
65 KiB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog

This project attempts to adhere to Semantic Versioning since 1.7.0. Versions since 1.7.0 only track ABI breaks and not API breaks.


[1.23.1] - 2022-11-09


  • Code Page 437: Character 0x7F is now assigned to 0x2302 (HOUSE). #134


  • All color constants have been deprecated.


  • Forced all renderers to TCOD_RENDERER_SDL2 to fix rare graphical artifacts with OpenGL. #112 #83


  • Removed GLAD dependencies.

[1.23.0] - 2022-10-22


  • Added new C print functions: TCOD_printf_rgb, TCOD_printn_rgb, and TCOD_vprintf_rgb. #133
  • Added a default constructor for TCODImage.


  • Functions getting the size of an image now handle null pointers consistently.
  • Will no longer try to include <utf8proc.h> when Unicode support is disabled.

[1.22.3] - 2022-09-09


  • Libtcod can now be built without utf8proc by passing the -LIBTCOD_UTF8PROC=disable flag to CMake.


  • Fixed double present bug in non-context flush functions. This was affecting performance and also caused a screen flicker whenever the global fade color was active.

[1.22.2] - 2022-08-26


  • Libtcod was not linking utf8proc correctly in projects statically built with CMake.

[1.22.1] - 2022-08-24


  • Fix regression in TCODList when items are removed during iteration.

[1.22.0] - 2022-08-24


  • Libtcod can now be built without zlib by passing the -DLIBTCOD_ZLIB=disable flag to CMake or by setting CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_ZLIB=1.
  • Libtcod can now be built without PNG support by passing the -DLIBTCOD_LODEPNG=disable flag to CMake.
  • Added context screen capture functions to take screenshots into memory instead of a file.


  • The OpenGL2 renderer now defaults to the nearest filter unless SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY is set otherwise. This makes the renderer consistent with the SDL2 renderer.
  • Parser function parameters are more const correct.


  • SDL2 console rendering is no longer likely to stack overflow.
  • Fixed regression where new keywords would prevent older config files from loading.
  • Exceptions were not correctly thrown on errors when reading colors from streams.

[1.21.0] - 2022-07-15


  • Added the tcod::Context class to better handle contexts in C++.
  • Added a CMake toggle LIBTCOD_THREADS to remove deprecated threading functions. CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Threads=1 can also be used.
  • Libtcod can now be built without SDL by passing the -DLIBTCOD_SDL2=disable flag in CMake or by setting CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_SDL2=1.


  • SDL-based accumulate functions can now handle a non-window render target.
  • The SDL2 renderer has been rewritten to use SDL_RenderGeometry when compiled with SDL 2.0.18. #104
  • C++ inline functions switched to use C++17 filesystem types.
  • Error messages are no longer thread-local.
  • C++ objects have been moved to their .hpp headers: tcod::ColorRGB, tcod::ColorRGBA, tcod::BresenhamLine, REXPaint functions.


  • Older REXPaint functions using TCOD_list_t have been deprecated.
  • C++ methods gotten through TCOD_Context have been moved to a specialized class. Replace tcod.new_context(params) with tcod::Console(params).


  • Fixed poor attribute handing causing compile errors in GCC 12. #116
  • Context screenshots no longer crash when given NULL which the API implied was possible.

[1.20.1] - 2022-01-07


  • BDF files with blank lines no longer fail to load with an "Unknown keyword" error.

[1.20.0] - 2021-12-24


  • TCOD_RENDERER_XTERM was added. #100


  • const was missing from tcod::Tileset's get_X methods.
  • Fixed segfault during cleanup when an OpenGL2 context fails to load.


  • Removed deprecated overrides that existed to help transition obsolete code. This affects Console::clear and the C++ printing methods which take pointers to colors such as tcod::print.

[1.19.0] - 2021-11-12


  • Added TCOD_context_convert_event_coordinates and TCOD_Context::convert_event_coordinates as an easier way to convert mouse pixel coordinates to tile coordinates.
  • Added tcod::print, tcod::print_rect, and tcod::get_height_rect to replace the older C++ functions.
  • Added tcod::Tileset, tcod::load_tilesheet, and tcod::load_bdf for working with tilesets in C++ along with the character maps tcod::CHARMAP_CP437 and tcod::CHARMAP_TCOD.
  • TCOD_Context, TCOD_ContextParams, TCOD_ViewportOptions, and tcod::new_context are now public.
  • Added vprintf-like console printing functions: TCOD_console_vprintf and TCOD_console_vprintf_rect.
  • Added the tcod::Timer class. A way of handing frame limiting and delta time without depending on libtcod's internals.
  • Added TCOD_sys_get_internal_context. An easy way to get a TCOD_Context from the old API.
  • Added TCOD_sys_get_internal_console. This returns a pointer to the root console used by the old API.
  • Added tcod::ColorRGB and tcod::ColorRGBA to help with color type conversions.
  • Added libtcod logging functions, for debugging and internal use.
  • Added tcod::draw_quartergraphics to replace older C++ blit2x functions.
  • Added tcod::blit to replace older C++ blit functions.
  • Added tcod::stringf to encapsulate printf formatted strings so that other C++ functions won't have to deal with them. A library like fmt is safer and faster if you have access to it.


  • Initializing libtcod with the old API will now enable VSync by default. You can set the environment variable TCOD_VSYNC=0 to disable this or use the new API where VSync is a setting.
  • TCODConsole::get_data now returns a non-NULL pointer to the root console.
  • Fixes to Gaussian number generation will have changed the resulting numbers and any subsequent random numbers.
  • TCOD_Random now points to a union type.
  • Libtcod now uses the C++17 standard.
  • The newer C++ printing functions now take std::string_view instead of std::string.
  • TCODConsole, TCODBsp, TCODPath, TCODDijkstra, TCODNoise, TCODImage, and TCODMap can now handle move operations. Their copy operators have been deleted. This makes them safe to use as a value instead of using new/delete.


  • Deprecate TCOD_chars_t enum values because they are non-Unicode.
  • Deprecated C++ color constants because of class static const initialization issues.
  • Deprecated libtcod's older timing functions.
  • Deprecated older font loading functions.
  • Deprecated TCOD_random_t type.
  • Console defaults have been deprecated.
  • Root console initiation has been deprecated.


  • Gaussian number generation no longer affects the results of unrelated RNG's.
  • Gaussian number generation is now reentrant and thread-safe.


  • Dropped support for C++14.

[1.18.1] - 2021-05-21


  • Fixed potential crash in PNG image loading.

[1.18.0] - 2021-05-15


  • Added REXPaint functions which don't use TCOD lists for multiple consoles.


  • Resolved C++17 deprecation warnings with tcod::BresenhamLine.

[1.17.1] - 2021-05-15


  • Fixed regression with loading PNG images.

[1.17.0] - 2021-05-13


  • Added tcod::BresenhamLine, a C++ Bresenham line iterator. #91 #92 #93
  • Added TCODImage::get_data to return its TCOD_Image* object.


  • CMake scripts now use CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR correctly.


  • Deprecated the TCOD_List and TCODList classes since they don't work for their intended purpose.
  • Deprecated libtcod's event handling API, you should use SDL for events instead of libtcod.


  • Fixed TCOD_load_library.
  • Fixed TCODList(TCOD_list_t) constructor.
  • Fixed a regression in TCOD_console_printf_frame where a fmt of NULL would prevent the frame from being drawn.

[1.16.7] - 2021-03-31


  • CMake files now use lower-case libtcod to be consistent with the previous usage of this name.


  • Fixed PNG loading issues when using Vcpkg.
  • Fixed crashes from loading tilesets with non-square tile sizes.
  • Tilesets with a size of 0 should no longer crash when used.
  • Prevent division by zero from recommended-console-size functions.

[1.16.6] - 2021-03-02


  • Fixed static linking.

[1.16.5] - 2021-03-02


  • CMake scripts now support fetching dependencies from Vcpkg.

[1.16.4] - 2021-02-28


  • Simplified libtcod's system calls which should fix support for Microsoft's UWP.

[1.16.3] - 2021-02-24


  • Libtcod's CMake config file is now aware of its dependencies.

[1.16.2] - 2021-02-22


  • The SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI flag has been added to SDL windows created with the non-context API. This fixes issues on some MacOS systems. #90

[1.16.1] - 2021-02-17


  • Fixed the case-sensitive file name which was causing CMake to fail.

[1.16.0] - 2021-02-11


  • SCons builder now supports MacOS ARM64 and Universal 2 architectures.


  • TCOD_sys_get_current_resolution now returns error codes.


  • Deprecated TCOD_sys_get_current_resolution


  • Code points from the Private Use Area will now print correctly.
  • Fixed regression in TCOD_sys_get_current_resolution behavior. This function now returns the monitor resolution as was previously expected.
  • The OpenGL 2 renderer was ignoring SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY=nearest.


  • TCOD_rng_splitmix64_next has been marked as provisional.

[1.16.0-alpha.15] - 2020-11-13


  • Deprecated the zip functions.


  • Context functions won't crash when methods are missing.

[1.16.0-alpha.14] - 2020-10-30


  • Added new algorithm FOV_SYMMETRIC_SHADOWCAST based off of the code provided here.


  • TCOD_map_compute_fov and TCOD_map_copy now return error codes.

[1.16.0-alpha.13] - 2020-10-23


  • Tilesets can now be loaded from an in-memory PNG file or from raw data.
  • The character mappings TCOD_CHARMAP_CP437 and TCOD_CHARMAP_TCOD are now public.
  • Added TCOD_rng_splitmix64_next.
  • Added vectorized noise generator functions.


  • Video driver status info has been added to SDL video driver errors.
  • Console blits now ignore alpha compositing which would result in division by zero.
  • Image loading now returns an error code.
  • Added window x, y coordinates when creating contexts.
  • Added argc and argv to contexts so that they can optionally support CLI commands.
  • A struct is used to pass parameters for creating contexts.
  • The OpenGL 2 renderer can now use SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY to determine the tileset upscaling filter.
  • Improved performance of the FOV_BASIC algorithm. #77


  • Deprecated the following macros: TCOD_HEXVERSION, TCOD_TECHVERSION, and TCOD_STRVERSIONNAME.


  • TCOD_console_is_key_pressed should work even if libtcod events are ignored.
  • Fixed images only saving as a red channel. #75
  • The TCOD_RENDERER and TCOD_VSYNC environment variables should work now.
  • FOV_PERMISSIVE algorithms are now reentrant.

[1.16.0-alpha.12] - 2020-05-22


  • CMake can now create packages.


  • TCOD_console_init_root and context initializing functions were not returning error codes on failure.

[1.16.0-alpha.11] - 2020-05-13


  • Print functions will no longer treat special glyphs as double wide.
  • Library CMake files now support Vcpkg.


  • Fixed divide by zero when handing mouse input without a global context.

[1.16.0-alpha.10] - 2020-04-26


  • Fixed characters being dropped when color codes were used.

[1.16.0-alpha.9] - 2020-04-24


  • FOV_DIAMOND and FOV_RESTRICTIVE algorithms are now reentrant. #48
  • Heightmap functions will crash less often when given out-of-bounds parameters. #13 #50
  • The TCOD_VSYNC environment variable was being ignored.
  • Malformed UTF-8 strings will no longer hang printing functions.

[1.16.0-alpha.8] - 2020-04-03


  • Changing the active tileset now redraws tiles correctly on the next frame.

[1.16.0-alpha.7] - 2020-04-02


  • Changing the active tileset will now properly show it on the next render.

[1.16.0-alpha.6] - 2020-03-26


  • Added TCOD_load_bdf and TCOD_load_bdf_memory.

[1.16.0-alpha.5] - 2020-02-28


  • Mouse tile coordinates are now always zero before the first call to TCOD_console_flush.

[1.16.0-alpha.4] - 2020-02-22


  • Mouse tile coordinates are now correct on any resized window.

[1.16.0-alpha.3] - 2020-02-21


  • Mouse state and keyboard state functions are deprecated.
  • Mouse functions with SDL alternatives are deprecated.


  • The wavelet noise generator now excludes -1.0f and 1.0f as return values.
  • Fixed console fading color.
  • Fixed keyboard state and mouse state functions losing state when events were flushed.

[1.16.0-alpha.2] - 2020-02-14


  • Fixed possible crash in TCOD_mouse_move.

[1.16.0-alpha.1] - 2020-02-14


  • Added the TCOD_clear_error and TCOD_set_errorf functions.
  • Added an error code enum: TCOD_Error.


  • Console blit operations now perform per-cell alpha transparency.
  • When a renderer fails to load it will now fallback to a different one. The order is: OPENGL2 -> OPENGL -> SDL2.


  • The use of libtcod.cfg or terminal.png is deprecated.


  • The following are no longer mislabeled as taking const images:
    • TCOD_image_get_mipmap_pixel
    • TCOD_image_blit
    • TCOD_image_blit_rect
  • TCOD_sys_update_char now works with the newer renderers.
  • Fixed buffer overflow in name generator.
  • TCOD_image_from_console now works with the newer renderers.
  • New renderers now auto-load fonts from libtcod.cfg or terminal.png.

[1.15.1] - 2019-11-22


  • Renamed build systems directory from build/ to buildsys/.


  • OPENGL and GLSL renderers were not properly clearing space characters.

[1.15.0] - 2019-11-08


  • TCOD_image_blit_2x now renders using Unicode block elements instead of a custom encoding.


  • Libtcod will no longer segfault if it's statically linked to an executable.

[1.14.0] - 2019-09-06


  • TCODConsole::get_data method for getting the C struct pointer from C++.


  • TCOD_map_compute_fov will now silently ignore out-of-bounds coordinates instead of crashing.
  • Changing the tiles of an active tileset will now work correctly.

[1.13.0] - 2019-07-05


  • You can now set the TCOD_RENDERER and TCOD_VSYNC environment variables to force specific options to be used. Example: TCOD_RENDERER=sdl2 TCOD_VSYNC=1


  • TCOD_sys_set_renderer now returns an error status.
  • TCODSystem::setRenderer will now throw instead of terminating on an error.
  • TCOD_console_init_root and TCOD_sys_set_renderer are now no-discard.


  • TCOD_console_map_ascii_code_to_font functions will now work when called before TCOD_console_init_root.

[1.12.3] - 2019-06-02


  • Fixed regressions in text alignment for non-rectangle-bound text on UTF-8 print functions.

[1.12.2] - 2019-05-24


  • Fixed crashes and bad output when using printf-style functions.

[1.12.1] - 2019-05-17


  • Fixed shader compilation issues in the OPENGL2 renderer.
  • Fallback fonts should fail less on Linux.

[1.12.0] - 2019-05-17


  • Added the TCOD_get_error and TCOD_set_error functions.


  • TCOD_console_init_root and TCOD_console_set_custom_font will now return an error code instead of terminating on a known error.

[1.11.5] - 2019-05-10


  • Several functions in the tcod::console namespace are now accessible. These functions are provisional, so the API may change at anytime.


  • Corrected bounding box issues with the stateless UTF-8 print functions.

[1.11.4] - 2019-04-26


  • Fixed a name conflict with endianness macros on FreeBSD.

[1.11.3] - 2019-04-19


  • New consoles are initialized as if clear was called.
  • The SDL callback type now uses a typed argument instead of void pointer.


  • Fixed horizontal alignment for TrueType fonts.
  • Fixed screenshots with the older SDL renderer.


  • The SDL callback feature has been deprecated.

[1.11.2] - 2019-03-29


  • Console printing was ignoring color codes at the beginning of a string.
  • Releases no longer display debug messages.

[1.11.1] - 2019-03-15


  • Fixed header declaration for TCOD_sys_accumulate_console.

[1.11.0] - 2019-03-15


  • Added new functions which convert from SDL events to libtcod events:
    • TCOD_sys_process_key_event
    • TCOD_sys_process_mouse_event
    • tcod::sdl2::process_event
  • Added a way to access libtcod's SDL variables.
    • TCOD_sys_get_sdl_window
    • TCOD_sys_get_sdl_renderer
  • Added TCOD_sys_accumulate_console which renders a console to the display without automatically presenting it.
  • The new renderers can potentially use a fall-back font when none is provided.


  • TCOD_console_has_mouse_focus and TCOD_console_is_active are now more reliable with the newer renderers.

[1.10.8] - 2019-03-01


  • Updated libtcodpy deprecation warning with instructions on how to update to python-tcod.

[1.10.7] - 2019-03-01


  • GCC releases now include debug symbols.


  • SDL2 and OPENGL2 now support screenshots.
  • TCOD_sys_get_char_size fixed on the newer renderers.

[1.10.6] - 2019-02-15


  • Printing generates more compact layouts.


  • Fixed segmentation faults in the newer print functions caused by bad color codes.
  • The OPENGL and GLSL renders work again in static builds.
  • The SDL2 and OPENGL2 renders can now large numbers of tiles.

[1.10.5] - 2019-02-06


  • The SDL2/OPENGL2 renderers will now auto-detect a custom fonts key-color.


  • TCOD_console_printf_frame was clearing tiles outside if it's bounds.
  • The TCOD_FONT_LAYOUT_CP437 layout was incorrect.

[1.10.4] - 2019-02-01


  • Fixed regression where mouse wheel events unset mouse coordinates.

[1.10.3] - 2019-01-19


  • Use correct math for tile-based delta in mouse events.
  • New renderers now support tile-based mouse coordinates.
  • SDL2 renderer will now properly refresh after the window is resized.
  • MinGW samples now bundle their own runtimes.

[1.10.2] - 2018-11-23


  • Version numbers were not updated.

[1.10.1] - 2018-11-23


  • RENDERER_OPENGL2 now only needs OpenGL 2.0 to load.


  • FONT_LAYOUT_CP437 constant was missing from libtcodpy.
  • Function stubs for TCOD_console_set_keyboard_repeat and TCOD_console_disable_keyboard_repeat have been added to the ABI, this should fix older programs which depended on them existing.

[1.10.0] - 2018-11-17


  • Added pkg-config for 'libtcod' on AutoTools builds.


  • RENDERER_OPENGL2 constant was missing from libtcodpy.
  • Fixed crash when assigning to larger code-points.
  • Fixed center alignment on printf functions.
  • Fixed missing border tiles on printf frame function.

[1.9.0] - 2018-10-24


  • New renderer: TCOD_RENDERER_OPENGL2
  • TCOD_RENDERER_SDL2 and TCOD_RENDERER_OPENGL2 now have reliable fullscreen support.
  • SCons MSVC releases now include libtcod's .pdb file.


  • src/vendor must be included when building libtcod.
  • glad.c added to vendor directory.
  • In GCC builds: non-public symbols are no longer visible by default.

[1.8.2] - 2018-10-13


  • Fixed potential crash when splitting lines in UTF-8 print functions.
  • Fixed possible hang in TCOD_lex_parse_until_token_value.

[1.8.1] - 2018-10-11


  • Updated the compiler used to deploy Windows MinGW builds.

[1.8.0] - 2018-10-07


  • Added UTF-8 print functions for C and C++:
    • TCOD_console_printf, TCOD_console_printf_ex, TCOD_console_printf_rect, and TCOD_console_printf_rect_ex.
    • TCOD_console_printf_frame
    • TCOD_console_get_height_rect_fmt
    • New overrides for TCODConsole::print which can take std::string.
    • TCODConsole::printf.
  • Added TCOD_quit function, this function must be called on exit.
  • New renderer: TCOD_RENDERER_SDL2


  • AutoTools now adds version numbers to the libraries it builds.
  • lodepng and zlib sources moved into src/vendor/ folder.
  • Bundled zlib library updated from 1.2.8 to 1.2.11.
  • LodePNG updated from 20160501 to 20180611.
  • libtcod C type declarations are stricter.
  • libtcod now uses the C99 and C++14 standards.
  • In the repository include/ headers have been moved into src/.
  • Most headers except for libtcod.h and libtcod.h have been moved into a libtcod/ sub-folder.
  • SCons default architecture is now automatic instead of just 32-bit.
  • libtcod gui headers now use LIBTCOD_EXPORTS instead of LIBTCOD_GUI_EXPORTS to determine dllexport/dllimport.


  • All functions replaced by the new UTF-8 functions are deprecated.
  • The ctypes implementation of libtcodpy will no longer be maintained, use python-tcod as a drop-in replacement.
  • Deprecated file-system, threading, clipboard, and dynamic library functions.


  • libtcodpy.map_clear: transparent and walkable parameters were reversed.
  • Resolved build issues on PowerPC platforms.
  • Mouse state is now tracked even when mouse events are not asked for.
  • libtcod sys event functions no longer crash if the given key pointer is NULL.
  • SCons no longer crashes downloading SDL2 for Windows.


  • Autotools no longer creates libtcodxx or libtcodgui libraries, C++ programs should link to libtcod instead.

[1.7.0] - 2018-06-12


  • TCOD_console_is_active() now returns keyboard focus, its previous return value was undefined.
  • Load font debug information is now suppressed when NDEBUG is defined.
  • Error messages when failing to create an SDL window should be a less vague.
  • You no longer need to initialize libtcod before you can print to an off-screen console.


  • Fixed a missing space between a literal and identifier that causes problems with some C++ compilers.
  • Fixed implicit definitions that could potentially crash formatted console printing functions and image saving functions.
  • Fixed including libtcod gui headers. (Fabian Wolff)
  • Fixed memory leaks when lexer creation fails. (Fabian Wolff)
  • Avoid crashes if the root console has a character code higher than expected.
  • Fixed AttributeError: module 'urllib' has no attribute 'urlretrieve' when running SCons builder with Python 3.
  • Fixed UnicodeEncodeError: ordinal not in range(128) in places where libtcodpy says it wants an ASCII string.
  • libtcodpy now escapes the % character on print functions.
  • Fixed libtcodpy print functions not supporting Unicode for Python 3.
  • Fixed libtcodpy missing definition TCOD_console_print_utf.

[1.6.7] - 2018-05-17


  • Renamed libtcod-CHANGELOG.txt to
  • SCons builder now outputs libtcodgui instead of libtcod-gui to match Autotools behavior.


  • REXPaint operations now save/load as little-endian on any platform.
  • TCOD_console_map_ascii_code_to_font and related functions can now assign character codes that were not automatically assigned during initialization. Previously you could only assign codes up to the total number of tiles in the font.
  • Fixed including libtcod from Autotools installs, the console_rexpaint.h header was missing. (James Byrnes)

[1.6.6] - 2018-04-06


  • Added libtcod_c.c and libtcod.cpp source files to assist with static linking.


  • REXPaint functions now have their own header file: console_rexpaint.h
  • TCOD_color_set_HSV now normalizes bad hue/saturation/value parameters.


  • Non-reentrant line functions TCOD_line_init and TCOD_line_step are now deprecated.
  • TCOD_line_mt is deprecated. TCOD_line is the same function with an unnecessary parameter, and should be preferred.


[1.6.5] - 2018-02-20


[1.6.4] - 2017-11-27




[1.6.3] - 2017-02-26




[1.6.2] - 2016-12-28



  • crash bugs fixed in documentation generation.
  • libtcodpy when loading a DLL now explicitly compares the architecture of the Python version uses, to the architecture of the DLL and exits outputting any difference.
  • libtcodpy now uses more wrapper functions on Windows to cover ctypes limitations in passing and returning struct values.
  • libtcodpy now inlines more ctypes argtypes and restype definitions in order to work better on x64.
  • libtcodpy partially rewritten to support Python 3 as best possible and resolve outstanding 64 bit problems.
  • samples_py partially rewritten to run under both Python 3 and Python 2.
  • Adopted strict prototypes / void in C parameterless functions (Kyle Benesch). 5353098a70
  • SDL2 supported revision updated to release-2.0.5 AKA changeset 007dfe83abf8.



  • Removed SDL1 support.
  • Removed C/C++/Python API functions TCOD_console_set_keyboard_repeat and TCOD_console_disable_keyboard_repeat. This was SDL1 functionality, and not supported in SDL2.

[1.6.1] - 2016-09-23


[1.6.0] - 2016-09-16





  • removed support for mingw builds because no-one could get it to work

[1.5.2] - 2012-09-07


  • added mid point displacement algorithm to the heightmap toolkit
  • added TCODConsole::hasMouseFocus() and TCODConsole::isActive()
  • added TCODParser::hasProperty to check if a property is defined when using the default parser
  • added TCODText::setPos(int x, int y)


  • fixed TCODConsole::waitForKeypress returning for both press and release events (returns only on press)
  • fixed dynamic font switching not working
  • fixed TCOD_image_blit_rect not working with odd width/height
  • fixed TCODK_RWIN/TCODK_LWIN not detected
  • fixed TCOD_sys_wait_event not returning on mouse events
  • fixed mouse dcx/dcy fields always 0 when the cursor moves slowly
  • fixed crash in Python console_map_ascii_codes_to_font

[1.5.1] - 2012-08-29


  • added support for python3k. The samples run with Python 3.2.3
  • added support for colored tiles. Standard font characters MUST only use greyscale colors.
  • added native support for .ASC and .APF file (Ascii Paint format)
    • TCODConsole::TCODConsole(const char *filename)
    • bool TCODConsole::loadAsc(const char *filename)
    • bool TCODConsole::saveAsc(const char *filename) const
    • bool TCODConsole::loadApf(const char *filename)
    • bool TCODConsole::saveApf(const char *filename) const
  • added mouse wheel support in TCOD_mouse_t.wheel_up/wheel_down
  • added TCODSystem::fileExists function for checking whether a given file exists
  • added dice to the TCODRandom toolkit
  • added support for dynamic property declaration in the parser
  • added TCODList::reverse(), TCODPath::reverse(), TCODDijkstra::reverse()
  • added weighted Gaussian distribution RNG
  • added Gaussian distribution RNG with no minimum/maximum bounds (using only mean and standard deviance)
  • added clipboard support in TCODSystem (on Linux, only X clipboard supported)
  • added GLSL and OpenGL(fixed pipeline) renderer (FPS increased 880% on true color sample !!!)
  • added libtcod.cfg (allows the player to tweaks libtcod overriding the game presets)
  • added more TCOD_CHAR_* constants
  • added TCODColor::scaleHSV (saturation and value scaling)
  • added TCODColor::shiftHue (hue shifting up and down)
  • added a TCODColor constructor for HSV values
  • added TCODColor H, S and V separate getters and setters
  • added TCODColor::rotate90
  • added native Mac OSX support
  • added support for quote-less HTML color values in the parser (col=#FFFFFF instead of col="#FFFFFF")
  • added color control helpers for C# (TCODConsole.getColorControlString/getRGBColorControlString)


  • TCOD_console_wait_for_keypress, TCOD_console_check_for_keypress, TCOD_mouse_get_status replaced with TCOD_sys_check_for_event and TCOD_sys_wait_for_event
  • source width and height can be 0 in TCODConsole::blit to blit the whole console
  • Some of the parser-related functions now can be chained.
  • The RNG API now has less functions that choose the distribution based on the set flags.
  • The noise API now has less functions that choose the noise type based on the set flags.
  • Console default and cell foreground and background color getters and setters renamed to more intuitive names:
    • TCOD_console_set_background_color => TCOD_console_set_default_background
    • TCOD_console_set_foreground_color => TCOD_console_set_default_foreground
    • TCOD_console_get_background_color => TCOD_console_get_default_background
    • TCOD_console_get_foreground_color => TCOD_console_get_default_foreground
    • TCOD_console_set_back => TCOD_console_set_char_background
    • TCOD_console_set_fore => TCOD_console_set_char_foreground
    • TCOD_console_get_back => TCOD_console_get_char_background
    • TCOD_console_get_fore => TCOD_console_get_char_foreground
    • setBackgroundColor => setDefaultBackground
    • setForegroundColor => setDefaultForeground
    • getBackgroundColor => getDefaultBackground
    • getForegroundColor => getDefaultForeground
    • setBack => setCharBackground
    • setFore => setCharForeground
    • getBack => getCharBackground
    • getFore => getCharForeground
  • TCODConsole::printLeft/Right/Center replaced by TCODConsole::setBackgroundFlag(TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t) TCODConsole::setAlignment(TCOD_alignment_t) TCODConsole::print(int x, int y, const char *fmt, ...) TCODConsole::printEx(int x, int y, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t bkgnd, TCOD_alignment_t alignment, const char *fmt, ...)
  • added TCOD_BKGND_DEFAULT as default value in rect / putChar / hline / vline / setBack the default background flag for a console is BKGND_NONE Warning ! That mean the rect/putChar/... functions now default to BKGND_NONE instead of BKGND_SET, except if you call setBackgroundFlag before using them.
  • TCODConsole::getHeight[Left/Right/Center]Rect replaced by TCODConsole::getHeightRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *fmt, ...); (the 3 functions were useless, the height does not depend on the alignment... X( )
  • TCODConsole::initRoot has an additional renderer parameter: static void TCODConsole::initRoot(int w, int h, const char * title, bool fullscreen = false, TCOD_renderer_t renderer=TCOD_RENDERER_SDL); Possible values:
  • TCODMap::clear now sets walkable and transparent status of all cells: void TCODMap::clear (bool transparent = false, bool walkable = false) void TCOD_map_clear (TCOD_map_t map, bool transparent, bool walkable) map_clear (map, transparent, walkable)
  • cmake compilation works on FreeBSD thanks to namor_
  • Restrictive FOV algorithm updated to MRPAS v1.1 (faster, better-looking, improved symmetry)
  • Gaussian distribution in TCODRandom now uses a more precise Box-Muller transform algorithm
  • More default values for printFrame: void printFrame(int x,int y,int w,int h, bool clear=true, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag = TCOD_BKGND_DEFAULT, const char *fmt=NULL, ...)
  • hardened fov module
  • extended list of color constants (the old names can produce slightly different colors)
  • TCODMap memory consumption divided by 4
  • now mouse wheel events are properly detected


  • fixed namegen crash if generator list is empty
  • fixed permissive fov when light_walls is false
  • fixed possible crash when clearing an offscreen console before calling initRoot
  • fix possible crash when printing a string containing ascii codes > 127
  • fixed TCODNamegen returning integers in the Python version
  • fixed TCODDijkstra segfault when diagonal movement cost was zero
  • fixed setDirty() not working for the last row or column of the console
  • fixed Python samples not compiling if numpy installed
  • fixed Python TCOD_parser_get_list_property
  • fixed TCODDijkstra destructor crash bug
  • fixed TCODColor::setHSV bug when using hues below 0 or above 359 grades
  • fixed some rare issues in A* pathfinding
  • fixed issue in TCODImage::blit2x when blitting only a subregion of the image
  • fixed memory leak in TCODImage::save

[1.5.0] - 2010-02-15


  • added text field toolkit (undocumented)

  • added functions for fast Python full console coloring:

    • console_fill_foreground(con,r,g,b)
    • console_fill_background(con,r,g,b)

    r,g,b are 1D arrays of console_width * console_height

  • added fast Python rendering sample (Jotaf)

  • added TCODConsole::resetCredits() to restart credits animation before it's finished

  • added TCODConsole::setDirty(int x, int y, int w,int h) to force libtcod to redraw a part of the console This might by needed when using the SDL renderer

  • added TCODSystem::getCharSize(int *w, int *h) to get the current font's character size

  • added name generation module (Mingos)

  • added Dijkstra pathfinding (Mingos)

  • added approximated gaussian distribution functions in the RNG module float TCODRandom::getGaussian(float min, float max)

  • added subcell resolution blitting function TCODImage::blit2x

  • added more portable filesystem utilities:

    • static bool TCODSystem::isDirectory(const char *path)
    • static TCODList<const char *> TCODSystem::getDirectoryContent(const char *path, const char *pattern)
  • added TCODConsole::putCharEx(int x, int y, int c, TCODColor &fore, TCODColor &back) (at last!)

  • added waitThread and thread conditions support in (undocumented) threading API

  • added unicode support and 4 unicode fonts courtesy of Mingos. Functions with unicode support are :

    • static void TCODConsole::mapStringToFont(const wchar_t *s, int fontCharX, int fontCharY);
    • void TCODConsole::printLeft(int x, int y, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
    • void TCODConsole::printRight(int x, int y, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
    • void TCODConsole::printCenter(int x, int y, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
    • int TCODConsole::printLeftRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
    • int TCODConsole::printRightRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
    • int TCODConsole::printCenterRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t flag, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
    • int TCODConsole::getHeightLeftRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
    • int TCODConsole::getHeightRightRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const wchar_t *fmt, ...);
    • int TCODConsole::getHeightCenterRect(int x, int y, int w, int h,const wchar_t *fmt, ...);

    C versions of the functions have _utf suffixes. Unicode fonts are :

    • fonts/consolas_unicode_10x10.png
    • fonts/consolas_unicode_12x12.png
    • fonts/consolas_unicode_16x16.png
    • fonts/consolas_unicode_8x8.png


  • the random number generator module now support two algorithms (Mingos) Mersenne twister, used in previous versions of libtcod Complementary Multiply With Carry, 2 to 3 times faster and has a much better period. This is the default algorithm. You can choose the algorithm in the constructor:
    typedef enum {
    } TCOD_random_algo_t;
    • TCODRandom() => CMWC, default seed
    • TCODRandom(uint32 seed) => CMWC, custom seed
    • TCODRandom(TCOD_random_algo_t algo) => default seed, custom algo
    • TCODRandom(uint32 seed, TCOD_random_algo_t aldo) => custom algo and seed
  • TCODConsole::printFrame now takes an extra argument: TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t
  • renamed libraries on Linux to improve portability :
    • =>
    • =>
  • new compilation system with a debug and release version of the library
  • makefiles have been moved to a makefiles subdirectory
  • libtcod credits now use subcell resolution


  • fixed wrong ascii code returned by check/waitForKeypress with AltGr+0-9 combination
  • fixed RNG going mad if you delete the default RNG
  • fixed wait_for_keypress not working in Python
  • now the parser can handle strings/identifiers with unlimited size (previously limited to 256 chars)
  • fixed TCODZip module missing from MSVC release
  • fixed issue with TCOD_COLCTRL_FORE_RGB and TCOD_COLCTRL_BACK_RGB when using 10 or 37 in rgb values
  • fixed issue in color_set_hsv Python wrapper
  • fixed bug in console blitting when destination coordinates are outside the destination console


  • TCODRandom::getIntFromByteArray has been deleted
  • removed bitfield from TCOD_key_t and TCOD_mouse_t to ease wrappers writing. existing working wrappers might be broken, though.

[1.4.2] - 2009-10-06


  • added possibility to use SDL drawing functions on top of the root console with TCODSystem::registerSDLRenderer
  • added Mingos' restrictive precise angle shadow casting fov algorithm as FOV_RESTRICTIVE
  • heightmap: added missing TCOD_heightmap_set_value function
  • new consolas, dejavu, lucida and prestige fonts from Mingos


  • TCODConsole::blit now takes 2 float parameters: static void blit(const TCODConsole *src,int xSrc, int ySrc, int wSrc, int hSrc, TCODConsole *dst, int xDst, int yDst, float foreground_alpha=1.0f, float background_alpha=1.0f)


  • fixed R/B inversion in color operations in Python
  • fixed a crash when saving a TCODImage before initializing the root console
  • fixed a crash when destroying an empty TCODZip (file not found)
  • fixed torch effect in C++ sample
  • fixed ASCII_IN_ROW flag not working
  • fixed path_new_using_function not working in Python wrapper
  • fixed alignment issues in TCOD_console_print_* with strings containing ascii codes > 127
  • fixed color controls not working with autowrap
  • fixed fov post-processing step to handle opaque walkable cells (for example bush)

[1.4.1] - 2009-03-22


  • added Python wrapper
  • added arial, courier fonts courtesy of Mingos
  • added some non portable filesystem utilities in TCODSystem :
    • bool TCODSystem::createDirectory(const char *path);
    • bool TCODSystem::deleteDirectory(const char *path);
    • bool TCODSystem::deleteFile(const char *path);
  • added multithread utilities in TCODSystem :
    • static TCOD_thread_t TCODSystem::newThread(int (*func)(void *), void *data);
    • static void TCODSystem::deleteThread(TCOD_thread_t th);
    • static TCOD_mutex_t TCODSystem::newMutex();
    • static void TCODSystem::mutexIn(TCOD_mutex_t mut);
    • static void TCODSystem::mutexOut(TCOD_mutex_t mut);
    • static void TCODSystem::deleteMutex(TCOD_mutex_t mut);
    • static TCOD_semaphore_t TCODSystem::newSemaphore(int initVal);
    • static void TCODSystem::lockSemaphore(TCOD_semaphore_t sem);
    • static void TCODSystem::unlockSemaphore(TCOD_semaphore_t sem);
    • static void TCODSystem::deleteSemaphore( TCOD_semaphore_t sem);
  • added some image utilities :
    • void TCODImage::clear(const TCODColor col)
    • void TCODImage::invert()
    • void TCODImage::hflip()
    • void TCODImage::vflip()
    • void TCODImage::scale(int neww, int newh)
    • void TCODImage::setKeyColor(const TCODColor keyColor)
    • int TCODImage::getAlpha(int x,int y) const
    • bool TCODImage::isPixelTransparent(int x, int y) const
  • can now dynamically modify the content of the font bitmap: static void TCODSystem::updateChar(int asciiCode, int fontx, int fonty,const TCODImage *img,int x,int y)
  • added C and Python code generation in the heightmap tool
  • added function to calculate the height of a printed string (with autowrapping) without actually printing it:
    • int TCODConsole::getHeightLeftRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *fmt, ...)
    • int TCODConsole::getHeightRightRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *fmt, ...)
    • int TCODConsole::getHeightCenterRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *fmt, ...)
  • parser : now strings properties can be split. The parser concatenates them:
    myProperty = "string value can use "
                 "multi line layout"
  • parser: added missing getCharProperty when using default listener
  • heightmap: added missing TCOD_heightmap_get_value function
  • now support fonts with unlimited number of characters (was limited to 1024 in 1.4.0)
  • added callback-based atomic bresenham function static bool TCODLine::line(int xFrom, int yFrom, int xTo, int yTo, TCODLineListener *listener)
  • added TCODMap::copy function
  • added TCODList fast remove functions (don't preserve the list order)
    • template<class T> void TCODList::removeFast(const T elt)
    • template<class T> T * TCODList::removeFast(T *elt)


  • Default colors have been changed/added.
  • TCODMap::computeFov changed to support several algorithms: void computeFov(int playerX,int playerY, int maxRadius,bool light_walls = true, TCOD_fov_algorithm_t algo = FOV_BASIC) available algorithms :
  • setCustomFont changed: defines the font number of characters instead of character size. if not specified, it is deduced from the layout flag (16x16 for ascii, 32x8 for tcod) setCustomFont(const char *fontFile, int flags=TCOD_FONT_LAYOUT_ASCII_INCOL,int nbCharHoriz=0, int nbCharVertic=0) The flag values have changed too:
  • pathfinding: you don't need to provide coordinates in x,y parameters of Path::walk
  • improved double/simple walls special characters in tcod layout fonts


  • fixed SDL dependent features not being available before initRoot is called. If you want to draw on an offscreen console without calling initRoot, you need to call at least setCustomFont to initialize the font. Else characters won't be rendered.
  • fixed standalone credits page erasing previously fps limit
  • fixed special characters TCOD_CHAR_DTEE* and TCOD_CHAR_DCROSS not printing correctly
  • fixed heightmap tool generated code not compiling
  • fixed parser C++ error function not prepending file name & line number to the error message
  • fixed memory leak in pathfinding
  • fixed fov issue with walkable, non transparent cells
  • fixed numerical stability issues with heightmap rain erosion
  • fixed calculation error in heightmap kernel transformation function
  • fixed TCODConsole::renderCredits being able to render the credits only once
  • fixed mouse cx,cy coordinates in "padded" fullscreen modes
  • fixed mouse cursor hidden when switching fullscreen
  • fixed mouse coordinates when going fullscreen->windowed

[1.4.0] - 2008-10-16


  • added pathfinding module
  • added BSP module
  • added heightmap module + heightmap tool
  • added compression toolkit
  • added possibility to pre-allocate TCODList's memory
  • added support for PNG images + antialiased fonts from PNG with alpha channel or greyscale
  • added ASCII mapping functions to map an ascii code to any character in your font:
    • static void TCODConsole::mapAsciiCodeToFont(int asciiCode, int fontCharX, int fontCharY);
    • static void TCODConsole::mapAsciiCodesToFont(int firstAsciiCode, int nbCodes, int fontCharX, int fontCharY);
    • static void TCODConsole::mapStringToFont(const char *s, int fontCharX, int fontCharY);
  • parser : now strings can contain octal/hexadecimal ascii values
    • myStringProperty1 = "embedded hex value : \x80"
    • myStringProperty2 = "embedded octal value : \200"
  • parser : now can handle list properties.
    myStruct {
      myProperty = [1, 2, 3]
    to declare: struct.addListProperty("myProperty",TCOD_TYPE_INT,true); to read (default parser): TCODList<int> prop(parser.getListProperty("myStruct.myProperty", TCOD_TYPE_INT));
  • added color map generator. Interpolate colors from an array of key colors : TCODColor::genMap(TCODColor *map, int nbKey, TCODColor const *keyColor, int const *keyIndex)
  • added random generator backup function. You can save the state of a generator with TCODRandom *TCODRandom::save() and restore it with void TCODRandom::restore(const TCODRandom *backup)
  • added simplex noise, similar to perlin but faster, especially in 4 dimensions and has better contrast:
    • TCODNoise::getSimplex
    • TCODNoise::getFbmSimplex
    • TCODNoise::getTurbulenceSimplex Simplex should be preferred over Perlin for most usages.
  • added wavelet noise, similar to perlin, much slower but doesn't blur at high scales. Doesn't work in 4D :
    • TCODNoise::getWavelet
    • TCODNoise::getFbmWavelet
    • TCODNoise::getTurbulenceWavelet Noise functions relative times:
    2D 3D 4D
    simplex 1 1 1
    perlin 4 5 17
    wavelet 32 14 X
  • you can capture a console to an existing image without creating a new image with TCODImage::refreshConsole
  • non rectangular offscreen consoles: you can define a key color on offscreen consoles. Cells for which background color = key color are not blitted
  • added libtcod credits function. You can either call: TCODConsole::credits() to print the credits page at the start of your game (just after initRoot) or bool TCODConsole::renderCredits(int x, int y, bool alpha) to print the credits on top of one of your existing page (your game menu for example). Call it until it returns true.


  • Noise functions renamed:
    • TCODNoise::getNoise -> TCODNoise::getPerlin
    • TCODNoise::getFbm -> TCODNoise::getFbmPerlin
    • TCODNoise::getTurbulence -> TCODNoise::getTurbulencePerlin
  • Some special char constants TCOD_CHAR_x added/removed
  • setCustomFont changed: setCustomFont(const char *fontFile,int charWidth=8, int charHeight=8, int flags=0) flags:
  • improved TCODConsole::flush performances: frames per second for sample "True colors" (terminal.png font) on my reference computer (windowed mode):
    • libtcod 1.3.2: 130
    • libtcod 1.4.0: 300
  • TCODNoise::getTurbulence is twice faster
  • improved mouse click detection. Even with a low framerate, mouse clicks will always be detected and reported in the Xbutton_pressed fields of TCOD_mouse_t
  • you don't need anymore to provide values in TCODLine::step parameters


  • fixed memory leak in image module
  • fixed DELETE and INSERT keys not detected
  • fixed a rendering bug when using a white background color before any other background color

[1.3.2] - 2008-07-14


  • added documentation for the generic container module TCODList


  • fixed not being able to open and close the root console more than once
  • fixed parser not being able to attach a sub-structure to more than one structure
  • fixed TCOD_image_from_console not working with root console on C version
  • fixed TCODParser::newStruct, addFlag, addProperty handling only static names
  • fixed web color parser (#rrggbb) in the parser module
  • fixed TCODImage constructor / TCOD_image_new crashing if root console not initialized
  • fixed mouse status not updated if the keyboard events are not read with checkForKeypress/waitForKeypress
  • fixed fbm, turbulence functions returning NaN for high octaves values

[1.3.1] - 2008-06-05


  • added default parser listener for basic config files.

  • added fields in TCOD_mouse_t to easily detect button press events:

    • lbutton_pressed: left button pressed event
    • rbutton_pressed: right button pressed event
    • mbutton_pressed: middle button pressed event

    and to get the mouse movement in cell coordinates (instead of pixels)

  • added functions to retrieve data from TCODMap


  • now TCODConsole::putChar/setChar can use ascii code > 255 (ok, it's no more an ascii code, then) this allows you to use fonts with more than 255 characters.


  • fixed const correctness in TCODConsole::print*Rect functions
  • fixed a bug in fov toolkit if TCODMap width < height
  • fixed TCOD_struct_get_type returning TCOD_TYPE_NONE instead of TCOD_TYPE_BOOL for flags.

[1.3] - 2008-05-25


  • added mouse support
  • added the file parser module
  • added TCODColor::setHSV(float h, float s, float v) and TCODColor::getHSV(float *h, float *s, float *v)
  • added TCODColor addition and scalar multiplication. All r,g,b values are clamped to [0-255] :
    • C++: color1 = color2 * 3.5f; color1 = color1 + color2;
    • C : color1 = TCOD_color_multiply_scalar(color2, 3.5f); color1 = TCOD_color_add(color1, color2);
  • added TCODConsole::setKeyboardRepeat(int initialDelay, int interval) and TCODConsole::disableKeyboardRepeat()
  • added TCODSystem::getCurrentResolution(int *w, int *h)


  • C++ : colors must be initialized by constructor:
    • 1.2.2 : TCODColor mycol={r,g,b};
    • 1.3 : TCODColor mycol(r,g,b);
  • TCOD_console_check_for_keypress now has a parameter that indicates which events are tracked
    • 1.2.2 : key = TCOD_console_check_for_keypress();
    • 1.3 : key = TCOD_console_check_for_keypress(TCOD_KEY_PRESSED);
  • now TCODFov::computeFov takes a maxRadius parameter. Use 0 for unlimited range (default)
  • the mouse cursor is now automatically hidden when using fullscreen
  • fixed closing the window resulting in a fake 'Q' keyboard event
  • fixed TCODConsole::print* and TCODConsole::rect functions crashing when printing out of the console
  • fixed f parameter modified when calling fbm and turbulence noise functions. Now f is no more modified.
  • fixed wrong ascii code in TCOD_key_t.c when pressing Control and a letter key.

[1.2.2] - 2008-03-18


  • added helpers for real time games
    • void TCODSystem::setFps(int val) to limit the number of frames per second. Use 0 for unlimited fps (default)
    • int TCODSystem::getFps() to return the number of frames rendered during the last second
    • float TCODSystem::getLastFrameLength() to return the length of the last frame in seconds
  • added TCODImage::clear to fill an image with a color


  • TCODConsole::hline and vline now have a TCOD_bkgnd_flag_t parameter
  • now the TCODConsole::print*Rect functions return the height (number of console lines) of the printed string


  • fixed TCODConsole::print*Rect functions not truncating the string if it reaches the bottom of the rectangle using a rectangle height of 0 means unlimited height
  • fixed a color bug when drawing text using the black color (0,0,0)
  • fixed TCODConsole::waitForKeypress(true) resulting in Alt/Ctrl/Shift key state not cleared

[1.2.1] - 2008-03-09


  • added TCODImage::blitRect to easily map an image on a specific part of a console
  • added possibility to generate an image from an offscreen console
  • added TCODImage::save
  • image toolkit now support reading 8bpp bitmap files.


  • Random number generators now support inverted ranges instead of crashing: TCODRandom::getInstance()->getInt(10,2) => return a value between 2 and 10.


  • fixed image toolkit replacing the green component by the red one when loading a bitmap from a file
  • fixed console print*Rect functions unnecessarily splitting the string in some cases
  • on Linux, you don't need to link with SDL anymore when using libtcod/libtcod++
  • fixed linker issues with Visual Studio

[1.2] - 2008-02-26


  • new 'image' toolkit replacing some of the features previously in the 'system' toolkit.
  • now windowed mode works even on 16bits desktops
  • improved custom font support. You can now use fonts with characters ordered in rows or columns and with a custom transparent color. This allows you to use most existing character sets with the doryen library. Font characters with grayscale are still not supported.
  • new time functions:
    • uint32 TCODSystem::getElapsedMilli()
    • float TCODSystem::getElapsedSeconds()
  • new background blending modes (see the line sample for a demo) :
    • TCOD_BKGND_LIGHTEN : newbk = MAX(oldbk,curbk)
    • TCOD_BKGND_DARKEN : newbk = MIN(oldbk,curbk)
    • TCOD_BKGND_SCREEN : newbk = white - (white - oldbk) * (white - curbk) // inverse of multiply : (1-newbk) = (1-oldbk)*(1-curbk)
    • TCOD_BKGND_COLOR_DODGE : newbk = curbk / (white - oldbk)
    • TCOD_BKGND_COLOR_BURN : newbk = white - (white - oldbk) / curbk
    • TCOD_BKGND_ADD : newbk = oldbk + curbk
    • TCOD_BKGND_ADDALPHA(alpha) : newbk = oldbk + alpha * curbk, 0.0<=alpha<=1.0
    • TCOD_BKGND_BURN : newbk = oldbk + curbk - white
    • TCOD_BKGND_OVERLAY : newbk = curbk <= 0.5 ? 2curbkoldbk : white - 2*(white-curbk)*(white-oldbk)
    • TCOD_BKGND_ALPHA(alpha) : newbk = (1.0f-alpha)oldbk + alpha(curbk-oldbk), 0.0<=alpha<=1.0
  • The samples can now use custom bitmap fonts / screen resolution. Use following syntax : sample_c[pp] [options] options :
    • -fullscreen : start directly in fullscreen mode
    • -font <font_filename> (default "terminal.bmp")
    • -font-char-size <char_width> <char_height> (default 8 8)
    • -font-layout <nb_char_horiz> <nb_char_vertic> (default 16 16)
    • -font-in-row : characters in the bitmap are ordered in rows (default : columns)
    • -font-key-color : transparent color, r,g,b between 0 and 255. (default 0 0 0)
    • -fullscreen-resolution (default 640 400)


  • headers renamed from tcodlib.h* to libtcod.h*
  • on Linux, the library is split into and allowing C developers to use it without installing g++
  • the font name is no more a parameter of TCODConsole::initRoot
  • TCODConsole::setBitmapFontSize renamed to TCODConsole::setCustomFont
  • TCODConsole::printFrame is now a variadic function, like the other text output functions
  • some background blending flags have been renamed:
    • TCOD_BKGND_BK replaced by TCOD_BKGND_SET
  • the fov toolkit now uses two properties per cell : transparent/walkable. This is necessary to fix a fov issue with window cells (transparent, but not walkable). void TCODFov::setTransparent(int x,int y, bool isTransparent) has been replaced by : void TCODFov::setProperties(int x,int y, bool isTransparent, bool isWalkable)
  • improved const correctness, added some default parameter values in the C++ API.


  • fixed the window size when using a custom font size
  • fixed TCODK_PRINTSCREEN key event not detected
  • fixed crash in printing functions if the string length was > 255. Now they can handle strings of any size.

[1.1] - 2008-01-27


  • added the noise toolkit
  • added the field of view toolkit
  • added customizable bitmap font size

[1.0.1] - 2008-01-19


  • added C/C++ samples


  • TCODConsole::waitForKeyPress now has a bool parameter indicating if we flush the keyboard buffer before waiting.


  • fixed a color bug when drawing text using the grey color (196,196,196)
  • fixed wrong key codes returned by wait/checkForKeyPress on some keyboard layouts

[1.0] - 2008-01-05

  • Initial release