40
Bittersweet #FE6F5E
Dark Venetian Red #B33B24
Venetian Red #CC553D
Light Venetian Red #E6735C
Vivid Tangerine #FF9980
Middle Red #E58E73
Burnt Orange #FF7034
Red-Orange #FF3F34
Orange #FF8833
Macaroni and Cheese #FFB97B
Middle Yellow Red #ECAC76
Mango Tango #E77200
Yellow-Orange #FFAE42
Maximum Yellow Red #F2BA49
Banana Mania #FBE7B2
Maize #F2C649
Orange-Yellow #F8D568
Goldenrod #FCD667
Dandelion #FED85D
Yellow #FBE870
Green-Yellow #F1E788
Middle Yellow #FFEB00
Olive Green #B5B35C
Spring Green #ECEBBD
Maximum Yellow #FAFA37
Canary #FFFF99
Lemon Yellow #FFFF9F
Maximum Green Yellow #D9E650
Middle Green Yellow #ACBF60
Inchworm #B0E313
Light Chrome Green #BEE64B
Yellow-Green #C5E17A
Maximum Green #5E8C31
Asparagus #7BA05B
Granny Smith Apple #9DE093
Fern #63B76C
Middle Green #4D8C57
Green #01A638
Medium Chrome Green #6CA67C
Forest Green #5FA777
Sea Green #93DFB8
Shamrock #33CC99
Mountain Meadow #1AB385
Jungle Green #29AB87
Caribbean Green #00CC99
Tropical Rain Forest #00755E
Middle Blue Green #8DD9CC
Pine Green #01796F
Maximum Blue Green #30BFBF
Robin's Egg Blue #00CCCC
Teal Blue #008080
Light Blue #8FD8D8
Aquamarine #458B74
Turquoise Blue #6CDAE7
Outer Space #2D383A
Sky Blue #76D7EA
Middle Blue #7ED4E6
Blue-Green #0095B7
Pacific Blue #009DC4
Cerulean #02A4D3
Maximum Blue #47ABCC
Blue (I) #2EB4E6
Cerulean Blue #339ACC
Cornflower #93CCEA
Green-Blue #2887C8
Midnight Blue #003366
Navy Blue #0066CC
Denim #1560BD
Blue (III) #0066FF
Cadet Blue #A9B2C3
Periwinkle #C3CDE6
Blue (II) #4570E6
Bluetiful #3C69E7
Wild Blue Yonder #7A89B8
Indigo #4F69C6
Manatee #8D90A1
Cobalt Blue #8C90C8
Celestial Blue #7070CC
Blue Bell #9999CC
Maximum Blue Purple #ACACE6
Violet-Blue #766EC8
Blue-Violet #6456B7
Ultramarine Blue #3F26BF
Middle Blue Purple #8B72BE
Purple Heart #652DC1
Royal Purple #6B3FA0
Violet (II) #8359A3
Medium Violet #8F47B3
Wisteria #C9A0DC
Lavender (I) #BF8FCC
Vivid Violet #803790
Maximum Purple #733380
Purple Mountains' Majesty #D6AEDD
Fuchsia #C154C1
Pink Flamingo #F2583E
Violet (I) #732E6C
Brilliant Rose #E667CE
Orchid #E29CD2
Plum #843179
Medium Rose #D96CBE
Thistle #D8BFD8
Mulberry #C8509B
Red-Violet #BB3385
Middle Purple #D982B5
Maximum Red Purple #A63A79
Jazzberry Jam #A50B5E
Eggplant #614051
Magenta #F653A6
Cerise #DA3287
Wild Strawberry #FF3399
Lavender (II) #FBAED2
Cotton Candy #FFB7D5
Carnation Pink #FFA6C9
Violet-Red #F7468A
Razzmatazz #E30B5C
Piggy Pink #FDD7E4
Carmine #E62E6B
Blush #DB5079
Tickle Me Pink #FC80A5
Mauvelous #F091A9
Salmon #FF91A4
Middle Red Purple #A55353
Mahogany #CA3435
Pink Sherbert #F7A38E
Burnt Sienna #E97451
Brown #AF593E
Sepia #9E5B40
Fuzzy Wuzzy #87421F
Beaver #926F5B
Tumbleweed #DEA681
Raw Sienna #D27D46
Van Dyke Brown #664228
Tan #FA9D5A
Desert Sand #EDC9AF
Peach #FFCBA4
Burnt Umber #805533
Apricot #FDD5B1
Almond #EED9C4
Raw Umber #665233
Shadow #837050
Raw Sienna (I) #E6BC5C
Gold (I) #92926E
Gold (II) #E6BE8A
Silver #C9C0BB
Copper #DA8A67
Antique Brass #C88A65
Black #000000
Charcoal Gray #736A62
Gray #8B8680
Blue-Gray #C8C8CD
Timberwolf #D9D6CF
Crayellow #F1D651[6]
Cool Mint #DDEBEC[6]
Oatmeal #D9DAD2[6]
Powder Blue #C0D5F0[6]
@ -0,0 +1,949 @@
cloudy blue #acc2d9
dark pastel green #56ae57
dust #b2996e
electric lime #a8ff04
fresh green #69d84f
light eggplant #894585
nasty green #70b23f
really light blue #d4ffff
tea #65ab7c
warm purple #952e8f
yellowish tan #fcfc81
cement #a5a391
dark grass green #388004
dusty teal #4c9085
grey teal #5e9b8a
macaroni and cheese #efb435
pinkish tan #d99b82
spruce #0a5f38
strong blue #0c06f7
toxic green #61de2a
windows blue #3778bf
blue blue #2242c7
blue with a hint of purple #533cc6
booger #9bb53c
bright sea green #05ffa6
dark green blue #1f6357
deep turquoise #017374
green teal #0cb577
strong pink #ff0789
bland #afa88b
deep aqua #08787f
lavender pink #dd85d7
light moss green #a6c875
light seafoam green #a7ffb5
olive yellow #c2b709
pig pink #e78ea5
deep lilac #966ebd
desert #ccad60
dusty lavender #ac86a8
purpley grey #947e94
purply #983fb2
candy pink #ff63e9
light pastel green #b2fba5
boring green #63b365
kiwi green #8ee53f
light grey green #b7e1a1
orange pink #ff6f52
tea green #bdf8a3
very light brown #d3b683
egg shell #fffcc4
eggplant purple #430541
powder pink #ffb2d0
reddish grey #997570
baby shit brown #ad900d
liliac #c48efd
stormy blue #507b9c
ugly brown #7d7103
custard #fffd78
darkish pink #da467d
deep brown #410200
greenish beige #c9d179
manilla #fffa86
off blue #5684ae
battleship grey #6b7c85
browny green #6f6c0a
bruise #7e4071
kelley green #009337
sickly yellow #d0e429
sunny yellow #fff917
azul #1d5dec
darkgreen #054907
green/yellow #b5ce08
lichen #8fb67b
light light green #c8ffb0
pale gold #fdde6c
sun yellow #ffdf22
tan green #a9be70
burple #6832e3
butterscotch #fdb147
toupe #c7ac7d
dark cream #fff39a
indian red #850e04
light lavendar #efc0fe
poison green #40fd14
baby puke green #b6c406
bright yellow green #9dff00
charcoal grey #3c4142
squash #f2ab15
cinnamon #ac4f06
light pea green #c4fe82
radioactive green #2cfa1f
raw sienna #9a6200
baby purple #ca9bf7
cocoa #875f42
light royal blue #3a2efe
orangeish #fd8d49
rust brown #8b3103
sand brown #cba560
swamp #698339
tealish green #0cdc73
burnt siena #b75203
camo #7f8f4e
dusk blue #26538d
fern #63a950
old rose #c87f89
pale light green #b1fc99
peachy pink #ff9a8a
rosy pink #f6688e
light bluish green #76fda8
light bright green #53fe5c
light neon green #4efd54
light seafoam #a0febf
tiffany blue #7bf2da
washed out green #bcf5a6
browny orange #ca6b02
nice blue #107ab0
sapphire #2138ab
greyish teal #719f91
orangey yellow #fdb915
parchment #fefcaf
straw #fcf679
very dark brown #1d0200
terracota #cb6843
ugly blue #31668a
clear blue #247afd
creme #ffffb6
foam green #90fda9
grey/green #86a17d
light gold #fddc5c
seafoam blue #78d1b6
topaz #13bbaf
violet pink #fb5ffc
wintergreen #20f986
yellow tan #ffe36e
dark fuchsia #9d0759
indigo blue #3a18b1
light yellowish green #c2ff89
pale magenta #d767ad
rich purple #720058
sunflower yellow #ffda03
green/blue #01c08d
leather #ac7434
racing green #014600
vivid purple #9900fa
dark royal blue #02066f
hazel #8e7618
muted pink #d1768f
booger green #96b403
canary #fdff63
cool grey #95a3a6
dark taupe #7f684e
darkish purple #751973
true green #089404
coral pink #ff6163
dark sage #598556
dark slate blue #214761
flat blue #3c73a8
mushroom #ba9e88
rich blue #021bf9
dirty purple #734a65
greenblue #23c48b
icky green #8fae22
light khaki #e6f2a2
warm blue #4b57db
dark hot pink #d90166
deep sea blue #015482
carmine #9d0216
dark yellow green #728f02
pale peach #ffe5ad
plum purple #4e0550
golden rod #f9bc08
neon red #ff073a
old pink #c77986
very pale blue #d6fffe
blood orange #fe4b03
grapefruit #fd5956
sand yellow #fce166
clay brown #b2713d
dark blue grey #1f3b4d
flat green #699d4c
light green blue #56fca2
warm pink #fb5581
dodger blue #3e82fc
gross green #a0bf16
ice #d6fffa
metallic blue #4f738e
pale salmon #ffb19a
sap green #5c8b15
algae #54ac68
bluey grey #89a0b0
greeny grey #7ea07a
highlighter green #1bfc06
light light blue #cafffb
light mint #b6ffbb
raw umber #a75e09
vivid blue #152eff
deep lavender #8d5eb7
dull teal #5f9e8f
light greenish blue #63f7b4
mud green #606602
pinky #fc86aa
red wine #8c0034
shit green #758000
tan brown #ab7e4c
darkblue #030764
rosa #fe86a4
lipstick #d5174e
pale mauve #fed0fc
claret #680018
dandelion #fedf08
orangered #fe420f
poop green #6f7c00
ruby #ca0147
dark #1b2431
greenish turquoise #00fbb0
pastel red #db5856
piss yellow #ddd618
bright cyan #41fdfe
dark coral #cf524e
algae green #21c36f
darkish red #a90308
reddy brown #6e1005
blush pink #fe828c
camouflage green #4b6113
lawn green #4da409
putty #beae8a
vibrant blue #0339f8
dark sand #a88f59
purple/blue #5d21d0
saffron #feb209
twilight #4e518b
warm brown #964e02
bluegrey #85a3b2
bubble gum pink #ff69af
duck egg blue #c3fbf4
greenish cyan #2afeb7
petrol #005f6a
royal #0c1793
butter #ffff81
dusty orange #f0833a
off yellow #f1f33f
pale olive green #b1d27b
orangish #fc824a
leaf #71aa34
light blue grey #b7c9e2
dried blood #4b0101
lightish purple #a552e6
rusty red #af2f0d
lavender blue #8b88f8
light grass green #9af764
light mint green #a6fbb2
sunflower #ffc512
velvet #750851
brick orange #c14a09
lightish red #fe2f4a
pure blue #0203e2
twilight blue #0a437a
violet red #a50055
yellowy brown #ae8b0c
carnation #fd798f
muddy yellow #bfac05
dark seafoam green #3eaf76
deep rose #c74767
dusty red #b9484e
grey/blue #647d8e
lemon lime #bffe28
purple/pink #d725de
brown yellow #b29705
purple brown #673a3f
wisteria #a87dc2
banana yellow #fafe4b
lipstick red #c0022f
water blue #0e87cc
brown grey #8d8468
vibrant purple #ad03de
baby green #8cff9e
barf green #94ac02
eggshell blue #c4fff7
sandy yellow #fdee73
cool green #33b864
pale #fff9d0
blue/grey #758da3
hot magenta #f504c9
greyblue #77a1b5
purpley #8756e4
baby shit green #889717
brownish pink #c27e79
dark aquamarine #017371
diarrhea #9f8303
light mustard #f7d560
pale sky blue #bdf6fe
turtle green #75b84f
bright olive #9cbb04
dark grey blue #29465b
greeny brown #696006
lemon green #adf802
light periwinkle #c1c6fc
seaweed green #35ad6b
sunshine yellow #fffd37
ugly purple #a442a0
medium pink #f36196
puke brown #947706
very light pink #fff4f2
viridian #1e9167
bile #b5c306
faded yellow #feff7f
very pale green #cffdbc
vibrant green #0add08
bright lime #87fd05
spearmint #1ef876
light aquamarine #7bfdc7
light sage #bcecac
yellowgreen #bbf90f
baby poo #ab9004
dark seafoam #1fb57a
deep teal #00555a
heather #a484ac
rust orange #c45508
dirty blue #3f829d
fern green #548d44
bright lilac #c95efb
weird green #3ae57f
peacock blue #016795
avocado green #87a922
faded orange #f0944d
grape purple #5d1451
hot green #25ff29
lime yellow #d0fe1d
mango #ffa62b
shamrock #01b44c
bubblegum #ff6cb5
purplish brown #6b4247
vomit yellow #c7c10c
pale cyan #b7fffa
key lime #aeff6e
tomato red #ec2d01
lightgreen #76ff7b
merlot #730039
night blue #040348
purpleish pink #df4ec8
apple #6ecb3c
baby poop green #8f9805
green apple #5edc1f
heliotrope #d94ff5
yellow/green #c8fd3d
almost black #070d0d
cool blue #4984b8
leafy green #51b73b
mustard brown #ac7e04
dusk #4e5481
dull brown #876e4b
frog green #58bc08
vivid green #2fef10
bright light green #2dfe54
fluro green #0aff02
kiwi #9cef43
seaweed #18d17b
navy green #35530a
ultramarine blue #1805db
iris #6258c4
pastel orange #ff964f
yellowish orange #ffab0f
perrywinkle #8f8ce7
tealish #24bca8
dark plum #3f012c
pear #cbf85f
pinkish orange #ff724c
midnight purple #280137
light urple #b36ff6
dark mint #48c072
greenish tan #bccb7a
light burgundy #a8415b
turquoise blue #06b1c4
ugly pink #cd7584
sandy #f1da7a
electric pink #ff0490
muted purple #805b87
mid green #50a747
greyish #a8a495
neon yellow #cfff04
banana #ffff7e
carnation pink #ff7fa7
tomato #ef4026
sea #3c9992
muddy brown #886806
turquoise green #04f489
buff #fef69e
fawn #cfaf7b
muted blue #3b719f
pale rose #fdc1c5
dark mint green #20c073
amethyst #9b5fc0
blue/green #0f9b8e
chestnut #742802
sick green #9db92c
pea #a4bf20
rusty orange #cd5909
stone #ada587
rose red #be013c
pale aqua #b8ffeb
deep orange #dc4d01
earth #a2653e
mossy green #638b27
grassy green #419c03
pale lime green #b1ff65
light grey blue #9dbcd4
pale grey #fdfdfe
asparagus #77ab56
blueberry #464196
purple red #990147
pale lime #befd73
greenish teal #32bf84
caramel #af6f09
deep magenta #a0025c
light peach #ffd8b1
milk chocolate #7f4e1e
ocher #bf9b0c
off green #6ba353
purply pink #f075e6
lightblue #7bc8f6
dusky blue #475f94
golden #f5bf03
light beige #fffeb6
butter yellow #fffd74
dusky purple #895b7b
french blue #436bad
ugly yellow #d0c101
greeny yellow #c6f808
orangish red #f43605
shamrock green #02c14d
orangish brown #b25f03
tree green #2a7e19
deep violet #490648
gunmetal #536267
blue/purple #5a06ef
cherry #cf0234
sandy brown #c4a661
warm grey #978a84
dark indigo #1f0954
midnight #03012d
bluey green #2bb179
grey pink #c3909b
soft purple #a66fb5
blood #770001
brown red #922b05
medium grey #7d7f7c
berry #990f4b
poo #8f7303
purpley pink #c83cb9
light salmon #fea993
snot #acbb0d
easter purple #c071fe
light yellow green #ccfd7f
dark navy blue #00022e
drab #828344
light rose #ffc5cb
rouge #ab1239
purplish red #b0054b
slime green #99cc04
baby poop #937c00
irish green #019529
pink/purple #ef1de7
dark navy #000435
greeny blue #42b395
light plum #9d5783
pinkish grey #c8aca9
dirty orange #c87606
rust red #aa2704
pale lilac #e4cbff
orangey red #fa4224
primary blue #0804f9
kermit green #5cb200
brownish purple #76424e
murky green #6c7a0e
wheat #fbdd7e
very dark purple #2a0134
bottle green #044a05
watermelon #fd4659
deep sky blue #0d75f8
fire engine red #fe0002
yellow ochre #cb9d06
pumpkin orange #fb7d07
pale olive #b9cc81
light lilac #edc8ff
lightish green #61e160
carolina blue #8ab8fe
mulberry #920a4e
shocking pink #fe02a2
auburn #9a3001
bright lime green #65fe08
celadon #befdb7
pinkish brown #b17261
poo brown #885f01
bright sky blue #02ccfe
celery #c1fd95
dirt brown #836539
strawberry #fb2943
dark lime #84b701
copper #b66325
medium brown #7f5112
muted green #5fa052
robin's egg #6dedfd
bright aqua #0bf9ea
bright lavender #c760ff
ivory #ffffcb
very light purple #f6cefc
light navy #155084
pink red #f5054f
olive brown #645403
poop brown #7a5901
mustard green #a8b504
ocean green #3d9973
very dark blue #000133
dusty green #76a973
light navy blue #2e5a88
minty green #0bf77d
adobe #bd6c48
barney #ac1db8
jade green #2baf6a
bright light blue #26f7fd
light lime #aefd6c
dark khaki #9b8f55
orange yellow #ffad01
ocre #c69c04
maize #f4d054
faded pink #de9dac
british racing green #05480d
sandstone #c9ae74
mud brown #60460f
light sea green #98f6b0
robin egg blue #8af1fe
aqua marine #2ee8bb
dark sea green #11875d
soft pink #fdb0c0
orangey brown #b16002
cherry red #f7022a
burnt yellow #d5ab09
brownish grey #86775f
camel #c69f59
purplish grey #7a687f
marine #042e60
greyish pink #c88d94
pale turquoise #a5fbd5
pastel yellow #fffe71
bluey purple #6241c7
canary yellow #fffe40
faded red #d3494e
sepia #985e2b
coffee #a6814c
bright magenta #ff08e8
mocha #9d7651
ecru #feffca
purpleish #98568d
cranberry #9e003a
darkish green #287c37
brown orange #b96902
dusky rose #ba6873
melon #ff7855
sickly green #94b21c
silver #c5c9c7
purply blue #661aee
purpleish blue #6140ef
hospital green #9be5aa
shit brown #7b5804
mid blue #276ab3
amber #feb308
easter green #8cfd7e
soft blue #6488ea
cerulean blue #056eee
golden brown #b27a01
bright turquoise #0ffef9
red pink #fa2a55
red purple #820747
greyish brown #7a6a4f
vermillion #f4320c
russet #a13905
steel grey #6f828a
lighter purple #a55af4
bright violet #ad0afd
prussian blue #004577
slate green #658d6d
dirty pink #ca7b80
dark blue green #005249
pine #2b5d34
yellowy green #bff128
dark gold #b59410
bluish #2976bb
darkish blue #014182
dull red #bb3f3f
pinky red #fc2647
bronze #a87900
pale teal #82cbb2
military green #667c3e
barbie pink #fe46a5
bubblegum pink #fe83cc
pea soup green #94a617
dark mustard #a88905
shit #7f5f00
medium purple #9e43a2
very dark green #062e03
dirt #8a6e45
dusky pink #cc7a8b
red violet #9e0168
lemon yellow #fdff38
pistachio #c0fa8b
dull yellow #eedc5b
dark lime green #7ebd01
denim blue #3b5b92
teal blue #01889f
lightish blue #3d7afd
purpley blue #5f34e7
light indigo #6d5acf
swamp green #748500
brown green #706c11
dark maroon #3c0008
hot purple #cb00f5
dark forest green #002d04
faded blue #658cbb
drab green #749551
light lime green #b9ff66
snot green #9dc100
yellowish #faee66
light blue green #7efbb3
bordeaux #7b002c
light mauve #c292a1
ocean #017b92
marigold #fcc006
muddy green #657432
dull orange #d8863b
steel #738595
electric purple #aa23ff
fluorescent green #08ff08
yellowish brown #9b7a01
blush #f29e8e
soft green #6fc276
bright orange #ff5b00
lemon #fdff52
purple grey #866f85
acid green #8ffe09
pale lavender #eecffe
violet blue #510ac9
light forest green #4f9153
burnt red #9f2305
khaki green #728639
cerise #de0c62
faded purple #916e99
apricot #ffb16d
dark olive green #3c4d03
grey brown #7f7053
green grey #77926f
true blue #010fcc
pale violet #ceaefa
periwinkle blue #8f99fb
light sky blue #c6fcff
blurple #5539cc
green brown #544e03
bluegreen #017a79
bright teal #01f9c6
brownish yellow #c9b003
pea soup #929901
forest #0b5509
barney purple #a00498
ultramarine #2000b1
purplish #94568c
puke yellow #c2be0e
bluish grey #748b97
dark periwinkle #665fd1
dark lilac #9c6da5
reddish #c44240
light maroon #a24857
dusty purple #825f87
terra cotta #c9643b
avocado #90b134
marine blue #01386a
teal green #25a36f
slate grey #59656d
lighter green #75fd63
electric green #21fc0d
dusty blue #5a86ad
golden yellow #fec615
bright yellow #fffd01
light lavender #dfc5fe
umber #b26400
poop #7f5e00
dark peach #de7e5d
jungle green #048243
eggshell #ffffd4
denim #3b638c
yellow brown #b79400
dull purple #84597e
chocolate brown #411900
wine red #7b0323
neon blue #04d9ff
dirty green #667e2c
light tan #fbeeac
ice blue #d7fffe
cadet blue #4e7496
dark mauve #874c62
very light blue #d5ffff
grey purple #826d8c
pastel pink #ffbacd
very light green #d1ffbd
dark sky blue #448ee4
evergreen #05472a
dull pink #d5869d
aubergine #3d0734
mahogany #4a0100
reddish orange #f8481c
deep green #02590f
vomit green #89a203
purple pink #e03fd8
dusty pink #d58a94
faded green #7bb274
camo green #526525
pinky purple #c94cbe
pink purple #db4bda
brownish red #9e3623
dark rose #b5485d
mud #735c12
brownish #9c6d57
emerald green #028f1e
pale brown #b1916e
dull blue #49759c
burnt umber #a0450e
medium green #39ad48
clay #b66a50
light aqua #8cffdb
light olive green #a4be5c
brownish orange #cb7723
dark aqua #05696b
purplish pink #ce5dae
dark salmon #c85a53
greenish grey #96ae8d
jade #1fa774
ugly green #7a9703
dark beige #ac9362
emerald #01a049
pale red #d9544d
light magenta #fa5ff7
sky #82cafc
light cyan #acfffc
yellow orange #fcb001
reddish purple #910951
reddish pink #fe2c54
orchid #c875c4
dirty yellow #cdc50a
orange red #fd411e
deep red #9a0200
orange brown #be6400
cobalt blue #030aa7
neon pink #fe019a
rose pink #f7879a
greyish purple #887191
raspberry #b00149
aqua green #12e193
salmon pink #fe7b7c
tangerine #ff9408
brownish green #6a6e09
red brown #8b2e16
greenish brown #696112
pumpkin #e17701
pine green #0a481e
charcoal #343837
baby pink #ffb7ce
cornflower #6a79f7
blue violet #5d06e9
chocolate #3d1c02
greyish green #82a67d
scarlet #be0119
green yellow #c9ff27
dark olive #373e02
sienna #a9561e
pastel purple #caa0ff
terracotta #ca6641
aqua blue #02d8e9
sage green #88b378
blood red #980002
deep pink #cb0162
grass #5cac2d
moss #769958
pastel blue #a2bffe
bluish green #10a674
green blue #06b48b
dark tan #af884a
greenish blue #0b8b87
pale orange #ffa756
vomit #a2a415
forrest green #154406
dark lavender #856798
dark violet #34013f
purple blue #632de9
dark cyan #0a888a
olive drab #6f7632
pinkish #d46a7e
cobalt #1e488f
neon purple #bc13fe
light turquoise #7ef4cc
apple green #76cd26
dull green #74a662
wine #80013f
powder blue #b1d1fc
off white #ffffe4
electric blue #0652ff
dark turquoise #045c5a
blue purple #5729ce
azure #069af3
bright red #ff000d
pinkish red #f10c45
cornflower blue #5170d7
light olive #acbf69
grape #6c3461
greyish blue #5e819d
purplish blue #601ef9
yellowish green #b0dd16
greenish yellow #cdfd02
medium blue #2c6fbb
dusty rose #c0737a
light violet #d6b4fc
midnight blue #020035
bluish purple #703be7
red orange #fd3c06
dark magenta #960056
greenish #40a368
ocean blue #03719c
coral #fc5a50
cream #ffffc2
reddish brown #7f2b0a
burnt sienna #b04e0f
brick #a03623
sage #87ae73
grey green #789b73
white #ffffff
robin's egg blue #98eff9
moss green #658b38
steel blue #5a7d9a
eggplant #380835
light yellow #fffe7a
leaf green #5ca904
light grey #d8dcd6
puke #a5a502
pinkish purple #d648d7
sea blue #047495
pale purple #b790d4
slate blue #5b7c99
blue grey #607c8e
hunter green #0b4008
fuchsia #ed0dd9
crimson #8c000f
pale yellow #ffff84
ochre #bf9005
mustard yellow #d2bd0a
light red #ff474c
cerulean #0485d1
pale pink #ffcfdc
deep blue #040273
rust #a83c09
light teal #90e4c1
slate #516572
goldenrod #fac205
dark yellow #d5b60a
dark grey #363737
army green #4b5d16
grey blue #6b8ba4
seafoam #80f9ad
puce #a57e52
spring green #a9f971
dark orange #c65102
sand #e2ca76
pastel green #b0ff9d
mint #9ffeb0
light orange #fdaa48
bright pink #fe01b1
chartreuse #c1f80a
deep purple #36013f
dark brown #341c02
taupe #b9a281
pea green #8eab12
puke green #9aae07
kelly green #02ab2e
seafoam green #7af9ab
blue green #137e6d
khaki #aaa662
burgundy #610023
dark teal #014d4e
brick red #8f1402
royal purple #4b006e
plum #580f41
mint green #8fff9f
gold #dbb40c
baby blue #a2cffe
yellow green #c0fb2d
bright purple #be03fd
dark red #840000
pale blue #d0fefe
grass green #3f9b0b
navy #01153e
aquamarine #04d8b2
burnt orange #c04e01
neon green #0cff0c
bright blue #0165fc
rose #cf6275
light pink #ffd1df
mustard #ceb301
indigo #380282
lime #aaff32
sea green #53fca1
periwinkle #8e82fe
dark pink #cb416b
olive green #677a04
peach #ffb07c
pale green #c7fdb5
light brown #ad8150
hot pink #ff028d
black #000000
lilac #cea2fd
navy blue #001146
royal blue #0504aa
beige #e6daa6
salmon #ff796c
olive #6e750e
maroon #650021
bright green #01ff07
dark purple #35063e
mauve #ae7181
forest green #06470c
aqua #13eac9
cyan #00ffff
tan #d1b26f
dark blue #00035b
lavender #c79fef
turquoise #06c2ac
dark green #033500
violet #9a0eea
light purple #bf77f6
lime green #89fe05
grey #929591
sky blue #75bbfd
yellow #ffff14
magenta #c20078
light green #96f97b
orange #f97306
teal #029386
light blue #95d0fc
red #e50000
brown #653700
pink #ff81c0
blue #0343df
green #15b01a
purple #7e1e9c
Reference in New Issue