Compare commits
85 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
John McCardle | 3325e4895e | |
John McCardle | 705943abba | |
John McCardle | 47b485ca7d | |
John McCardle | f2eaee95ec | |
John McCardle | 494658e5c3 | |
John McCardle | 6e820af8c4 | |
John McCardle | cf485ef327 | |
John McCardle | 3a1432212f | |
John McCardle | 38b6a3cade | |
John McCardle | 1bbb0aa5b8 | |
John McCardle | bec2b3294d | |
John McCardle | 9486104377 | |
John McCardle | 5267287b05 | |
John McCardle | b8af8bc870 | |
John McCardle | 0ef0a5d506 | |
John McCardle | a41d3d4a54 | |
John McCardle | 6d4bc2989c | |
John McCardle | d5a7cbca85 | |
John McCardle | 5d8510747c | |
John McCardle | 06052c81c9 | |
John McCardle | 6fe7b842ef | |
John McCardle | 50d926fe37 | |
John McCardle | 795701c986 | |
John McCardle | 884a49a63a | |
John McCardle | c4d5a497d4 | |
John McCardle | ba97aebf3e | |
John McCardle | ac0ec4bb71 | |
John McCardle | a455c44b34 | |
John McCardle | 96e78e6150 | |
John McCardle | 0dd86056a8 | |
John McCardle | 26cb410b8e | |
John McCardle | d09fc87499 | |
John McCardle | b022dfa6e8 | |
John McCardle | 232ce34d54 | |
John McCardle | c1c17bab69 | |
John McCardle | e85861cbb2 | |
John McCardle | d6446e18ea | |
John McCardle | d3826804a0 | |
John McCardle | b4c49c4619 | |
John McCardle | 76ac236be3 | |
John McCardle | 97793fb26b | |
John McCardle | b3134f0890 | |
John McCardle | dfcc39dd43 | |
John McCardle | 29ac89b489 | |
John McCardle | b4daac6e0c | |
John McCardle | 3fd60d76ea | |
John McCardle | 99fa92f8ba | |
John McCardle | 9441f357df | |
John McCardle | 34feb226e4 | |
John McCardle | 486a1cd17c | |
John McCardle | 8d9148b88d | |
John McCardle | f1798189f0 | |
John McCardle | 5b168737ce | |
John McCardle | 6875cb5fe1 | |
John McCardle | 87483cc8ad | |
John McCardle | 620def19f1 | |
John McCardle | c9b97b9b35 | |
John McCardle | 8e59152a8f | |
John McCardle | fedfcd46a3 | |
John McCardle | c551c721ce | |
John McCardle | d74635ee4e | |
John McCardle | 47e823d5b9 | |
John McCardle | 6dbf8a5119 | |
John McCardle | a53ae29467 | |
John McCardle | 257aa3c3d2 | |
John McCardle | a4b6c2c428 | |
John McCardle | b0ef1d2303 | |
John McCardle | b3f946ecb2 | |
John McCardle | 6a4150ec05 | |
John McCardle | e295bfb742 | |
John McCardle | 2ec97dfb1c | |
John McCardle | f89896176c | |
John McCardle | de753713d5 | |
John McCardle | c8124e84dc | |
John McCardle | a1e9129923 | |
John McCardle | f23dfbe4ba | |
John McCardle | 1e9fd77a13 | |
John McCardle | 2c1946c29b | |
John McCardle | 6d05f8bc63 | |
John McCardle | a4d0efe334 | |
John McCardle | 6a47bc1e28 | |
John McCardle | 6a2c3c6c36 | |
John McCardle | a6f59085eb | |
John McCardle | d2499a67f8 | |
John McCardle | 1784489dfb |
@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/deps/libtcod)
# TODO: Move this into the WIN32 if block below (as 'else')
# Collect all the source files
# Collect all the source files
file(GLOB_RECURSE SOURCES "src/*.cpp")
file(GLOB_RECURSE SOURCES "src/*.cpp")
@ -39,9 +43,6 @@ if(WIN32)
# include_directories(path_to_additional_includes)
# include_directories(path_to_additional_includes)
# link_directories(path_to_additional_libs)
# link_directories(path_to_additional_libs)
# list(APPEND LINK_LIBS additional_windows_libs)
# list(APPEND LINK_LIBS additional_windows_libs)
# Add the directory where the linker should look for the libraries
# Add the directory where the linker should look for the libraries
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.0 MiB |
@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
aqua #00FFFF
black #000000
blue #0000FF
fuchsia #FF00FF
gray #808080
green #008000
lime #00FF00
maroon #800000
navy #000080
olive #808000
purple #800080
red #FF0000
silver #C0C0C0
teal #008080
white #FFFFFF
yellow #FFFF00
aliceblue #F0F8FF
antiquewhite #FAEBD7
aqua #00FFFF
aquamarine #7FFFD4
azure #F0FFFF
beige #F5F5DC
bisque #FFE4C4
black #000000
blanchedalmond #FFEBCD
blue #0000FF
blueviolet #8A2BE2
brown #A52A2A
burlywood #DEB887
cadetblue #5F9EA0
chartreuse #7FFF00
chocolate #D2691E
coral #FF7F50
cornflowerblue #6495ED
cornsilk #FFF8DC
crimson #DC143C
cyan #00FFFF
darkblue #00008B
darkcyan #008B8B
darkgoldenrod #B8860B
darkgray #A9A9A9
darkgreen #006400
darkkhaki #BDB76B
darkmagenta #8B008B
darkolivegreen #556B2F
darkorange #FF8C00
darkorchid #9932CC
darkred #8B0000
darksalmon #E9967A
darkseagreen #8FBC8F
darkslateblue #483D8B
darkslategray #2F4F4F
darkturquoise #00CED1
darkviolet #9400D3
deeppink #FF1493
deepskyblue #00BFFF
dimgray #696969
dodgerblue #1E90FF
firebrick #B22222
floralwhite #FFFAF0
forestgreen #228B22
fuchsia #FF00FF
gainsboro #DCDCDC
ghostwhite #F8F8FF
gold #FFD700
goldenrod #DAA520
gray #7F7F7F
green #008000
greenyellow #ADFF2F
honeydew #F0FFF0
hotpink #FF69B4
indianred #CD5C5C
indigo #4B0082
ivory #FFFFF0
khaki #F0E68C
lavender #E6E6FA
lavenderblush #FFF0F5
lawngreen #7CFC00
lemonchiffon #FFFACD
lightblue #ADD8E6
lightcoral #F08080
lightcyan #E0FFFF
lightgoldenrodyellow #FAFAD2
lightgreen #90EE90
lightgrey #D3D3D3
lightpink #FFB6C1
lightsalmon #FFA07A
lightseagreen #20B2AA
lightskyblue #87CEFA
lightslategray #778899
lightsteelblue #B0C4DE
lightyellow #FFFFE0
lime #00FF00
limegreen #32CD32
linen #FAF0E6
magenta #FF00FF
maroon #800000
mediumaquamarine #66CDAA
mediumblue #0000CD
mediumorchid #BA55D3
mediumpurple #9370DB
mediumseagreen #3CB371
mediumslateblue #7B68EE
mediumspringgreen #00FA9A
mediumturquoise #48D1CC
mediumvioletred #C71585
midnightblue #191970
mintcream #F5FFFA
mistyrose #FFE4E1
moccasin #FFE4B5
navajowhite #FFDEAD
navy #000080
navyblue #9FAFDF
oldlace #FDF5E6
olive #808000
olivedrab #6B8E23
orange #FFA500
orangered #FF4500
orchid #DA70D6
palegoldenrod #EEE8AA
palegreen #98FB98
paleturquoise #AFEEEE
palevioletred #DB7093
papayawhip #FFEFD5
peachpuff #FFDAB9
peru #CD853F
pink #FFC0CB
plum #DDA0DD
powderblue #B0E0E6
purple #800080
red #FF0000
rosybrown #BC8F8F
royalblue #4169E1
saddlebrown #8B4513
salmon #FA8072
sandybrown #FA8072
seagreen #2E8B57
seashell #FFF5EE
sienna #A0522D
silver #C0C0C0
skyblue #87CEEB
slateblue #6A5ACD
slategray #708090
snow #FFFAFA
springgreen #00FF7F
steelblue #4682B4
tan #D2B48C
teal #008080
thistle #D8BFD8
tomato #FF6347
turquoise #40E0D0
violet #EE82EE
wheat #F5DEB3
white #FFFFFF
whitesmoke #F5F5F5
yellow #FFFF00
yellowgreen #9ACD32
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __PLATFORM
#define __PLATFORM
std::wstring executable_path()
wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileName(NULL, buffer, MAX_PATH);
std::wstring exec_path = buffer;
auto exec_path = std::filesystem::canonical("/proc/self/exe").parent_path();
return exec_path.wstring();
//size_t path_index = exec_path.find_last_of('/');
//return exec_path.substr(0, path_index);
std::wstring executable_filename()
auto exec_path = std::filesystem::canonical("/proc/self/exe");
return exec_path.wstring();
std::wstring working_path()
auto cwd = std::filesystem::current_path();
return cwd.wstring();
std::string narrow_string(std::wstring convertme)
//setup converter
using convert_type = std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>;
std::wstring_convert<convert_type, wchar_t> converter;
//use converter (.to_bytes: wstr->str, .from_bytes: str->wstr)
return converter.to_bytes(convertme);
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __PLATFORM
#define __PLATFORM
#include <Windows.h>
std::wstring executable_path()
wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileName(NULL, buffer, MAX_PATH);
std::wstring exec_path = buffer;
size_t path_index = exec_path.find_last_of(L"\\/");
return exec_path.substr(0, path_index);
std::wstring executable_filename()
wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileName(NULL, buffer, MAX_PATH);
std::wstring exec_path = buffer;
return exec_path;
std::wstring working_path()
auto cwd = std::filesystem::current_path();
return cwd.wstring();
std::string narrow_string(std::wstring convertme)
//setup converter
using convert_type = std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>;
std::wstring_convert<convert_type, wchar_t> converter;
//use converter (.to_bytes: wstr->str, .from_bytes: str->wstr)
return converter.to_bytes(convertme);
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
# data sources: CSS docs, jennyscrayoncollection 2017 article on Crayola colors, XKCD color survey
# target: Single C++ header file to provide a struct of color RGB codes and names.
# This file pre-computes the nearest neighbor of every color.
# if an RGB code being searched for is closer than the nearest neighbor, it's the closest color name.
def hex_to_rgb(txt):
if '#' in txt: txt = txt.replace('#', '')
r = txt[0:2]
g = txt[2:4]
b = txt[4:6]
return tuple([int(s, 16) for s in (r,g,b)])
class palette:
def __init__(self, name, filename, priority):
|||||| = name
self.priority = priority
with open(filename, "r") as f:
print(f"scanning {filename}")
self.colors = {}
for line in'\n'):
if len(line.split('\t')) < 2: continue
name, code = line.split('\t')
#print(name, code)
self.colors[name] = hex_to_rgb(code)
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Palette '{}' - {len(self.colors)} colors, priority = {self.priority}>"
palettes = [
#palette("jenny", "jenny_colors.txt", 3), # I should probably use wikipedia as a source for copyright reasons
palette("crayon", "wikicrayons_colors.txt", 2),
palette("xkcd", "xkcd_colors.txt", 1),
palette("css", "css_colors.txt", 0),
#palette("matplotlib", "matplotlib_colors.txt", 2) # there's like 10 colors total, I think we'll survive without them
all_colors = []
from math import sqrt
def rgbdist(c1, c2):
return sqrt((c1.r - c2.r)**2 + (c1.g - c2.g)**2 + (c1.b - c2.b)**2)
class Color:
def __init__(self, r, g, b, name, prefix, priority):
self.r = r
self.g = g
self.b = b
|||||| = name
self.prefix = prefix
self.priority = priority
self.nearest_neighbor = None
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Color ({self.r}, {self.g}, {self.b}) - '{self.prefix}:{}', priority = {self.priority}, nearest_neighbor={ if self.nearest_neighbor is not None else None}>"
def nn(self, colors):
nearest = None
nearest_dist = 999999
for c in colors:
dist = rgbdist(self, c)
if dist == 0: continue
if dist < nearest_dist:
nearest = c
nearest_dist = dist
self.nearest_neighbor = nearest
for p in palettes:
prefix =
priority = p.priority
for name, rgb in p.colors.items():
all_colors.append(Color(*rgb, name, prefix, priority))
for c in all_colors:
smallest_dist = 9999999999999
largest_dist = 0
for c in all_colors:
dist = rgbdist(c, c.nearest_neighbor)
if dist > largest_dist: largest_dist = dist
if dist < smallest_dist: smallest_dist = dist
#print(f"{c.prefix}:{} -> {c.nearest_neighbor.prefix}:{}\t{rgbdist(c, c.nearest_neighbor):.2f}")
# questions -
# are there any colors where their nearest neighbor's nearest neighbor isn't them? (There should be)
nonnear_pairs = 0
for c in all_colors:
neighbor = c.nearest_neighbor
their_neighbor = neighbor.nearest_neighbor
if c is not their_neighbor:
#print(f"{c.prefix}:{} -> {neighbor.prefix}:{} -> {their_neighbor.prefix}:{}")
nonnear_pairs += 1
print("Non-near pairs:", nonnear_pairs)
#print(f"{c.prefix}:{} -> {c.nearest_neighbor.prefix}:{}\t{rgbdist(c, c.nearest_neighbor):.2f}")
# Are there duplicates? They should be removed from the palette that won't be used
dupes = 0
for c in all_colors:
for c2 in all_colors:
if c is c2: continue
if c.r == c2.r and c.g == c2.g and c.b == c2.b:
dupes += 1
print("dupes:", dupes, "this many will need to be removed:", dupes / 2)
# What order to put them in? Do we want large radiuses first, or some sort of "common color" table?
# does manhattan distance change any answers over the 16.7M RGB values?
# What's the worst case lookup? (Checking all 1200 colors to find the name?)
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
class GridPoint:
def __init__(self, color, walkable, tilesprite, transparent, visible, discovered, color_overlay, tile_overlay, uisprite):
self.color = color
self.walkable = walkable
self.tilesprite = tilesprite
self.transparent = transparent
self.visible = visible
self.discovered = discovered
self.color_overlay = color_overlay
self.tile_overlay = tile_overlay
self.uisprite = uisprite
def __repr__(self):
return f"<GridPoint {self.color}, {self.tilesprite}/{self.uisprite} {'W' if self.walkable else '-'}{'T' if self.transparent else '-'}{'V' if self.visible else '-'}{'D' if self.discovered else '-'} {self.color_overlay}/{self.tile_overlay}>"
class Grid:
def __init__(self, title, gx, gy, gs, x, y, w, h, visible=False):
self.title = title
self.grid_x = gx
self.grid_y = gy
self.grid_size = gs
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.visible = visible
self.points = []
self.entities = []
def at(self, x, y):
if not (x > 0 and y > 0 and x < self.grid_x and y < self.grid_y): return None
return self.points[y * self.grid_y + x]
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Grid {self.grid_x}x{self.grid_y}, grid_size={self.grid_size}, (({self.x},{self.y}), ({self.w}, {self.h})), visible={self.visible}>"
# CGrid(Grid* _g, int _ti, int _si, int _x, int _y, bool _v)
class Entity:
def __init__(self, parent, tex_index, sprite_index, x, y, visible=True):
self.parent = parent
self.tex_index = tex_index
self.sprite_index = sprite_index
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.visible = visible
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Entity on grid {repr(self.parent)}@({self.x},{self.y}), TI={self.tex_index}, SI={self.sprite_index}, visible={self.visible}>"
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
import mcrfpy
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED, GREEN, BLUE = (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)
DARKRED, DARKGREEN, DARKBLUE = (192, 0, 0), (0, 192, 0), (0, 0, 192)
class MusicScene:
def __init__(self, ui_name = "demobox1", grid_name = "demogrid"):
# Texture & Sound Loading
print("Load textures")
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/test_portraits.png", 32, 8, 8) #0 - portraits
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 16, 64, 64) #1 - TinyWorld NPCs
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 32, 32, 32) #2 - TinyWorld NPCs - 2x2 sprite
# {"createSoundBuffer", McRFPy_API::_createSoundBuffer, METH_VARARGS, "(filename)"},
#{"loadMusic", McRFPy_API::_loadMusic, METH_VARARGS, "(filename)"},
#{"setMusicVolume", McRFPy_API::_setMusicVolume, METH_VARARGS, "(int)"},
#{"setSoundVolume", McRFPy_API::_setSoundVolume, METH_VARARGS, "(int)"},
#{"playSound", McRFPy_API::_playSound, METH_VARARGS, "(int)"},
#{"getMusicVolume", McRFPy_API::_getMusicVolume, METH_VARARGS, ""},
#{"getSoundVolume", McRFPy_API::_getSoundVolume, METH_VARARGS, ""},
self.ui_name = ui_name
self.grid_name = grid_name
print("Create UI")
# Create dialog UI
mcrfpy.createMenu(ui_name, 20, 540, 500, 200)
mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, f"Music Volume: {mcrfpy.getMusicVolume()}", 24, RED)
mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, f"SFX Volume: {mcrfpy.getSoundVolume()}", 24, RED)
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKBLUE, (0, 0, 0), "clicky", "testaction")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKRED, (0, 0, 0), "Music+", "mvol+")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Music-", "mvol-")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, GREEN, "SFX+", "svol+")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, RED, "SFX-", "svol-")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKRED, (0, 0, 0), "REPL", "startrepl")
mcrfpy.createSprite(ui_name, 1, 0, 20, 40, 3.0)
print("Create UI 2")
entitymenu = "entitytestmenu"
mcrfpy.createMenu(entitymenu, 840, 20, 20, 500)
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 10, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "PlayM", "playm")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 60, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "StopM", "stopm")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 110, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "SFX", "boom")
print("Make UIs visible")
self.menus = mcrfpy.listMenus()
self.menus[0].visible = True
self.menus[1].w = 170
self.menus[1].visible = True
self.mvol = mcrfpy.getMusicVolume()
self.svol = mcrfpy.getSoundVolume()
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("mvol+", lambda: self.setmvol(self.mvol+10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("mvol-", lambda: self.setmvol(self.mvol-10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("svol+", lambda: self.setsvol(self.svol+10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("svol-", lambda: self.setsvol(self.svol-10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("playm", lambda: None)
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("stopm", lambda: None)
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("boom", lambda: mcrfpy.playSound(0))
def setmvol(self, v):
self.menus[0].captions[0].text = f"Music Volume: {mcrfpy.getMusicVolume():.1f}"
self.mvol = mcrfpy.getMusicVolume()
def setsvol(self, v):
self.menus[0].captions[1].text = f"Sound Volume: {mcrfpy.getSoundVolume():.1f}"
self.svol = mcrfpy.getSoundVolume()
scene = None
def start():
global scene
scene = MusicScene()
@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
import UIMenu
import Grid
import mcrfpy
from random import randint, choice
from pprint import pprint
#print("TestScene imported")
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED, GREEN, BLUE = (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)
DARKRED, DARKGREEN, DARKBLUE = (192, 0, 0), (0, 192, 0), (0, 0, 192)
animations_in_progress = 0
# don't load grid over and over, use the global scene
scene = None
class TestEntity:
def __init__(self, grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width=64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False):
self.grid = grid
self.basesprite = basesprite
self.texture_width = texture_width
self.walk_frames = walk_frames
self.attack_frames = attack_frames
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.facing_direction = 0
self.do_fov = do_fov
self.label = label
self.inventory = []
#print(f"Calling C++ with: {repr((self.grid, label, tex_index, self.basesprite, x, y, self))}")
grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
for g in grids:
if g.title == self.grid:
self.entity_index = len(g.entities)
mcrfpy.createEntity(self.grid, label, tex_index, self.basesprite, x, y, self)
def ai_act(self):
return # no AI motion
#if self.label == "player": return
self.move(randint(-1, 1), randint(-1, 1))
scene.actors += 1
def player_act(self):
def die(self):
#self.x = -2
#self.y = -2
self.x = -1000
self.y = -1000
self.label = "dead"
def interact(self, initiator, callback):
print(f"Interacted with {self.label}. ", end='')
if self.label == 'item':
print("'taking' item.")
print("blocking movement.")
def move(self, dx, dy, force=False):
# select animation direction
# prefer left or right for diagonals.
#grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
for g in scene.grids:
if g.title == self.grid:
if not force and + dx, self.y + dy) is None or not + dx, self.y + dy).walkable:
#print("Blocked at target location.")
if not force: # entities can be stepped on when force=True (like collecting items!)
for entity in scene.tes:
if (entity.x, entity.y) == (self.x + dx, self.y + dy):
print(f"Blocked by entity {entity.label} at ({entity.x}, {entity.y})")
return entity.interact(self, lambda: self.move(dx, dy, force=True))
if self.label == "player":
if (dx == 0 and dy == 0):
direction = self.facing_direction # TODO, jump straight to computer turn
elif (dx):
direction = 2 if dx == +1 else 3
direction = 0 if dy == +1 else 1
self.animate(direction, move=True, animove=(self.x + dx, self.y+dy))
self.facing_direction = direction
if (self.do_fov): mcrfpy.refreshFov()
def animate(self, direction, attacking=False, move=False, animove=None):
start_sprite = self.basesprite + (self.texture_width * (direction + (4 if attacking else 0)))
animation_frames = [start_sprite + i for i in range((self.attack_frames if attacking else self.walk_frames))]
0.15, # duration, seconds
self.grid, # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"entity", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
self.entity_index, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"sprite", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
self.animation_done, #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
animation_frames # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
#global animations_in_progress
#animations_in_progress += 1
if move:
pos = [self.x, self.y]
if (direction == 0): pos[1] += 1
elif (direction == 1): pos[1] -= 1
elif (direction == 2): pos[0] += 1
elif (direction == 3): pos[0] -= 1
if not animove:
self.x, self.y = pos
animove = pos
pos = animove
self.x, self.y = animove
#scene.move_entity(self.grid, self.entity_index, pos)
#for g in mcrfpy.listGrids():
for g in scene.grids:
if g.title == self.grid:
g.entities[self.entity_index].x = pos[0]
g.entities[self.entity_index].y = pos[1]
mcrfpy.modGrid(g, True)
if animove:
0.25, # duration, seconds
self.grid, # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"entity", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
self.entity_index, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"position", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
self.animation_done, #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
animove # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
#animations_in_progress += 1
def animation_done(self):
#global animations_in_progress
#animations_in_progress -= 1
scene.actors -= 1
#print(f"{self} done animating - {scene.actors} remaining")
if scene.actors <= 0:
scene.actors = 0
class TestItemEntity(TestEntity):
def __init__(self, grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width=64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Nothing"):
super().__init__(grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width, walk_frames, attack_frames, do_fov)
self.item = item
def interact(self, initiator, callback):
if self.label == 'dead': return super().interact(initiator, callback)
print(f"Interacted with {self.label}, an item. Adding {self.item} to {initiator.label}'s inventory")
class TestDoorEntity(TestEntity):
def __init__(self, grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width=64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Nothing"):
super().__init__(grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width, walk_frames, attack_frames, do_fov)
self.key = key
def interact(self, initiator, callback):
if self.label == 'dead': return super().interact(initiator, callback)
print(f"Interacted with {self.label}, a Door. ", end='')
if self.key in initiator.inventory:
print("Taking key & passing.")
print("The door is locked.")
class TestScene:
def __init__(self, ui_name = "demobox1", grid_name = "demogrid"):
# Texture & Sound Loading
self.actors = 0
#print("Load textures")
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/test_portraits.png", 32, 8, 8) #0 - portraits
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 16, 64, 64) #1 - TinyWorld NPCs
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 32, 32, 32) #2 - TinyWorld NPCs - 2x2 sprite
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/custom_player.png", 16, 5, 13) #3 - player
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/Sprite-0001.png", 80, 10, 10) #4 - LGJ2023 keycard + other icons
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/tiny_keycards.png", 16, 8, 8) #5 - tiny keycards (ground items)
self.ui_name = ui_name
self.grid_name = grid_name
# Menu index = 0
#print("Create UI")
# Create dialog UI
mcrfpy.createMenu(ui_name, 20, 540, 500, 200)
#mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, "Hello There", 18, BLACK)
mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, "", 24, RED)
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKBLUE, (0, 0, 0), "clicky", "testaction")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKRED, (0, 0, 0), "REPL", "startrepl")
##mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "map gen", "gridgen")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "mapL", "gridgen2")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKBLUE, (192, 0, 0), "a_menu", "animtest")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKRED, GREEN, "a_spr", "animtest2")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, GREEN, "Next sp", "nextsp")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, RED, "Prev sp", "prevsp")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, DARKGREEN, "+16 sp", "skipsp")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Next", "nextsp")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, (0, 0, 0), "Prev", "prevsp")
mcrfpy.createSprite(ui_name, 4, 1, 10, 10, 2.0)
# Menu index = 1
#print("Create UI 2")
entitymenu = "entitytestmenu"
mcrfpy.createMenu(entitymenu, 840, 20, 20, 500)
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 10, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Up", "test_up")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 60, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Down", "test_down")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 110, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Left", "test_left")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 160, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Right", "test_right")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 210, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Attack", "test_attack")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 210, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, RED, "TE", "testent")
# Menu index = 2
mcrfpy.createMenu( "gridtitlemenu", 0, -10, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createCaption("gridtitlemenu", "<grid name>", 18, WHITE)
#mcrfpy.createCaption("gridtitlemenu", "<camstate>", 16, WHITE)
# Menu index = 3
mcrfpy.createMenu( "hintsmenu", 0, 505, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createCaption("hintsmenu", "<hintline>", 16, WHITE)
# Menu index = 4
# menu names must be created in alphabetical order (?!) - thanks, C++ hash map
mcrfpy.createMenu( "i", 600, 20, 0, 0)
#mcrfpy.createMenu( "camstatemenu", 600, 20, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createCaption("i", "<camstate>", 16, WHITE)
# Menu index = 5
mcrfpy.createMenu( "j", 600, 500, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createButton( "j", 0, 0, 80, 40, DARKBLUE, WHITE, "Recenter", "activatecamfollow")
# Menu index = 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: keycard sprites
mcrfpy.createMenu("k", 540, 540, 80, 80) #6
mcrfpy.createSprite("k", 4, 0, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("l", 540 + (80 * 1), 540, 80, 80) #7
mcrfpy.createSprite("l", 4, 1, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("m", 540 + (80 * 2), 540, 80, 80) #8
mcrfpy.createSprite("m", 4, 2, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("n", 540 + (80 * 3), 540, 80, 80) #9
mcrfpy.createSprite("n", 4, 3, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("o", 540 + (80 * 4), 540, 80, 80) #10
mcrfpy.createSprite("o", 4, 4, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("p", 20, 20, 40, 40) #11
#mcrfpy.createButton("p", 0, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Register", "keyregistration")
mcrfpy.createButton("p", 0, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Register", "startrepl")
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("keyregistration", keyregistration)
#print("Make UIs visible")
self.menus = mcrfpy.listMenus()
self.menus[0].visible = True
self.menus[1].w = 170
self.menus[1].visible = True
self.menus[2].visible = True
for mn in range(2, 6):
self.menus[mn].bgcolor = BLACK
self.menus[mn].visible = True
for mn in range(6, 11):
self.menus[mn].bgcolor = BLACK
self.menus[mn].visible = False
#self.menus[2].bgcolor = BLACK
#self.menus[3].visible = True
#self.menus[3].bgcolor = BLACK
#self.menus[4].visible = True
#self.menus[4].bgcolor = BLACK
#self.menus[5].visible = True
#print(f"UI 1 gave back this sprite: {self.menus[0].sprites}")
#print("Create grid")
# create grid (title, gx, gy, gs, x, y, w, h)
mcrfpy.createGrid(grid_name, 100, 100, 16, 20, 20, 800, 500)
self.grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
#print("Create entities")
#mcrfpy.createEntity("demogrid", "dragon", 2, 545, 10, 10, lambda: None)
#mcrfpy.createEntity("demogrid", "tinyenemy", 1, 1538, 3, 6, lambda: None)
#print("Create fancy entity")
self.player = TestEntity("demogrid", "player", 3, 20, 17, 3, 5, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=5, do_fov=True)
self.tes = [
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1538, 5, 7, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1545, 7, 9, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1552, 9, 11, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1566, 11, 13, 64, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=6),
#TestEntity("demogrid", "item", 1, 1573, 13, 15, 64, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1583, 15, 17, 64, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 130, 9, 7, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 136, 11, 9, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 143, 13, 11, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 158, 15, 13, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 165, 17, 15, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "GreenKeyCard", 5, 0, 19, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Green Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "BlueKeyCard", 5, 1, 21, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Blue Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "RedKeyCard", 5, 2, 23, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Red Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "OrangeKeyCard", 5, 3, 25, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Orange Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "DevilKeyCard", 5, 4, 27, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Devil Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "GreenKeyDoor", 5, 8, 19, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Green Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "BlueKeyDoor", 5, 9, 21, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Blue Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "RedKeyDoor", 5, 10, 23, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Red Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "OrangeKeyDoor", 5, 11, 25, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Orange Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "DevilKeyDoor", 5, 12, 27, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Devil Keycard")
self.grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
self.entity_direction = 0
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("test_down", lambda: [te.animate(0, False, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("test_up", lambda: [te.animate(1, False, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("test_right", lambda: [te.animate(2, False, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("test_left", lambda: [te.animate(3, False, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("test_attack", lambda: [te.animate(0, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("testent", lambda: [te.animate(2, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("activatecamfollow", lambda: mcrfpy.camFollow(True))
# Button behavior
self.clicks = 0
self.sprite_index = 0
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("gridgen", self.gridgen)
#mcrfpy.registerPyAction("gridgen2", lambda: self.gridgen())
#mcrfpy.registerPyAction("animtest", lambda: self.createAnimation())
#mcrfpy.registerPyAction("animtest2", lambda: self.createAnimation2())
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("nextsp", lambda: self.changesprite(1))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("prevsp", lambda: self.changesprite(-1))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("skipsp", lambda: self.changesprite(16))
def itemguis(self):
items = ["Green Keycard", "Blue Keycard", "Red Keycard", "Orange Keycard", "Devil Keycard"]
for mn in range(6, 11):
self.menus[mn].visible = items[mn-6] in self.player.inventory
def animate_entity(self, direction, attacking=False):
if direction is None:
direction = self.entity_direction
self.entity_direction = direction
dragon_sprite = 545 + (32 * (direction + (4 if attacking else 0)))
dragon_animation = [dragon_sprite + i for i in range((5 if attacking else 4))]
1.0, # duration, seconds
"demogrid", # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"entity", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
0, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"sprite", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
lambda: self.animation_done("demobox1"), #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
dragon_animation # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
orc_sprite = 1538 + (64 * (direction + (4 if attacking else 0)))
orc_animation = [orc_sprite + i for i in range((5 if attacking else 4))]
1.0, # duration, seconds
"demogrid", # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"entity", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
1, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"sprite", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
lambda: self.animation_done("demobox1"), #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
orc_animation # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
#def move_entity(self, targetgrid, entity_index, position):
# for i, g in enumerate(self.grids):
# if g.title == targetgrid:
# g.entities[entity_index].x = position[0]
# g.entities[entity_index].y = position[1]
# #pts = g.points
# g.visible = True
# mcrfpy.modGrid(g)
# self.grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
# #self.grids[i].points = pts
# return
def changesprite(self, n):
self.sprite_index += n
self.menus[0].captions[0].text = f"Sprite #{self.sprite_index}"
self.menus[0].sprites[0].sprite_index = self.sprite_index
def click(self):
self.clicks += 1
self.menus[0].captions[0].text = f"Clicks: {self.clicks}"
self.menus[0].sprites[0].sprite_index = randint(0, 3)
def updatehints(self):
#self.menus[4].captions[0].text=f"follow: {mcrfpy.camFollow()}"
self.menus[4].captions[0].text="following" if mcrfpy.camFollow() else "free"
self.menus[5].visible = not mcrfpy.camFollow()
def gridgen(self):
#print(f"[Python] modifying {len(self.grids[0].points)} grid points")
for p in self.grids[0].points:
#p.color = (randint(0, 255), randint(64, 192), 0)
p.color = (0,0,0)
p.walkable = False
p.transparent = False
room_centers = [(randint(0, self.grids[0].grid_x-1), randint(0, self.grids[0].grid_y-1)) for i in range(20)] + [(17, 3), (20,10) + (20,5)]
#room_centers.append((3, 5))
for r in room_centers:
# random hallway
target = choice(room_centers)
length1 = abs(target[0] - r[0])
xbase = min(target[0], r[0])
for x in range(length1):
gpoint = self.grids[0].at(x, r[1])
if gpoint is None: continue
gpoint.walkable = True
gpoint.transparent = True
gpoint.color = (192, 192, 192)
length2 = abs(target[1] - r[1])
ybase = min(target[1], r[1])
for y in range(length2):
gpoint = self.grids[0].at(r[0], y)
if gpoint is None: continue
gpoint.walkable = True
gpoint.transparent = True
gpoint.color = (192, 192, 192)
for r in room_centers:
room_color = (randint(16, 24)*8, randint(16, 24)*8, randint(16, 24)*8)
#self.grids[0].at(r[0], r[1]).walkable = True
#self.grids[0].at(r[0], r[1]).color = room_color
halfx, halfy = randint(2, 11), randint(2,11)
for p_x in range(r[0] - halfx, r[0] + halfx):
for p_y in range(r[1] - halfy, r[1] + halfy):
gpoint = self.grids[0].at(p_x, p_y)
if gpoint is None: continue
gpoint.walkable = True
gpoint.transparent = True
gpoint.color = room_color
#print("[Python] Modifying:")
self.grids[0].at(10, 10).color = (255, 255, 255)
self.grids[0].at(10, 10).walkable = False
self.grids[0].visible = True
#self.grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
#print(f"Sent grid: {repr(self.grids[0])}")
#print(f"Received grid: {repr(mcrfpy.listGrids()[0])}")
def animation_done(self, s):
print(f"The `{s}` animation completed.")
#self.menus = mcrfpy.listMenus()
# if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "fsssiOOO", &duration, &parent, &target_type, &target_id, &field, &callback, &loop_obj, &values_obj)) return NULL;
def createAnimation(self):
self.menus = mcrfpy.listMenus()
self.menus[0].w = 500
self.menus[0].h = 200
3.0, # duration, seconds
"demobox1", # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"menu", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
0, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"size", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
lambda: self.animation_done("demobox1"), #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
[150, 100] # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
def createAnimation2(self):
lambda: self.animation_done("sprite change"),
[0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0]
def keytest():
print("Key tested.")
def keyregistration():
print("Registering 'keytest'")
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("keytest", keytest)
print("Registering input")
print(mcrfpy.registerInputAction(15, "keytest")) # 15 = P
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("player_move_up", lambda: scene.player.move(0, -1))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("player_move_left", lambda: scene.player.move(-1, 0))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("player_move_down", lambda: scene.player.move(0, 1))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("player_move_right", lambda: scene.player.move(1, 0))
mcrfpy.registerInputAction(ord('w') - ord('a'), "player_move_up")
mcrfpy.registerInputAction(ord('a') - ord('a'), "player_move_left")
mcrfpy.registerInputAction(ord('s') - ord('a'), "player_move_down")
mcrfpy.registerInputAction(ord('d') - ord('a'), "player_move_right")
def start():
global scene
#print("TestScene.start called")
scene = TestScene()
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
class Caption:
def __init__(self, text, textsize, color):
self.text = text
self.textsize = textsize
self.color = color
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Caption text={self.text}, textsize={self.textsize}, color={self.color}>"
class Button:
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, bgcolor, textcolor, text, actioncode):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.bgcolor = bgcolor
self.textcolor = textcolor
self.text = text
self.actioncode = actioncode
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Button ({self.x}, {self.y}, {self.w}, {self.h}), bgcolor={self.bgcolor}, textcolor={self.textcolor}, actioncode={self.actioncode}>"
class Sprite:
def __init__(self, tex_index, sprite_index, x, y):
self.tex_index = tex_index
self.sprite_index = sprite_index
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Sprite tex_index={self.tex_index}, self.sprite_index={self.sprite_index}, x={self.x}, y={self.y}>"
class UIMenu:
def __init__(self, title, x, y, w, h, bgcolor, visible=False):
self.title = title
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.bgcolor = bgcolor
self.visible = visible
self.captions = []
self.buttons = []
self.sprites = []
def __repr__(self):
return f"<UIMenu title={repr(self.title)}, x={self.x}, y={self.y}, w={self.w}, h={self.h}, bgcolor={self.bgcolor}, visible={self.visible}, {len(self.captions)} captions, {len(self.buttons)} buttons, {len(self.sprites)} sprites>"
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
print("[Python] Attempting import")
import scriptable
print(f"[Python] calling fibonacci(8): {scriptable.fibonacci(8)}")
print(f"[Python] calling fibonacci(15): {scriptable.fibonacci(15)}")
import venv
print("[Python] Importing library installed with pip")
import numpy
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import mcrfpy
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/test_portraits.png", 32, 8, 8)
from random import choice, randint
box_colors = [
(0, 0, 192),
(0, 192, 0),
(192, 0, 0),
(192, 192, 0),
(0, 192, 192),
(192, 0, 192)
text_colors = [
(0, 0, 255),
(0, 255, 0),
(255, 0, 0),
(255, 255, 0),
(0, 255, 255),
(255, 0, 255)
test_x = 500
test_y = 10
for i in range(40):
ui_name = f"test{i}"
mcrfpy.createMenu(ui_name, test_x, test_y, 400, 200)
mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, "Hello There", 18, choice(text_colors))
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, choice(box_colors), (0, 0, 0), "asdf", "testaction")
mcrfpy.createSprite(ui_name, 0, randint(0, 3), 650, 60, 5.0)
test_x -= 50
test_y += 50
if (test_x <= 50):
test_x = 500
@ -31,116 +31,4 @@ public:
if (a & WHEEL_NEG) factor = -1;
if (a & WHEEL_NEG) factor = -1;
return (a & WHEEL_DEL) * factor;
return (a & WHEEL_DEL) * factor;
static std::string key_str(sf::Keyboard::Key& keycode)
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Unknown: return "Unknown"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::A: return "A"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::B: return "B"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::C: return "C"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::D: return "D"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::E: return "E"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F: return "F"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::G: return "G"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::H: return "H"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::I: return "I"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::J: return "J"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::K: return "K"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::L: return "L"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::M: return "M"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::N: return "N"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::O: return "O"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::P: return "P"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Q: return "Q"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::R: return "R"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::S: return "S"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::T: return "T"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::U: return "U"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::V: return "V"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::W: return "W"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::X: return "X"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Y: return "Y"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Z: return "Z"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Num0: return "Num0"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Num1: return "Num1"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Num2: return "Num2"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Num3: return "Num3"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Num4: return "Num4"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Num5: return "Num5"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Num6: return "Num6"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Num7: return "Num7"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Num8: return "Num8"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Num9: return "Num9"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Escape: return "Escape"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::LControl: return "LControl"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::LShift: return "LShift"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::LAlt: return "LAlt"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::LSystem: return "LSystem"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::RControl: return "RControl"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::RShift: return "RShift"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::RAlt: return "RAlt"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::RSystem: return "RSystem"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Menu: return "Menu"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::LBracket: return "LBracket"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::RBracket: return "RBracket"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Semicolon: return "Semicolon"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Comma: return "Comma"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Period: return "Period"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Apostrophe: return "Apostrophe"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Slash: return "Slash"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Backslash: return "Backslash"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Grave: return "Grave"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Equal: return "Equal"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Hyphen: return "Hyphen"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Space: return "Space"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Enter: return "Enter"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Backspace: return "Backspace"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Tab: return "Tab"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::PageUp: return "PageUp"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::PageDown: return "PageDown"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::End: return "End"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Home: return "Home"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Insert: return "Insert"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Delete: return "Delete"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Add: return "Add"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Subtract: return "Subtract"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Multiply: return "Multiply"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Divide: return "Divide"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Left: return "Left"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Right: return "Right"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Up: return "Up"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Down: return "Down"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Numpad0: return "Numpad0"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Numpad1: return "Numpad1"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Numpad2: return "Numpad2"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Numpad3: return "Numpad3"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Numpad4: return "Numpad4"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Numpad5: return "Numpad5"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Numpad6: return "Numpad6"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Numpad7: return "Numpad7"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Numpad8: return "Numpad8"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Numpad9: return "Numpad9"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F1: return "F1"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F2: return "F2"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F3: return "F3"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F4: return "F4"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F5: return "F5"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F6: return "F6"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F7: return "F7"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F8: return "F8"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F9: return "F9"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F10: return "F10"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F11: return "F11"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F12: return "F12"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F13: return "F13"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F14: return "F14"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::F15: return "F15"; break;
case sf::Keyboard::Key::Pause: return "Pause"; break;
return "Any";
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
#include "Animation.h"
Animation::Animation(float _d, std::function<void()> _cb, bool _l)
:duration(_d), callback(_cb), loop(_l), elapsed(0.0f) {}
// linear interpolation constructor
template<typename T>
LerpAnimation<T>::LerpAnimation(float _d, T _ev, T _sv, std::function<void()> _cb, std::function<void(T)> _w, bool _l)
:Animation(_d, _cb, _l), //duration(_d), target(_t), callback(_cb), loop(_l),elapsed(0.0f),
startvalue(_sv), endvalue(_ev), write(_w) {}
// discrete values constructor
template<typename T>
DiscreteAnimation<T>::DiscreteAnimation(float _d, std::vector<T> _v, std::function<void()> _cb, std::function<void(T)> _w, bool _l)
:Animation(_d, _cb, _l), //duration(_d), target(_t), callback(_cb), loop(_l), elapsed(0.0f),
index(0), nonelapsed(0.0f), values(_v), write(_w) {
timestep = _d / _v.size();
/* // don't call virtual functions (like cancel()) from base class destructor
* // child classes destructors' are called first anyway
Animation::~Animation() {
// deconstructor sets target to desired end state (no partial values)
void LerpAnimation<std::string>::lerp() {
//*(std::string*)target = ;
write(endvalue.substr(0, endvalue.length() * (elapsed / duration)));
void LerpAnimation<int>::lerp() {
int delta = endvalue - startvalue;
//*(int*)target = ;
write(startvalue + (elapsed / duration * delta));
void LerpAnimation<float>::lerp() {
int delta = endvalue - startvalue;
//*(float*)target = ;
write(startvalue + (elapsed / duration * delta));
void LerpAnimation<sf::Vector2f>::lerp() {
//std::cout << "sf::Vector2f implementation of lerp." << std::endl;
int delta_x = endvalue.x - startvalue.x;
int delta_y = endvalue.y - startvalue.y;
//std::cout << "Start: " << startvalue.x << ", " << startvalue.y << "; End: " << endvalue.x << ", " << endvalue.y << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Delta: " << delta_x << ", " << delta_y << std::endl;
//((sf::Vector2f*)target)->x = startvalue.x + (elapsed / duration * delta_x);
//((sf::Vector2f*)target)->y = startvalue.y + (elapsed / duration * delta_y);
write(sf::Vector2f(startvalue.x + (elapsed / duration * delta_x),
startvalue.y + (elapsed / duration * delta_y)));
void LerpAnimation<sf::Vector2i>::lerp() {
int delta_x = endvalue.x - startvalue.y;
int delta_y = endvalue.y - startvalue.y;
//((sf::Vector2i*)target)->x = startvalue.x + (elapsed / duration * delta_x);
//((sf::Vector2i*)target)->y = startvalue.y + (elapsed / duration * delta_y);
write(sf::Vector2i(startvalue.x + (elapsed / duration * delta_x),
startvalue.y + (elapsed / duration * delta_y)));
template<typename T>
void LerpAnimation<T>::step(float delta) {
if (complete) return;
elapsed += delta;
//std::cout << "LerpAnimation step function. Elapsed: " << elapsed <<std::endl;
if (isDone()) { callback(); complete = true; cancel(); }; //use the exact value, not my math
template<typename T>
void DiscreteAnimation<T>::step(float delta)
if (complete) return;
nonelapsed += delta;
//std::cout << "Nonelapsed: " << nonelapsed << " elapsed (pre-add): " << elapsed << " timestep: " << timestep << " duration: " << duration << " index: " << index << std::endl;
if (nonelapsed < timestep) return;
//std::cout << "values size: " << values.size() << " isDone(): " << isDone() << std::endl;
if (elapsed > duration && !complete) {callback(); complete = true; return; }
elapsed += nonelapsed; // or should it be += timestep?
if (index == values.size() - 1) return;
nonelapsed = 0; // or should it -= timestep?
//*(T*)target = values[index];
template<typename T>
void LerpAnimation<T>::cancel() {
//*(T*)target = endvalue;
template<typename T>
void DiscreteAnimation<T>::cancel() {
//*(T*)target = values[values.size() - 1];
write(values[values.size() - 1]);
bool Animation::isDone() {
return elapsed + Animation::EPSILON >= duration;
namespace animation_template_implementations {
// instantiate to compile concrete templates
//LerpAnimation<sf::Vector2f> implement_vector2f;
auto implement_v2f_const = LerpAnimation<sf::Vector2<float>>(4.0, sf::Vector2<float>(), sf::Vector2f(1,1), [](){}, [](sf::Vector2f v){}, false);
auto implement_disc_i = DiscreteAnimation<int>(3.0, std::vector<int>{0},[](){},[](int){},false);
//LerpAnimation<sf::Vector2i> implement_vector2i;
//LerpAnimation<int> implment_int;
//LerpAnimation<std::string> implment_string;
//LerpAnimation<float> implement_float;
//DiscreteAnimation<int> implement_int_discrete;
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include <functional>
class Animation
static constexpr float EPSILON = 0.05;
float duration, elapsed;
std::function<void()> callback;
bool loop;
bool complete=false;
//Animation(float, T, T*, std::function<void()>, bool); // lerp
//Animation(float, std::vector<T>, T*, std::function<void()>, bool); // discrete
Animation(float, std::function<void()>, bool);
//Animation() {};
virtual void step(float) = 0;
virtual void cancel() = 0;
bool isDone();
template<typename T>
class LerpAnimation: public Animation
T startvalue, endvalue;
std::function<void(T)> write;
void lerp();
~LerpAnimation() { cancel(); }
LerpAnimation(float, T, T, std::function<void()>, std::function<void(T)>, bool);
//LerpAnimation() {};
void step(float) override final;
void cancel() override final;
template<typename T>
class DiscreteAnimation: public Animation
std::vector<T> values;
std::function<void(T)> write;
float nonelapsed, timestep;
int index;
DiscreteAnimation(float, std::vector<T>, std::function<void()>, std::function<void(T)>, bool);
DiscreteAnimation() {};
~DiscreteAnimation() { cancel(); }
void step(float) override final;
void cancel() override final;
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#include "Button.h"
void Button::render(sf::RenderWindow & window)
Button::Button(int x, int y, int w, int h,
sf::Color _background, sf::Color _textcolor,
const char * _caption, sf::Font & font,
const char * _action)
rect.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(x, y));
rect.setSize(sf::Vector2f(w, h));
caption.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(x, y));
action = _action;
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
class Button
// TODO / JankMode: setter & getter for these three fields
// were protected, but directly changing them should be...fine?
sf::RectangleShape rect;
sf::Text caption;
std::string action;
Button() {};
Button(int x, int y, int w, int h,
sf::Color _background, sf::Color _textcolor,
const char * _caption, sf::Font & font,
const char * _action);
void setPosition(sf::Vector2f v) { rect.setPosition(v); caption.setPosition(v); }
void setSize(sf::Vector2f & v) { rect.setSize(v); }
void setBackground(sf::Color c) { rect.setFillColor(c); }
void setCaption(std::string & s) { caption.setString(s); }
void setTextColor(sf::Color c) { caption.setFillColor(c); }
void render(sf::RenderWindow & window);
auto contains(sf::Vector2i p) { return rect.getGlobalBounds().contains(p.x, p.y); }
auto contains(sf::Vector2f rel, sf::Vector2i p) {
return rect.getGlobalBounds().contains(p.x - rel.x, p.y - rel.y);
auto getAction() { return action; }
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "IndexSprite.h"
#include "Grid.h"
//#include "Item.h"
#include "Python.h"
#include <list>
class CGrid
bool visible;
int x, y;
IndexSprite indexsprite;
Grid* grid;
CGrid(Grid* _g, int _ti, int _si, int _x, int _y, bool _v)
: visible(_v), x(_x), y(_y), grid(_g), indexsprite(_ti, _si, _x, _y, 1.0) {}
class CInventory
int x;
class CBehavior
PyObject* object;
CBehavior(PyObject* p): object(p) {}
class CCombatant
int hp;
int maxhp;
class CCaster
int mp;
int maxmp;
class CLevel
int constitution; // +HP, resist effects
int strength; // +damage, block/parry
int dexterity; // +speed, dodge
int intelligence; // +MP, spell resist
int wisdom; // +damage, deflect
int luck; // crit, loot
class CTransform
Vec2 pos = { 0.0, 0.0 };
Vec2 velocity = { 0.0, 0.0 };
float angle = 0;
CTransform(const Vec2 & p, const Vec2 & v, float a)
: pos(p), velocity(v), angle(a) {}
class CShape
sf::CircleShape circle;
CShape(float radius, int points, const sf::Color & fill, const sf::Color & outline, float thickness)
: circle(radius, points)
circle.setOrigin(radius, radius);
class CCollision
float radius = 0;
CCollision(float r)
: radius(r) {}
class CScore
int score = 0;
CScore(int s)
: score(s) {}
class CLifespan
int remaining = 0;
int total = 0;
CLifespan(int t)
: remaining(t), total(t) {}
class CInput
bool up = false;
bool left = false;
bool right = false;
bool down = false;
bool fire = false;
CInput() {}
class CSteer
sf::Vector2f position;
sf::Vector2f velocity;
float v_max;
float dv_max;
float theta_max;
float dtheta_max;
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#include "Entity.h"
Entity::Entity(const size_t i, const std::string & t)
: m_id(i), m_tag(t) {}
bool Entity::isActive() const
return m_active;
const std::string & Entity::tag() const
return m_tag;
const size_t Entity::id() const
return m_id;
void Entity::destroy()
m_active = false;
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Components.h"
class Entity
friend class EntityManager;
bool m_active = true;
size_t m_id = 0;
std::string m_tag = "default";
//constructor and destructor
Entity(const size_t id, const std::string & t);
// component pointers
//std::shared_ptr<CTransform> cTransform;
//std::shared_ptr<CShape> cShape;
//std::shared_ptr<CCollision> cCollision;
//std::shared_ptr<CInput> cInput;
//std::shared_ptr<CScore> cScore;
//std::shared_ptr<CLifespan> cLifespan;
std::shared_ptr<CGrid> cGrid;
std::shared_ptr<CInventory> cInventory;
std::shared_ptr<CBehavior> cBehavior;
//private member access functions
bool isActive() const;
const std::string & tag() const;
const size_t id() const;
void destroy();
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
#include "EntityManager.h"
:m_totalEntities(0) {}
void EntityManager::update()
//TODO: add entities from m_entitiesToAdd to all vector / tag map
// C++17 way of iterating!
for (auto& [tag, entityVec] : m_entityMap)
for (auto& e : m_entitiesToAdd)
//if (m_entitiesToAdd.size())
// m_entitiesToAdd.erase(m_entitiesToAdd.begin(), m_entitiesToAdd.end());
m_entitiesToAdd = EntityVec();
void EntityManager::removeDeadEntities(EntityVec & vec)
EntityVec survivors; // New vector
for (auto& e : m_entities){
if (e->isActive()) survivors.push_back(e); // populate new vector
else if (e->cGrid) { // erase vector from grid
for( auto it = e->cGrid->grid->entities.begin(); it != e->cGrid->grid->entities.end(); it++){
if( *it == e ){
e->cGrid->grid->entities.erase( it );
//std::cout << "All entities: " << m_entities.size() << " Survivors: " << survivors.size() << std::endl;
m_entities = survivors; // point to new vector
for (auto& [tag, entityVec] : m_entityMap)
EntityVec tag_survivors; // New vector
for (auto& e : m_entityMap[tag])
if (e->isActive()) tag_survivors.push_back(e); // populate new vector
m_entityMap[tag] = tag_survivors; // point to new vector
//std::cout << tag << " entities: " << m_entityMap[tag].size() << " Survivors: " << tag_survivors.size() << std::endl;
std::shared_ptr<Entity> EntityManager::addEntity(const std::string & tag)
// create the entity shared pointer
auto entity = std::shared_ptr<Entity>(new Entity(m_totalEntities++, tag));
return entity;
const EntityVec & EntityManager::getEntities()
return m_entities;
const EntityVec & EntityManager::getEntities(const std::string & tag)
return m_entityMap[tag];
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Entity.h"
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Entity>> EntityVec;
typedef std::map<std::string, EntityVec> EntityMap;
class EntityManager
EntityVec m_entities;
EntityVec m_entitiesToAdd;
EntityMap m_entityMap;
size_t m_totalEntities;
void removeDeadEntities(EntityVec & vec);
void update();
std::shared_ptr<Entity> addEntity(const std::string & tag);
const EntityVec & getEntities();
const EntityVec & getEntities(const std::string & tag);
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
#include "GameEngine.h"
#include "GameEngine.h"
#include "MenuScene.h"
//#include "UITestScene.h"
#include "ActionCode.h"
#include "ActionCode.h"
#include "McRFPy_API.h"
#include "McRFPy_API.h"
#include "PyScene.h"
#include "PythonScene.h"
#include "UITestScene.h"
#include "UITestScene.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include "Resources.h"
@ -9,44 +11,39 @@ GameEngine::GameEngine()
Resources::game = this;
Resources::game = this;
window_title = "McRogueFace - 7DRL 2024 Engine Demo";
window_title = "McRogueFace - r/RoguelikeDev Tutorial Run";
window.create(sf::VideoMode(1024, 768), window_title, sf::Style::Titlebar | sf::Style::Close);
window.create(sf::VideoMode(1024, 768), window_title);
visible = window.getDefaultView();
visible = window.getDefaultView();
scene = "uitest";
scene = "uitest";
//std::cout << "Constructing MenuScene" << std::endl;
scenes["menu"] = new MenuScene(this);
scenes["uitest"] = new UITestScene(this);
scenes["uitest"] = new UITestScene(this);
//std::cout << "Constructed MenuScene" <<std::endl;
//scenes["play"] = new UITestScene(this);
//api = new McRFPy_API(this);
McRFPy_API::game = this;
McRFPy_API::game = this;
McRFPy_API::executePyString("import mcrfpy");
McRFPy_API::executePyString("import mcrfpy");
//McRFPy_API::executePyString("from UIMenu import *");
//McRFPy_API::executePyString("from Grid import *");
//scenes["py"] = new PythonScene(this, "TestScene");
IndexSprite::game = this;
Scene* GameEngine::currentScene() { return scenes[scene]; }
Scene* GameEngine::currentScene() { return scenes[scene]; }
void GameEngine::changeScene(std::string s)
void GameEngine::changeScene(std::string s) { std::cout << "Current scene is now '" << s << "'\n"; scene = s; }
/*std::cout << "Current scene is now '" << s << "'\n";*/
if (scenes.find(s) != scenes.end())
scene = s;
std::cout << "Attempted to change to a scene that doesn't exist (`" << s << "`)" << std::endl;
void GameEngine::quit() { running = false; }
void GameEngine::quit() { running = false; }
void GameEngine::setPause(bool p) { paused = p; }
void GameEngine::setPause(bool p) { paused = p; }
sf::Font & GameEngine::getFont() { /*return font; */ return Resources::font; }
sf::Font & GameEngine::getFont() { /*return font; */ return Resources::font; }
sf::RenderWindow & GameEngine::getWindow() { return window; }
sf::RenderWindow & GameEngine::getWindow() { return window; }
void GameEngine::createScene(std::string s) { scenes[s] = new PyScene(this); }
void GameEngine::setWindowScale(float multiplier)
window.setSize(sf::Vector2u(1024 * multiplier, 768 * multiplier)); // 7DRL 2024: window scaling
//window.create(sf::VideoMode(1024 * multiplier, 768 * multiplier), window_title, sf::Style::Titlebar | sf::Style::Close);
void GameEngine::run()
void GameEngine::run()
float fps = 0.0;
float fps = 0.0;
@ -54,12 +51,11 @@ void GameEngine::run()
while (running)
while (running)
if (!paused)
if (!paused)
frameTime = clock.restart().asSeconds();
frameTime = clock.restart().asSeconds();
fps = 1 / frameTime;
fps = 1 / frameTime;
@ -67,44 +63,6 @@ void GameEngine::run()
void GameEngine::manageTimer(std::string name, PyObject* target, int interval)
auto it = timers.find(name);
if (it != timers.end()) // overwrite existing
if (target == NULL || target == Py_None)
// Delete: Overwrite existing timer with one that calls None. This will be deleted in the next timer check
// see gitea issue #4: this allows for a timer to be deleted during its own call to itself
timers[name] = std::make_shared<PyTimerCallable>(Py_None, 1000, runtime.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds());
if (target == NULL || target == Py_None)
std::cout << "Refusing to initialize timer to None. It's not an error, it's just pointless." << std::endl;
timers[name] = std::make_shared<PyTimerCallable>(target, interval, runtime.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds());
void GameEngine::testTimers()
int now = runtime.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds();
auto it = timers.begin();
while (it != timers.end())
if (it->second->isNone())
it = timers.erase(it);
void GameEngine::sUserInput()
void GameEngine::sUserInput()
sf::Event event;
sf::Event event;
@ -114,20 +72,12 @@ void GameEngine::sUserInput()
int actionCode = 0;
int actionCode = 0;
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) { running = false; continue; }
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) { running = false; continue; }
// TODO: add resize event to Scene to react; call it after constructor too, maybe
else if (event.type == sf::Event::Resized) {
else if (event.type == sf::Event::Resized) {
continue; // 7DRL short circuit. Resizing manually disabled
sf::FloatRect area(0.f, 0.f, event.size.width, event.size.height);
sf::FloatRect area(0.f, 0.f, event.size.width, event.size.height);
//sf::FloatRect area(0.f, 0.f, 1024.f, 768.f); // 7DRL 2024: attempt to set scale appropriately
//sf::FloatRect area(0.f, 0.f, event.size.width, event.size.width * 0.75);
visible = sf::View(area);
visible = sf::View(area);
//window.setSize(sf::Vector2u(event.size.width, event.size.width * 0.75)); // 7DRL 2024: window scaling
//std::cout << "Visible area set to (0, 0, " << event.size.width << ", " << event.size.height <<")"<<std::endl;
std::cout << "Visible area set to (0, 0, " << event.size.width << ", " << event.size.height <<")"<<std::endl;
actionType = "resize";
actionType = "resize";
//window.setSize(sf::Vector2u(event.size.width, event.size.width * 0.75)); // 7DRL 2024: window scaling
else if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed || event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed || event.type == sf::Event::MouseWheelScrolled) actionType = "start";
else if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed || event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed || event.type == sf::Event::MouseWheelScrolled) actionType = "start";
@ -164,23 +114,6 @@ void GameEngine::sUserInput()
std::string name = currentScene()->action(actionCode);
std::string name = currentScene()->action(actionCode);
currentScene()->doAction(name, actionType);
currentScene()->doAction(name, actionType);
else if (currentScene()->key_callable)
currentScene()->key_callable->call(ActionCode::key_str(event.key.code), actionType);
PyObject* args = Py_BuildValue("(ss)", ActionCode::key_str(event.key.code).c_str(), actionType.c_str());
PyObject* retval = PyObject_Call(currentScene()->key_callable, args, NULL);
if (!retval)
std::cout << "key_callable has raised an exception. It's going to STDERR and being dropped:" << std::endl;
} else if (retval != Py_None)
std::cout << "key_callable returned a non-None value. It's not an error, it's just not being saved or used." << std::endl;
//std::cout << "[GameEngine] Action not registered for input: " << actionCode << ": " << actionType << std::endl;
//std::cout << "[GameEngine] Action not registered for input: " << actionCode << ": " << actionType << std::endl;
@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
#pragma once
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Common.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include "Scene.h"
#include "Scene.h"
#include "McRFPy_API.h"
#include "McRFPy_API.h"
#include "IndexTexture.h"
#include "IndexTexture.h"
#include "Timer.h"
#include "PyCallable.h"
class GameEngine
class GameEngine
sf::RenderWindow window;
sf::RenderWindow window;
sf::Font font;
sf::Font font;
std::string scene;
std::map<std::string, Scene*> scenes;
std::map<std::string, Scene*> scenes;
bool running = true;
bool running = true;
bool paused = false;
bool paused = false;
@ -20,17 +21,10 @@ class GameEngine
float frameTime;
float frameTime;
std::string window_title;
std::string window_title;
sf::Clock runtime;
//std::map<std::string, Timer> timers;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<PyTimerCallable>> timers;
void testTimers();
std::string scene;
Scene* currentScene();
Scene* currentScene();
void changeScene(std::string);
void changeScene(std::string);
void createScene(std::string);
void quit();
void quit();
void setPause(bool);
void setPause(bool);
sf::Font & getFont();
sf::Font & getFont();
@ -40,8 +34,6 @@ public:
int getFrame() { return currentFrame; }
int getFrame() { return currentFrame; }
float getFrameTime() { return frameTime; }
float getFrameTime() { return frameTime; }
sf::View getView() { return visible; }
sf::View getView() { return visible; }
void manageTimer(std::string, PyObject*, int);
void setWindowScale(float);
// global textures for scripts to access
// global textures for scripts to access
std::vector<IndexTexture> textures;
std::vector<IndexTexture> textures;
@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
#include "Grid.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "Entity.h"
color(0, 0, 0, 0), walkable(false), tilesprite(-1), transparent(false), visible(false), discovered(false), color_overlay(0,0,0,255), tile_overlay(-1), uisprite(-1)
void Grid::setSprite(int ti)
int tx = ti % texture_width, ty = ti / texture_width;
sprite.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(tx * grid_size, ty * grid_size, grid_size, grid_size));
Grid::Grid(int gx, int gy, int gs, int _x, int _y, int _w, int _h):
grid_x(gx), grid_y(gy),
zoom(1.0f), center_x((gx/2) * gs), center_y((gy/2) * gs),
texture_width(12), texture_height(11), visible(false)
//grid_size = gs;
//zoom = 1.0f;
//grid_x = gx;
//grid_y = gy;
tcodmap = new TCODMap(gx, gy);
box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(_w, _h));
box.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(_x, _y));
renderTexture.create(_w, _h);
sf::IntRect(0, 0,
box.getSize().x, box.getSize().y));
// textures are upside-down inside renderTexture
// Show one texture at a time
void Grid::refreshTCODmap() {
//int total = 0, walkable = 0, transparent = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < grid_x; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < grid_y; y++) {
auto p = at(x, y);
//total++; if (p.walkable) walkable++; if (p.transparent) transparent++;
tcodmap->setProperties(x, y, p.transparent, p.walkable);
//std::cout << "Map refreshed: " << total << " squares, " << walkable << "walkable, " << transparent << " transparent" << std::endl;
void Grid::refreshTCODsight(int x, int y) {
tcodmap->computeFov(x,y, 0, true, FOV_PERMISSIVE_8);
for (int x = 0; x < grid_x; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < grid_y; y++) {
auto& p = at(x, y);
if (p.visible && !tcodmap->isInFov(x, y)) {
p.discovered = true;
p.visible = false;
} else if (!p.visible && tcodmap->isInFov(x,y)) {
p.discovered = true;
p.visible = true;
bool Grid::inBounds(int x, int y) {
return (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < grid_x && y < grid_y);
void Grid::screenToGrid(int sx, int sy, int& gx, int& gy) {
float center_x_sq = center_x / grid_size;
float center_y_sq = center_y / grid_size;
float width_sq = box.getSize().x / (grid_size * zoom);
float height_sq = box.getSize().y / (grid_size * zoom);
float left_edge = center_x_sq - (width_sq / 2.0);
float right_edge = center_x_sq + (width_sq / 2.0);
float top_edge = center_y_sq - (height_sq / 2.0);
float bottom_edge = center_y_sq + (height_sq / 2.0);
float grid_px = zoom * grid_size;
//std::cout << "##############################" <<
// "\nscreen coord: (" << sx << ", " << sy << ")" << std::endl;
sx -= box.getPosition().x;
sy -= box.getPosition().y;
//std::cout << "box coord: (" << sx << ", " << sy << ")" << std::endl;
float mouse_x_sq = sx / grid_px;
float mouse_y_sq = sy / grid_px;
float ans_x = mouse_x_sq + left_edge;
float ans_y = mouse_y_sq + top_edge;
// compare integer method with this (mostly working) one
//int diff_realpixel_x = box.getSize().x / 2.0 - sx;
//int diff_realpixel_y = box.getSize().y / 2.0 - sy;
int left_spritepixels = center_x - (box.getSize().x / 2.0 / zoom);
int top_spritepixels = center_y - (box.getSize().y / 2.0 / zoom);
std::cout << "Float method got ans (" << ans_x << ", " << ans_y << ")"
<< std::endl << "Int method px (" << left_spritepixels + (sx/zoom) << ", " <<
top_spritepixels + (sy/zoom) << ")" << std::endl <<
"Int grid (" << (left_spritepixels + (sx/zoom) ) / grid_size <<
", " << (top_spritepixels + (sy/zoom)) / grid_size << ")" <<
// casting float turns -0.5 to 0; I want any negative coord to be OOB
if (ans_x < 0) ans_x = -1;
if (ans_y < 0) ans_y = -1;
gx = ans_x;
gy = ans_y;
std::cout <<
"C: (" << center_x << ", " << center_y << ")" << std::endl <<
"W: " << width_sq << " H: " << height_sq << std::endl <<
"L: " << left_edge << " T: " << top_edge << std::endl <<
"R: " << right_edge << " B: " << bottom_edge << std::endl <<
"Grid Px: " << grid_px << "( zoom: " << zoom << ")" << std::endl <<
"answer: G(" << ans_x << ", " << ans_y << ")" << std::endl <<
"##############################" <<
void Grid::renderPxToGrid(int sx, int sy, int& gx, int& gy) {
// just like screen px coversion, but no offset by grid's position
float center_x_sq = center_x / grid_size;
float center_y_sq = center_y / grid_size;
float width_sq = box.getSize().x / (grid_size * zoom);
float height_sq = box.getSize().y / (grid_size * zoom);
int width_px = box.getSize().x / 2.0;
int height_px = box.getSize().y / 2.0;
float left_edge = center_x_sq - (width_sq / 2.0);
float top_edge = center_y_sq - (height_sq / 2.0);
float grid_px = zoom * grid_size;
float sx_sq = sx / grid_px;
float sy_sq = sy / grid_px;
float ans_x = sx_sq + left_edge;
float ans_y = sy_sq + top_edge;
if (ans_x < 0) ans_x = -1;
if (ans_y < 0) ans_y = -1;
gx = ans_x;
gy = ans_y;
void Grid::integerGrid(float fx, float fy, int& gx, int& gy) {
if (fx < 0) fx -= 0.5;
if (fy < 0) fy -= 0.5;
gx = fx;
gy = fy;
void Grid::gridToRenderPx(int gx, int gy, int& sx, int& sy) {
// integer grid square (gx, gy) - what pixel (on rendertexture)
// should it's top left corner be at (the sprite's position)
// eff_gridsize = grid_size * zoom
// if center_x = 161, and grid_size is 16, that's 10 + 1/16 sprites
// center_x - (box.getSize().x / 2 / zoom) = left edge (in px)
// gx * eff_gridsize = pixel position without panning
// pixel_gx - left_edge = grid's render position
sx = (gx * grid_size * zoom) - (center_x - (box.getSize().x / 2.0 / zoom));
sy = (gy * grid_size * zoom) - (center_y - (box.getSize().y / 2.0 / zoom));
void Grid::render(sf::RenderWindow & window)
// sprites that are visible according to zoom, center_x, center_y, and box width
float center_x_sq = center_x / grid_size;
float center_y_sq = center_y / grid_size;
float width_sq = box.getSize().x / (grid_size * zoom);
float height_sq = box.getSize().y / (grid_size * zoom);
float left_edge = center_x_sq - (width_sq / 2.0);
//float right_edge = center_x_sq + (width_sq / 2.0);
float top_edge = center_y_sq - (height_sq / 2.0);
//float bottom_edge = center_y_sq + (height_sq / 2.0);
int left_spritepixels = center_x - (box.getSize().x / 2.0 / zoom);
int top_spritepixels = center_y - (box.getSize().y / 2.0 / zoom);
sprite.setScale(sf::Vector2f(zoom, zoom));
sf::RectangleShape r; // for colors and overlays
r.setSize(sf::Vector2f(grid_size * zoom, grid_size * zoom));
int x_limit = left_edge + width_sq + 2;
if (x_limit > grid_x) x_limit = grid_x;
int y_limit = top_edge + height_sq + 2;
if (y_limit > grid_y) y_limit = grid_y;
//for (float x = (left_edge >= 0 ? left_edge : 0);
for (int x = (left_edge - 1 >= 0 ? left_edge - 1 : 0);
x < x_limit; //x < view_width;
//for (float y = (top_edge >= 0 ? top_edge : 0);
for (int y = (top_edge - 1 >= 0 ? top_edge - 1 : 0);
y < y_limit; //y < view_height;
// Converting everything to integer pixels to avoid jitter
//auto pixel_pos = sf::Vector2f(
// (x - left_edge) * (zoom * grid_size),
// (y - top_edge) * (zoom * grid_size));
// This failed horribly:
//int gx, gy; integerGrid(x, y, gx, gy);
//int px_x, px_y; gridToRenderPx(gx, gy, px_x, px_y);
//auto pixel_pos = sf::Vector2f(px_x, px_y);
// this draws coherently, but the coordinates
// don't match up with the mouse cursor function
// jitter not eliminated
auto pixel_pos = sf::Vector2f(
(x*grid_size - left_spritepixels) * zoom,
(y*grid_size - top_spritepixels) * zoom );
auto gridpoint = at(std::floor(x), std::floor(y));
// tilesprite
// if discovered but not visible, set opacity to 90%
// if not discovered... just don't draw it?
if (gridpoint.tilesprite != -1) {
for (auto e : entities) {
auto drawent = e->cGrid->indexsprite.drawable();
drawent.setScale(zoom, zoom);
auto pixel_pos = sf::Vector2f(
(drawent.getPosition().x*grid_size - left_spritepixels) * zoom,
(drawent.getPosition().y*grid_size - top_spritepixels) * zoom );
// loop again and draw on top of entities
for (int x = (left_edge - 1 >= 0 ? left_edge - 1 : 0);
x < x_limit; //x < view_width;
//for (float y = (top_edge >= 0 ? top_edge : 0);
for (int y = (top_edge - 1 >= 0 ? top_edge - 1 : 0);
y < y_limit; //y < view_height;
auto pixel_pos = sf::Vector2f(
(x*grid_size - left_spritepixels) * zoom,
(y*grid_size - top_spritepixels) * zoom );
auto gridpoint = at(std::floor(x), std::floor(y));
// visible & discovered layers for testing purposes
if (!gridpoint.discovered) {
r.setFillColor(sf::Color(16, 16, 20, 192)); // 255 opacity for actual blackout
} else if (!gridpoint.visible) {
r.setFillColor(sf::Color(32, 32, 40, 128));
// overlay
// uisprite
// grid lines for testing & validation
sf::Vertex line[] =
sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(0, 0), sf::Color::Red),
sf::Vertex(box.getSize(), sf::Color::Red),
renderTexture.draw(line, 2, sf::Lines);
sf::Vertex lineb[] =
sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(0, box.getSize().y), sf::Color::Blue),
sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(box.getSize().x, 0), sf::Color::Blue),
renderTexture.draw(lineb, 2, sf::Lines);
// render to window
GridPoint& Grid::at(int x, int y)
return points[y * grid_x + x];
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "libtcod.h"
//#include "Entity.h"
class Entity; // forward declare
class GridPoint
// Layers: color, walkable, tilesprite, transparent, visible, discovered, overlay, uisprite
sf::Color color;
bool walkable;
int tilesprite;
bool transparent, visible, discovered;
sf::Color color_overlay;
int tile_overlay, uisprite;
class Grid
sf::RectangleShape box; // view on window
bool visible;
sf::Texture texture;
sf::Sprite sprite, output;
sf::RenderTexture renderTexture;
TCODMap* tcodmap;
void setSprite(int);
const int texture_width, texture_height;
auto contains(sf::Vector2i p) { return box.getGlobalBounds().contains(p.x, p.y); }
Grid(int gx, int gy, int gs, int _x, int _y, int _w, int _h);
int grid_x, grid_y; // rectangle map size (integer - sprites)
int grid_size; // pixel size of 1 sprite
float zoom;
int center_x, center_y; // center in 1.0x Pixels
std::vector<GridPoint> points; // grid visible contents
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Entity>> entities;
void render(sf::RenderWindow&); // draw to screen
GridPoint& at(int, int);
bool inBounds(int, int);
void screenToGrid(int, int, int&, int&);
void renderPxToGrid(int, int, int&, int&);
void gridToRenderPx(int, int, int&, int&);
void integerGrid(float, float, int&, int&);
void refreshTCODmap();
void refreshTCODsight(int, int);
TCODDijkstra *dijkstra; //= new TCODDijkstra(myMap);
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#include "IndexSprite.h"
#include "GameEngine.h"
//int texture_index, sprite_index, x, y;
GameEngine* IndexSprite::game;
sf::Sprite IndexSprite::drawable()
sf::Sprite s;
auto& tex = IndexSprite::game->textures[texture_index];
s.setScale(sf::Vector2f(scale, scale));
s.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(x, y));
//std::cout << "Drawable position: " << x << ", " << y << " -> " << s.getPosition().x << ", " << s.getPosition().y << std::endl;
return s;
IndexSprite::IndexSprite(int _ti, int _si, float _x, float _y, float _s):
texture_index(_ti), sprite_index(_si), x(_x), y(_y), scale(_s) {
//std::cout << "IndexSprite constructed with x, y " << _x << ", " << _y << std::endl;
//std::cout << " * Stored x, y " << x << ", " << y << std::endl;
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
class GameEngine; // forward declare
class IndexSprite {
int texture_index, sprite_index;
float x, y;
float scale;
static GameEngine* game;
sf::Sprite drawable();
IndexSprite(int, int, float, float, float);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
#pragma once
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Common.h"
#include "Entity.h"
//#include "EntityManager.h"
//#include "Scene.h"
//#include "GameEngine.h" // can't - need forward declaration
//#include "ActionCode.h"
#include "Python.h"
#include "Python.h"
#include "UIMenu.h"
#include "Grid.h"
#include "IndexSprite.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include <list>
#include <list>
#include "PyFont.h"
// implementation required to link templates
#include "PyTexture.h"
#include "Animation.h"
class GameEngine; // forward declared (circular members)
class GameEngine; // forward declared (circular members)
@ -15,29 +24,63 @@ private:
texture_width = 12, texture_height = 11, // w & h sprite/frame count
texture_width = 12, texture_height = 11, // w & h sprite/frame count
texture_sprite_count = 11 * 12; // t_width * t_height, minus blanks?
texture_sprite_count = 11 * 12; // t_width * t_height, minus blanks?
// TODO: this is wrong, load resources @ GameEngineSprite sprite;
// sf::Texture texture;
//std::vector<PyMethodDef> mcrfpyMethodsVector;
//static PyObject* PyInit_mcrfpy();
static PyObject* mcrf_module;
inline static sf::Sprite sprite;
static std::shared_ptr<PyFont> default_font;
inline static sf::Texture texture;
static std::shared_ptr<PyTexture> default_texture;
static void setSpriteTexture(int);
//inline static sf::Sprite sprite;
//inline static sf::Texture texture;
//static void setSpriteTexture(int);
inline static GameEngine* game;
inline static GameEngine* game;
static void api_init();
static void api_init();
static void api_shutdown();
static void api_shutdown();
// Python API functionality - use mcrfpy.* in scripts
// Python API functionality - use mcrfpy.* in scripts
//static PyObject* _drawSprite(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _drawSprite(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static void REPL_device(FILE * fp, const char *filename);
static void REPL_device(FILE * fp, const char *filename);
static void REPL();
static void REPL();
// Jank mode engage: let the API hold data for Python to hack on
static std::map<std::string, UIMenu*> menus;
static EntityManager entities; // this is also kinda good, entities not on the current grid can still act (like monsters following you through doors??)
static std::map<std::string, Grid*> grids;
static std::list<Animation*> animations;
static std::vector<sf::SoundBuffer> soundbuffers;
static std::vector<sf::SoundBuffer> soundbuffers;
static sf::Music music;
static sf::Music music;
static sf::Sound sfx;
static sf::Sound sfx;
static std::shared_ptr<Entity> player;
static std::map<std::string, PyObject*> callbacks;
static std::map<std::string, PyObject*> callbacks;
// Jank Python Method Exposures
static PyObject* _createMenu(PyObject*, PyObject*); // creates a new menu object in McRFPy_API::menus
static PyObject* _listMenus(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _modMenu(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _createCaption(PyObject*, PyObject*); // calls menu.add_caption
static PyObject* _createButton(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _createTexture(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _listTextures(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _createSprite(PyObject*, PyObject*);
// use _listMenus, probably will not implement
//static PyObject* _listCaptions(PyObject*, PyObject*);
//static PyObject* _listButtons(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _createEntity(PyObject*, PyObject*);
//static PyObject* _listEntities(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _createGrid(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _listGrids(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _modGrid(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _createAnimation(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _registerPyAction(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _registerPyAction(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _registerInputAction(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _registerInputAction(PyObject*, PyObject*);
@ -49,29 +92,71 @@ public:
static PyObject* _getMusicVolume(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _getMusicVolume(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _getSoundVolume(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _getSoundVolume(PyObject*, PyObject*);
// allow all player actions (items, menus, movement, combat)
static PyObject* _unlockPlayerInput(PyObject*, PyObject*);
// disallow player actions (animating enemy actions)
static PyObject* _lockPlayerInput(PyObject*, PyObject*);
// prompt C++/Grid Objects to callback with a target Entity or grid space
static PyObject* _requestGridTarget(PyObject*, PyObject*);
// string for labeling the map
static std::string active_grid;
static PyObject* _activeGrid(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _setActiveGrid(PyObject*, PyObject*);
// string for prompting input
static std::string input_mode;
static PyObject* _inputMode(PyObject*, PyObject*);
// turn cycle
static int turn_number;
static PyObject* _turnNumber(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _refreshFov(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static bool do_camfollow;
static void camFollow();
static PyObject* _camFollow(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _sceneUI(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _sceneUI(PyObject*, PyObject*);
// scene control
static PyObject* _setScene(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _currentScene(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _createScene(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _keypressScene(PyObject*, PyObject*);
// timer control
static PyObject* _setTimer(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _delTimer(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _exit(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* _setScale(PyObject*, PyObject*);
// accept keyboard input from scene
// accept keyboard input from scene
static sf::Vector2i cursor_position;
static sf::Vector2i cursor_position;
static void player_input(int, int);
static void player_input(int, int);
static void computerTurn();
static void computerTurn();
static void playerTurn();
static void playerTurn();
// Jank Functionality
static UIMenu* createMenu(int posx, int posy, int sizex, int sizey);
static void createCaption(std::string menukey, std::string text, int fontsize, sf::Color textcolor);
static void createButton(std::string menukey, int x, int y, int w, int h, sf::Color bgcolor, sf::Color textcolor, std::string caption, std::string action);
static void createSprite(std::string menukey, int ti, int si, float x, float y, float scale);
static int createTexture(std::string filename, int grid_size, int grid_width, int grid_height);
//static void playSound(const char * filename);
//static void playMusic(const char * filename);
static void doAction(std::string);
static void doAction(std::string);
// McRFPy_API(GameEngine*);
// API functionality - use from C++ directly
//void spawnEntity(int tex_index, int grid_x, int grid_y, PyObject* script);
static void executeScript(std::string);
static void executeScript(std::string);
static void executePyString(std::string);
static void executePyString(std::string);
static PyMethodDef mcrfpyMethods[] = {
{"drawSprite", McRFPy_API::_drawSprite, METH_VARARGS,
"Draw a sprite (index, x, y)"},
static PyModuleDef mcrfpyModule = {
PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "mcrfpy", NULL, -1, mcrfpyMethods,
// Module initializer fn, passed to PyImport_AppendInittab
PyObject* PyInit_mcrfpy()
return PyModule_Create(&mcrfpyModule);
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#include "MenuScene.h"
#include "ActionCode.h"
MenuScene::MenuScene(GameEngine* g) : Scene(g)
text.setString("McRogueFace Engine - r/RoguelikeDev Tutorial 2023");
//std::cout << "MenuScene Initialized. " << game << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Font: " << game->getFont().getInfo().family << std::endl;
text2.setString("Press 'Spacebar' to run demo");
text2.setPosition(0.0f, 50.0f);
text3.setString("use 'W' 'A' 'S' 'D' to move (even when blank; it's a bug)");
text3.setPosition(0.0f, 80.0f);
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Space, "start_game");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Up, "up");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Down, "down");
void MenuScene::update()
//std::cout << "MenuScene update" << std::endl;
void MenuScene::doAction(std::string name, std::string type)
//std::cout << "MenuScene doAction: " << name << ", " << type << std::endl;
//if ("start_game") == 0 and"start") == 0)
if(ACTION("start_game", "start"))
else if(ACTIONONCE("up"))
game->getWindow().setSize(sf::Vector2u(1280, 800));
else if(ACTIONONCE("down"))
game->getWindow().setSize(sf::Vector2u(1024, 768));
void MenuScene::sRender()
@ -4,14 +4,15 @@
#include "Scene.h"
#include "Scene.h"
#include "GameEngine.h"
#include "GameEngine.h"
class PyScene: public Scene
class MenuScene: public Scene
sf::Text text;
sf::Text text2;
sf::Text text3;
void update() override final;
void update() override final;
void doAction(std::string, std::string) override final;
void doAction(std::string, std::string) override final;
void render() override final;
void sRender() override final;
void do_mouse_input(std::string, std::string);
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
#include "PyCallable.h"
PyCallable::PyCallable(PyObject* _target)
target = Py_XNewRef(_target);
if (target)
PyObject* PyCallable::call(PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs)
return PyObject_Call(target, args, kwargs);
bool PyCallable::isNone()
return (target == Py_None || target == NULL);
PyTimerCallable::PyTimerCallable(PyObject* _target, int _interval, int now)
: PyCallable(_target), interval(_interval), last_ran(now)
: PyCallable(Py_None), interval(0), last_ran(0)
bool PyTimerCallable::hasElapsed(int now)
return now >= last_ran + interval;
void PyTimerCallable::call(int now)
PyObject* args = Py_BuildValue("(i)", now);
PyObject* retval = PyCallable::call(args, NULL);
if (!retval)
} else if (retval != Py_None)
std::cout << "timer returned a non-None value. It's not an error, it's just not being saved or used." << std::endl;
std::cout << PyUnicode_AsUTF8(PyObject_Repr(retval)) << std::endl;
bool PyTimerCallable::test(int now)
last_ran = now;
return true;
return false;
PyClickCallable::PyClickCallable(PyObject* _target)
: PyCallable(_target)
: PyCallable(Py_None)
void PyClickCallable::call(sf::Vector2f mousepos, std::string button, std::string action)
PyObject* args = Py_BuildValue("(iiss)", (int)mousepos.x, (int)mousepos.y, button.c_str(), action.c_str());
PyObject* retval = PyCallable::call(args, NULL);
if (!retval)
std::cout << "ClickCallable has raised an exception. It's going to STDERR and being dropped:" << std::endl;
} else if (retval != Py_None)
std::cout << "ClickCallable returned a non-None value. It's not an error, it's just not being saved or used." << std::endl;
std::cout << PyUnicode_AsUTF8(PyObject_Repr(retval)) << std::endl;
PyObject* PyClickCallable::borrow()
return target;
PyKeyCallable::PyKeyCallable(PyObject* _target)
: PyCallable(_target)
: PyCallable(Py_None)
void PyKeyCallable::call(std::string key, std::string action)
if (target == Py_None || target == NULL) return;
PyObject* args = Py_BuildValue("(ss)", key.c_str(), action.c_str());
PyObject* retval = PyCallable::call(args, NULL);
if (!retval)
std::cout << "KeyCallable has raised an exception. It's going to STDERR and being dropped:" << std::endl;
} else if (retval != Py_None)
std::cout << "KeyCallable returned a non-None value. It's not an error, it's just not being saved or used." << std::endl;
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Python.h"
class PyCallable
PyObject* target;
PyObject* call(PyObject*, PyObject*);
bool isNone();
class PyTimerCallable: public PyCallable
int interval;
int last_ran;
void call(int);
bool hasElapsed(int);
bool test(int);
PyTimerCallable(PyObject*, int, int);
class PyClickCallable: public PyCallable
void call(sf::Vector2f, std::string, std::string);
PyObject* borrow();
class PyKeyCallable: public PyCallable
void call(std::string, std::string);
//PyObject* borrow(); // not yet implemented
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
#include "PyColor.h"
#include "McRFPy_API.h"
PyGetSetDef PyColor::getsetters[] = {
{"r", (getter)PyColor::get_member, (setter)PyColor::set_member, "Red component", (void*)0},
{"g", (getter)PyColor::get_member, (setter)PyColor::set_member, "Green component", (void*)1},
{"b", (getter)PyColor::get_member, (setter)PyColor::set_member, "Blue component", (void*)2},
{"a", (getter)PyColor::get_member, (setter)PyColor::set_member, "Alpha component", (void*)3},
PyColor::PyColor(sf::Color target)
:data(target) {}
PyObject* PyColor::pyObject()
PyObject* obj = PyType_GenericAlloc(&mcrfpydef::PyColorType, 0);
PyColorObject* self = (PyColorObject*)obj;
self->data = data;
return obj;
sf::Color PyColor::fromPy(PyObject* obj)
PyColorObject* self = (PyColorObject*)obj;
return self->data;
sf::Color PyColor::fromPy(PyColorObject* self)
return self->data;
void PyColor::set(sf::Color color)
data = color;
sf::Color PyColor::get()
return data;
Py_hash_t PyColor::hash(PyObject* obj)
auto self = (PyColorObject*)obj;
Py_hash_t value = 0;
value += self->data.r;
value << 8; value += self->data.g;
value << 8; value += self->data.b;
value << 8; value += self->data.a;
return value;
PyObject* PyColor::repr(PyObject* obj)
PyColorObject* self = (PyColorObject*)obj;
std::ostringstream ss;
sf::Color c = self->data;
ss << "<Color (" << int(c.r) << ", " << int(c.g) << ", " << int(c.b) << ", " << int(c.a) << ")>";
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
int PyColor::init(PyColorObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) {
//using namespace mcrfpydef;
static const char* keywords[] = { "r", "g", "b", "a", nullptr };
PyObject* leader;
int r = -1, g = -1, b = -1, a = 255;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|iii", const_cast<char**>(keywords), &leader, &g, &b, &a)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "mcrfpy.Color requires a 3-tuple, 4-tuple, color name, or integer values within 0-255 (r, g, b, optionally a)");
return -1;
//std::cout << "Arg parsing succeeded. Values: " << r << " " << g << " " << b << " " << a <<std::endl;
//std::cout << PyUnicode_AsUTF8(PyObject_Repr(leader)) << std::endl;
// Tuple cases
if (PyTuple_Check(leader)) {
Py_ssize_t tupleSize = PyTuple_Size(leader);
if (tupleSize < 3 || tupleSize > 4) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Invalid tuple length: mcrfpy.Color requires a 3-tuple, 4-tuple, color name, or integer values within 0-255 (r, g, b, optionally a)");
return -1;
r = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(leader, 0));
g = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(leader, 1));
b = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(leader, 2));
if (tupleSize == 4) {
a = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(leader, 3));
// Color name (not implemented yet)
else if (PyUnicode_Check(leader)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "Color names aren't ready yet");
return -1;
// Check if the leader is actually an integer for the r value
else if (PyLong_Check(leader)) {
r = PyLong_AsLong(leader);
// Additional validation not shown; g, b are required to be parsed
} else {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "mcrfpy.Color requires a 3-tuple, 4-tuple, color name, or integer values within 0-255 (r, g, b, optionally a)");
return -1;
// Validate color values
if (r < 0 || r > 255 || g < 0 || g > 255 || b < 0 || b > 255 || a < 0 || a > 255) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Color values must be between 0 and 255.");
return -1;
self->data = sf::Color(r, g, b, a);
return 0;
PyObject* PyColor::pynew(PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
auto obj = (PyObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
return obj;
PyObject* PyColor::get_member(PyObject* obj, void* closure)
return Py_None;
int PyColor::set_member(PyObject* obj, PyObject* value, void* closure)
return 0;
PyColorObject* PyColor::from_arg(PyObject* args)
auto type = (PyTypeObject*)PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Color");
if (PyObject_IsInstance(args, (PyObject*)type)) return (PyColorObject*)args;
auto obj = (PyColorObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
int err = init(obj, args, NULL);
if (err) {
return NULL;
return obj;
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Python.h"
class PyColor;
class UIDrawable; // forward declare for pointer
typedef struct {
sf::Color data;
} PyColorObject;
class PyColor
sf::Color data;
void set(sf::Color);
sf::Color get();
PyObject* pyObject();
static sf::Color fromPy(PyObject*);
static sf::Color fromPy(PyColorObject*);
static PyObject* repr(PyObject*);
static Py_hash_t hash(PyObject*);
static int init(PyColorObject*, PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* pynew(PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args=NULL, PyObject* kwds=NULL);
static PyObject* get_member(PyObject*, void*);
static int set_member(PyObject*, PyObject*, void*);
static PyGetSetDef getsetters[];
static PyColorObject* from_arg(PyObject*);
namespace mcrfpydef {
static PyTypeObject PyColorType = {
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.Color",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyColorObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
.tp_repr = PyColor::repr,
.tp_hash = PyColor::hash,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("SFML Color Object"),
.tp_getset = PyColor::getsetters,
.tp_init = (initproc)PyColor::init,
.tp_new = PyColor::pynew,
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
#include "PyFont.h"
#include "McRFPy_API.h"
PyFont::PyFont(std::string filename)
: source(filename)
font = sf::Font();
PyObject* PyFont::pyObject()
auto type = (PyTypeObject*)PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Font");
//PyObject* obj = PyType_GenericAlloc(&mcrfpydef::PyFontType, 0);
PyObject* obj = PyFont::pynew(type, Py_None, Py_None);
try {
((PyFontObject*)obj)->data = shared_from_this();
catch (std::bad_weak_ptr& e)
std::cout << "Bad weak ptr: shared_from_this() failed in PyFont::pyObject(); did you create a PyFont outside of std::make_shared? enjoy your segfault, soon!" << std::endl;
// TODO - shared_from_this will raise an exception if the object does not have a shared pointer. Constructor should be made private; write a factory function
return obj;
PyObject* PyFont::repr(PyObject* obj)
PyFontObject* self = (PyFontObject*)obj;
std::ostringstream ss;
if (!self->data)
ss << "<Font [invalid internal object]>";
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
auto& pfont = *(self->data);
ss << "<Font (family=" << pfont.font.getInfo().family << ") source=`" << pfont.source << "`>";
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
Py_hash_t PyFont::hash(PyObject* obj)
auto self = (PyFontObject*)obj;
return reinterpret_cast<Py_hash_t>(self->data.get());
int PyFont::init(PyFontObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
static const char* keywords[] = { "filename", nullptr };
char* filename;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "s", const_cast<char**>(keywords), &filename))
return -1;
self->data = std::make_shared<PyFont>(filename);
return 0;
PyObject* PyFont::pynew(PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
return (PyObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Python.h"
class PyFont;
typedef struct {
std::shared_ptr<PyFont> data;
} PyFontObject;
class PyFont : public std::enable_shared_from_this<PyFont>
std::string source;
PyFont(std::string filename);
sf::Font font;
PyObject* pyObject();
static PyObject* repr(PyObject*);
static Py_hash_t hash(PyObject*);
static int init(PyFontObject*, PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* pynew(PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args=NULL, PyObject* kwds=NULL);
namespace mcrfpydef {
static PyTypeObject PyFontType = {
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.Font",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyFontObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
.tp_repr = PyFont::repr,
//.tp_hash = PyFont::hash,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("SFML Font Object"),
//.tp_base = &PyBaseObject_Type,
.tp_init = (initproc)PyFont::init,
.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew, //PyFont::pynew,
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
#include "PyScene.h"
#include "ActionCode.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include "PyCallable.h"
PyScene::PyScene(GameEngine* g) : Scene(g)
// mouse events
registerAction(ActionCode::MOUSEBUTTON + sf::Mouse::Left, "left");
registerAction(ActionCode::MOUSEBUTTON + sf::Mouse::Right, "right");
registerAction(ActionCode::MOUSEWHEEL + ActionCode::WHEEL_DEL, "wheel_up");
registerAction(ActionCode::MOUSEWHEEL + ActionCode::WHEEL_NEG + ActionCode::WHEEL_DEL, "wheel_down");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Grave, "debug_menu");
void PyScene::update()
void PyScene::do_mouse_input(std::string button, std::string type)
auto unscaledmousepos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(game->getWindow());
auto mousepos = game->getWindow().mapPixelToCoords(unscaledmousepos);
UIDrawable* target;
for (auto d: *ui_elements)
target = d->click_at(sf::Vector2f(mousepos));
if (target)
PyObject* args = Py_BuildValue("(iiss)", (int)mousepos.x, (int)mousepos.y, button.c_str(), type.c_str());
PyObject* retval = PyObject_Call(target->click_callable, args, NULL);
if (!retval)
std::cout << "click_callable has raised an exception. It's going to STDERR and being dropped:" << std::endl;
} else if (retval != Py_None)
std::cout << "click_callable returned a non-None value. It's not an error, it's just not being saved or used." << std::endl;
target->click_callable->call(mousepos, button, type);
void PyScene::doAction(std::string name, std::string type)
McRFPy_API::doAction(name.substr(0, name.size() - 3));
else if ("left") == 0 ||"rclick") == 0 ||"wheel_up") == 0 ||"wheel_down") == 0) {
do_mouse_input(name, type);
else if ACTIONONCE("debug_menu") {
void PyScene::render()
auto vec = *ui_elements;
for (auto e: vec)
if (e)
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
#include "PyTexture.h"
#include "McRFPy_API.h"
PyTexture::PyTexture(std::string filename, int sprite_w, int sprite_h)
: source(filename), sprite_width(sprite_w), sprite_height(sprite_h)
texture = sf::Texture();
auto size = texture.getSize();
sheet_width = (size.x / sprite_width);
sheet_height = (size.y / sprite_height);
if (size.x % sprite_width != 0 || size.y % sprite_height != 0)
std::cout << "Warning: Texture `" << source << "` is not an even number of sprite widths or heights across." << std::endl
<< "Sprite size given was " << sprite_w << "x" << sprite_h << "px but the file has a resolution of " << sheet_width << "x" << sheet_height << "px." << std::endl;
sf::Sprite PyTexture::sprite(int index, sf::Vector2f pos, sf::Vector2f s)
int tx = index % sheet_width, ty = index / sheet_width;
auto ir = sf::IntRect(tx * sprite_width, ty * sprite_height, sprite_width, sprite_height);
auto sprite = sf::Sprite(texture, ir);
return sprite;
PyObject* PyTexture::pyObject()
std::cout << "Find type" << std::endl;
auto type = (PyTypeObject*)PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Texture");
PyObject* obj = PyTexture::pynew(type, Py_None, Py_None);
try {
((PyTextureObject*)obj)->data = shared_from_this();
catch (std::bad_weak_ptr& e)
std::cout << "Bad weak ptr: shared_from_this() failed in PyTexture::pyObject(); did you create a PyTexture outside of std::make_shared? enjoy your segfault, soon!" << std::endl;
// TODO - shared_from_this will raise an exception if the object does not have a shared pointer. Constructor should be made private; write a factory function
return obj;
PyObject* PyTexture::repr(PyObject* obj)
PyTextureObject* self = (PyTextureObject*)obj;
std::ostringstream ss;
if (!self->data)
ss << "<Texture [invalid internal object]>";
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
auto& ptex = *(self->data);
ss << "<Texture " << ptex.sheet_height << " rows, " << ptex.sheet_width << " columns; " << ptex.sprite_width << "x" << ptex.sprite_height << "px sprites. source='" << ptex.source << "'>";
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
Py_hash_t PyTexture::hash(PyObject* obj)
auto self = (PyTextureObject*)obj;
return reinterpret_cast<Py_hash_t>(self->data.get());
int PyTexture::init(PyTextureObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
static const char* keywords[] = { "filename", "sprite_width", "sprite_height", nullptr };
char* filename;
int sprite_width, sprite_height;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "sii", const_cast<char**>(keywords), &filename, &sprite_width, &sprite_height))
return -1;
self->data = std::make_shared<PyTexture>(filename, sprite_width, sprite_height);
return 0;
PyObject* PyTexture::pynew(PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
return (PyObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Python.h"
class PyTexture;
typedef struct {
std::shared_ptr<PyTexture> data;
} PyTextureObject;
class PyTexture : public std::enable_shared_from_this<PyTexture>
sf::Texture texture;
std::string source;
int sheet_width, sheet_height;
int sprite_width, sprite_height; // just use them read only, OK?
PyTexture(std::string filename, int sprite_w, int sprite_h);
sf::Sprite sprite(int index, sf::Vector2f pos = sf::Vector2f(0, 0), sf::Vector2f s = sf::Vector2f(1.0, 1.0));
PyObject* pyObject();
static PyObject* repr(PyObject*);
static Py_hash_t hash(PyObject*);
static int init(PyTextureObject*, PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* pynew(PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args=NULL, PyObject* kwds=NULL);
namespace mcrfpydef {
static PyTypeObject PyTextureType = {
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.Texture",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyTextureObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
.tp_repr = PyTexture::repr,
.tp_hash = PyTexture::hash,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("SFML Texture Object"),
//.tp_base = &PyBaseObject_Type,
.tp_init = (initproc)PyTexture::init,
.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew, //PyTexture::pynew,
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
#include "PyVector.h"
PyGetSetDef PyVector::getsetters[] = {
{"x", (getter)PyVector::get_member, (setter)PyVector::set_member, "X/horizontal component", (void*)0},
{"y", (getter)PyVector::get_member, (setter)PyVector::set_member, "Y/vertical component", (void*)1},
PyVector::PyVector(sf::Vector2f target)
:data(target) {}
PyObject* PyVector::pyObject()
PyObject* obj = PyType_GenericAlloc(&mcrfpydef::PyVectorType, 0);
PyVectorObject* self = (PyVectorObject*)obj;
self->data = data;
return obj;
sf::Vector2f PyVector::fromPy(PyObject* obj)
PyVectorObject* self = (PyVectorObject*)obj;
return self->data;
sf::Vector2f PyVector::fromPy(PyVectorObject* self)
return self->data;
Py_hash_t PyVector::hash(PyObject* obj)
auto self = (PyVectorObject*)obj;
Py_hash_t value = 0;
value += self->data.x;
value << 8; value += self->data.y;
return value;
PyObject* PyVector::repr(PyObject* obj)
PyVectorObject* self = (PyVectorObject*)obj;
std::ostringstream ss;
sf::Vector2f v = self->data;
ss << "<Vector (" << v.x << ", " << v.y << ")>";
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
int PyVector::init(PyVectorObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
using namespace mcrfpydef;
static const char* keywords[] = { "x", "y", nullptr };
PyObject* leader = NULL;
float x=0, y=0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|Of", const_cast<char**>(keywords), &leader, &y))
//PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "mcrfpy.Vector requires a 2-tuple or two numeric values");
return -1;
if (leader == NULL || leader == Py_None)
self->data = sf::Vector2f();
return 0;
if (PyTuple_Check(leader))
if (PyTuple_Size(leader) != 2)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Invalid tuple length: mcrfpy.Vector requires a 2-tuple");
return -1;
x = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem(leader, 0));
y = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem(leader, 1));
self->data = sf::Vector2f(x, y);
return 0;
// else -
else if (!PyFloat_Check(leader) && !(PyLong_Check(leader)))
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "mcrfpy.Vector requires a 2-tuple or two numeric values");
return -1;
if (PyFloat_Check(leader)) x = PyFloat_AsDouble(leader);
else x = PyLong_AsDouble(leader);
self->data = sf::Vector2f(x, y);
return 0;
PyObject* PyVector::pynew(PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
return (PyObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
PyObject* PyVector::get_member(PyObject* obj, void* closure)
return Py_None;
int PyVector::set_member(PyObject* obj, PyObject* value, void* closure)
return 0;
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Python.h"
typedef struct {
sf::Vector2f data;
} PyVectorObject;
class PyVector
sf::Vector2f data;
PyObject* pyObject();
static sf::Vector2f fromPy(PyObject*);
static sf::Vector2f fromPy(PyVectorObject*);
static PyObject* repr(PyObject*);
static Py_hash_t hash(PyObject*);
static int init(PyVectorObject*, PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject* pynew(PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args=NULL, PyObject* kwds=NULL);
static PyObject* get_member(PyObject*, void*);
static int set_member(PyObject*, PyObject*, void*);
static PyGetSetDef getsetters[];
namespace mcrfpydef {
static PyTypeObject PyVectorType = {
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.Vector",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyVectorObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
.tp_repr = PyVector::repr,
.tp_hash = PyVector::hash,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("SFML Vector Object"),
.tp_getset = PyVector::getsetters,
.tp_init = (initproc)PyVector::init,
.tp_new = PyVector::pynew,
@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
#include "PythonScene.h"
#include "ActionCode.h"
#include "McRFPy_API.h"
//#include "Animation.h"
PythonScene::PythonScene(GameEngine* g, std::string pymodule)
: Scene(g) {
// mouse events
registerAction(ActionCode::MOUSEBUTTON + sf::Mouse::Left, "click");
registerAction(ActionCode::MOUSEBUTTON + sf::Mouse::Right, "rclick");
registerAction(ActionCode::MOUSEWHEEL + ActionCode::WHEEL_DEL, "wheel_up");
registerAction(ActionCode::MOUSEWHEEL + ActionCode::WHEEL_NEG + ActionCode::WHEEL_DEL, "wheel_down");
// keyboard events
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Q, "upleft");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::W, "up");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::E, "upright");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::A, "left");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::S, "down");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::D, "right");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Z, "downleft");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::X, "wait");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::C, "downright");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Numpad7, "upleft");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Numpad8, "up");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Numpad9, "upright");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Numpad4, "left");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Numpad5, "wait");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Numpad6, "right");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Numpad1, "downleft");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Numpad2, "down");
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Numpad3, "downright");
// window resize
registerAction(0, "event");
dragging = false;
drag_grid = NULL;
// import pymodule and call start()
McRFPy_API::executePyString("import " + pymodule);
McRFPy_API::executePyString(pymodule + ".start()");
void PythonScene::animate() {
//std::cout << "Number of animations: " << McRFPy_API::animations.size() << std::endl;
auto frametime = game->getFrameTime();
auto it = McRFPy_API::animations.begin();
while (it != McRFPy_API::animations.end()) {
//std::cout << "Iterating" << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Step complete" << std::endl;
if ((*it)->isDone()) {
//std::cout << "Cleaning up Animation" << std::endl;
auto prev = it;
} else it++;
/* // workin on it
for (auto p : animations) {
if (p.first == "int") {
} else if (p.first == "string") {
} else if (p.first == "float") {
} else if (p.first == "vector2f") {
} else if (p.first == "vector2i") {
} else if (p.first == "color") {
((Animation<int>)p.second).step(frametime); // TODO
} else {
std::cout << "Animation has label " << p.first << "; no type found" << std::endl;
auto it = animations.begin();
while (it != animations.end()) {
bool done = false;
if (p.first == "int") {
} else if (p.first == "string") {
if ((Animation<std::string>)p.second).isDone()
delete (Animation<std::string>)p.second
} else if (p.first == "float") {
} else if (p.first == "vector2f") {
} else if (p.first == "vector2i") {
} else if (p.first == "color") {
((Animation<int>)p.second).step(frametime); // TODO
if ((*it).second.isDone()) {
} else { it++; }
void PythonScene::update() {
// turn cycle: If player's input made the state "computerturnwait", finish
// all animations and then let the NPCs act
if (McRFPy_API::animations.size() == 0 &&"computerturnwait") == 0) {
McRFPy_API::input_mode = "computerturn";
else if (McRFPy_API::animations.size() == 0 &&"computerturnrunning") == 0) {
McRFPy_API::input_mode = "playerturnstart";
// check if left click is still down & mouse has moved
// continue the drag motion
if (dragging && drag_grid) {
//std::cout << "Compute dragging" << std::endl;
auto mousepos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(game->getWindow());
auto dx = mouseprev.x - mousepos.x,
dy = mouseprev.y - mousepos.y;
if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { McRFPy_API::do_camfollow = false; }
drag_grid->center_x += (dx / drag_grid->zoom);
drag_grid->center_y += (dy / drag_grid->zoom);
mouseprev = mousepos;
if ("computerturn")) == 0) McRFPy_API::computerTurn();
if ("playerturnstart")) == 0) McRFPy_API::playerTurn();
void PythonScene::doLClick(sf::Vector2i mousepos) {
// UI buttons get first chance
for (auto pair : McRFPy_API::menus) {
if (!pair.second->visible) continue;
for (auto b : pair.second->buttons) {
//std::cout << "Box: " << pair.second->box.getPosition().x << ", "
//<< pair.second->box.getPosition().y << "; Button:" << b.rect.getPosition().x <<
//", " << b.rect.getPosition().y << "; Mouse: " << mousepos.x << ", " <<
//mousepos.y << std::endl;
// JANK: provide the button a relative coordinate.
if (b.contains(pair.second->box.getPosition(), mousepos)) {
// left clicking a grid to select a square
for (auto pair : McRFPy_API::grids) {
if (!pair.second->visible) continue;
if (pair.second->contains(mousepos)) {
// grid was clicked
void PythonScene::doRClick(sf::Vector2i mousepos) {
// just grids for right click
for (auto pair : McRFPy_API::grids) {
if (!pair.second->visible) continue;
if (pair.second->contains(mousepos)) {
// grid was clicked
void PythonScene::doZoom(sf::Vector2i mousepos, int value) {
// just grids for right click
for (auto pair : McRFPy_API::grids) {
if (!pair.second->visible) continue;
if (pair.second->contains(mousepos)) {
// grid was zoomed
float new_zoom = pair.second->zoom + (value * 0.25);
if (new_zoom >= 0.5 && new_zoom <= 5.0) {
pair.second->zoom = new_zoom;
void PythonScene::doAction(std::string name, std::string type) {
auto mousepos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(game->getWindow());
//std::cout << "name: " << name << ", type: " << type << std::endl;
McRFPy_API::doAction(name.substr(0, name.size() - 3));
else if (ACTIONONCE("click")) {
// left click start
//std::cout << "LClick started at (" << mousepos.x << ", " << mousepos.y << ")" << std::endl;
dragstart = mousepos;
mouseprev = mousepos;
dragging = true;
// determine the grid that contains the cursor
for (auto pair : McRFPy_API::grids) {
if (!pair.second->visible) continue;
if (pair.second->contains(mousepos)) {
// grid was clicked
drag_grid = pair.second;
else if (ACTIONAFTER("click")) {
// left click end
//std::cout << "LClick ended at (" << mousepos.x << ", " << mousepos.y << ")" << std::endl;
// if click ended without starting a drag event, try lclick?
if (dragstart == mousepos) {
// mouse did not move, do click
//std::cout << "(did not move)" << std::endl;
dragging = false;
drag_grid = NULL;
else if (ACTIONONCE("rclick")) {
// not going to test for right click drag - just rclick
else if (ACTIONONCE("wheel_up")) {
// try zoom in
doZoom(mousepos, 1);
else if (ACTIONONCE("wheel_down")) {
// try zoom out
doZoom(mousepos, -1);
else if (ACTIONONCE("up")) { McRFPy_API::player_input(+0, -1); }
else if (ACTIONONCE("upright")) { McRFPy_API::player_input(+1, -1); }
else if (ACTIONONCE("right")) { McRFPy_API::player_input(+1, +0); }
else if (ACTIONONCE("downright")) { McRFPy_API::player_input(+1, +1); }
else if (ACTIONONCE("down")) { McRFPy_API::player_input(+0, +1); }
else if (ACTIONONCE("downleft")) { McRFPy_API::player_input(-1, +1); }
else if (ACTIONONCE("left")) { McRFPy_API::player_input(-1, +0); }
else if (ACTIONONCE("upleft")) { McRFPy_API::player_input(-1, -1); }
else if (ACTIONONCE("wait")) { McRFPy_API::player_input(+0, +0); }
bool PythonScene::registerActionInjected(int code, std::string name) {
std::cout << "Registering injected action (PythonScene): " << code << " (" << ActionCode::KEY + code << ")\n";
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + code, name);
//return false;
return true;
bool PythonScene::unregisterActionInjected(int code, std::string name) {
return false;
void PythonScene::sRender() {
for (auto pair: McRFPy_API::grids) {
if (!pair.second->visible) continue;
for (auto pair: McRFPy_API::menus) {
if (!pair.second->visible) continue;
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Scene.h"
#include "GameEngine.h"
#include "Grid.h"
//#include "Animation.h"
//#include <list>
class PythonScene: public Scene
sf::Vector2i dragstart, mouseprev;
bool dragging;
Grid* drag_grid;
void doLClick(sf::Vector2i);
void doRClick(sf::Vector2i);
void doZoom(sf::Vector2i, int);
//std::list<Animation*> animations;
void animate();
std::map<std::string, bool> actionInjected;
PythonScene(GameEngine*, std::string);
void update() override final;
void doAction(std::string, std::string) override final;
void sRender() override final;
bool registerActionInjected(int, std::string) override;
bool unregisterActionInjected(int, std::string) override;
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
#include "Resources.h"
#include "Resources.h"
//#include <list>
#include <list>
//#include "UI.h"
#include "UI.h"
// Resources class members memory allocation
// Resources class members memory allocation
sf::Font Resources::font;
sf::Font Resources::font;
GameEngine* Resources::game;
GameEngine* Resources::game;
std::string Resources::caption_buffer;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Common.h"
//#include <list>
#include <list>
//#include "UI.h"
#include "UI.h"
class GameEngine; // forward declared
class GameEngine; // forward declared
@ -10,5 +10,4 @@ class Resources
static sf::Font font;
static sf::Font font;
static GameEngine* game;
static GameEngine* game;
static std::string caption_buffer;
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
//Scene::Scene() { game = 0; std::cout << "WARN: default Scene constructor called. (game = " << game << ")" << std::endl;};
//Scene::Scene() { game = 0; std::cout << "WARN: default Scene constructor called. (game = " << game << ")" << std::endl;};
Scene::Scene(GameEngine* g)
Scene::Scene(GameEngine* g)
key_callable = std::make_unique<PyKeyCallable>();
game = g;
game = g;
ui_elements = std::make_shared<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UIDrawable>>>();
ui_elements = std::make_shared<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UIDrawable>>>();
@ -40,27 +39,3 @@ bool Scene::unregisterActionInjected(int code, std::string name)
return false;
return false;
void Scene::key_register(PyObject* callable)
if (key_callable)
// decrement reference before overwriting
key_callable = callable;
key_callable = std::make_unique<PyKeyCallable>(callable);
void Scene::key_unregister()
if (key_callable == NULL) return;
key_callable = NULL;
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
#include "Common.h"
#include "Common.h"
#include <list>
#include <list>
#include "UI.h"
#include "UI.h"
#include "PyCallable.h"
//#include "GameEngine.h"
//#include "GameEngine.h"
class GameEngine; // forward declare
class GameEngine; // forward declare
@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ public:
virtual void update() = 0;
virtual void update() = 0;
virtual void render() = 0;
virtual void sRender() = 0;
virtual void doAction(std::string, std::string) = 0;
virtual void doAction(std::string, std::string) = 0;
bool hasAction(std::string);
bool hasAction(std::string);
bool hasAction(int);
bool hasAction(int);
@ -42,8 +41,4 @@ public:
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UIDrawable>>> ui_elements;
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UIDrawable>>> ui_elements;
//PyObject* key_callable;
std::unique_ptr<PyKeyCallable> key_callable;
void key_register(PyObject*);
void key_unregister();
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
#include "Timer.h"
Timer::Timer(PyObject* _target, int _interval, int now)
: target(_target), interval(_interval), last_ran(now)
: target(Py_None), interval(0), last_ran(0)
bool Timer::test(int now)
if (!target || target == Py_None) return false;
if (now > last_ran + interval)
last_ran = now;
PyObject* args = Py_BuildValue("(i)", now);
PyObject* retval = PyObject_Call(target, args, NULL);
if (!retval)
std::cout << "timer has raised an exception. It's going to STDERR and being dropped:" << std::endl;
} else if (retval != Py_None)
std::cout << "timer returned a non-None value. It's not an error, it's just not being saved or used." << std::endl;
return true;
return false;
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Python.h"
class GameEngine; // forward declare
class Timer
PyObject* target;
int interval;
int last_ran;
Timer(); // for map to build
Timer(PyObject*, int, int);
bool test(int);
@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
#include "UI.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include "GameEngine.h"
void UIDrawable::render()
//std::cout << "Rendering base UIDrawable\n";
x(0), y(0), w(0), h(0), outline(0)
children = std::make_shared<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UIDrawable>>>();
pyOutlineColor = NULL;
pyFillColor = NULL;
_outlineColor = NULL;
_fillColor = NULL;
UIFrame::UIFrame(float _x, float _y, float _w, float _h):
x(_x), y(_y), w(_w), h(_h), outline(0)
children = std::make_shared<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UIDrawable>>>();
pyOutlineColor = NULL;
pyFillColor = NULL;
_outlineColor = NULL;
_fillColor = NULL;
if (pyOutlineColor) Py_DECREF(pyOutlineColor);
else if (_outlineColor) delete _outlineColor;
if (pyFillColor) Py_DECREF(pyFillColor);
else if (_fillColor) delete _fillColor;
sf::Color& fillColor(); // getter
void fillColor(sf::Color c); // C++ setter
void fillColor(PyObject* pyColor); // Python setter
sf::Color& outlineColor(); // getter
void outlineColor(sf::Color c); // C++ setter
void outlineColor(PyObject* pyColor); // Python setter
PyObjectsEnum UIFrame::derived_type()
return PyObjectsEnum::UIFRAME;
void UIFrame::render(sf::Vector2f offset)
//std::cout << "Rendering UIFrame w/ offset " << offset.x << ", " << offset.y << "\n";
//std::cout << "position = " << x << ", " << y << "\n";
//sf::RectangleShape box = sf::RectangleShape(sf::Vector2f(w,h));
//sf::Vector2f pos = sf::Vector2f(x, y);
//box.setPosition(offset + pos);
//if (_fillColor) { box.setFillColor(fillColor()); }
//if (_outlineColor) { box.setOutlineColor(outlineColor()); }
for (auto drawable : *children) {
drawable->render(offset + box.getPosition());
void UICaption::render(sf::Vector2f offset)
//std::cout << "Rendering Caption with offset\n";
UISprite::UISprite() {}
UISprite::UISprite(IndexTexture* _itex, int _sprite_index, float x = 0.0, float y = 0.0, float s = 1.0)
: itex(_itex), sprite_index(_sprite_index)
sprite.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(x, y));
sprite.setScale(sf::Vector2f(s, s));
UISprite::UISprite(IndexTexture* _itex, int _sprite_index, sf::Vector2f pos, float s = 1.0)
: itex(_itex), sprite_index(_sprite_index)
sprite.setScale(sf::Vector2f(s, s));
//void UISprite::update()
//auto& tex = Resources::game->textures[texture_index];
//sprite.setScale(sf::Vector2f(scale, scale));
//sprite.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(x, y));
//std::cout << "Drawable position: " << x << ", " << y << " -> " << s.getPosition().x << ", " << s.getPosition().y << std::endl;
void UISprite::render(sf::Vector2f offset)
void UISprite::setPosition(float x, float y)
setPosition(sf::Vector2f(x, y));
void UISprite::setPosition(sf::Vector2f pos)
void UISprite::setScale(float s)
sprite.setScale(sf::Vector2f(s, s));
PyObjectsEnum UICaption::derived_type()
return PyObjectsEnum::UICAPTION;
PyObjectsEnum UISprite::derived_type()
return PyObjectsEnum::UISPRITE;
PyObject* DEFUNCT_py_instance(std::shared_ptr<UIDrawable> source)
// takes a UI drawable, calls its derived_type virtual function, and builds a Python object based on the return value.
using namespace mcrfpydef;
PyObject* newobj = NULL;
std::cout << "py_instance called\n";
switch (source->derived_type())
case PyObjectsEnum::UIFRAME:
std::cout << "UIFRAME case\n" << std::flush;
PyTypeObject* UIFrameType = &PyUIFrameType;
//std::cout << "tp_alloc\n" << std::flush;
//PyObject* _o = UIFrameType->tp_alloc(UIFrameType, 0);
//std::cout << "reinterpret_cast\n" << std::flush;
//auto o = reinterpret_cast<PyUICollectionObject*>(_o);
//PyUIFrameObject* o = (PyUIFrameObject*)PyObject_New(PyUIFrameObject, UIFrameType);
PyUIFrameObject* o = (PyUIFrameObject*)(UIFrameType->tp_alloc(UIFrameType, 0));
//PyUIFrameObject* o = PyObject_New(PyUIFrameObject, UIFrameType);
// backtracking the problem: instantiate a PyColor of (255, 0, 0) for testing
PyTypeObject* colorType = &PyColorType;
PyObject* pyColor = colorType->tp_alloc(colorType, 0);
if (pyColor == NULL)
std::cout << "failure to allocate mcrfpy.Color / PyColorType" << std::endl;
return NULL;
PyColorObject* pyColorObj = reinterpret_cast<PyColorObject*>(pyColor);
pyColorObj->data = std::make_shared<sf::Color>();
pyColorObj->data-> r = 255;
return (PyObject*)pyColorObj;
std::cout << "pointer check: " << o << "\n" << std::flush;
if (o)
std::cout << "Casting data...\n" << std::flush;
auto p = std::static_pointer_cast<UIFrame>(source);
std::cout << "casted. Assigning...\n" << std::flush;
//o->data = std::make_shared<UIFrame>();
o->data = p;
//std::cout << "assigned.\n" << std::flush;
auto usource = o->data; //(UIFrame*)source.get();
std::cout << "Loaded data into object. " << usource->box.getPosition().x << " " << usource->box.getPosition().y << " " <<
usource->box.getSize().x << " " << usource->box.getSize().y << std::endl;
std::cout << "Allocation failed.\n" << std::flush;
newobj = (PyObject*)o;
case PyObjectsEnum::UICAPTION:
std::cout << "UICAPTION case\n";
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "UICaption class not implemented in Python yet.");
/* not yet implemented
PyUICaptionObject* o = (PyUICaptionObject*)PyUICaptionType.tp_alloc(&PyUICaptionType, 0);
if (o)
o->data = std::static_pointer_cast<UICaption>(source);
case PyObjectsEnum::UISPRITE:
std::cout << "UISPRITE case\n";
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "UISprite class not implemented in Python yet.");
PyUISpriteObject* o = (PyUISpriteObject*)PyUISpriteType.tp_alloc(&PyUISpriteType, 0);
if (o)
o->data = std::static_pointer_cast<UISprite>(source);
return NULL;
return newobj;
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
class UIEntity;
typedef struct {
std::shared_ptr<UIEntity> data;
} PyUIEntityObject;
class UIFrame;
typedef struct {
std::shared_ptr<UIFrame> data;
} PyUIFrameObject;
class UICaption;
typedef struct {
std::shared_ptr<UICaption> data;
PyObject* font;
} PyUICaptionObject;
class UIGrid;
typedef struct {
std::shared_ptr<UIGrid> data;
} PyUIGridObject;
class UISprite;
typedef struct {
std::shared_ptr<UISprite> data;
} PyUISpriteObject;
@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
#include "UICaption.h"
#include "GameEngine.h"
#include "PyColor.h"
#include "PyVector.h"
#include "PyFont.h"
UIDrawable* UICaption::click_at(sf::Vector2f point)
if (click_callable)
if (text.getGlobalBounds().contains(point)) return this;
return NULL;
void UICaption::render(sf::Vector2f offset)
PyObjectsEnum UICaption::derived_type()
return PyObjectsEnum::UICAPTION;
PyObject* UICaption::get_float_member(PyUICaptionObject* self, void* closure)
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
if (member_ptr == 0)
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->text.getPosition().x);
else if (member_ptr == 1)
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->text.getPosition().y);
else if (member_ptr == 4)
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->text.getOutlineThickness());
else if (member_ptr == 5)
return PyLong_FromLong(self->data->text.getCharacterSize());
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "Invalid attribute");
return nullptr;
int UICaption::set_float_member(PyUICaptionObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
float val;
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
if (PyFloat_Check(value))
val = PyFloat_AsDouble(value);
else if (PyLong_Check(value))
val = PyLong_AsLong(value);
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Value must be an integer.");
return -1;
if (member_ptr == 0) //x
self->data->text.setPosition(val, self->data->text.getPosition().y);
else if (member_ptr == 1) //y
self->data->text.setPosition(self->data->text.getPosition().x, val);
else if (member_ptr == 4) //outline
else if (member_ptr == 5) // character size
return 0;
PyObject* UICaption::get_vec_member(PyUICaptionObject* self, void* closure)
return PyVector(self->data->text.getPosition()).pyObject();
int UICaption::set_vec_member(PyUICaptionObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
return 0;
PyObject* UICaption::get_color_member(PyUICaptionObject* self, void* closure)
// TODO: migrate this code to a switch statement - validate closure & return values in one tighter, more extensible structure
// validate closure (should be impossible to be wrong, but it's thorough)
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
if (member_ptr != 0 && member_ptr != 1)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "Invalid attribute");
return nullptr;
// TODO: manually calling tp_alloc to create a PyColorObject seems like an antipattern
// fetch correct member data
sf::Color color;
if (member_ptr == 0)
color = self->data->text.getFillColor();
else if (member_ptr == 1)
color = self->data->text.getOutlineColor();
return PyColor(color).pyObject();
int UICaption::set_color_member(PyUICaptionObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
//TODO: this logic of (PyColor instance OR tuple -> sf::color) should be encapsulated for reuse
int r, g, b, a;
if (PyObject_IsInstance(value, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Color") /*(PyObject*)&mcrfpydef::PyColorType)*/))
// get value from mcrfpy.Color instance
auto c = ((PyColorObject*)value)->data;
r = c.r; g = c.g; b = c.b; a = c.a;
std::cout << "got " << int(r) << ", " << int(g) << ", " << int(b) << ", " << int(a) << std::endl;
else if (!PyTuple_Check(value) || PyTuple_Size(value) < 3 || PyTuple_Size(value) > 4)
// reject non-Color, non-tuple value
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Value must be a tuple of 3 or 4 integers or an mcrfpy.Color object.");
return -1;
else // get value from tuples
r = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(value, 0));
g = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(value, 1));
b = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(value, 2));
a = 255;
if (PyTuple_Size(value) == 4)
a = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(value, 3));
if (r < 0 || r > 255 || g < 0 || g > 255 || b < 0 || b > 255 || a < 0 || a > 255)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Color values must be between 0 and 255.");
return -1;
if (member_ptr == 0)
self->data->text.setFillColor(sf::Color(r, g, b, a));
else if (member_ptr == 1)
self->data->text.setOutlineColor(sf::Color(r, g, b, a));
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "Invalid attribute");
return -1;
return 0;
//TODO: evaluate use of Resources::caption_buffer... can't I do this with a std::string?
PyObject* UICaption::get_text(PyUICaptionObject* self, void* closure)
Resources::caption_buffer = self->data->text.getString();
return PyUnicode_FromString(Resources::caption_buffer.c_str());
int UICaption::set_text(PyUICaptionObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
PyObject* s = PyObject_Str(value);
PyObject * temp_bytes = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(s, "UTF-8", "strict"); // Owned reference
if (temp_bytes != NULL) {
Resources::caption_buffer = PyBytes_AS_STRING(temp_bytes); // Borrowed pointer
return 0;
PyGetSetDef UICaption::getsetters[] = {
{"x", (getter)UICaption::get_float_member, (setter)UICaption::set_float_member, "X coordinate of top-left corner", (void*)0},
{"y", (getter)UICaption::get_float_member, (setter)UICaption::set_float_member, "Y coordinate of top-left corner", (void*)1},
{"pos", (getter)UICaption::get_vec_member, (setter)UICaption::set_vec_member, "(x, y) vector", (void*)0},
//{"w", (getter)PyUIFrame_get_float_member, (setter)PyUIFrame_set_float_member, "width of the rectangle", (void*)2},
//{"h", (getter)PyUIFrame_get_float_member, (setter)PyUIFrame_set_float_member, "height of the rectangle", (void*)3},
{"outline", (getter)UICaption::get_float_member, (setter)UICaption::set_float_member, "Thickness of the border", (void*)4},
{"fill_color", (getter)UICaption::get_color_member, (setter)UICaption::set_color_member, "Fill color of the text", (void*)0},
{"outline_color", (getter)UICaption::get_color_member, (setter)UICaption::set_color_member, "Outline color of the text", (void*)1},
//{"children", (getter)PyUIFrame_get_children, NULL, "UICollection of objects on top of this one", NULL},
{"text", (getter)UICaption::get_text, (setter)UICaption::set_text, "The text displayed", NULL},
{"size", (getter)UICaption::get_float_member, (setter)UICaption::set_float_member, "Text size (integer) in points", (void*)5},
{"click", (getter)UIDrawable::get_click, (setter)UIDrawable::set_click, "Object called with (x, y, button) when clicked", (void*)PyObjectsEnum::UICAPTION},
PyObject* UICaption::repr(PyUICaptionObject* self)
std::ostringstream ss;
if (!self->data) ss << "<Caption (invalid internal object)>";
else {
auto text = self->data->text;
auto fc = text.getFillColor();
auto oc = text.getOutlineColor();
ss << "<Caption (x=" << text.getPosition().x << ", y=" << text.getPosition().y << ", " <<
"text='" << (std::string)text.getString() << "', " <<
"outline=" << text.getOutlineThickness() << ", " <<
"fill_color=(" << (int)fc.r << ", " << (int)fc.g << ", " << (int)fc.b << ", " << (int)fc.a <<"), " <<
"outline_color=(" << (int)oc.r << ", " << (int)oc.g << ", " << (int)oc.b << ", " << (int)oc.a <<"), " <<
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
int UICaption::init(PyUICaptionObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
using namespace mcrfpydef;
static const char* keywords[] = { "x", "y", "text", "font", "fill_color", "outline_color", "outline", nullptr };
float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f, outline = 0.0f;
char* text;
PyObject* font=NULL, *fill_color=NULL, *outline_color=NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|ffzOOOf",
const_cast<char**>(keywords), &x, &y, &text, &font, &fill_color, &outline_color, &outline))
return -1;
// check types for font, fill_color, outline_color
std::cout << PyUnicode_AsUTF8(PyObject_Repr(font)) << std::endl;
if (font != NULL && !PyObject_IsInstance(font, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Font")/*(PyObject*)&PyFontType)*/)){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "font must be a mcrfpy.Font instance");
return -1;
} else if (font != NULL)
auto font_obj = (PyFontObject*)font;
self->font = font;
} else
// default font
self->data->text.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(x, y));
if (fill_color) {
auto fc = PyColor::from_arg(fill_color);
if (!fc) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "fill_color must be mcrfpy.Color or arguments to mcrfpy.Color.__init__");
return -1;
} else {
if (outline_color) {
auto oc = PyColor::from_arg(outline_color);
if (!oc) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "outline_color must be mcrfpy.Color or arguments to mcrfpy.Color.__init__");
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Python.h"
#include "UIDrawable.h"
class UICaption: public UIDrawable
sf::Text text;
void render(sf::Vector2f) override final;
PyObjectsEnum derived_type() override final;
virtual UIDrawable* click_at(sf::Vector2f point) override final;
static PyObject* get_float_member(PyUICaptionObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_float_member(PyUICaptionObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_vec_member(PyUICaptionObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_vec_member(PyUICaptionObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_color_member(PyUICaptionObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_color_member(PyUICaptionObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_text(PyUICaptionObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_text(PyUICaptionObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyGetSetDef getsetters[];
static PyObject* repr(PyUICaptionObject* self);
static int init(PyUICaptionObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds);
namespace mcrfpydef {
static PyTypeObject PyUICaptionType = {
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.Caption",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyUICaptionObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
// TODO - move tp_dealloc to .cpp file as static function (UICaption::dealloc)
.tp_dealloc = (destructor)[](PyObject* self)
PyUICaptionObject* obj = (PyUICaptionObject*)self;
// TODO - reevaluate with PyFont usage; UICaption does not own the font
// release reference to font object
if (obj->font) Py_DECREF(obj->font);
.tp_repr = (reprfunc)UICaption::repr,
//.tp_hash = NULL,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("docstring"),
//.tp_methods = PyUIFrame_methods,
//.tp_members = PyUIFrame_members,
.tp_getset = UICaption::getsetters,
//.tp_base = NULL,
.tp_init = (initproc)UICaption::init,
// TODO - move tp_new to .cpp file as a static function (UICaption::new)
.tp_new = [](PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) -> PyObject*
PyUICaptionObject* self = (PyUICaptionObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
if (self) self->data = std::make_shared<UICaption>();
return (PyObject*)self;
@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
#include "UICollection.h"
#include "UIFrame.h"
#include "UICaption.h"
#include "UISprite.h"
#include "UIGrid.h"
#include "McRFPy_API.h"
using namespace mcrfpydef;
int UICollectionIter::init(PyUICollectionIterObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "UICollection cannot be instantiated: a C++ data source is required.");
return -1;
PyObject* UICollectionIter::next(PyUICollectionIterObject* self)
if (self->data->size() != self->start_size)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "collection changed size during iteration");
return NULL;
if (self->index > self->start_size - 1)
return NULL;
auto vec = self->data.get();
if (!vec)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "the collection store returned a null pointer");
return NULL;
auto target = (*vec)[self->index-1];
// TODO build PyObject* of the correct UIDrawable subclass to return
//return py_instance(target);
return NULL;
PyObject* UICollectionIter::repr(PyUICollectionIterObject* self)
std::ostringstream ss;
if (!self->data) ss << "<UICollectionIter (invalid internal object)>";
else {
ss << "<UICollectionIter (" << self->data->size() << " child objects, @ index " << self->index << ")>";
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
Py_ssize_t UICollection::len(PyUICollectionObject* self) {
return self->data->size();
PyObject* UICollection::getitem(PyUICollectionObject* self, Py_ssize_t index) {
// build a Python version of item at self->data[index]
// Copy pasted::
auto vec = self->data.get();
if (!vec)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "the collection store returned a null pointer");
return NULL;
while (index < 0) index += self->data->size();
if (index > self->data->size() - 1)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "UICollection index out of range");
return NULL;
auto target = (*vec)[index];
return NULL;
PySequenceMethods UICollection::sqmethods = {
.sq_length = (lenfunc)UICollection::len,
.sq_item = (ssizeargfunc)UICollection::getitem,
//.sq_item_by_index = PyUICollection_getitem
//.sq_slice - return a subset of the iterable
//.sq_ass_item - called when `o[x] = y` is executed (x is any object type)
//.sq_ass_slice - cool; no thanks, for now
//.sq_contains - called when `x in o` is executed
//.sq_ass_item_by_index - called when `o[x] = y` is executed (x is explictly an integer)
/* Idiomatic way to fetch complete types from the API rather than referencing their PyTypeObject struct
auto type = (PyTypeObject*)PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Texture");
I never identified why `using namespace mcrfpydef;` doesn't solve the segfault issue.
The horrible macro in UIDrawable was originally a workaround for this, but as I interact with the types outside of the monster UI.h, a more general (and less icky) solution is required.
PyObject* UICollection::append(PyUICollectionObject* self, PyObject* o)
// if not UIDrawable subclass, reject it
// self->data->push_back( c++ object inside o );
// this would be a great use case for .tp_base
if (!PyObject_IsInstance(o, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Frame")) &&
!PyObject_IsInstance(o, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Sprite")) &&
!PyObject_IsInstance(o, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Caption")) &&
!PyObject_IsInstance(o, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Grid"))
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Only Frame, Caption, Sprite, and Grid objects can be added to UICollection");
return NULL;
if (PyObject_IsInstance(o, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Frame")))
PyUIFrameObject* frame = (PyUIFrameObject*)o;
if (PyObject_IsInstance(o, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Caption")))
PyUICaptionObject* caption = (PyUICaptionObject*)o;
if (PyObject_IsInstance(o, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Sprite")))
PyUISpriteObject* sprite = (PyUISpriteObject*)o;
if (PyObject_IsInstance(o, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Grid")))
PyUIGridObject* grid = (PyUIGridObject*)o;
return Py_None;
PyObject* UICollection::remove(PyUICollectionObject* self, PyObject* o)
if (!PyLong_Check(o))
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "UICollection.remove requires an integer index to remove");
return NULL;
long index = PyLong_AsLong(o);
if (index >= self->data->size())
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Index out of range");
return NULL;
else if (index < 0)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "reverse indexing is not implemented.");
return NULL;
// release the shared pointer at self->data[index];
self->data->erase(self->data->begin() + index);
return Py_None;
PyMethodDef UICollection::methods[] = {
{"append", (PyCFunction)UICollection::append, METH_O},
//{"extend", (PyCFunction)PyUICollection_extend, METH_O}, // TODO
{"remove", (PyCFunction)UICollection::remove, METH_O},
PyObject* UICollection::repr(PyUICollectionObject* self)
std::ostringstream ss;
if (!self->data) ss << "<UICollection (invalid internal object)>";
else {
ss << "<UICollection (" << self->data->size() << " child objects)>";
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
int UICollection::init(PyUICollectionObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "UICollection cannot be instantiated: a C++ data source is required.");
return -1;
PyObject* UICollection::iter(PyUICollectionObject* self)
PyUICollectionIterObject* iterObj;
iterObj = (PyUICollectionIterObject*)PyUICollectionIterType.tp_alloc(&PyUICollectionIterType, 0);
if (iterObj == NULL) {
return NULL; // Failed to allocate memory for the iterator object
iterObj->data = self->data;
iterObj->index = 0;
iterObj->start_size = self->data->size();
return (PyObject*)iterObj;
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Python.h"
#include "UIDrawable.h"
class UICollectionIter
// really more of a namespace: all the members are public and static. But being consistent with other UI objects
static int init(PyUICollectionIterObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds);
static PyObject* next(PyUICollectionIterObject* self);
static PyObject* repr(PyUICollectionIterObject* self);
class UICollection
// really more of a namespace: all the members are public and static. But being consistent with other UI objects
static Py_ssize_t len(PyUICollectionObject* self);
static PyObject* getitem(PyUICollectionObject* self, Py_ssize_t index);
static PySequenceMethods sqmethods;
static PyObject* append(PyUICollectionObject* self, PyObject* o);
static PyObject* remove(PyUICollectionObject* self, PyObject* o);
static PyMethodDef methods[];
static PyObject* repr(PyUICollectionObject* self);
static int init(PyUICollectionObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds);
static PyObject* iter(PyUICollectionObject* self);
namespace mcrfpydef {
static PyTypeObject PyUICollectionIterType = {
//PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.UICollectionIter",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyUICollectionIterObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
//TODO - as static method, not inline lambda def, please
.tp_dealloc = (destructor)[](PyObject* self)
PyUICollectionIterObject* obj = (PyUICollectionIterObject*)self;
.tp_repr = (reprfunc)UICollectionIter::repr,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("Iterator for a collection of UI objects"),
.tp_iternext = (iternextfunc)UICollectionIter::next,
//.tp_getset = PyUICollection_getset,
.tp_init = (initproc)UICollectionIter::init, // just raise an exception
//TODO - as static method, not inline lambda def, please
.tp_new = [](PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) -> PyObject*
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "UICollection cannot be instantiated: a C++ data source is required.");
return NULL;
static PyTypeObject PyUICollectionType = {
//PyVarObject_/HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.UICollection",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyUICollectionObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
//TODO - as static method, not inline lambda def, please
.tp_dealloc = (destructor)[](PyObject* self)
PyUICollectionObject* obj = (PyUICollectionObject*)self;
.tp_repr = (reprfunc)UICollection::repr,
.tp_as_sequence = &UICollection::sqmethods,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("Iterable, indexable collection of UI objects"),
.tp_iter = (getiterfunc)UICollection::iter,
.tp_methods = UICollection::methods, // append, remove
//.tp_getset = PyUICollection_getset,
.tp_init = (initproc)UICollection::init, // just raise an exception
//TODO - as static method, not inline lambda def, please
.tp_new = [](PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) -> PyObject*
// Does PyUICollectionType need __new__ if it's not supposed to be instantiable by the user?
// Should I just raise an exception? Or is the uninitialized shared_ptr enough of a blocker?
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "UICollection cannot be instantiated: a C++ data source is required.");
return NULL;
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
#include "UIDrawable.h"
#include "UIFrame.h"
#include "UICaption.h"
#include "UISprite.h"
#include "UIGrid.h"
UIDrawable::UIDrawable() { click_callable = NULL; }
void UIDrawable::click_unregister()
void UIDrawable::render()
PyObject* UIDrawable::get_click(PyObject* self, void* closure) {
PyObjectsEnum objtype = static_cast<PyObjectsEnum>(reinterpret_cast<long>(closure)); // trust me bro, it's an Enum
PyObject* ptr;
switch (objtype)
case PyObjectsEnum::UIFRAME:
ptr = ((PyUIFrameObject*)self)->data->click_callable->borrow();
case PyObjectsEnum::UICAPTION:
ptr = ((PyUICaptionObject*)self)->data->click_callable->borrow();
case PyObjectsEnum::UISPRITE:
ptr = ((PyUISpriteObject*)self)->data->click_callable->borrow();
case PyObjectsEnum::UIGRID:
ptr = ((PyUIGridObject*)self)->data->click_callable->borrow();
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "no idea how you did that; invalid UIDrawable derived instance for _get_click");
return NULL;
if (ptr && ptr != Py_None)
return ptr;
return Py_None;
int UIDrawable::set_click(PyObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure) {
PyObjectsEnum objtype = static_cast<PyObjectsEnum>(reinterpret_cast<long>(closure)); // trust me bro, it's an Enum
UIDrawable* target;
switch (objtype)
case PyObjectsEnum::UIFRAME:
target = (((PyUIFrameObject*)self)->data.get());
case PyObjectsEnum::UICAPTION:
target = (((PyUICaptionObject*)self)->data.get());
case PyObjectsEnum::UISPRITE:
target = (((PyUISpriteObject*)self)->data.get());
case PyObjectsEnum::UIGRID:
target = (((PyUIGridObject*)self)->data.get());
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "no idea how you did that; invalid UIDrawable derived instance for _set_click");
return -1;
if (value == Py_None)
} else {
return 0;
void UIDrawable::click_register(PyObject* callable)
click_callable = std::make_unique<PyClickCallable>(callable);
@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Python.h"
#include "structmember.h"
#include "IndexTexture.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include <list>
#include "PyCallable.h"
#include "PyTexture.h"
#include "PyColor.h"
#include "PyVector.h"
#include "PyFont.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include "UIBase.h"
class UIFrame; class UICaption; class UISprite; class UIEntity; class UIGrid;
enum PyObjectsEnum : int
class UIDrawable
void render();
virtual void render(sf::Vector2f) = 0;
virtual PyObjectsEnum derived_type() = 0;
// Mouse input handling - callable object, methods to find event's destination
std::unique_ptr<PyClickCallable> click_callable;
virtual UIDrawable* click_at(sf::Vector2f point) = 0;
void click_register(PyObject*);
void click_unregister();
static PyObject* get_click(PyObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_click(PyObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
typedef struct {
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UIDrawable>>> data;
} PyUICollectionObject;
typedef struct {
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UIDrawable>>> data;
int index;
int start_size;
} PyUICollectionIterObject;
namespace mcrfpydef {
//PyObject* py_instance(std::shared_ptr<UIDrawable> source);
// This function segfaults on tp_alloc for an unknown reason, but works inline with mcrfpydef:: methods.
#define RET_PY_INSTANCE(target) { \
switch (target->derived_type()) \
{ \
case PyObjectsEnum::UIFRAME: \
{ \
PyUIFrameObject* o = (PyUIFrameObject*)((&PyUIFrameType)->tp_alloc(&PyUIFrameType, 0)); \
if (o) \
{ \
auto p = std::static_pointer_cast<UIFrame>(target); \
o->data = p; \
auto utarget = o->data; \
} \
return (PyObject*)o; \
} \
case PyObjectsEnum::UICAPTION: \
{ \
PyUICaptionObject* o = (PyUICaptionObject*)((&PyUICaptionType)->tp_alloc(&PyUICaptionType, 0)); \
if (o) \
{ \
auto p = std::static_pointer_cast<UICaption>(target); \
o->data = p; \
auto utarget = o->data; \
} \
return (PyObject*)o; \
} \
case PyObjectsEnum::UISPRITE: \
{ \
PyUISpriteObject* o = (PyUISpriteObject*)((&PyUISpriteType)->tp_alloc(&PyUISpriteType, 0)); \
if (o) \
{ \
auto p = std::static_pointer_cast<UISprite>(target); \
o->data = p; \
auto utarget = o->data; \
} \
return (PyObject*)o; \
} \
case PyObjectsEnum::UIGRID: \
{ \
PyUIGridObject* o = (PyUIGridObject*)((&PyUIGridType)->tp_alloc(&PyUIGridType, 0)); \
if (o) \
{ \
auto p = std::static_pointer_cast<UIGrid>(target); \
o->data = p; \
auto utarget = o->data; \
} \
return (PyObject*)o; \
} \
} \
// end macro definition
//TODO: add this method to class scope; move implementation to .cpp file
static PyObject* PyUIDrawable_get_click(PyObject* self, void* closure) {
PyObjectsEnum objtype = static_cast<PyObjectsEnum>(reinterpret_cast<long>(closure)); // trust me bro, it's an Enum
PyObject* ptr;
switch (objtype)
case PyObjectsEnum::UIFRAME:
ptr = ((PyUIFrameObject*)self)->data->click_callable->borrow();
case PyObjectsEnum::UICAPTION:
ptr = ((PyUICaptionObject*)self)->data->click_callable->borrow();
case PyObjectsEnum::UISPRITE:
ptr = ((PyUISpriteObject*)self)->data->click_callable->borrow();
case PyObjectsEnum::UIGRID:
ptr = ((PyUIGridObject*)self)->data->click_callable->borrow();
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "no idea how you did that; invalid UIDrawable derived instance for _get_click");
return NULL;
if (ptr && ptr != Py_None)
return ptr;
return Py_None;
//TODO: add this method to class scope; move implementation to .cpp file
static int PyUIDrawable_set_click(PyObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure) {
PyObjectsEnum objtype = static_cast<PyObjectsEnum>(reinterpret_cast<long>(closure)); // trust me bro, it's an Enum
UIDrawable* target;
switch (objtype)
case PyObjectsEnum::UIFRAME:
target = (((PyUIFrameObject*)self)->data.get());
case PyObjectsEnum::UICAPTION:
target = (((PyUICaptionObject*)self)->data.get());
case PyObjectsEnum::UISPRITE:
target = (((PyUISpriteObject*)self)->data.get());
case PyObjectsEnum::UIGRID:
target = (((PyUIGridObject*)self)->data.get());
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "no idea how you did that; invalid UIDrawable derived instance for _set_click");
return -1;
if (value == Py_None)
} else {
return 0;
@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
#include "UIEntity.h"
#include "UIGrid.h"
#include "McRFPy_API.h"
UIEntity::UIEntity() {} // this will not work lol. TODO remove default constructor by finding the shared pointer inits that use it
UIEntity::UIEntity(UIGrid& grid)
: gridstate(grid.grid_x * grid.grid_y)
PyObject* UIEntity::at(PyUIEntityObject* self, PyObject* o) {
int x, y;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(o, "ii", &x, &y)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, " requires two integer arguments: (x, y)");
return NULL;
if (self->data->grid == NULL) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Entity cannot access surroundings because it is not associated with a grid");
return NULL;
PyUIGridPointStateObject* obj = (PyUIGridPointStateObject*)((&mcrfpydef::PyUIGridPointStateType)->tp_alloc(&mcrfpydef::PyUIGridPointStateType, 0));
auto type = (PyTypeObject*)PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "GridPointState");
auto obj = (PyUIGridPointStateObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
//auto target = std::static_pointer_cast<UIEntity>(target);
obj->data = &(self->data->gridstate[y + self->data->grid->grid_x * x]);
obj->grid = self->data->grid;
obj->entity = self->data;
return (PyObject*)obj;
int UIEntity::init(PyUIEntityObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) {
static const char* keywords[] = { "x", "y", "texture", "sprite_index", "grid", nullptr };
float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f, scale = 1.0f;
int sprite_index = -1;
PyObject* texture = NULL;
PyObject* grid = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "ffOi|O",
const_cast<char**>(keywords), &x, &y, &texture, &sprite_index, &grid))
return -1;
// check types for texture
// Set Texture
if (texture != NULL && !PyObject_IsInstance(texture, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Texture"))){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "texture must be a mcrfpy.Texture instance");
return -1;
} /*else if (texture != NULL) // this section needs to go; texture isn't optional and isn't managed by the UI objects anymore
self->texture = texture;
} else
// default tex?
if (grid != NULL && !PyObject_IsInstance(grid, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Grid"))) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "grid must be a mcrfpy.Grid instance");
return -1;
auto pytexture = (PyTextureObject*)texture;
if (grid == NULL)
self->data = std::make_shared<UIEntity>();
self->data = std::make_shared<UIEntity>(*((PyUIGridObject*)grid)->data);
// TODO - PyTextureObjects and IndexTextures are a little bit of a mess with shared/unshared pointers
self->data->sprite = UISprite(pytexture->data, sprite_index, sf::Vector2f(0,0), 1.0);
self->data->position = sf::Vector2f(x, y);
if (grid != NULL) {
PyUIGridObject* pygrid = (PyUIGridObject*)grid;
self->data->grid = pygrid->data;
// todone - on creation of Entity with Grid assignment, also append it to the entity list
return 0;
PyObject* UIEntity::get_spritenumber(PyUIEntityObject* self, void* closure) {
return PyLong_FromDouble(self->data->sprite.getSpriteIndex());
PyObject* sfVector2f_to_PyObject(sf::Vector2f vector) {
return Py_BuildValue("(ff)", vector.x, vector.y);
sf::Vector2f PyObject_to_sfVector2f(PyObject* obj) {
float x, y;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(obj, "ff", &x, &y)) {
return sf::Vector2f(); // TODO / reconsider this default: Return default vector on parse error
return sf::Vector2f(x, y);
// TODO - deprecate / remove this helper
PyObject* UIGridPointState_to_PyObject(const UIGridPointState& state) {
return PyObject_New(PyObject, (PyTypeObject*)PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "GridPointState"));
PyObject* UIGridPointStateVector_to_PyList(const std::vector<UIGridPointState>& vec) {
PyObject* list = PyList_New(vec.size());
if (!list) return PyErr_NoMemory();
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
PyObject* obj = UIGridPointState_to_PyObject(vec[i]);
if (!obj) { // Cleanup on failure
return NULL;
PyList_SET_ITEM(list, i, obj); // This steals a reference to obj
return list;
PyObject* UIEntity::get_position(PyUIEntityObject* self, void* closure) {
return sfVector2f_to_PyObject(self->data->position);
int UIEntity::set_position(PyUIEntityObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure) {
self->data->position = PyObject_to_sfVector2f(value);
return 0;
PyObject* UIEntity::get_gridstate(PyUIEntityObject* self, void* closure) {
// Assuming a function to convert std::vector<UIGridPointState> to PyObject* list
return UIGridPointStateVector_to_PyList(self->data->gridstate);
int UIEntity::set_spritenumber(PyUIEntityObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure) {
int val;
if (PyLong_Check(value))
val = PyLong_AsLong(value);
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Value must be an integer.");
return -1;
//self->data->sprite.sprite_index = val;
self->data->sprite.setSpriteIndex(val); // todone - I don't like ".sprite.sprite" in this stack of UIEntity.UISprite.sf::Sprite
return 0;
PyMethodDef UIEntity::methods[] = {
{"at", (PyCFunction)UIEntity::at, METH_O},
PyGetSetDef UIEntity::getsetters[] = {
{"position", (getter)UIEntity::get_position, (setter)UIEntity::set_position, "Entity position", NULL},
{"gridstate", (getter)UIEntity::get_gridstate, NULL, "Grid point states for the entity", NULL},
{"sprite_number", (getter)UIEntity::get_spritenumber, (setter)UIEntity::set_spritenumber, "Sprite number (index) on the texture on the display", NULL},
{NULL} /* Sentinel */
PyObject* UIEntity::repr(PyUIEntityObject* self) {
std::ostringstream ss;
if (!self->data) ss << "<Entity (invalid internal object)>";
else {
auto ent = self->data;
ss << "<Entity (x=" << self->data->position.x << ", y=" << self->data->position.y << ", sprite_number=" << self->data->sprite.getSpriteIndex() <<
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Python.h"
#include "structmember.h"
#include "IndexTexture.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include <list>
#include "PyCallable.h"
#include "PyTexture.h"
#include "PyColor.h"
#include "PyVector.h"
#include "PyFont.h"
#include "UIGridPoint.h"
#include "UIDrawable.h"
#include "UIBase.h"
#include "UISprite.h"
class UIGrid;
//class UIEntity;
//typedef struct {
// PyObject_HEAD
// std::shared_ptr<UIEntity> data;
//} PyUIEntityObject;
// helper methods with no namespace requirement
static PyObject* sfVector2f_to_PyObject(sf::Vector2f vector);
static sf::Vector2f PyObject_to_sfVector2f(PyObject* obj);
static PyObject* UIGridPointState_to_PyObject(const UIGridPointState& state);
static PyObject* UIGridPointStateVector_to_PyList(const std::vector<UIGridPointState>& vec);
// TODO: make UIEntity a drawable
class UIEntity//: public UIDrawable
//PyObject* self;
std::shared_ptr<UIGrid> grid;
std::vector<UIGridPointState> gridstate;
UISprite sprite;
sf::Vector2f position; //(x,y) in grid coordinates; float for animation
void render(sf::Vector2f); //override final;
static PyObject* at(PyUIEntityObject* self, PyObject* o);
static int init(PyUIEntityObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds);
static PyObject* get_position(PyUIEntityObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_position(PyUIEntityObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_gridstate(PyUIEntityObject* self, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_spritenumber(PyUIEntityObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_spritenumber(PyUIEntityObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyMethodDef methods[];
static PyGetSetDef getsetters[];
static PyObject* repr(PyUIEntityObject* self);
namespace mcrfpydef {
static PyTypeObject PyUIEntityType = {
//PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.Entity",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyUIEntityObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
.tp_repr = (reprfunc)UIEntity::repr,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = "UIEntity objects",
.tp_methods = UIEntity::methods,
.tp_getset = UIEntity::getsetters,
.tp_init = (initproc)UIEntity::init,
.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew,
@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
#include "UIFrame.h"
#include "UICollection.h"
#include "GameEngine.h"
UIDrawable* UIFrame::click_at(sf::Vector2f point)
for (auto e: *children)
auto p = e->click_at(point + box.getPosition());
if (p)
return p;
if (click_callable)
float x = box.getPosition().x, y = box.getPosition().y, w = box.getSize().x, h = box.getSize().y;
if (point.x > x && point.y > y && point.x < x+w && point.y < y+h) return this;
return NULL;
: outline(0)
children = std::make_shared<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UIDrawable>>>();
box.setPosition(0, 0);
box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(0, 0));
UIFrame::UIFrame(float _x, float _y, float _w, float _h)
: outline(0)
box.setPosition(_x, _y);
box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(_w, _h));
children = std::make_shared<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UIDrawable>>>();
PyObjectsEnum UIFrame::derived_type()
return PyObjectsEnum::UIFRAME;
void UIFrame::render(sf::Vector2f offset)
for (auto drawable : *children) {
drawable->render(offset + box.getPosition());
PyObject* UIFrame::get_children(PyUIFrameObject* self, void* closure)
// create PyUICollection instance pointing to self->data->children
//PyUICollectionObject* o = (PyUICollectionObject*)mcrfpydef::PyUICollectionType.tp_alloc(&mcrfpydef::PyUICollectionType, 0);
auto type = (PyTypeObject*)PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "UICollection");
auto o = (PyUICollectionObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
if (o)
o->data = self->data->children;
return (PyObject*)o;
PyObject* UIFrame::get_float_member(PyUIFrameObject* self, void* closure)
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
if (member_ptr == 0)
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->box.getPosition().x);
else if (member_ptr == 1)
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->box.getPosition().y);
else if (member_ptr == 2)
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->box.getSize().x);
else if (member_ptr == 3)
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->box.getSize().y);
else if (member_ptr == 4)
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->box.getOutlineThickness());
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "Invalid attribute");
return nullptr;
int UIFrame::set_float_member(PyUIFrameObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
float val;
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
if (PyFloat_Check(value))
val = PyFloat_AsDouble(value);
else if (PyLong_Check(value))
val = PyLong_AsLong(value);
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Value must be an integer.");
return -1;
if (member_ptr == 0) //x
self->data->box.setPosition(val, self->data->box.getPosition().y);
else if (member_ptr == 1) //y
self->data->box.setPosition(self->data->box.getPosition().x, val);
else if (member_ptr == 2) //w
self->data->box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(val, self->data->box.getSize().y));
else if (member_ptr == 3) //h
self->data->box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(self->data->box.getSize().x, val));
else if (member_ptr == 4) //outline
return 0;
PyObject* UIFrame::get_color_member(PyUIFrameObject* self, void* closure)
// validate closure (should be impossible to be wrong, but it's thorough)
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
if (member_ptr != 0 && member_ptr != 1)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "Invalid attribute");
return nullptr;
//PyTypeObject* colorType = &PyColorType;
auto colorType = (PyTypeObject*)PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Color");
PyObject* pyColor = colorType->tp_alloc(colorType, 0);
if (pyColor == NULL)
std::cout << "failure to allocate mcrfpy.Color / PyColorType" << std::endl;
return NULL;
PyColorObject* pyColorObj = reinterpret_cast<PyColorObject*>(pyColor);
// fetch correct member data
sf::Color color;
if (member_ptr == 0)
color = self->data->box.getFillColor();
//return Py_BuildValue("(iii)", color.r, color.g, color.b);
else if (member_ptr == 1)
color = self->data->box.getOutlineColor();
//return Py_BuildValue("(iii)", color.r, color.g, color.b);
return PyColor(color).pyObject();
int UIFrame::set_color_member(PyUIFrameObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
//TODO: this logic of (PyColor instance OR tuple -> sf::color) should be encapsulated for reuse
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
int r, g, b, a;
if (PyObject_IsInstance(value, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Color")))
sf::Color c = ((PyColorObject*)value)->data;
r = c.r; g = c.g; b = c.b; a = c.a;
else if (!PyTuple_Check(value) || PyTuple_Size(value) < 3 || PyTuple_Size(value) > 4)
// reject non-Color, non-tuple value
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Value must be a tuple of 3 or 4 integers or an mcrfpy.Color object.");
return -1;
else // get value from tuples
r = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(value, 0));
g = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(value, 1));
b = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(value, 2));
a = 255;
if (PyTuple_Size(value) == 4)
a = PyLong_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(value, 3));
if (r < 0 || r > 255 || g < 0 || g > 255 || b < 0 || b > 255 || a < 0 || a > 255)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Color values must be between 0 and 255.");
return -1;
if (member_ptr == 0)
self->data->box.setFillColor(sf::Color(r, g, b, a));
else if (member_ptr == 1)
self->data->box.setOutlineColor(sf::Color(r, g, b, a));
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "Invalid attribute");
return -1;
return 0;
PyGetSetDef UIFrame::getsetters[] = {
{"x", (getter)UIFrame::get_float_member, (setter)UIFrame::set_float_member, "X coordinate of top-left corner", (void*)0},
{"y", (getter)UIFrame::get_float_member, (setter)UIFrame::set_float_member, "Y coordinate of top-left corner", (void*)1},
{"w", (getter)UIFrame::get_float_member, (setter)UIFrame::set_float_member, "width of the rectangle", (void*)2},
{"h", (getter)UIFrame::get_float_member, (setter)UIFrame::set_float_member, "height of the rectangle", (void*)3},
{"outline", (getter)UIFrame::get_float_member, (setter)UIFrame::set_float_member, "Thickness of the border", (void*)4},
{"fill_color", (getter)UIFrame::get_color_member, (setter)UIFrame::set_color_member, "Fill color of the rectangle", (void*)0},
{"outline_color", (getter)UIFrame::get_color_member, (setter)UIFrame::set_color_member, "Outline color of the rectangle", (void*)1},
{"children", (getter)UIFrame::get_children, NULL, "UICollection of objects on top of this one", NULL},
{"click", (getter)UIDrawable::get_click, (setter)UIDrawable::set_click, "Object called with (x, y, button) when clicked", (void*)PyObjectsEnum::UIFRAME},
PyObject* UIFrame::repr(PyUIFrameObject* self)
std::ostringstream ss;
if (!self->data) ss << "<Frame (invalid internal object)>";
else {
auto box = self->data->box;
auto fc = box.getFillColor();
auto oc = box.getOutlineColor();
ss << "<Frame (x=" << box.getPosition().x << ", y=" << box.getPosition().y << ", w=" <<
box.getSize().x << ", w=" << box.getSize().y << ", " <<
"outline=" << box.getOutlineThickness() << ", " <<
"fill_color=(" << (int)fc.r << ", " << (int)fc.g << ", " << (int)fc.b << ", " << (int)fc.a <<"), " <<
"outline_color=(" << (int)oc.r << ", " << (int)oc.g << ", " << (int)oc.b << ", " << (int)oc.a <<"), " <<
self->data->children->size() << " child objects" <<
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
int UIFrame::init(PyUIFrameObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
//std::cout << "Init called\n";
const char* keywords[] = { "x", "y", "w", "h", "fill_color", "outline_color", "outline", nullptr };
float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f, w = 0.0f, h=0.0f, outline=0.0f;
PyObject* fill_color = 0;
PyObject* outline_color = 0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "ffff|OOf", const_cast<char**>(keywords), &x, &y, &w, &h, &fill_color, &outline_color, &outline))
return -1;
self->data->box.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(x, y));
self->data->box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(w, h));
// getsetter abuse because I haven't standardized Color object parsing (TODO)
int err_val = 0;
if (fill_color && fill_color != Py_None) err_val = UIFrame::set_color_member(self, fill_color, (void*)0);
else self->data->box.setFillColor(sf::Color(0,0,0,255));
if (err_val) return err_val;
if (outline_color && outline_color != Py_None) err_val = UIFrame::set_color_member(self, outline_color, (void*)1);
else self->data->box.setOutlineColor(sf::Color(128,128,128,255));
if (err_val) return err_val;
return 0;
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Python.h"
#include "structmember.h"
#include "IndexTexture.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include <list>
#include "PyCallable.h"
#include "PyColor.h"
#include "PyVector.h"
#include "UIDrawable.h"
#include "UIBase.h"
//class UIFrame;
//typedef struct {
// PyObject_HEAD
// std::shared_ptr<UIFrame> data;
//} PyUIFrameObject;
class UIFrame: public UIDrawable
UIFrame(float, float, float, float);
sf::RectangleShape box;
float outline;
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UIDrawable>>> children;
void render(sf::Vector2f) override final;
void move(sf::Vector2f);
PyObjectsEnum derived_type() override final;
virtual UIDrawable* click_at(sf::Vector2f point) override final;
static PyObject* get_children(PyUIFrameObject* self, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_float_member(PyUIFrameObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_float_member(PyUIFrameObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_color_member(PyUIFrameObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_color_member(PyUIFrameObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyGetSetDef getsetters[];
static PyObject* repr(PyUIFrameObject* self);
static int init(PyUIFrameObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds);
namespace mcrfpydef {
static PyTypeObject PyUIFrameType = {
//PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.Frame",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyUIFrameObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
.tp_dealloc = (destructor)[](PyObject* self)
PyUIFrameObject* obj = (PyUIFrameObject*)self;
.tp_repr = (reprfunc)UIFrame::repr,
//.tp_hash = NULL,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("docstring"),
//.tp_methods = PyUIFrame_methods,
//.tp_members = PyUIFrame_members,
.tp_getset = UIFrame::getsetters,
//.tp_base = NULL,
.tp_init = (initproc)UIFrame::init,
.tp_new = [](PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) -> PyObject*
PyUIFrameObject* self = (PyUIFrameObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
if (self) self->data = std::make_shared<UIFrame>();
return (PyObject*)self;
@ -1,639 +0,0 @@
#include "UIGrid.h"
#include "GameEngine.h"
#include "McRFPy_API.h"
UIGrid::UIGrid() {}
UIGrid::UIGrid(int gx, int gy, std::shared_ptr<PyTexture> _ptex, sf::Vector2f _xy, sf::Vector2f _wh)
: grid_x(gx), grid_y(gy),
zoom(1.0f), center_x((gx/2) * _ptex->sprite_width), center_y((gy/2) * _ptex->sprite_height),
ptex(_ptex), points(gx * gy)
entities = std::make_shared<std::list<std::shared_ptr<UIEntity>>>();
// create renderTexture with maximum theoretical size; sprite can resize to show whatever amount needs to be rendered
renderTexture.create(1920, 1080); // TODO - renderTexture should be window size; above 1080p this will cause rendering errors
sprite = ptex->sprite(0);
sf::IntRect(0, 0,
box.getSize().x, box.getSize().y));
// textures are upside-down inside renderTexture
void UIGrid::update() {}
void UIGrid::render(sf::Vector2f)
output.setPosition(box.getPosition()); // output sprite can move; update position when drawing
// output size can change; update size when drawing
sf::IntRect(0, 0,
box.getSize().x, box.getSize().y));
renderTexture.clear(sf::Color(8, 8, 8, 255)); // TODO - UIGrid needs a "background color" field
// sprites that are visible according to zoom, center_x, center_y, and box width
float center_x_sq = center_x / ptex->sprite_width;
float center_y_sq = center_y / ptex->sprite_height;
float width_sq = box.getSize().x / (ptex->sprite_width * zoom);
float height_sq = box.getSize().y / (ptex->sprite_height * zoom);
float left_edge = center_x_sq - (width_sq / 2.0);
float top_edge = center_y_sq - (height_sq / 2.0);
int left_spritepixels = center_x - (box.getSize().x / 2.0 / zoom);
int top_spritepixels = center_y - (box.getSize().y / 2.0 / zoom);
//sprite.setScale(sf::Vector2f(zoom, zoom));
sf::RectangleShape r; // for colors and overlays
r.setSize(sf::Vector2f(ptex->sprite_width * zoom, ptex->sprite_height * zoom));
int x_limit = left_edge + width_sq + 2;
if (x_limit > grid_x) x_limit = grid_x;
int y_limit = top_edge + height_sq + 2;
if (y_limit > grid_y) y_limit = grid_y;
// base layer - bottom color, tile sprite ("ground")
for (int x = (left_edge - 1 >= 0 ? left_edge - 1 : 0);
x < x_limit; //x < view_width;
//for (float y = (top_edge >= 0 ? top_edge : 0);
for (int y = (top_edge - 1 >= 0 ? top_edge - 1 : 0);
y < y_limit; //y < view_height;
auto pixel_pos = sf::Vector2f(
(x*ptex->sprite_width - left_spritepixels) * zoom,
(y*ptex->sprite_height - top_spritepixels) * zoom );
auto gridpoint = at(std::floor(x), std::floor(y));
// tilesprite
// if discovered but not visible, set opacity to 90%
// if not discovered... just don't draw it?
if (gridpoint.tilesprite != -1) {
sprite = ptex->sprite(gridpoint.tilesprite, pixel_pos, sf::Vector2f(zoom, zoom)); //setSprite(gridpoint.tilesprite);;
// middle layer - entities
// disabling entity rendering until I can render their UISprite inside the rendertexture (not directly to window)
for (auto e : *entities) {
// TODO skip out-of-bounds entities (grid square not visible at all, check for partially on visible grid squares / floating point grid position)
//auto drawent = e->cGrid->indexsprite.drawable();
auto& drawent = e->sprite;
//drawent.setScale(zoom, zoom);
drawent.setScale(sf::Vector2f(zoom, zoom));
auto pixel_pos = sf::Vector2f(
(e->position.x*ptex->sprite_width - left_spritepixels) * zoom,
(e->position.y*ptex->sprite_height - top_spritepixels) * zoom );
drawent.render(pixel_pos, renderTexture);
// top layer - opacity for discovered / visible status (debug, basically)
/* // Disabled until I attach a "perspective"
for (int x = (left_edge - 1 >= 0 ? left_edge - 1 : 0);
x < x_limit; //x < view_width;
//for (float y = (top_edge >= 0 ? top_edge : 0);
for (int y = (top_edge - 1 >= 0 ? top_edge - 1 : 0);
y < y_limit; //y < view_height;
auto pixel_pos = sf::Vector2f(
(x*itex->grid_size - left_spritepixels) * zoom,
(y*itex->grid_size - top_spritepixels) * zoom );
auto gridpoint = at(std::floor(x), std::floor(y));
// visible & discovered layers for testing purposes
if (!gridpoint.discovered) {
r.setFillColor(sf::Color(16, 16, 20, 192)); // 255 opacity for actual blackout
} else if (!gridpoint.visible) {
r.setFillColor(sf::Color(32, 32, 40, 128));
// overlay
// uisprite
// grid lines for testing & validation
sf::Vertex line[] =
sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(0, 0), sf::Color::Red),
sf::Vertex(box.getSize(), sf::Color::Red),
renderTexture.draw(line, 2, sf::Lines);
sf::Vertex lineb[] =
sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(0, box.getSize().y), sf::Color::Blue),
sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(box.getSize().x, 0), sf::Color::Blue),
renderTexture.draw(lineb, 2, sf::Lines);
// render to window
UIGridPoint& UIGrid::at(int x, int y)
return points[y * grid_x + x];
PyObjectsEnum UIGrid::derived_type()
return PyObjectsEnum::UIGRID;
std::shared_ptr<PyTexture> UIGrid::getTexture()
return ptex;
UIDrawable* UIGrid::click_at(sf::Vector2f point)
if (click_callable)
if(box.getGlobalBounds().contains(point)) return this;
return NULL;
int UIGrid::init(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) {
int grid_x, grid_y;
PyObject* textureObj;
float box_x, box_y, box_w, box_h;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiOffff", &grid_x, &grid_y, &textureObj, &box_x, &box_y, &box_w, &box_h)) {
return -1; // If parsing fails, return an error
// Convert PyObject texture to IndexTexture*
// This requires the texture object to have been initialized similar to UISprite's texture handling
//if (!PyObject_IsInstance(textureObj, (PyObject*)&PyTextureType)) {
if (!PyObject_IsInstance(textureObj, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Texture"))) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "texture must be a mcrfpy.Texture instance");
return -1;
PyTextureObject* pyTexture = reinterpret_cast<PyTextureObject*>(textureObj);
// TODO (7DRL day 2, item 4.) use shared_ptr / PyTextureObject on UIGrid
//IndexTexture* texture = pyTexture->data.get();
// Initialize UIGrid
//self->data = new UIGrid(grid_x, grid_y, texture, sf::Vector2f(box_x, box_y), sf::Vector2f(box_w, box_h));
self->data = std::make_shared<UIGrid>(grid_x, grid_y, pyTexture->data,
sf::Vector2f(box_x, box_y), sf::Vector2f(box_w, box_h));
return 0; // Success
PyObject* UIGrid::get_grid_size(PyUIGridObject* self, void* closure) {
return Py_BuildValue("(ii)", self->data->grid_x, self->data->grid_y);
PyObject* UIGrid::get_position(PyUIGridObject* self, void* closure) {
auto& box = self->data->box;
return Py_BuildValue("(ff)", box.getPosition().x, box.getPosition().y);
int UIGrid::set_position(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure) {
float x, y;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(value, "ff", &x, &y)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Position must be a tuple of two floats");
return -1;
self->data->box.setPosition(x, y);
return 0;
PyObject* UIGrid::get_size(PyUIGridObject* self, void* closure) {
auto& box = self->data->box;
return Py_BuildValue("(ff)", box.getSize().x, box.getSize().y);
int UIGrid::set_size(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure) {
float w, h;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(value, "ff", &w, &h)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Size must be a tuple of two floats");
return -1;
self->data->box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(w, h));
return 0;
PyObject* UIGrid::get_center(PyUIGridObject* self, void* closure) {
return Py_BuildValue("(ff)", self->data->center_x, self->data->center_y);
int UIGrid::set_center(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure) {
float x, y;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(value, "ff", &x, &y)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Size must be a tuple of two floats");
return -1;
self->data->center_x = x;
self->data->center_y = y;
return 0;
PyObject* UIGrid::get_float_member(PyUIGridObject* self, void* closure)
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
if (member_ptr == 0) // x
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->box.getPosition().x);
else if (member_ptr == 1) // y
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->box.getPosition().y);
else if (member_ptr == 2) // w
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->box.getSize().x);
else if (member_ptr == 3) // h
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->box.getSize().y);
else if (member_ptr == 4) // center_x
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->center_x);
else if (member_ptr == 5) // center_y
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->center_y);
else if (member_ptr == 6) // zoom
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->zoom);
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "Invalid attribute");
return nullptr;
int UIGrid::set_float_member(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
float val;
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
if (PyFloat_Check(value))
val = PyFloat_AsDouble(value);
else if (PyLong_Check(value))
val = PyLong_AsLong(value);
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Value must be a floating point number.");
return -1;
if (member_ptr == 0) // x
self->data->box.setPosition(val, self->data->box.getPosition().y);
else if (member_ptr == 1) // y
self->data->box.setPosition(self->data->box.getPosition().x, val);
else if (member_ptr == 2) // w
self->data->box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(val, self->data->box.getSize().y));
else if (member_ptr == 3) // h
self->data->box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(self->data->box.getSize().x, val));
else if (member_ptr == 4) // center_x
self->data->center_x = val;
else if (member_ptr == 5) // center_y
self->data->center_y = val;
else if (member_ptr == 6) // zoom
self->data->zoom = val;
return 0;
// TODO (7DRL Day 2, item 5.) return Texture object
PyObject* UIGrid::get_texture(PyUIGridObject* self, void* closure) {
return self->texture;
PyObject* UIGrid::get_texture(PyUIGridObject* self, void* closure) {
//return self->data->getTexture()->pyObject();
// PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "GridPointState")
//PyTextureObject* obj = (PyTextureObject*)((&PyTextureType)->tp_alloc(&PyTextureType, 0));
auto type = (PyTypeObject*)PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Texture");
auto obj = (PyTextureObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
obj->data = self->data->getTexture();
return (PyObject*)obj;
PyObject* UIGrid::py_at(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* o)
int x, y;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(o, "ii", &x, &y)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, " requires two integer arguments: (x, y)");
return NULL;
if (x < 0 || x >= self->data->grid_x) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "x value out of range (0, Grid.grid_y)");
return NULL;
if (y < 0 || y >= self->data->grid_y) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "y value out of range (0, Grid.grid_y)");
return NULL;
//PyUIGridPointObject* obj = (PyUIGridPointObject*)((&PyUIGridPointType)->tp_alloc(&PyUIGridPointType, 0));
auto type = (PyTypeObject*)PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "GridPoint");
auto obj = (PyUIGridPointObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
//auto target = std::static_pointer_cast<UIEntity>(target);
obj->data = &(self->data->points[x + self->data->grid_x * y]);
obj->grid = self->data;
return (PyObject*)obj;
PyMethodDef UIGrid::methods[] = {
{"at", (PyCFunction)UIGrid::py_at, METH_O},
PyGetSetDef UIGrid::getsetters[] = {
// TODO - refactor into get_vector_member with field identifier values `(void*)n`
{"grid_size", (getter)UIGrid::get_grid_size, NULL, "Grid dimensions (grid_x, grid_y)", NULL},
{"position", (getter)UIGrid::get_position, (setter)UIGrid::set_position, "Position of the grid (x, y)", NULL},
{"size", (getter)UIGrid::get_size, (setter)UIGrid::set_size, "Size of the grid (width, height)", NULL},
{"center", (getter)UIGrid::get_center, (setter)UIGrid::set_center, "Grid coordinate at the center of the Grid's view (pan)", NULL},
{"entities", (getter)UIGrid::get_children, NULL, "EntityCollection of entities on this grid", NULL},
{"x", (getter)UIGrid::get_float_member, (setter)UIGrid::set_float_member, "top-left corner X-coordinate", (void*)0},
{"y", (getter)UIGrid::get_float_member, (setter)UIGrid::set_float_member, "top-left corner Y-coordinate", (void*)1},
{"w", (getter)UIGrid::get_float_member, (setter)UIGrid::set_float_member, "visible widget width", (void*)2},
{"h", (getter)UIGrid::get_float_member, (setter)UIGrid::set_float_member, "visible widget height", (void*)3},
{"center_x", (getter)UIGrid::get_float_member, (setter)UIGrid::set_float_member, "center of the view X-coordinate", (void*)4},
{"center_y", (getter)UIGrid::get_float_member, (setter)UIGrid::set_float_member, "center of the view Y-coordinate", (void*)5},
{"zoom", (getter)UIGrid::get_float_member, (setter)UIGrid::set_float_member, "zoom factor for displaying the Grid", (void*)6},
{"click", (getter)UIDrawable::get_click, (setter)UIDrawable::set_click, "Object called with (x, y, button) when clicked", (void*)PyObjectsEnum::UIGRID},
{"texture", (getter)UIGrid::get_texture, NULL, "Texture of the grid", NULL}, //TODO 7DRL-day2-item5
{NULL} /* Sentinel */
PyObject* UIGrid::get_children(PyUIGridObject* self, void* closure)
// create PyUICollection instance pointing to self->data->children
//PyUIEntityCollectionObject* o = (PyUIEntityCollectionObject*)PyUIEntityCollectionType.tp_alloc(&PyUIEntityCollectionType, 0);
auto type = (PyTypeObject*)PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "EntityCollection");
auto o = (PyUIEntityCollectionObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
if (o) {
o->data = self->data->entities; // todone. / BUGFIX - entities isn't a shared pointer on UIGrid, what to do? -- I made it a sp<list<sp<UIEntity>>>
o->grid = self->data;
return (PyObject*)o;
PyObject* UIGrid::repr(PyUIGridObject* self)
// if (member_ptr == 0) // x
// self->data->box.setPosition(val, self->data->box.getPosition().y);
// else if (member_ptr == 1) // y
// self->data->box.setPosition(self->data->box.getPosition().x, val);
// else if (member_ptr == 2) // w
// self->data->box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(val, self->data->box.getSize().y));
// else if (member_ptr == 3) // h
// self->data->box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(self->data->box.getSize().x, val));
// else if (member_ptr == 4) // center_x
// self->data->center_x = val;
// else if (member_ptr == 5) // center_y
// self->data->center_y = val;
// else if (member_ptr == 6) // zoom
// self->data->zoom = val;
std::ostringstream ss;
if (!self->data) ss << "<Grid (invalid internal object)>";
else {
auto grid = self->data;
auto box = grid->box;
ss << "<Grid (x=" << box.getPosition().x << ", y=" << box.getPosition().y << ", w=" << box.getSize().x << ", h=" << box.getSize().y << ", " <<
"center=(" << grid->center_x << ", " << grid->center_y << "), zoom=" << grid->zoom <<
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
/* // TODO standard pointer would need deleted, but I opted for a shared pointer. tp_dealloc currently not even defined in the PyTypeObject
void PyUIGrid_dealloc(PyUIGridObject* self) {
delete self->data; // Clean up the allocated UIGrid object
int UIEntityCollectionIter::init(PyUIEntityCollectionIterObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "UICollection cannot be instantiated: a C++ data source is required.");
return -1;
PyObject* UIEntityCollectionIter::next(PyUIEntityCollectionIterObject* self)
if (self->data->size() != self->start_size)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "collection changed size during iteration");
return NULL;
if (self->index > self->start_size - 1)
return NULL;
auto vec = self->data.get();
if (!vec)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "the collection store returned a null pointer");
return NULL;
// Advance list iterator since Entities are not stored in a vector (if this code even worked)
// vectors only: //auto target = (*vec)[self->index-1];
//auto l_front = (*vec).begin();
//std::advance(l_front, self->index-1);
// TODO build PyObject* of the correct UIDrawable subclass to return
//return py_instance(target);
return NULL;
PyObject* UIEntityCollectionIter::repr(PyUIEntityCollectionIterObject* self)
std::ostringstream ss;
if (!self->data) ss << "<UICollectionIter (invalid internal object)>";
else {
ss << "<UICollectionIter (" << self->data->size() << " child objects, @ index " << self->index << ")>";
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
Py_ssize_t UIEntityCollection::len(PyUIEntityCollectionObject* self) {
return self->data->size();
PyObject* UIEntityCollection::getitem(PyUIEntityCollectionObject* self, Py_ssize_t index) {
// build a Python version of item at self->data[index]
// Copy pasted::
auto vec = self->data.get();
if (!vec)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "the collection store returned a null pointer");
return NULL;
while (index < 0) index += self->data->size();
if (index > self->data->size() - 1)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "EntityCollection index out of range");
return NULL;
auto l_begin = (*vec).begin();
std::advance(l_begin, index);
auto target = *l_begin; //auto target = (*vec)[index];
// construct and return an entity object that points directly into the UIGrid's entity vector
//PyUIEntityObject* o = (PyUIEntityObject*)((&PyUIEntityType)->tp_alloc(&PyUIEntityType, 0));
auto type = (PyTypeObject*)PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Entity");
auto o = (PyUIEntityObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
auto p = std::static_pointer_cast<UIEntity>(target);
o->data = p;
return (PyObject*)o;
return NULL;
PySequenceMethods UIEntityCollection::sqmethods = {
.sq_length = (lenfunc)UIEntityCollection::len,
.sq_item = (ssizeargfunc)UIEntityCollection::getitem,
//.sq_item_by_index = UIEntityCollection::getitem
//.sq_slice - return a subset of the iterable
//.sq_ass_item - called when `o[x] = y` is executed (x is any object type)
//.sq_ass_slice - cool; no thanks, for now
//.sq_contains - called when `x in o` is executed
//.sq_ass_item_by_index - called when `o[x] = y` is executed (x is explictly an integer)
PyObject* UIEntityCollection::append(PyUIEntityCollectionObject* self, PyObject* o)
// if not UIDrawable subclass, reject it
// self->data->push_back( c++ object inside o );
// this would be a great use case for .tp_base
//if (!PyObject_IsInstance(o, (PyObject*)&PyUIEntityType))
if (!PyObject_IsInstance(o, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Entity")))
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Only Entity objects can be added to EntityCollection");
return NULL;
PyUIEntityObject* entity = (PyUIEntityObject*)o;
entity->data->grid = self->grid;
return Py_None;
PyObject* UIEntityCollection::remove(PyUIEntityCollectionObject* self, PyObject* o)
if (!PyLong_Check(o))
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "UICollection.remove requires an integer index to remove");
return NULL;
long index = PyLong_AsLong(o);
if (index >= self->data->size())
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Index out of range");
return NULL;
else if (index < 0)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "reverse indexing is not implemented.");
return NULL;
// release the shared pointer at correct part of the list
self->data->erase(std::next(self->data->begin(), index));
return Py_None;
PyMethodDef UIEntityCollection::methods[] = {
{"append", (PyCFunction)UIEntityCollection::append, METH_O},
//{"extend", (PyCFunction)UIEntityCollection::extend, METH_O}, // TODO
{"remove", (PyCFunction)UIEntityCollection::remove, METH_O},
PyObject* UIEntityCollection::repr(PyUIEntityCollectionObject* self)
std::ostringstream ss;
if (!self->data) ss << "<UICollection (invalid internal object)>";
else {
ss << "<UICollection (" << self->data->size() << " child objects)>";
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
int UIEntityCollection::init(PyUIEntityCollectionObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "EntityCollection cannot be instantiated: a C++ data source is required.");
return -1;
PyObject* UIEntityCollection::iter(PyUIEntityCollectionObject* self)
//PyUIEntityCollectionIterObject* iterObj;
//iterObj = (PyUIEntityCollectionIterObject*)PyUIEntityCollectionIterType.tp_alloc(&PyUIEntityCollectionIterType, 0);
auto type = (PyTypeObject*)PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "EntityCollectionIter");
auto iterObj = (PyUIEntityCollectionIterObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
if (iterObj == NULL) {
return NULL; // Failed to allocate memory for the iterator object
iterObj->data = self->data;
iterObj->index = 0;
iterObj->start_size = self->data->size();
return (PyObject*)iterObj;
@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Python.h"
#include "structmember.h"
#include "IndexTexture.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include <list>
#include "PyCallable.h"
#include "PyTexture.h"
#include "PyColor.h"
#include "PyVector.h"
#include "PyFont.h"
#include "UIGridPoint.h"
#include "UIEntity.h"
#include "UIDrawable.h"
#include "UIBase.h"
class UIGrid: public UIDrawable
std::shared_ptr<PyTexture> ptex;
//UIGrid(int, int, IndexTexture*, float, float, float, float);
UIGrid(int, int, std::shared_ptr<PyTexture>, sf::Vector2f, sf::Vector2f);
void update();
void render(sf::Vector2f) override final;
UIGridPoint& at(int, int);
PyObjectsEnum derived_type() override final;
//void setSprite(int);
virtual UIDrawable* click_at(sf::Vector2f point) override final;
int grid_x, grid_y;
//int grid_size; // grid sizes are implied by IndexTexture now
sf::RectangleShape box;
float center_x, center_y, zoom;
//IndexTexture* itex;
std::shared_ptr<PyTexture> getTexture();
sf::Sprite sprite, output;
sf::RenderTexture renderTexture;
std::vector<UIGridPoint> points;
std::shared_ptr<std::list<std::shared_ptr<UIEntity>>> entities;
static int init(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds);
static PyObject* get_grid_size(PyUIGridObject* self, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_position(PyUIGridObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_position(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_size(PyUIGridObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_size(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_center(PyUIGridObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_center(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_float_member(PyUIGridObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_float_member(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_texture(PyUIGridObject* self, void* closure);
static PyObject* py_at(PyUIGridObject* self, PyObject* o);
static PyMethodDef methods[];
static PyGetSetDef getsetters[];
static PyObject* get_children(PyUIGridObject* self, void* closure);
static PyObject* repr(PyUIGridObject* self);
typedef struct {
std::shared_ptr<std::list<std::shared_ptr<UIEntity>>> data;
std::shared_ptr<UIGrid> grid;
} PyUIEntityCollectionObject;
class UIEntityCollection {
static PySequenceMethods sqmethods;
static PyObject* append(PyUIEntityCollectionObject* self, PyObject* o);
static PyObject* remove(PyUIEntityCollectionObject* self, PyObject* o);
static PyMethodDef methods[];
static PyObject* repr(PyUIEntityCollectionObject* self);
static int init(PyUIEntityCollectionObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds);
static PyObject* iter(PyUIEntityCollectionObject* self);
static Py_ssize_t len(PyUIEntityCollectionObject* self);
static PyObject* getitem(PyUIEntityCollectionObject* self, Py_ssize_t index);
typedef struct {
std::shared_ptr<std::list<std::shared_ptr<UIEntity>>> data;
int index;
int start_size;
} PyUIEntityCollectionIterObject;
class UIEntityCollectionIter {
static int init(PyUIEntityCollectionIterObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds);
static PyObject* next(PyUIEntityCollectionIterObject* self);
static PyObject* repr(PyUIEntityCollectionIterObject* self);
static PyObject* getitem(PyUIEntityCollectionObject* self, Py_ssize_t index);
namespace mcrfpydef {
static PyTypeObject PyUIGridType = {
//PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.Grid",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyUIGridObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
//.tp_dealloc = (destructor)[](PyObject* self)
// PyUIGridObject* obj = (PyUIGridObject*)self;
// obj->data.reset();
// Py_TYPE(self)->tp_free(self);
//TODO - PyUIGrid REPR def:
.tp_repr = (reprfunc)UIGrid::repr,
//.tp_hash = NULL,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("docstring"),
.tp_methods = UIGrid::methods,
//.tp_members = UIGrid::members,
.tp_getset = UIGrid::getsetters,
//.tp_base = NULL,
.tp_init = (initproc)UIGrid::init,
.tp_new = [](PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) -> PyObject*
PyUIGridObject* self = (PyUIGridObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
if (self) self->data = std::make_shared<UIGrid>();
return (PyObject*)self;
static PyTypeObject PyUIEntityCollectionIterType = {
//PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.UICollectionIter",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyUIEntityCollectionIterObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
.tp_dealloc = (destructor)[](PyObject* self)
PyUIEntityCollectionIterObject* obj = (PyUIEntityCollectionIterObject*)self;
.tp_repr = (reprfunc)UIEntityCollectionIter::repr,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("Iterator for a collection of UI objects"),
.tp_iternext = (iternextfunc)UIEntityCollectionIter::next,
//.tp_getset = UIEntityCollection::getset,
.tp_init = (initproc)UIEntityCollectionIter::init, // just raise an exception
.tp_new = [](PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) -> PyObject*
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "UICollection cannot be instantiated: a C++ data source is required.");
return NULL;
static PyTypeObject PyUIEntityCollectionType = {
//PyVarObject_/HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.EntityCollection",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyUIEntityCollectionObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
.tp_dealloc = (destructor)[](PyObject* self)
PyUIEntityCollectionObject* obj = (PyUIEntityCollectionObject*)self;
.tp_repr = (reprfunc)UIEntityCollection::repr,
.tp_as_sequence = &UIEntityCollection::sqmethods,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("Iterable, indexable collection of Entities"),
.tp_iter = (getiterfunc)UIEntityCollection::iter,
.tp_methods = UIEntityCollection::methods, // append, remove
//.tp_getset = UIEntityCollection::getset,
.tp_init = (initproc)UIEntityCollection::init, // just raise an exception
.tp_new = [](PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) -> PyObject*
// Does PyUIEntityCollectionType need __new__ if it's not supposed to be instantiable by the user?
// Should I just raise an exception? Or is the uninitialized shared_ptr enough of a blocker?
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "EntityCollection cannot be instantiated: a C++ data source is required.");
return NULL;
@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
#include "UIGridPoint.h"
: color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), color_overlay(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), walkable(false), transparent(false),
tilesprite(-1), tile_overlay(-1), uisprite(-1)
// Utility function to convert sf::Color to PyObject*
PyObject* sfColor_to_PyObject(sf::Color color) {
return Py_BuildValue("(iiii)", color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
// Utility function to convert PyObject* to sf::Color
sf::Color PyObject_to_sfColor(PyObject* obj) {
int r, g, b, a = 255; // Default alpha to fully opaque if not specified
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(obj, "iii|i", &r, &g, &b, &a)) {
return sf::Color(); // Return default color on parse error
return sf::Color(r, g, b, a);
PyObject* UIGridPoint::get_color(PyUIGridPointObject* self, void* closure) {
if (reinterpret_cast<long>(closure) == 0) { // color
return sfColor_to_PyObject(self->data->color);
} else { // color_overlay
return sfColor_to_PyObject(self->data->color_overlay);
int UIGridPoint::set_color(PyUIGridPointObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure) {
sf::Color color = PyObject_to_sfColor(value);
if (reinterpret_cast<long>(closure) == 0) { // color
self->data->color = color;
} else { // color_overlay
self->data->color_overlay = color;
return 0;
PyObject* UIGridPoint::get_bool_member(PyUIGridPointObject* self, void* closure) {
if (reinterpret_cast<long>(closure) == 0) { // walkable
return PyBool_FromLong(self->data->walkable);
} else { // transparent
return PyBool_FromLong(self->data->transparent);
int UIGridPoint::set_bool_member(PyUIGridPointObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure) {
if (value == Py_True) {
if (reinterpret_cast<long>(closure) == 0) { // walkable
self->data->walkable = true;
} else { // transparent
self->data->transparent = true;
} else if (value == Py_False) {
if (reinterpret_cast<long>(closure) == 0) { // walkable
self->data->walkable = false;
} else { // transparent
self->data->transparent = false;
} else {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Expected a boolean value");
return -1;
return 0;
PyObject* UIGridPoint::get_int_member(PyUIGridPointObject* self, void* closure) {
switch(reinterpret_cast<long>(closure)) {
case 0: return PyLong_FromLong(self->data->tilesprite);
case 1: return PyLong_FromLong(self->data->tile_overlay);
case 2: return PyLong_FromLong(self->data->uisprite);
default: PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Invalid closure"); return nullptr;
int UIGridPoint::set_int_member(PyUIGridPointObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure) {
long val = PyLong_AsLong(value);
if (PyErr_Occurred()) return -1;
switch(reinterpret_cast<long>(closure)) {
case 0: self->data->tilesprite = val; break;
case 1: self->data->tile_overlay = val; break;
case 2: self->data->uisprite = val; break;
default: PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Invalid closure"); return -1;
return 0;
PyGetSetDef UIGridPoint::getsetters[] = {
{"color", (getter)UIGridPoint::get_color, (setter)UIGridPoint::set_color, "GridPoint color", (void*)0},
{"color_overlay", (getter)UIGridPoint::get_color, (setter)UIGridPoint::set_color, "GridPoint color overlay", (void*)1},
{"walkable", (getter)UIGridPoint::get_bool_member, (setter)UIGridPoint::set_bool_member, "Is the GridPoint walkable", (void*)0},
{"transparent", (getter)UIGridPoint::get_bool_member, (setter)UIGridPoint::set_bool_member, "Is the GridPoint transparent", (void*)1},
{"tilesprite", (getter)UIGridPoint::get_int_member, (setter)UIGridPoint::set_int_member, "Tile sprite index", (void*)0},
{"tile_overlay", (getter)UIGridPoint::get_int_member, (setter)UIGridPoint::set_int_member, "Tile overlay sprite index", (void*)1},
{"uisprite", (getter)UIGridPoint::get_int_member, (setter)UIGridPoint::set_int_member, "UI sprite index", (void*)2},
{NULL} /* Sentinel */
PyObject* UIGridPoint::repr(PyUIGridPointObject* self) {
std::ostringstream ss;
if (!self->data) ss << "<GridPoint (invalid internal object)>";
else {
auto gp = self->data;
ss << "<GridPoint (walkable=" << (gp->walkable ? "True" : "False") << ", transparent=" << (gp->transparent ? "True" : "False") <<
", tilesprite=" << gp->tilesprite << ", tile_overlay=" << gp->tile_overlay << ", uisprite=" << gp->uisprite <<
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
PyObject* UIGridPointState::get_bool_member(PyUIGridPointStateObject* self, void* closure) {
if (reinterpret_cast<long>(closure) == 0) { // visible
return PyBool_FromLong(self->data->visible);
} else { // discovered
return PyBool_FromLong(self->data->discovered);
int UIGridPointState::set_bool_member(PyUIGridPointStateObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure) {
if (!PyBool_Check(value)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Value must be a boolean");
return -1;
int truthValue = PyObject_IsTrue(value);
if (truthValue < 0) {
return -1; // PyObject_IsTrue returns -1 on error
if (reinterpret_cast<long>(closure) == 0) { // visible
self->data->visible = truthValue;
} else { // discovered
self->data->discovered = truthValue;
return 0;
PyGetSetDef UIGridPointState::getsetters[] = {
{"visible", (getter)UIGridPointState::get_bool_member, (setter)UIGridPointState::set_bool_member, "Is the GridPointState visible", (void*)0},
{"discovered", (getter)UIGridPointState::get_bool_member, (setter)UIGridPointState::set_bool_member, "Has the GridPointState been discovered", (void*)1},
{NULL} /* Sentinel */
PyObject* UIGridPointState::repr(PyUIGridPointStateObject* self) {
std::ostringstream ss;
if (!self->data) ss << "<GridPointState (invalid internal object)>";
else {
auto gps = self->data;
ss << "<GridPointState (visible=" << (gps->visible ? "True" : "False") << ", discovered=" << (gps->discovered ? "True" : "False") <<
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Python.h"
#include "structmember.h"
#include "IndexTexture.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include <list>
#include "PyCallable.h"
#include "PyTexture.h"
#include "PyColor.h"
#include "PyVector.h"
#include "PyFont.h"
static PyObject* sfColor_to_PyObject(sf::Color color);
static sf::Color PyObject_to_sfColor(PyObject* obj);
class UIGrid;
class UIEntity;
class UIGridPoint;
class UIGridPointState;
typedef struct {
UIGridPoint* data;
std::shared_ptr<UIGrid> grid;
} PyUIGridPointObject;
typedef struct {
UIGridPointState* data;
std::shared_ptr<UIGrid> grid;
std::shared_ptr<UIEntity> entity;
} PyUIGridPointStateObject;
// UIGridPoint - revised grid data for each point
class UIGridPoint
sf::Color color, color_overlay;
bool walkable, transparent;
int tilesprite, tile_overlay, uisprite;
static int set_int_member(PyUIGridPointObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyGetSetDef getsetters[];
static PyObject* get_color(PyUIGridPointObject* self, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_int_member(PyUIGridPointObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_bool_member(PyUIGridPointObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_bool_member(PyUIGridPointObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_color(PyUIGridPointObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyObject* repr(PyUIGridPointObject* self);
// UIGridPointState - entity-specific info for each cell
class UIGridPointState
bool visible, discovered;
static PyObject* get_bool_member(PyUIGridPointStateObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_bool_member(PyUIGridPointStateObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyGetSetDef getsetters[];
static PyObject* repr(PyUIGridPointStateObject* self);
namespace mcrfpydef {
static PyTypeObject PyUIGridPointType = {
//PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.GridPoint",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyUIGridPointObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
.tp_repr = (reprfunc)UIGridPoint::repr,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = "UIGridPoint object",
.tp_getset = UIGridPoint::getsetters,
//.tp_init = (initproc)PyUIGridPoint_init, // TODO Define the init function
.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew,
static PyTypeObject PyUIGridPointStateType = {
//PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.GridPointState",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyUIGridPointStateObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
.tp_repr = (reprfunc)UIGridPointState::repr,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = "UIGridPointState object", // TODO: Add PyUIGridPointState tp_init
.tp_getset = UIGridPointState::getsetters,
.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew,
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#include "UIMenu.h"
#include "Common.h"
#include "Resources.h"
UIMenu::UIMenu(sf::Font & _font)
: font(_font)
//font = _font;
box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(300, 400));
box.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(300, 250));
: font(Resources::font)
box.setSize(sf::Vector2f(300, 400));
box.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(300, 250));
void UIMenu::render(sf::RenderWindow & window)
for (auto& s: sprites) {
auto _s = s.drawable();
//std::cout << "Sprite has values " << s.x << ", " << s.y << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Drawable generated @ " << _s.getPosition().x << ", " << _s.getPosition().y << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Moved by " << box.getPosition().x << ", " << box.getPosition().y << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Render UIMenu Sprite @ " << _s.getPosition().x << ", " << _s.getPosition().y << std::endl;
for (auto& c : captions) {
//auto s = std::string(c.getString());
//std::cout << s << std::flush << std::endl;
for (auto& b : buttons) {
b.setPosition(box.getPosition() + b.rect.getPosition());
//b.caption.setPosition(box.getPosition() + b.caption.getPosition());
b.setPosition(b.rect.getPosition() - box.getPosition());
//b.caption.setPosition(b.caption.getPosition() - box.getPosition());
void UIMenu::refresh()
void UIMenu::add_caption(const char* text, int tsize, sf::Color color)
auto c = sf::Text();
//auto bpos = box.getPosition();
c.setPosition(10, next_text);
next_text += 50;
void UIMenu::add_button(Button b)
b.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(box.getSize().x / 2.0f, next_button));
next_button += 50;
void UIMenu::add_sprite(IndexSprite s)
//std::cout << "Adding sprite to UIMenu x,y " << s.x << ", " << s.y << std::endl;
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Button.h"
#include "IndexSprite.h"
class UIMenu
//UIMenu() {};
sf::Font & font;
UIMenu(sf::Font & _font);
std::vector<sf::Text> captions;
std::vector<Button> buttons;
std::vector<IndexSprite> sprites;
/* idea: */ //std::vector<UIDrawable> children; // on the UIBox class?
sf::RectangleShape box;
bool visible = false;
int next_text = 10;
int next_button = 10;
void render(sf::RenderWindow & window);
void refresh();
void add_caption(const char* text, int size, sf::Color color);
void add_button(Button b);
void add_sprite(IndexSprite s);
@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
#include "UISprite.h"
#include "GameEngine.h"
UIDrawable* UISprite::click_at(sf::Vector2f point)
if (click_callable)
if(sprite.getGlobalBounds().contains(point)) return this;
return NULL;
UISprite::UISprite() {}
UISprite::UISprite(std::shared_ptr<PyTexture> _ptex, int _sprite_index, sf::Vector2f _pos, float _scale)
: ptex(_ptex), sprite_index(_sprite_index)
sprite = ptex->sprite(sprite_index, _pos, sf::Vector2f(_scale, _scale));
void UISprite::render(sf::Vector2f offset)
void UISprite::render(sf::Vector2f offset, sf::RenderTexture& target)
void UISprite::setPosition(sf::Vector2f pos)
void UISprite::setScale(sf::Vector2f s)
void UISprite::setTexture(std::shared_ptr<PyTexture> _ptex, int _sprite_index)
ptex = _ptex;
if (_sprite_index != -1) // if you are changing textures, there's a good chance you need a new index too
sprite_index = _sprite_index;
sprite = ptex->sprite(sprite_index, sprite.getPosition(), sprite.getScale());
void UISprite::setSpriteIndex(int _sprite_index)
sprite_index = _sprite_index;
sprite = ptex->sprite(sprite_index, sprite.getPosition(), sprite.getScale());
sf::Vector2f UISprite::getScale()
return sprite.getScale();
sf::Vector2f UISprite::getPosition()
return sprite.getPosition();
std::shared_ptr<PyTexture> UISprite::getTexture()
return ptex;
int UISprite::getSpriteIndex()
return sprite_index;
PyObjectsEnum UISprite::derived_type()
return PyObjectsEnum::UISPRITE;
PyObject* UISprite::get_float_member(PyUISpriteObject* self, void* closure)
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
if (member_ptr == 0)
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->getPosition().x);
else if (member_ptr == 1)
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->getPosition().y);
else if (member_ptr == 2)
return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->data->getScale().x); // scale X and Y are identical, presently
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "Invalid attribute");
return nullptr;
int UISprite::set_float_member(PyUISpriteObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
float val;
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
if (PyFloat_Check(value))
val = PyFloat_AsDouble(value);
else if (PyLong_Check(value))
val = PyLong_AsLong(value);
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Value must be a floating point number.");
return -1;
if (member_ptr == 0) //x
self->data->setPosition(sf::Vector2f(val, self->data->getPosition().y));
else if (member_ptr == 1) //y
self->data->setPosition(sf::Vector2f(self->data->getPosition().x, val));
else if (member_ptr == 2) // scale
self->data->setScale(sf::Vector2f(val, val));
return 0;
PyObject* UISprite::get_int_member(PyUISpriteObject* self, void* closure)
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
if (true) {}
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "Invalid attribute");
return nullptr;
return PyLong_FromDouble(self->data->getSpriteIndex());
int UISprite::set_int_member(PyUISpriteObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
int val;
auto member_ptr = reinterpret_cast<long>(closure);
if (PyLong_Check(value))
val = PyLong_AsLong(value);
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Value must be an integer.");
return -1;
return 0;
PyObject* UISprite::get_texture(PyUISpriteObject* self, void* closure)
return self->data->getTexture()->pyObject();
int UISprite::set_texture(PyUISpriteObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure)
return -1;
PyGetSetDef UISprite::getsetters[] = {
{"x", (getter)UISprite::get_float_member, (setter)UISprite::set_float_member, "X coordinate of top-left corner", (void*)0},
{"y", (getter)UISprite::get_float_member, (setter)UISprite::set_float_member, "Y coordinate of top-left corner", (void*)1},
{"scale", (getter)UISprite::get_float_member, (setter)UISprite::set_float_member, "Size factor", (void*)2},
{"sprite_number", (getter)UISprite::get_int_member, (setter)UISprite::set_int_member, "Which sprite on the texture is shown", NULL},
{"texture", (getter)UISprite::get_texture, (setter)UISprite::set_texture, "Texture object", NULL},
{"click", (getter)UIDrawable::get_click, (setter)UIDrawable::set_click, "Object called with (x, y, button) when clicked", (void*)PyObjectsEnum::UISPRITE},
PyObject* UISprite::repr(PyUISpriteObject* self)
std::ostringstream ss;
if (!self->data) ss << "<Sprite (invalid internal object)>";
else {
//auto sprite = self->data->sprite;
ss << "<Sprite (x=" << self->data->getPosition().x << ", y=" << self->data->getPosition().y << ", " <<
"scale=" << self->data->getScale().x << ", " <<
"sprite_number=" << self->data->getSpriteIndex() << ")>";
std::string repr_str = ss.str();
return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(repr_str.c_str(), repr_str.size(), "replace");
int UISprite::init(PyUISpriteObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
//std::cout << "Init called\n";
static const char* keywords[] = { "x", "y", "texture", "sprite_index", "scale", nullptr };
float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f, scale = 1.0f;
int sprite_index;
PyObject* texture;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|ffOif",
const_cast<char**>(keywords), &x, &y, &texture, &sprite_index, &scale))
return -1;
// check types for texture
//if (texture != NULL && !PyObject_IsInstance(texture, (PyObject*)&PyTextureType)){
if (texture != NULL && !PyObject_IsInstance(texture, PyObject_GetAttrString(McRFPy_API::mcrf_module, "Texture"))){
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "texture must be a mcrfpy.Texture instance");
return -1;
auto pytexture = (PyTextureObject*)texture;
self->data = std::make_shared<UISprite>(pytexture->data, sprite_index, sf::Vector2f(x, y), scale);
self->data->setPosition(sf::Vector2f(x, y));
return 0;
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common.h"
#include "Python.h"
#include "structmember.h"
#include "IndexTexture.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include <list>
#include "PyCallable.h"
#include "PyTexture.h"
#include "PyColor.h"
#include "PyVector.h"
#include "PyFont.h"
#include "UIDrawable.h"
#include "UIBase.h"
class UISprite: public UIDrawable
int sprite_index;
sf::Sprite sprite;
std::shared_ptr<PyTexture> ptex;
UISprite(std::shared_ptr<PyTexture>, int, sf::Vector2f, float);
void update();
void render(sf::Vector2f) override final;
virtual UIDrawable* click_at(sf::Vector2f point) override final;
void render(sf::Vector2f, sf::RenderTexture&);
void setPosition(sf::Vector2f);
sf::Vector2f getPosition();
void setScale(sf::Vector2f);
sf::Vector2f getScale();
void setSpriteIndex(int);
int getSpriteIndex();
void setTexture(std::shared_ptr<PyTexture> _ptex, int _sprite_index=-1);
std::shared_ptr<PyTexture> getTexture();
PyObjectsEnum derived_type() override final;
static PyObject* get_float_member(PyUISpriteObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_float_member(PyUISpriteObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_int_member(PyUISpriteObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_int_member(PyUISpriteObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyObject* get_texture(PyUISpriteObject* self, void* closure);
static int set_texture(PyUISpriteObject* self, PyObject* value, void* closure);
static PyGetSetDef getsetters[];
static PyObject* repr(PyUISpriteObject* self);
static int init(PyUISpriteObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds);
namespace mcrfpydef {
static PyTypeObject PyUISpriteType = {
//PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
.tp_name = "mcrfpy.Sprite",
.tp_basicsize = sizeof(PyUISpriteObject),
.tp_itemsize = 0,
.tp_dealloc = (destructor)[](PyObject* self)
PyUISpriteObject* obj = (PyUISpriteObject*)self;
// release reference to font object
//if (obj->texture) Py_DECREF(obj->texture);
.tp_repr = (reprfunc)UISprite::repr,
//.tp_hash = NULL,
.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
.tp_doc = PyDoc_STR("docstring"),
//.tp_methods = PyUIFrame_methods,
//.tp_members = PyUIFrame_members,
.tp_getset = UISprite::getsetters,
//.tp_base = NULL,
.tp_init = (initproc)UISprite::init,
.tp_new = [](PyTypeObject* type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) -> PyObject*
PyUISpriteObject* self = (PyUISpriteObject*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
//if (self) self->data = std::make_shared<UICaption>();
return (PyObject*)self;
@ -4,10 +4,8 @@
UITestScene::UITestScene(GameEngine* g) : Scene(g)
UITestScene::UITestScene(GameEngine* g) : Scene(g)
registerAction(ActionCode::KEY + sf::Keyboard::Grave, "debug_menu");
text.setString("UITest: surprised to be here? raised an exception.");
text.setString("Test Scene for UI elements");
@ -61,15 +59,15 @@ UITestScene::UITestScene(GameEngine* g) : Scene(g)
//auto* indextex = new IndexTexture(t, 16, 12, 11);
auto* indextex = new IndexTexture(t, 16, 12, 11);
auto ptex = std::make_shared<PyTexture>("./assets/kenney_tinydungeon.png", 16, 16);
//std::cout << Resources::game->textures.size() << " textures loaded.\n";
//std::cout << Resources::game->textures.size() << " textures loaded.\n";
auto e3 = std::make_shared<UISprite>(ptex, 84, sf::Vector2f(10, 10), 4.0);
auto e3 = std::make_shared<UISprite>();
// Make UISprite more like IndexSprite: this is bad
// Make UISprite more like IndexSprite: this is bad
//e3->x = 10; e3->y = 10;
//e3->x = 10; e3->y = 10;
@ -79,19 +77,19 @@ UITestScene::UITestScene(GameEngine* g) : Scene(g)
// This goes to show how inconvenient the default constructor is. It should be removed
// This goes to show how inconvenient the default constructor is. It should be removed
//e3->itex = &Resources::game->textures[0];
e3->itex = &Resources::game->textures[0];
//e3->sprite_index = 84;
e3->sprite_index = 84;
//e3->setPosition(10, 10);
e3->setPosition(10, 10);
auto e4 = std::make_shared<UISprite>(
auto e4 = std::make_shared<UISprite>(
ptex, //indextex, //&Resources::game->textures[0],
indextex, //&Resources::game->textures[0],
85, sf::Vector2f(90, 10), 4.0);
85, sf::Vector2f(90, 10), 4.0);
//std::cout << "UISprite built: " << e4->sprite.getPosition().x << " " << e4->sprite.getPosition().y << " " << e4->sprite.getScale().x << " " <<
//std::cout << "UISprite built: " << e4->sprite.getPosition().x << " " << e4->sprite.getPosition().y << " " << e4->sprite.getScale().x << " " <<
@ -103,33 +101,6 @@ UITestScene::UITestScene(GameEngine* g) : Scene(g)
if (ui)
if (ui)
std::cout << "pointer to ui_elements now shows size=" << ui->size() << std::endl;
std::cout << "pointer to ui_elements now shows size=" << ui->size() << std::endl;
// UIGrid test: (in grid cells) ( in screen pixels )
// constructor args: w h texture x y w h
auto e5 = std::make_shared<UIGrid>(4, 4, ptex, sf::Vector2f(550, 150), sf::Vector2f(200, 200));
e5->points[0].color = sf::Color(255, 0, 0);
e5->points[1].tilesprite = 1;
e5->points[5].color = sf::Color(0, 255, 0);
e5->points[6].tilesprite = 2;
e5->points[10].color = sf::Color(0, 0, 255);
e5->points[11].tilesprite = 3;
e5->points[15].color = sf::Color(255, 255, 255);
//UIEntity test:
// asdf
// TODO - reimplement UISprite style rendering within UIEntity class. Entities don't have a screen pixel position, they have a grid position, and grid sets zoom when rendering them.
auto e5a = std::make_shared<UIEntity>(*e5); // this basic constructor sucks: sprite position + zoom are irrelevant for UIEntity.
e5a->grid = e5;
//auto e5as = UISprite(indextex, 85, sf::Vector2f(0, 0), 1.0);
//e5a->sprite = e5as; // will copy constructor even exist for UISprite...?
e5a->sprite = UISprite(ptex, 85, sf::Vector2f(0, 0), 1.0);
e5a->position = sf::Vector2f(1, 0);
void UITestScene::update()
void UITestScene::update()
@ -143,9 +114,6 @@ void UITestScene::doAction(std::string name, std::string type)
//if ("start_game") == 0 and"start") == 0)
//if ("start_game") == 0 and"start") == 0)
if(ACTION("start_game", "start"))
if(ACTION("start_game", "start"))
else if ACTIONONCE("debug_menu") {
else if(ACTIONONCE("up"))
else if(ACTIONONCE("up"))
game->getWindow().setSize(sf::Vector2u(1280, 800));
game->getWindow().setSize(sf::Vector2u(1280, 800));
@ -154,7 +122,7 @@ void UITestScene::doAction(std::string name, std::string type)
void UITestScene::render()
void UITestScene::sRender()
@ -177,5 +145,5 @@ void UITestScene::render()
@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ public:
void update() override final;
void update() override final;
void doAction(std::string, std::string) override final;
void doAction(std::string, std::string) override final;
void render() override final;
void sRender() override final;
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
class GridPoint:
def __init__(self, color, walkable, tilesprite, transparent, visible, discovered, color_overlay, tile_overlay, uisprite):
self.color = color
self.walkable = walkable
self.tilesprite = tilesprite
self.transparent = transparent
self.visible = visible
self.discovered = discovered
self.color_overlay = color_overlay
self.tile_overlay = tile_overlay
self.uisprite = uisprite
def __repr__(self):
return f"<GridPoint {self.color}, {self.tilesprite}/{self.uisprite} {'W' if self.walkable else '-'}{'T' if self.transparent else '-'}{'V' if self.visible else '-'}{'D' if self.discovered else '-'} {self.color_overlay}/{self.tile_overlay}>"
class Grid:
def __init__(self, title, gx, gy, gs, x, y, w, h, visible=False):
self.title = title
self.grid_x = gx
self.grid_y = gy
self.grid_size = gs
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.visible = visible
self.points = []
self.entities = []
def at(self, x, y):
if not (x > 0 and y > 0 and x < self.grid_x and y < self.grid_y): return None
return self.points[y * self.grid_y + x]
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Grid {self.grid_x}x{self.grid_y}, grid_size={self.grid_size}, (({self.x},{self.y}), ({self.w}, {self.h})), visible={self.visible}>"
# CGrid(Grid* _g, int _ti, int _si, int _x, int _y, bool _v)
class Entity:
def __init__(self, parent, tex_index, sprite_index, x, y, visible=True):
self.parent = parent
self.tex_index = tex_index
self.sprite_index = sprite_index
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.visible = visible
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Entity on grid {repr(self.parent)}@({self.x},{self.y}), TI={self.tex_index}, SI={self.sprite_index}, visible={self.visible}>"
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
import mcrfpy
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED, GREEN, BLUE = (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)
DARKRED, DARKGREEN, DARKBLUE = (192, 0, 0), (0, 192, 0), (0, 0, 192)
class MusicScene:
def __init__(self, ui_name = "demobox1", grid_name = "demogrid"):
# Texture & Sound Loading
print("Load textures")
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/test_portraits.png", 32, 8, 8) #0 - portraits
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 16, 64, 64) #1 - TinyWorld NPCs
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 32, 32, 32) #2 - TinyWorld NPCs - 2x2 sprite
# {"createSoundBuffer", McRFPy_API::_createSoundBuffer, METH_VARARGS, "(filename)"},
#{"loadMusic", McRFPy_API::_loadMusic, METH_VARARGS, "(filename)"},
#{"setMusicVolume", McRFPy_API::_setMusicVolume, METH_VARARGS, "(int)"},
#{"setSoundVolume", McRFPy_API::_setSoundVolume, METH_VARARGS, "(int)"},
#{"playSound", McRFPy_API::_playSound, METH_VARARGS, "(int)"},
#{"getMusicVolume", McRFPy_API::_getMusicVolume, METH_VARARGS, ""},
#{"getSoundVolume", McRFPy_API::_getSoundVolume, METH_VARARGS, ""},
self.ui_name = ui_name
self.grid_name = grid_name
print("Create UI")
# Create dialog UI
mcrfpy.createMenu(ui_name, 20, 540, 500, 200)
mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, f"Music Volume: {mcrfpy.getMusicVolume()}", 24, RED)
mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, f"SFX Volume: {mcrfpy.getSoundVolume()}", 24, RED)
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKBLUE, (0, 0, 0), "clicky", "testaction")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKRED, (0, 0, 0), "Music+", "mvol+")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Music-", "mvol-")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, GREEN, "SFX+", "svol+")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, RED, "SFX-", "svol-")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKRED, (0, 0, 0), "REPL", "startrepl")
mcrfpy.createSprite(ui_name, 1, 0, 20, 40, 3.0)
print("Create UI 2")
entitymenu = "entitytestmenu"
mcrfpy.createMenu(entitymenu, 840, 20, 20, 500)
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 10, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "PlayM", "playm")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 60, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "StopM", "stopm")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 110, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "SFX", "boom")
print("Make UIs visible")
self.menus = mcrfpy.listMenus()
self.menus[0].visible = True
self.menus[1].w = 170
self.menus[1].visible = True
self.mvol = mcrfpy.getMusicVolume()
self.svol = mcrfpy.getSoundVolume()
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("mvol+", lambda: self.setmvol(self.mvol+10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("mvol-", lambda: self.setmvol(self.mvol-10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("svol+", lambda: self.setsvol(self.svol+10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("svol-", lambda: self.setsvol(self.svol-10))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("playm", lambda: None)
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("stopm", lambda: None)
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("boom", lambda: mcrfpy.playSound(0))
def setmvol(self, v):
self.menus[0].captions[0].text = f"Music Volume: {mcrfpy.getMusicVolume():.1f}"
self.mvol = mcrfpy.getMusicVolume()
def setsvol(self, v):
self.menus[0].captions[1].text = f"Sound Volume: {mcrfpy.getSoundVolume():.1f}"
self.svol = mcrfpy.getSoundVolume()
scene = None
def start():
global scene
scene = MusicScene()
@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
import UIMenu
import Grid
import mcrfpy
from random import randint, choice
from pprint import pprint
#print("TestScene imported")
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED, GREEN, BLUE = (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)
DARKRED, DARKGREEN, DARKBLUE = (192, 0, 0), (0, 192, 0), (0, 0, 192)
animations_in_progress = 0
# don't load grid over and over, use the global scene
scene = None
class TestEntity:
def __init__(self, grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width=64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False):
self.grid = grid
self.basesprite = basesprite
self.texture_width = texture_width
self.walk_frames = walk_frames
self.attack_frames = attack_frames
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.facing_direction = 0
self.do_fov = do_fov
self.label = label
self.inventory = []
#print(f"Calling C++ with: {repr((self.grid, label, tex_index, self.basesprite, x, y, self))}")
grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
for g in grids:
if g.title == self.grid:
self.entity_index = len(g.entities)
mcrfpy.createEntity(self.grid, label, tex_index, self.basesprite, x, y, self)
def ai_act(self):
return # no AI motion
#if self.label == "player": return
self.move(randint(-1, 1), randint(-1, 1))
scene.actors += 1
def player_act(self):
def die(self):
#self.x = -2
#self.y = -2
self.x = -1000
self.y = -1000
self.label = "dead"
def interact(self, initiator, callback):
print(f"Interacted with {self.label}. ", end='')
if self.label == 'item':
print("'taking' item.")
print("blocking movement.")
def move(self, dx, dy, force=False):
# select animation direction
# prefer left or right for diagonals.
#grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
for g in scene.grids:
if g.title == self.grid:
if not force and + dx, self.y + dy) is None or not + dx, self.y + dy).walkable:
#print("Blocked at target location.")
if not force: # entities can be stepped on when force=True (like collecting items!)
for entity in scene.tes:
if (entity.x, entity.y) == (self.x + dx, self.y + dy):
print(f"Blocked by entity {entity.label} at ({entity.x}, {entity.y})")
return entity.interact(self, lambda: self.move(dx, dy, force=True))
if self.label == "player":
if (dx == 0 and dy == 0):
direction = self.facing_direction # TODO, jump straight to computer turn
elif (dx):
direction = 2 if dx == +1 else 3
direction = 0 if dy == +1 else 1
self.animate(direction, move=True, animove=(self.x + dx, self.y+dy))
self.facing_direction = direction
if (self.do_fov): mcrfpy.refreshFov()
def animate(self, direction, attacking=False, move=False, animove=None):
start_sprite = self.basesprite + (self.texture_width * (direction + (4 if attacking else 0)))
animation_frames = [start_sprite + i for i in range((self.attack_frames if attacking else self.walk_frames))]
0.15, # duration, seconds
self.grid, # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"entity", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
self.entity_index, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"sprite", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
self.animation_done, #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
animation_frames # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
#global animations_in_progress
#animations_in_progress += 1
if move:
pos = [self.x, self.y]
if (direction == 0): pos[1] += 1
elif (direction == 1): pos[1] -= 1
elif (direction == 2): pos[0] += 1
elif (direction == 3): pos[0] -= 1
if not animove:
self.x, self.y = pos
animove = pos
pos = animove
self.x, self.y = animove
#scene.move_entity(self.grid, self.entity_index, pos)
#for g in mcrfpy.listGrids():
for g in scene.grids:
if g.title == self.grid:
g.entities[self.entity_index].x = pos[0]
g.entities[self.entity_index].y = pos[1]
mcrfpy.modGrid(g, True)
if animove:
0.25, # duration, seconds
self.grid, # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"entity", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
self.entity_index, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"position", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
self.animation_done, #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
animove # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
#animations_in_progress += 1
def animation_done(self):
#global animations_in_progress
#animations_in_progress -= 1
scene.actors -= 1
#print(f"{self} done animating - {scene.actors} remaining")
if scene.actors <= 0:
scene.actors = 0
class TestItemEntity(TestEntity):
def __init__(self, grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width=64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Nothing"):
super().__init__(grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width, walk_frames, attack_frames, do_fov)
self.item = item
def interact(self, initiator, callback):
if self.label == 'dead': return super().interact(initiator, callback)
print(f"Interacted with {self.label}, an item. Adding {self.item} to {initiator.label}'s inventory")
class TestDoorEntity(TestEntity):
def __init__(self, grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width=64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Nothing"):
super().__init__(grid, label, tex_index, basesprite, x, y, texture_width, walk_frames, attack_frames, do_fov)
self.key = key
def interact(self, initiator, callback):
if self.label == 'dead': return super().interact(initiator, callback)
print(f"Interacted with {self.label}, a Door. ", end='')
if self.key in initiator.inventory:
print("Taking key & passing.")
print("The door is locked.")
class TestScene:
def __init__(self, ui_name = "demobox1", grid_name = "demogrid"):
# Texture & Sound Loading
self.actors = 0
#print("Load textures")
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/test_portraits.png", 32, 8, 8) #0 - portraits
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 16, 64, 64) #1 - TinyWorld NPCs
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/alives_other.png", 32, 32, 32) #2 - TinyWorld NPCs - 2x2 sprite
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/custom_player.png", 16, 5, 13) #3 - player
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/Sprite-0001.png", 80, 10, 10) #4 - LGJ2023 keycard + other icons
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/tiny_keycards.png", 16, 8, 8) #5 - tiny keycards (ground items)
self.ui_name = ui_name
self.grid_name = grid_name
# Menu index = 0
#print("Create UI")
# Create dialog UI
mcrfpy.createMenu(ui_name, 20, 540, 500, 200)
#mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, "Hello There", 18, BLACK)
mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, "", 24, RED)
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKBLUE, (0, 0, 0), "clicky", "testaction")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKRED, (0, 0, 0), "REPL", "startrepl")
##mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "map gen", "gridgen")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "mapL", "gridgen2")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKBLUE, (192, 0, 0), "a_menu", "animtest")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, DARKRED, GREEN, "a_spr", "animtest2")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, GREEN, "Next sp", "nextsp")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, RED, "Prev sp", "prevsp")
#mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, DARKGREEN, "+16 sp", "skipsp")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Next", "nextsp")
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 0, 130, 40, DARKBLUE, (0, 0, 0), "Prev", "prevsp")
mcrfpy.createSprite(ui_name, 4, 1, 10, 10, 2.0)
# Menu index = 1
#print("Create UI 2")
entitymenu = "entitytestmenu"
mcrfpy.createMenu(entitymenu, 840, 20, 20, 500)
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 10, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Up", "test_up")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 60, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Down", "test_down")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 110, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Left", "test_left")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 160, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Right", "test_right")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 210, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, BLACK, "Attack", "test_attack")
mcrfpy.createButton(entitymenu, 0, 210, 150, 40, DARKBLUE, RED, "TE", "testent")
# Menu index = 2
mcrfpy.createMenu( "gridtitlemenu", 0, -10, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createCaption("gridtitlemenu", "<grid name>", 18, WHITE)
#mcrfpy.createCaption("gridtitlemenu", "<camstate>", 16, WHITE)
# Menu index = 3
mcrfpy.createMenu( "hintsmenu", 0, 505, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createCaption("hintsmenu", "<hintline>", 16, WHITE)
# Menu index = 4
# menu names must be created in alphabetical order (?!) - thanks, C++ hash map
mcrfpy.createMenu( "i", 600, 20, 0, 0)
#mcrfpy.createMenu( "camstatemenu", 600, 20, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createCaption("i", "<camstate>", 16, WHITE)
# Menu index = 5
mcrfpy.createMenu( "j", 600, 500, 0, 0)
mcrfpy.createButton( "j", 0, 0, 80, 40, DARKBLUE, WHITE, "Recenter", "activatecamfollow")
# Menu index = 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: keycard sprites
mcrfpy.createMenu("k", 540, 540, 80, 80) #6
mcrfpy.createSprite("k", 4, 0, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("l", 540 + (80 * 1), 540, 80, 80) #7
mcrfpy.createSprite("l", 4, 1, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("m", 540 + (80 * 2), 540, 80, 80) #8
mcrfpy.createSprite("m", 4, 2, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("n", 540 + (80 * 3), 540, 80, 80) #9
mcrfpy.createSprite("n", 4, 3, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("o", 540 + (80 * 4), 540, 80, 80) #10
mcrfpy.createSprite("o", 4, 4, 10, 10, 1.0)
mcrfpy.createMenu("p", 20, 20, 40, 40) #11
#mcrfpy.createButton("p", 0, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Register", "keyregistration")
mcrfpy.createButton("p", 0, 0, 130, 40, DARKGREEN, (0, 0, 0), "Register", "startrepl")
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("keyregistration", keyregistration)
#print("Make UIs visible")
self.menus = mcrfpy.listMenus()
self.menus[0].visible = True
self.menus[1].w = 170
self.menus[1].visible = True
self.menus[2].visible = True
for mn in range(2, 6):
self.menus[mn].bgcolor = BLACK
self.menus[mn].visible = True
for mn in range(6, 11):
self.menus[mn].bgcolor = BLACK
self.menus[mn].visible = False
#self.menus[2].bgcolor = BLACK
#self.menus[3].visible = True
#self.menus[3].bgcolor = BLACK
#self.menus[4].visible = True
#self.menus[4].bgcolor = BLACK
#self.menus[5].visible = True
#print(f"UI 1 gave back this sprite: {self.menus[0].sprites}")
#print("Create grid")
# create grid (title, gx, gy, gs, x, y, w, h)
mcrfpy.createGrid(grid_name, 100, 100, 16, 20, 20, 800, 500)
self.grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
#print("Create entities")
#mcrfpy.createEntity("demogrid", "dragon", 2, 545, 10, 10, lambda: None)
#mcrfpy.createEntity("demogrid", "tinyenemy", 1, 1538, 3, 6, lambda: None)
#print("Create fancy entity")
self.player = TestEntity("demogrid", "player", 3, 20, 17, 3, 5, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=5, do_fov=True)
self.tes = [
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1538, 5, 7, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1545, 7, 9, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1552, 9, 11, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1566, 11, 13, 64, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=6),
#TestEntity("demogrid", "item", 1, 1573, 13, 15, 64, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 1583, 15, 17, 64, walk_frames=4, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 130, 9, 7, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 136, 11, 9, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 143, 13, 11, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 158, 15, 13, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestEntity("demogrid", "classtest", 1, 165, 17, 15, 64, walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "GreenKeyCard", 5, 0, 19, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Green Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "BlueKeyCard", 5, 1, 21, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Blue Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "RedKeyCard", 5, 2, 23, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Red Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "OrangeKeyCard", 5, 3, 25, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Orange Keycard"),
TestItemEntity("demogrid", "DevilKeyCard", 5, 4, 27, 3, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, item="Devil Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "GreenKeyDoor", 5, 8, 19, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Green Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "BlueKeyDoor", 5, 9, 21, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Blue Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "RedKeyDoor", 5, 10, 23, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Red Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "OrangeKeyDoor", 5, 11, 25, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Orange Keycard"),
TestDoorEntity("demogrid", "DevilKeyDoor", 5, 12, 27, 5, texture_width=64,
walk_frames=5, attack_frames=6, do_fov=False, key="Devil Keycard")
self.grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
self.entity_direction = 0
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("test_down", lambda: [te.animate(0, False, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("test_up", lambda: [te.animate(1, False, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("test_right", lambda: [te.animate(2, False, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("test_left", lambda: [te.animate(3, False, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("test_attack", lambda: [te.animate(0, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("testent", lambda: [te.animate(2, True) for te in self.tes])
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("activatecamfollow", lambda: mcrfpy.camFollow(True))
# Button behavior
self.clicks = 0
self.sprite_index = 0
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("gridgen", self.gridgen)
#mcrfpy.registerPyAction("gridgen2", lambda: self.gridgen())
#mcrfpy.registerPyAction("animtest", lambda: self.createAnimation())
#mcrfpy.registerPyAction("animtest2", lambda: self.createAnimation2())
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("nextsp", lambda: self.changesprite(1))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("prevsp", lambda: self.changesprite(-1))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("skipsp", lambda: self.changesprite(16))
def itemguis(self):
items = ["Green Keycard", "Blue Keycard", "Red Keycard", "Orange Keycard", "Devil Keycard"]
for mn in range(6, 11):
self.menus[mn].visible = items[mn-6] in self.player.inventory
def animate_entity(self, direction, attacking=False):
if direction is None:
direction = self.entity_direction
self.entity_direction = direction
dragon_sprite = 545 + (32 * (direction + (4 if attacking else 0)))
dragon_animation = [dragon_sprite + i for i in range((5 if attacking else 4))]
1.0, # duration, seconds
"demogrid", # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"entity", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
0, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"sprite", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
lambda: self.animation_done("demobox1"), #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
dragon_animation # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
orc_sprite = 1538 + (64 * (direction + (4 if attacking else 0)))
orc_animation = [orc_sprite + i for i in range((5 if attacking else 4))]
1.0, # duration, seconds
"demogrid", # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"entity", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
1, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"sprite", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
lambda: self.animation_done("demobox1"), #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
orc_animation # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
#def move_entity(self, targetgrid, entity_index, position):
# for i, g in enumerate(self.grids):
# if g.title == targetgrid:
# g.entities[entity_index].x = position[0]
# g.entities[entity_index].y = position[1]
# #pts = g.points
# g.visible = True
# mcrfpy.modGrid(g)
# self.grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
# #self.grids[i].points = pts
# return
def changesprite(self, n):
self.sprite_index += n
self.menus[0].captions[0].text = f"Sprite #{self.sprite_index}"
self.menus[0].sprites[0].sprite_index = self.sprite_index
def click(self):
self.clicks += 1
self.menus[0].captions[0].text = f"Clicks: {self.clicks}"
self.menus[0].sprites[0].sprite_index = randint(0, 3)
def updatehints(self):
#self.menus[4].captions[0].text=f"follow: {mcrfpy.camFollow()}"
self.menus[4].captions[0].text="following" if mcrfpy.camFollow() else "free"
self.menus[5].visible = not mcrfpy.camFollow()
def gridgen(self):
#print(f"[Python] modifying {len(self.grids[0].points)} grid points")
for p in self.grids[0].points:
#p.color = (randint(0, 255), randint(64, 192), 0)
p.color = (0,0,0)
p.walkable = False
p.transparent = False
room_centers = [(randint(0, self.grids[0].grid_x-1), randint(0, self.grids[0].grid_y-1)) for i in range(20)] + [(17, 3), (20,10) + (20,5)]
#room_centers.append((3, 5))
for r in room_centers:
# random hallway
target = choice(room_centers)
length1 = abs(target[0] - r[0])
xbase = min(target[0], r[0])
for x in range(length1):
gpoint = self.grids[0].at(x, r[1])
if gpoint is None: continue
gpoint.walkable = True
gpoint.transparent = True
gpoint.color = (192, 192, 192)
length2 = abs(target[1] - r[1])
ybase = min(target[1], r[1])
for y in range(length2):
gpoint = self.grids[0].at(r[0], y)
if gpoint is None: continue
gpoint.walkable = True
gpoint.transparent = True
gpoint.color = (192, 192, 192)
for r in room_centers:
room_color = (randint(16, 24)*8, randint(16, 24)*8, randint(16, 24)*8)
#self.grids[0].at(r[0], r[1]).walkable = True
#self.grids[0].at(r[0], r[1]).color = room_color
halfx, halfy = randint(2, 11), randint(2,11)
for p_x in range(r[0] - halfx, r[0] + halfx):
for p_y in range(r[1] - halfy, r[1] + halfy):
gpoint = self.grids[0].at(p_x, p_y)
if gpoint is None: continue
gpoint.walkable = True
gpoint.transparent = True
gpoint.color = room_color
#print("[Python] Modifying:")
self.grids[0].at(10, 10).color = (255, 255, 255)
self.grids[0].at(10, 10).walkable = False
self.grids[0].visible = True
#self.grids = mcrfpy.listGrids()
#print(f"Sent grid: {repr(self.grids[0])}")
#print(f"Received grid: {repr(mcrfpy.listGrids()[0])}")
def animation_done(self, s):
print(f"The `{s}` animation completed.")
#self.menus = mcrfpy.listMenus()
# if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "fsssiOOO", &duration, &parent, &target_type, &target_id, &field, &callback, &loop_obj, &values_obj)) return NULL;
def createAnimation(self):
self.menus = mcrfpy.listMenus()
self.menus[0].w = 500
self.menus[0].h = 200
3.0, # duration, seconds
"demobox1", # parent: a UIMenu or Grid key
"menu", # target type: 'menu', 'grid', 'caption', 'button', 'sprite', or 'entity'
0, # target id: integer index for menu or grid objs; None for grid/menu
"size", # field: 'position', 'size', 'bgcolor', 'textcolor', or 'sprite'
lambda: self.animation_done("demobox1"), #callback: callable once animation is complete
False, #loop: repeat indefinitely
[150, 100] # values: iterable of frames for 'sprite', lerp target for others
def createAnimation2(self):
lambda: self.animation_done("sprite change"),
[0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0]
def keytest():
print("Key tested.")
def keyregistration():
print("Registering 'keytest'")
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("keytest", keytest)
print("Registering input")
print(mcrfpy.registerInputAction(15, "keytest")) # 15 = P
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("player_move_up", lambda: scene.player.move(0, -1))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("player_move_left", lambda: scene.player.move(-1, 0))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("player_move_down", lambda: scene.player.move(0, 1))
mcrfpy.registerPyAction("player_move_right", lambda: scene.player.move(1, 0))
mcrfpy.registerInputAction(ord('w') - ord('a'), "player_move_up")
mcrfpy.registerInputAction(ord('a') - ord('a'), "player_move_left")
mcrfpy.registerInputAction(ord('s') - ord('a'), "player_move_down")
mcrfpy.registerInputAction(ord('d') - ord('a'), "player_move_right")
def start():
global scene
#print("TestScene.start called")
scene = TestScene()
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
class Caption:
def __init__(self, text, textsize, color):
self.text = text
self.textsize = textsize
self.color = color
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Caption text={self.text}, textsize={self.textsize}, color={self.color}>"
class Button:
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, bgcolor, textcolor, text, actioncode):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.bgcolor = bgcolor
self.textcolor = textcolor
self.text = text
self.actioncode = actioncode
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Button ({self.x}, {self.y}, {self.w}, {self.h}), bgcolor={self.bgcolor}, textcolor={self.textcolor}, actioncode={self.actioncode}>"
class Sprite:
def __init__(self, tex_index, sprite_index, x, y):
self.tex_index = tex_index
self.sprite_index = sprite_index
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Sprite tex_index={self.tex_index}, self.sprite_index={self.sprite_index}, x={self.x}, y={self.y}>"
class UIMenu:
def __init__(self, title, x, y, w, h, bgcolor, visible=False):
self.title = title
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.bgcolor = bgcolor
self.visible = visible
self.captions = []
self.buttons = []
self.sprites = []
def __repr__(self):
return f"<UIMenu title={repr(self.title)}, x={self.x}, y={self.y}, w={self.w}, h={self.h}, bgcolor={self.bgcolor}, visible={self.visible}, {len(self.captions)} captions, {len(self.buttons)} buttons, {len(self.sprites)} sprites>"
@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
import mcrfpy
ui = mcrfpy.sceneUI("play")
t = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_tinydungeon.png", 16, 16) # 12, 11)
font = mcrfpy.Font("assets/JetbrainsMono.ttf")
frame_color = (64, 64, 128)
grid = mcrfpy.Grid(20, 15, t, 10, 10, 800, 595)
grid.zoom = 2.0
entity_frame = mcrfpy.Frame(815, 10, 194, 595, fill_color = frame_color)
inventory_frame = mcrfpy.Frame(10, 610, 800, 143, fill_color = frame_color)
stats_frame = mcrfpy.Frame(815, 610, 194, 143, fill_color = frame_color)
begin_btn = mcrfpy.Frame(350,250,100,100, fill_color = (255,0,0))
begin_btn.children.append(mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, "Begin", font))
def cos_keys(key, state):
if key == 'M' and state == 'start':
elif state == "end": return
elif key == "W":
elif key == "A":
elif key == "S":
elif key == "D":
def cos_init(*args):
if args[3] != "start": return
|||||| = cos_init
[ui.append(e) for e in (grid, entity_frame, inventory_frame, stats_frame, begin_btn)]
import random
def rcolor():
return tuple([random.randint(0, 255) for i in range(3)]) # TODO list won't work with GridPoint.color, so had to cast to tuple
x_max, y_max = grid.grid_size
for x in range(x_max):
for y in range(y_max):
||||||,y)).color = rcolor()
from math import pi, cos, sin
def mapgen(room_size_max = 7, room_size_min = 3, room_count = 4):
# reset map
for x in range(x_max):
for y in range(y_max):
||||||, y)).walkable = False
||||||, y)).transparent= False
||||||,y)).tilesprite = random.choices([40, 28], weights=[.8, .2])[0]
global cos_entities
for e in cos_entities:
e.e.position = (999,999) # TODO
cos_entities = []
#Dungeon generation
centers = []
attempts = 0
while len(centers) < room_count:
# Leaving this attempt here for later comparison. These rooms sucked.
# overlapping, uninteresting hallways, crowded into the corners sometimes, etc.
attempts += 1
if attempts > room_count * 15: break
# room_left = random.randint(1, x_max)
# room_top = random.randint(1, y_max)
# Take 2 - circular distribution of rooms
angle_mid = (len(centers) / room_count) * 2 * pi + 0.785
angle = random.uniform(angle_mid - 0.25, angle_mid + 0.25)
radius = random.uniform(3, 14)
room_left = int(radius * cos(angle)) + int(x_max/2)
if room_left <= 1: room_left = 1
if room_left > x_max - 1: room_left = x_max - 2
room_top = int(radius * sin(angle)) + int(y_max/2)
if room_top <= 1: room_top = 1
if room_top > y_max - 1: room_top = y_max - 2
room_w = random.randint(room_size_min, room_size_max)
if room_w + room_left >= x_max: room_w = x_max - room_left - 2
room_h = random.randint(room_size_min, room_size_max)
if room_h + room_top >= y_max: room_h = y_max - room_top - 2
#print(room_left, room_top, room_left + room_w, room_top + room_h)
if any( # centers contained in this randomly generated room
[c[0] >= room_left and c[0] <= room_left + room_w and c[1] >= room_top and c[1] <= room_top + room_h for c in centers]
continue # re-randomize the room position
(int(room_left + (room_w/2)), int(room_top + (room_h/2)))
for x in range(room_w):
for y in range(room_h):
||||||, room_top+y)).walkable=True
||||||, room_top+y)).transparent=True
||||||, room_top+y)).tilesprite = random.choice([48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53])
# generate a boulder
if (room_w > 2 and room_h > 2):
room_boulder_x, room_boulder_y = random.randint(room_left+1, room_left+room_w-1), random.randint(room_top+1, room_top+room_h-1)
cos_entities.append(BoulderEntity(room_boulder_x, room_boulder_y))
print(f"{room_count} rooms generated after {attempts} attempts.")
# hallways
pairs = []
for c1 in centers:
for c2 in centers:
if c1 == c2: continue
if (c2, c1) in pairs or (c1, c2) in pairs: continue
left = min(c1[0], c2[0])
right = max(c1[0], c2[0])
top = min(c1[1], c2[1])
bottom = max(c1[1], c2[1])
corners = [(left, top), (left, bottom), (right, top), (right, bottom)]
target, other = corners
for x in range(target[0], other[0], -1 if target[0] > other[0] else 1):
was_walkable =, target[1])).walkable
||||||, target[1])).walkable=True
||||||, target[1])).transparent=True
if not was_walkable:
||||||, target[1])).tilesprite = random.choices([0, 12, 24], weights=[.6, .3, .1])[0]
for y in range(target[1], other[1], -1 if target[1] > other[1] else 1):
was_walkable =[0], y)).walkable
||||||[0], y)).walkable=True
||||||[0], y)).transparent=True
if not was_walkable:
||||||[0], y)).tilesprite = random.choices([0, 12, 24], weights=[0.4, 0.3, 0.3])[0]
pairs.append((c1, c2))
# spawn exit and button
spawn_points = []
for x in range(x_max):
for y in range(y_max):
if, y)).walkable:
spawn_points.append((x, y))
door_spawn, button_spawn = spawn_points[:2]
cos_entities.append(ExitEntity(*door_spawn, *button_spawn))
# respawn player
global player
if player:
player.position = (999,999) # TODO - die() is broken and I don't know why
player = PlayerEntity()
#for x in range(x_max):
# for y in range(y_max):
# if, y)).walkable:
#,y)).tilesprite = random.choice([48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53])
# pass
# else:
#,y)).tilesprite = random.choices([40, 28], weights=[.8, .2])[0]
#131 - last sprite
#123, 124 - brown, grey rats
#121 - ghost
#114, 115, 116 - green, red, blue potion
#102 - shield
#98 - low armor guy, #97 - high armor guy
#89 - chest, #91 - empty chest
#84 - wizard
#82 - barrel
#66 - boulder
#64, 65 - graves
#48 - 53: ground (not going to figure out how they fit together tonight)
#42 - button-looking ground
#40 - basic solid wall
#36, 37, 38 - wall (left, middle, right)
#28 solid wall but with a grate
#21 - wide open door, 33 medium open, 45 closed door
#0 - basic dirt
class MyEntity:
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, sprite_num=86):
self.e = mcrfpy.Entity(x, y, t, sprite_num)
def die(self):
for i in range(len(grid.entities)):
e = grid.entities[i]
if e == self.e:
def bump(self, other, dx, dy):
raise NotImplementedError
def try_move(self, dx, dy):
tx, ty = int(self.e.position[0] + dx), int(self.e.position[1] + dy)
for e in cos_entities:
if e.e.position == (tx, ty):
#print(f"bumping {e}")
return e.bump(self, dx, dy)
if tx < 0 or tx >= x_max:
#print("out of bounds horizontally")
return False
if ty < 0 or ty >= y_max:
#print("out of bounds vertically")
return False
if, ty)).walkable == True:
self.e.position = (tx, ty)
return True
return False
def _relative_move(self, dx, dy):
tx, ty = int(self.e.position[0] + dx), int(self.e.position[1] + dy)
self.e.position = (tx, ty)
def move(self, direction):
if direction == "N":
self.try_move(0, -1)
elif direction == "E":
self.try_move(1, 0)
elif direction == "S":
self.try_move(0, 1)
elif direction == "W":
self.try_move(-1, 0)
cos_entities = []
class PlayerEntity(MyEntity):
def __init__(self):
# find spawn point
spawn_points = []
for x in range(x_max):
for y in range(y_max):
if, y)).walkable:
spawn_points.append((x, y))
for spawn in spawn_points:
for e in cos_entities:
if e.e.position == spawn: break
#print(f"spawn at {spawn}")
super().__init__(spawn[0], spawn[1], sprite_num=84)
class BoulderEntity(MyEntity):
def __init__(self, x, y):
super().__init__(x, y, 66)
def bump(self, other, dx, dy):
if type(other) == BoulderEntity:
#print("Boulders can't push boulders")
return False
tx, ty = int(self.e.position[0] + dx), int(self.e.position[1] + dy)
# Is the boulder blocked the same direction as the bumper? If not, let's both move
old_pos = int(self.e.position[0]), int(self.e.position[1])
if self.try_move(dx, dy):
other.e.position = old_pos
return True
class ButtonEntity(MyEntity):
def __init__(self, x, y, exit):
super().__init__(x, y, 42)
self.exit = exit
def bump(self, other, dx, dy):
if type(other) == BoulderEntity:
other._relative_move(dx, dy)
return True
class ExitEntity(MyEntity):
def __init__(self, x, y, bx, by):
super().__init__(x, y, 45)
self.my_button = ButtonEntity(bx, by, self)
self.unlocked = False
global cos_entities
def unlock(self):
self.e.sprite_number = 21
self.unlocked = True
def lock(self):
self.e.sprite_number = 45
self.unlocked = True
def bump(self, other, dx, dy):
if type(other) == BoulderEntity:
return False
if self.unlocked:
other._relative_move(dx, dy)
player = None
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
print("[Python] Attempting import")
import scriptable
print(f"[Python] calling fibonacci(8): {scriptable.fibonacci(8)}")
print(f"[Python] calling fibonacci(15): {scriptable.fibonacci(15)}")
import venv
print("[Python] Importing library installed with pip")
import numpy
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
import mcrfpy
font = mcrfpy.Font("assets/JetbrainsMono.ttf")
texture = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_tinydungeon.png", 16, 16)
print("[] Default texture:")
# build test widgets
ui = mcrfpy.sceneUI("pytest")
# Frame
f = mcrfpy.Frame(25, 19, 462, 346, fill_color=(255, 92, 92))
print("Frame alive")
# fill (LinkedColor / Color): f.fill_color
# outline (LinkedColor / Color): f.outline_color
# pos (LinkedVector / Vector): f.pos
# size (LinkedVector / Vector): f.size
# Caption
print("Caption attempt w/ fill_color:")
#c = mcrfpy.Caption(512+25, 19, "Hi.", font)
#c = mcrfpy.Caption(512+25, 19, "Hi.", font, fill_color=(255, 128, 128))
c = mcrfpy.Caption(512+25, 19, "Hi.", font, fill_color=mcrfpy.Color(255, 128, 128), outline_color=(128, 255, 128))
print("Caption alive")
# fill (LinkedColor / Color): c.fill_color
#color_val = c.fill_color
#print("Set a fill color")
#c.fill_color = (255, 255, 255)
print("Lol, did it segfault?")
# outline (LinkedColor / Color): c.outline_color
# font (Font): c.font
# pos (LinkedVector / Vector): c.pos
# Sprite
s = mcrfpy.Sprite(25, 384+19, texture, 86, 9.0)
# pos (LinkedVector / Vector): s.pos
# texture (Texture): s.texture
# Grid
g = mcrfpy.Grid(10, 10, texture, 512+25, 384+19, 462, 346)
# texture (Texture): g.texture
# pos (LinkedVector / Vector): g.pos
# size (LinkedVector / Vector): g.size
for _x in range(10):
for _y in range(10):
||||||, _y)).color = (255 - _x*25, 255 - _y*25, 255)
g.zoom = 2.0
[ui.append(d) for d in (f, c, s, g)]
# tests
@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
#print("Hello mcrogueface")
import mcrfpy
import cos_play
# Universal stuff
font = mcrfpy.Font("assets/JetbrainsMono.ttf")
texture = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_tinydungeon.png", 16, 16) #12, 11)
texture_cold = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_ice.png", 16, 16) #12, 11)
texture_hot = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/kenney_lava.png", 16, 16) #12, 11)
# Test stuff
ui = mcrfpy.sceneUI("boom")
box = mcrfpy.Frame(40, 60, 200, 300, fill_color=(255,128,0), outline=4.0, outline_color=(64,64,255,96))
#caption = mcrfpy.Caption(10, 10, "Clicky", font, (255, 255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0, 255))
|||||| = lambda x, y, btn, type: print("Hello callback: ", x, y, btn, type)
test_sprite_number = 86
sprite = mcrfpy.Sprite(20, 60, texture, test_sprite_number, 4.0)
spritecap = mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, "60", font)
def click_sprite(x, y, btn, action):
global test_sprite_number
if action != "start": return
if btn in ("left", "wheel_up"):
test_sprite_number -= 1
elif btn in ("right", "wheel_down"):
test_sprite_number += 1
sprite.sprite_number = test_sprite_number # TODO - inconsistent naming for __init__, __repr__ and getsetter: sprite_number vs sprite_index
spritecap.text = test_sprite_number
|||||| = click_sprite # TODO - sprites don't seem to correct for screen position or scale when clicking
|||||| = click_sprite
f_a = mcrfpy.Frame(250, 60, 80, 80, fill_color=(255, 92, 92))
f_a_txt = mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, "0", font)
f_b = mcrfpy.Frame(340, 60, 80, 80, fill_color=(92, 255, 92))
f_b_txt = mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, "0", font)
f_c = mcrfpy.Frame(430, 60, 80, 80, fill_color=(92, 92, 255))
f_c_txt = mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, "0", font)
import sys
def ding(*args):
f_a_txt.text = str(sys.getrefcount(ding)) + " refs"
f_b_txt.text = sys.getrefcount(dong)
f_c_txt.text = sys.getrefcount(stress_test)
def dong(*args):
f_a_txt.text = str(sys.getrefcount(ding)) + " refs"
f_b_txt.text = sys.getrefcount(dong)
f_c_txt.text = sys.getrefcount(stress_test)
running = False
timers = []
def add_ding():
global timers
n = len(timers)
mcrfpy.setTimer(f"timer{n}", ding, 100)
print("+1 ding:", timers)
def add_dong():
global timers
n = len(timers)
mcrfpy.setTimer(f"timer{n}", dong, 100)
print("+1 dong:", timers)
def remove_random():
global timers
target = random.choice(timers)
print("-1 timer:", target)
print("remove from list")
import random
import time
def stress_test(*args):
global running
global timers
if not running:
print("stress test initial")
running = True
mcrfpy.setTimer("recurse", stress_test, 1000)
mcrfpy.setTimer("terminate", lambda *args: mcrfpy.delTimer("recurse"), 30000)
ding(); dong()
#print("stress test random activity")
# add_ding,
# add_dong,
# remove_random
# ])()
print("Segfaultin' time")
print("Does this still work?")
print("How about now?")
# Loading Screen
ui = mcrfpy.sceneUI("loading")
logo_texture = mcrfpy.Texture("assets/temp_logo.png", 1024, 1024)#1, 1)
logo_sprite = mcrfpy.Sprite(50, 50, logo_texture, 0, 0.5)
|||||| = lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("menu")
logo_caption = mcrfpy.Caption(70, 600, "Click to Proceed", font, (255, 0, 0, 255), (0, 0, 0, 255))
#logo_caption.fill_color =(255, 0, 0, 255)
# menu screen
for e in [
mcrfpy.Caption(10, 10, "Crypt of Sokoban", font, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)),
mcrfpy.Caption(20, 55, "a McRogueFace demo project", font, (192, 192, 192), (0, 0, 0)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 70, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 145, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 220, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 295, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
#mcrfpy.Frame(900, 10, 100, 100, fill_color=(255, 0, 0)),
def click_once(fn):
def wraps(*args, **kwargs):
action = args[3]
if action != "start": return
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
return wraps
def asdf(x, y, btn, action):
print(f"clicky @({x},{y}) {action}->{btn}")
def clicked_exit(*args):
menu_btns = [
("Boom", lambda *args: 1 / 0),
("Exit", clicked_exit),
("About", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("about")),
("Settings", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("settings")),
("Start", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("play"))
for i in range(len(mcrfpy.sceneUI("menu"))):
e = mcrfpy.sceneUI("menu")[i] # TODO - fix iterator
#print(e, type(e))
if type(e) is not mcrfpy.Frame: continue
label, fn = menu_btns.pop()
e.children.append(mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, label, font, (192, 192, 255), (0,0,0)))
|||||| = fn
# settings screen
window_scaling = 1.0
scale_caption = mcrfpy.Caption(180, 70, "1.0x", font, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0))
#scale_caption.fill_color = (255, 255, 255) # TODO - mcrfpy.Caption.__init__ is not setting colors
for e in [
mcrfpy.Caption(10, 10, "Settings", font, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)),
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 70, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)), # +
mcrfpy.Frame(300, 70, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)), # -
mcrfpy.Frame(15, 295, 150, 60, fill_color=(64, 64, 128)),
def game_scale(x, y, btn, action, delta):
global window_scaling
print(f"WIP - scale the window from {window_scaling:.1f} to {window_scaling+delta:.1f}")
window_scaling += delta
scale_caption.text = f"{window_scaling:.1f}x"
settings_btns = [
("back", lambda *args: mcrfpy.setScene("menu")),
("-", lambda x, y, btn, action: game_scale(x, y, btn, action, -0.1)),
("+", lambda x, y, btn, action: game_scale(x, y, btn, action, +0.1))
for i in range(len(mcrfpy.sceneUI("settings"))):
e = mcrfpy.sceneUI("settings")[i] # TODO - fix iterator
#print(e, type(e))
if type(e) is not mcrfpy.Frame: continue
label, fn = settings_btns.pop()
#print(label, fn)
e.children.append(mcrfpy.Caption(5, 5, label, font, (192, 192, 255), (0,0,0)))
|||||| = fn
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import mcrfpy
mcrfpy.createTexture("./assets/test_portraits.png", 32, 8, 8)
from random import choice, randint
box_colors = [
(0, 0, 192),
(0, 192, 0),
(192, 0, 0),
(192, 192, 0),
(0, 192, 192),
(192, 0, 192)
text_colors = [
(0, 0, 255),
(0, 255, 0),
(255, 0, 0),
(255, 255, 0),
(0, 255, 255),
(255, 0, 255)
test_x = 500
test_y = 10
for i in range(40):
ui_name = f"test{i}"
mcrfpy.createMenu(ui_name, test_x, test_y, 400, 200)
mcrfpy.createCaption(ui_name, "Hello There", 18, choice(text_colors))
mcrfpy.createButton(ui_name, 250, 20, 100, 50, choice(box_colors), (0, 0, 0), "asdf", "testaction")
mcrfpy.createSprite(ui_name, 0, randint(0, 3), 650, 60, 5.0)
test_x -= 50
test_y += 50
if (test_x <= 50):
test_x = 500
@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
Red #ED0A3F
Maroon #C32148
Scarlet #FD0E35
Brick Red #C62D42
English Vermilion #CC474B
Madder Lake #CC3336
Permanent Geranium Lake #E12C2C
Maximum Red #D92121
Chestnut #B94E48
Orange-Red #FF5349
Sunset Orange #FE4C40
Bittersweet #FE6F5E
Dark Venetian Red #B33B24
Venetian Red #CC553D
Light Venetian Red #E6735C
Vivid Tangerine #FF9980
Middle Red #E58E73
Burnt Orange #FF7034
Red-Orange #FF3F34
Orange #FF8833
Macaroni and Cheese #FFB97B
Middle Yellow Red #ECAC76
Mango Tango #E77200
Yellow-Orange #FFAE42
Maximum Yellow Red #F2BA49
Banana Mania #FBE7B2
Maize #F2C649
Orange-Yellow #F8D568
Goldenrod #FCD667
Dandelion #FED85D
Yellow #FBE870
Green-Yellow #F1E788
Middle Yellow #FFEB00
Olive Green #B5B35C
Spring Green #ECEBBD
Maximum Yellow #FAFA37
Canary #FFFF99
Lemon Yellow #FFFF9F
Maximum Green Yellow #D9E650
Middle Green Yellow #ACBF60
Inchworm #B0E313
Light Chrome Green #BEE64B
Yellow-Green #C5E17A
Maximum Green #5E8C31
Asparagus #7BA05B
Granny Smith Apple #9DE093
Fern #63B76C
Middle Green #4D8C57
Green #01A638
Medium Chrome Green #6CA67C
Forest Green #5FA777
Sea Green #93DFB8
Shamrock #33CC99
Mountain Meadow #1AB385
Jungle Green #29AB87
Caribbean Green #00CC99
Tropical Rain Forest #00755E
Middle Blue Green #8DD9CC
Pine Green #01796F
Maximum Blue Green #30BFBF
Robin's Egg Blue #00CCCC
Teal Blue #008080
Light Blue #8FD8D8
Aquamarine #458B74
Turquoise Blue #6CDAE7
Outer Space #2D383A
Sky Blue #76D7EA
Middle Blue #7ED4E6
Blue-Green #0095B7
Pacific Blue #009DC4
Cerulean #02A4D3
Maximum Blue #47ABCC
Blue (I) #2EB4E6
Cerulean Blue #339ACC
Cornflower #93CCEA
Green-Blue #2887C8
Midnight Blue #003366
Navy Blue #0066CC
Denim #1560BD
Blue (III) #0066FF
Cadet Blue #A9B2C3
Periwinkle #C3CDE6
Blue (II) #4570E6
Bluetiful #3C69E7
Wild Blue Yonder #7A89B8
Indigo #4F69C6
Manatee #8D90A1
Cobalt Blue #8C90C8
Celestial Blue #7070CC
Blue Bell #9999CC
Maximum Blue Purple #ACACE6
Violet-Blue #766EC8
Blue-Violet #6456B7
Ultramarine Blue #3F26BF
Middle Blue Purple #8B72BE
Purple Heart #652DC1
Royal Purple #6B3FA0
Violet (II) #8359A3
Medium Violet #8F47B3
Wisteria #C9A0DC
Lavender (I) #BF8FCC
Vivid Violet #803790
Maximum Purple #733380
Purple Mountains' Majesty #D6AEDD
Fuchsia #C154C1
Pink Flamingo #F2583E
Violet (I) #732E6C
Brilliant Rose #E667CE
Orchid #E29CD2
Plum #843179
Medium Rose #D96CBE
Thistle #D8BFD8
Mulberry #C8509B
Red-Violet #BB3385
Middle Purple #D982B5
Maximum Red Purple #A63A79
Jazzberry Jam #A50B5E
Eggplant #614051
Magenta #F653A6
Cerise #DA3287
Wild Strawberry #FF3399
Lavender (II) #FBAED2
Cotton Candy #FFB7D5
Carnation Pink #FFA6C9
Violet-Red #F7468A
Razzmatazz #E30B5C
Piggy Pink #FDD7E4
Carmine #E62E6B
Blush #DB5079
Tickle Me Pink #FC80A5
Mauvelous #F091A9
Salmon #FF91A4
Middle Red Purple #A55353
Mahogany #CA3435
Pink Sherbert #F7A38E
Burnt Sienna #E97451
Brown #AF593E
Sepia #9E5B40
Fuzzy Wuzzy #87421F
Beaver #926F5B
Tumbleweed #DEA681
Raw Sienna #D27D46
Van Dyke Brown #664228
Tan #FA9D5A
Desert Sand #EDC9AF
Peach #FFCBA4
Burnt Umber #805533
Apricot #FDD5B1
Almond #EED9C4
Raw Umber #665233
Shadow #837050
Raw Sienna (I) #E6BC5C
Gold (I) #92926E
Gold (II) #E6BE8A
Silver #C9C0BB
Copper #DA8A67
Antique Brass #C88A65
Black #000000
Charcoal Gray #736A62
Gray #8B8680
Blue-Gray #C8C8CD
Timberwolf #D9D6CF
Crayellow #F1D651[6]
Cool Mint #DDEBEC[6]
Oatmeal #D9DAD2[6]
Powder Blue #C0D5F0[6]
@ -1,949 +0,0 @@
cloudy blue #acc2d9
dark pastel green #56ae57
dust #b2996e
electric lime #a8ff04
fresh green #69d84f
light eggplant #894585
nasty green #70b23f
really light blue #d4ffff
tea #65ab7c
warm purple #952e8f
yellowish tan #fcfc81
cement #a5a391
dark grass green #388004
dusty teal #4c9085
grey teal #5e9b8a
macaroni and cheese #efb435
pinkish tan #d99b82
spruce #0a5f38
strong blue #0c06f7
toxic green #61de2a
windows blue #3778bf
blue blue #2242c7
blue with a hint of purple #533cc6
booger #9bb53c
bright sea green #05ffa6
dark green blue #1f6357
deep turquoise #017374
green teal #0cb577
strong pink #ff0789
bland #afa88b
deep aqua #08787f
lavender pink #dd85d7
light moss green #a6c875
light seafoam green #a7ffb5
olive yellow #c2b709
pig pink #e78ea5
deep lilac #966ebd
desert #ccad60
dusty lavender #ac86a8
purpley grey #947e94
purply #983fb2
candy pink #ff63e9
light pastel green #b2fba5
boring green #63b365
kiwi green #8ee53f
light grey green #b7e1a1
orange pink #ff6f52
tea green #bdf8a3
very light brown #d3b683
egg shell #fffcc4
eggplant purple #430541
powder pink #ffb2d0
reddish grey #997570
baby shit brown #ad900d
liliac #c48efd
stormy blue #507b9c
ugly brown #7d7103
custard #fffd78
darkish pink #da467d
deep brown #410200
greenish beige #c9d179
manilla #fffa86
off blue #5684ae
battleship grey #6b7c85
browny green #6f6c0a
bruise #7e4071
kelley green #009337
sickly yellow #d0e429
sunny yellow #fff917
azul #1d5dec
darkgreen #054907
green/yellow #b5ce08
lichen #8fb67b
light light green #c8ffb0
pale gold #fdde6c
sun yellow #ffdf22
tan green #a9be70
burple #6832e3
butterscotch #fdb147
toupe #c7ac7d
dark cream #fff39a
indian red #850e04
light lavendar #efc0fe
poison green #40fd14
baby puke green #b6c406
bright yellow green #9dff00
charcoal grey #3c4142
squash #f2ab15
cinnamon #ac4f06
light pea green #c4fe82
radioactive green #2cfa1f
raw sienna #9a6200
baby purple #ca9bf7
cocoa #875f42
light royal blue #3a2efe
orangeish #fd8d49
rust brown #8b3103
sand brown #cba560
swamp #698339
tealish green #0cdc73
burnt siena #b75203
camo #7f8f4e
dusk blue #26538d
fern #63a950
old rose #c87f89
pale light green #b1fc99
peachy pink #ff9a8a
rosy pink #f6688e
light bluish green #76fda8
light bright green #53fe5c
light neon green #4efd54
light seafoam #a0febf
tiffany blue #7bf2da
washed out green #bcf5a6
browny orange #ca6b02
nice blue #107ab0
sapphire #2138ab
greyish teal #719f91
orangey yellow #fdb915
parchment #fefcaf
straw #fcf679
very dark brown #1d0200
terracota #cb6843
ugly blue #31668a
clear blue #247afd
creme #ffffb6
foam green #90fda9
grey/green #86a17d
light gold #fddc5c
seafoam blue #78d1b6
topaz #13bbaf
violet pink #fb5ffc
wintergreen #20f986
yellow tan #ffe36e
dark fuchsia #9d0759
indigo blue #3a18b1
light yellowish green #c2ff89
pale magenta #d767ad
rich purple #720058
sunflower yellow #ffda03
green/blue #01c08d
leather #ac7434
racing green #014600
vivid purple #9900fa
dark royal blue #02066f
hazel #8e7618
muted pink #d1768f
booger green #96b403
canary #fdff63
cool grey #95a3a6
dark taupe #7f684e
darkish purple #751973
true green #089404
coral pink #ff6163
dark sage #598556
dark slate blue #214761
flat blue #3c73a8
mushroom #ba9e88
rich blue #021bf9
dirty purple #734a65
greenblue #23c48b
icky green #8fae22
light khaki #e6f2a2
warm blue #4b57db
dark hot pink #d90166
deep sea blue #015482
carmine #9d0216
dark yellow green #728f02
pale peach #ffe5ad
plum purple #4e0550
golden rod #f9bc08
neon red #ff073a
old pink #c77986
very pale blue #d6fffe
blood orange #fe4b03
grapefruit #fd5956
sand yellow #fce166
clay brown #b2713d
dark blue grey #1f3b4d
flat green #699d4c
light green blue #56fca2
warm pink #fb5581
dodger blue #3e82fc
gross green #a0bf16
ice #d6fffa
metallic blue #4f738e
pale salmon #ffb19a
sap green #5c8b15
algae #54ac68
bluey grey #89a0b0
greeny grey #7ea07a
highlighter green #1bfc06
light light blue #cafffb
light mint #b6ffbb
raw umber #a75e09
vivid blue #152eff
deep lavender #8d5eb7
dull teal #5f9e8f
light greenish blue #63f7b4
mud green #606602
pinky #fc86aa
red wine #8c0034
shit green #758000
tan brown #ab7e4c
darkblue #030764
rosa #fe86a4
lipstick #d5174e
pale mauve #fed0fc
claret #680018
dandelion #fedf08
orangered #fe420f
poop green #6f7c00
ruby #ca0147
dark #1b2431
greenish turquoise #00fbb0
pastel red #db5856
piss yellow #ddd618
bright cyan #41fdfe
dark coral #cf524e
algae green #21c36f
darkish red #a90308
reddy brown #6e1005
blush pink #fe828c
camouflage green #4b6113
lawn green #4da409
putty #beae8a
vibrant blue #0339f8
dark sand #a88f59
purple/blue #5d21d0
saffron #feb209
twilight #4e518b
warm brown #964e02
bluegrey #85a3b2
bubble gum pink #ff69af
duck egg blue #c3fbf4
greenish cyan #2afeb7
petrol #005f6a
royal #0c1793
butter #ffff81
dusty orange #f0833a
off yellow #f1f33f
pale olive green #b1d27b
orangish #fc824a
leaf #71aa34
light blue grey #b7c9e2
dried blood #4b0101
lightish purple #a552e6
rusty red #af2f0d
lavender blue #8b88f8
light grass green #9af764
light mint green #a6fbb2
sunflower #ffc512
velvet #750851
brick orange #c14a09
lightish red #fe2f4a
pure blue #0203e2
twilight blue #0a437a
violet red #a50055
yellowy brown #ae8b0c
carnation #fd798f
muddy yellow #bfac05
dark seafoam green #3eaf76
deep rose #c74767
dusty red #b9484e
grey/blue #647d8e
lemon lime #bffe28
purple/pink #d725de
brown yellow #b29705
purple brown #673a3f
wisteria #a87dc2
banana yellow #fafe4b
lipstick red #c0022f
water blue #0e87cc
brown grey #8d8468
vibrant purple #ad03de
baby green #8cff9e
barf green #94ac02
eggshell blue #c4fff7
sandy yellow #fdee73
cool green #33b864
pale #fff9d0
blue/grey #758da3
hot magenta #f504c9
greyblue #77a1b5
purpley #8756e4
baby shit green #889717
brownish pink #c27e79
dark aquamarine #017371
diarrhea #9f8303
light mustard #f7d560
pale sky blue #bdf6fe
turtle green #75b84f
bright olive #9cbb04
dark grey blue #29465b
greeny brown #696006
lemon green #adf802
light periwinkle #c1c6fc
seaweed green #35ad6b
sunshine yellow #fffd37
ugly purple #a442a0
medium pink #f36196
puke brown #947706
very light pink #fff4f2
viridian #1e9167
bile #b5c306
faded yellow #feff7f
very pale green #cffdbc
vibrant green #0add08
bright lime #87fd05
spearmint #1ef876
light aquamarine #7bfdc7
light sage #bcecac
yellowgreen #bbf90f
baby poo #ab9004
dark seafoam #1fb57a
deep teal #00555a
heather #a484ac
rust orange #c45508
dirty blue #3f829d
fern green #548d44
bright lilac #c95efb
weird green #3ae57f
peacock blue #016795
avocado green #87a922
faded orange #f0944d
grape purple #5d1451
hot green #25ff29
lime yellow #d0fe1d
mango #ffa62b
shamrock #01b44c
bubblegum #ff6cb5
purplish brown #6b4247
vomit yellow #c7c10c
pale cyan #b7fffa
key lime #aeff6e
tomato red #ec2d01
lightgreen #76ff7b
merlot #730039
night blue #040348
purpleish pink #df4ec8
apple #6ecb3c
baby poop green #8f9805
green apple #5edc1f
heliotrope #d94ff5
yellow/green #c8fd3d
almost black #070d0d
cool blue #4984b8
leafy green #51b73b
mustard brown #ac7e04
dusk #4e5481
dull brown #876e4b
frog green #58bc08
vivid green #2fef10
bright light green #2dfe54
fluro green #0aff02
kiwi #9cef43
seaweed #18d17b
navy green #35530a
ultramarine blue #1805db
iris #6258c4
pastel orange #ff964f
yellowish orange #ffab0f
perrywinkle #8f8ce7
tealish #24bca8
dark plum #3f012c
pear #cbf85f
pinkish orange #ff724c
midnight purple #280137
light urple #b36ff6
dark mint #48c072
greenish tan #bccb7a
light burgundy #a8415b
turquoise blue #06b1c4
ugly pink #cd7584
sandy #f1da7a
electric pink #ff0490
muted purple #805b87
mid green #50a747
greyish #a8a495
neon yellow #cfff04
banana #ffff7e
carnation pink #ff7fa7
tomato #ef4026
sea #3c9992
muddy brown #886806
turquoise green #04f489
buff #fef69e
fawn #cfaf7b
muted blue #3b719f
pale rose #fdc1c5
dark mint green #20c073
amethyst #9b5fc0
blue/green #0f9b8e
chestnut #742802
sick green #9db92c
pea #a4bf20
rusty orange #cd5909
stone #ada587
rose red #be013c
pale aqua #b8ffeb
deep orange #dc4d01
earth #a2653e
mossy green #638b27
grassy green #419c03
pale lime green #b1ff65
light grey blue #9dbcd4
pale grey #fdfdfe
asparagus #77ab56
blueberry #464196
purple red #990147
pale lime #befd73
greenish teal #32bf84
caramel #af6f09
deep magenta #a0025c
light peach #ffd8b1
milk chocolate #7f4e1e
ocher #bf9b0c
off green #6ba353
purply pink #f075e6
lightblue #7bc8f6
dusky blue #475f94
golden #f5bf03
light beige #fffeb6
butter yellow #fffd74
dusky purple #895b7b
french blue #436bad
ugly yellow #d0c101
greeny yellow #c6f808
orangish red #f43605
shamrock green #02c14d
orangish brown #b25f03
tree green #2a7e19
deep violet #490648
gunmetal #536267
blue/purple #5a06ef
cherry #cf0234
sandy brown #c4a661
warm grey #978a84
dark indigo #1f0954
midnight #03012d
bluey green #2bb179
grey pink #c3909b
soft purple #a66fb5
blood #770001
brown red #922b05
medium grey #7d7f7c
berry #990f4b
poo #8f7303
purpley pink #c83cb9
light salmon #fea993
snot #acbb0d
easter purple #c071fe
light yellow green #ccfd7f
dark navy blue #00022e
drab #828344
light rose #ffc5cb
rouge #ab1239
purplish red #b0054b
slime green #99cc04
baby poop #937c00
irish green #019529
pink/purple #ef1de7
dark navy #000435
greeny blue #42b395
light plum #9d5783
pinkish grey #c8aca9
dirty orange #c87606
rust red #aa2704
pale lilac #e4cbff
orangey red #fa4224
primary blue #0804f9
kermit green #5cb200
brownish purple #76424e
murky green #6c7a0e
wheat #fbdd7e
very dark purple #2a0134
bottle green #044a05
watermelon #fd4659
deep sky blue #0d75f8
fire engine red #fe0002
yellow ochre #cb9d06
pumpkin orange #fb7d07
pale olive #b9cc81
light lilac #edc8ff
lightish green #61e160
carolina blue #8ab8fe
mulberry #920a4e
shocking pink #fe02a2
auburn #9a3001
bright lime green #65fe08
celadon #befdb7
pinkish brown #b17261
poo brown #885f01
bright sky blue #02ccfe
celery #c1fd95
dirt brown #836539
strawberry #fb2943
dark lime #84b701
copper #b66325
medium brown #7f5112
muted green #5fa052
robin's egg #6dedfd
bright aqua #0bf9ea
bright lavender #c760ff
ivory #ffffcb
very light purple #f6cefc
light navy #155084
pink red #f5054f
olive brown #645403
poop brown #7a5901
mustard green #a8b504
ocean green #3d9973
very dark blue #000133
dusty green #76a973
light navy blue #2e5a88
minty green #0bf77d
adobe #bd6c48
barney #ac1db8
jade green #2baf6a
bright light blue #26f7fd
light lime #aefd6c
dark khaki #9b8f55
orange yellow #ffad01
ocre #c69c04
maize #f4d054
faded pink #de9dac
british racing green #05480d
sandstone #c9ae74
mud brown #60460f
light sea green #98f6b0
robin egg blue #8af1fe
aqua marine #2ee8bb
dark sea green #11875d
soft pink #fdb0c0
orangey brown #b16002
cherry red #f7022a
burnt yellow #d5ab09
brownish grey #86775f
camel #c69f59
purplish grey #7a687f
marine #042e60
greyish pink #c88d94
pale turquoise #a5fbd5
pastel yellow #fffe71
bluey purple #6241c7
canary yellow #fffe40
faded red #d3494e
sepia #985e2b
coffee #a6814c
bright magenta #ff08e8
mocha #9d7651
ecru #feffca
purpleish #98568d
cranberry #9e003a
darkish green #287c37
brown orange #b96902
dusky rose #ba6873
melon #ff7855
sickly green #94b21c
silver #c5c9c7
purply blue #661aee
purpleish blue #6140ef
hospital green #9be5aa
shit brown #7b5804
mid blue #276ab3
amber #feb308
easter green #8cfd7e
soft blue #6488ea
cerulean blue #056eee
golden brown #b27a01
bright turquoise #0ffef9
red pink #fa2a55
red purple #820747
greyish brown #7a6a4f
vermillion #f4320c
russet #a13905
steel grey #6f828a
lighter purple #a55af4
bright violet #ad0afd
prussian blue #004577
slate green #658d6d
dirty pink #ca7b80
dark blue green #005249
pine #2b5d34
yellowy green #bff128
dark gold #b59410
bluish #2976bb
darkish blue #014182
dull red #bb3f3f
pinky red #fc2647
bronze #a87900
pale teal #82cbb2
military green #667c3e
barbie pink #fe46a5
bubblegum pink #fe83cc
pea soup green #94a617
dark mustard #a88905
shit #7f5f00
medium purple #9e43a2
very dark green #062e03
dirt #8a6e45
dusky pink #cc7a8b
red violet #9e0168
lemon yellow #fdff38
pistachio #c0fa8b
dull yellow #eedc5b
dark lime green #7ebd01
denim blue #3b5b92
teal blue #01889f
lightish blue #3d7afd
purpley blue #5f34e7
light indigo #6d5acf
swamp green #748500
brown green #706c11
dark maroon #3c0008
hot purple #cb00f5
dark forest green #002d04
faded blue #658cbb
drab green #749551
light lime green #b9ff66
snot green #9dc100
yellowish #faee66
light blue green #7efbb3
bordeaux #7b002c
light mauve #c292a1
ocean #017b92
marigold #fcc006
muddy green #657432
dull orange #d8863b
steel #738595
electric purple #aa23ff
fluorescent green #08ff08
yellowish brown #9b7a01
blush #f29e8e
soft green #6fc276
bright orange #ff5b00
lemon #fdff52
purple grey #866f85
acid green #8ffe09
pale lavender #eecffe
violet blue #510ac9
light forest green #4f9153
burnt red #9f2305
khaki green #728639
cerise #de0c62
faded purple #916e99
apricot #ffb16d
dark olive green #3c4d03
grey brown #7f7053
green grey #77926f
true blue #010fcc
pale violet #ceaefa
periwinkle blue #8f99fb
light sky blue #c6fcff
blurple #5539cc
green brown #544e03
bluegreen #017a79
bright teal #01f9c6
brownish yellow #c9b003
pea soup #929901
forest #0b5509
barney purple #a00498
ultramarine #2000b1
purplish #94568c
puke yellow #c2be0e
bluish grey #748b97
dark periwinkle #665fd1
dark lilac #9c6da5
reddish #c44240
light maroon #a24857
dusty purple #825f87
terra cotta #c9643b
avocado #90b134
marine blue #01386a
teal green #25a36f
slate grey #59656d
lighter green #75fd63
electric green #21fc0d
dusty blue #5a86ad
golden yellow #fec615
bright yellow #fffd01
light lavender #dfc5fe
umber #b26400
poop #7f5e00
dark peach #de7e5d
jungle green #048243
eggshell #ffffd4
denim #3b638c
yellow brown #b79400
dull purple #84597e
chocolate brown #411900
wine red #7b0323
neon blue #04d9ff
dirty green #667e2c
light tan #fbeeac
ice blue #d7fffe
cadet blue #4e7496
dark mauve #874c62
very light blue #d5ffff
grey purple #826d8c
pastel pink #ffbacd
very light green #d1ffbd
dark sky blue #448ee4
evergreen #05472a
dull pink #d5869d
aubergine #3d0734
mahogany #4a0100
reddish orange #f8481c
deep green #02590f
vomit green #89a203
purple pink #e03fd8
dusty pink #d58a94
faded green #7bb274
camo green #526525
pinky purple #c94cbe
pink purple #db4bda
brownish red #9e3623
dark rose #b5485d
mud #735c12
brownish #9c6d57
emerald green #028f1e
pale brown #b1916e
dull blue #49759c
burnt umber #a0450e
medium green #39ad48
clay #b66a50
light aqua #8cffdb
light olive green #a4be5c
brownish orange #cb7723
dark aqua #05696b
purplish pink #ce5dae
dark salmon #c85a53
greenish grey #96ae8d
jade #1fa774
ugly green #7a9703
dark beige #ac9362
emerald #01a049
pale red #d9544d
light magenta #fa5ff7
sky #82cafc
light cyan #acfffc
yellow orange #fcb001
reddish purple #910951
reddish pink #fe2c54
orchid #c875c4
dirty yellow #cdc50a
orange red #fd411e
deep red #9a0200
orange brown #be6400
cobalt blue #030aa7
neon pink #fe019a
rose pink #f7879a
greyish purple #887191
raspberry #b00149
aqua green #12e193
salmon pink #fe7b7c
tangerine #ff9408
brownish green #6a6e09
red brown #8b2e16
greenish brown #696112
pumpkin #e17701
pine green #0a481e
charcoal #343837
baby pink #ffb7ce
cornflower #6a79f7
blue violet #5d06e9
chocolate #3d1c02
greyish green #82a67d
scarlet #be0119
green yellow #c9ff27
dark olive #373e02
sienna #a9561e
pastel purple #caa0ff
terracotta #ca6641
aqua blue #02d8e9
sage green #88b378
blood red #980002
deep pink #cb0162
grass #5cac2d
moss #769958
pastel blue #a2bffe
bluish green #10a674
green blue #06b48b
dark tan #af884a
greenish blue #0b8b87
pale orange #ffa756
vomit #a2a415
forrest green #154406
dark lavender #856798
dark violet #34013f
purple blue #632de9
dark cyan #0a888a
olive drab #6f7632
pinkish #d46a7e
cobalt #1e488f
neon purple #bc13fe
light turquoise #7ef4cc
apple green #76cd26
dull green #74a662
wine #80013f
powder blue #b1d1fc
off white #ffffe4
electric blue #0652ff
dark turquoise #045c5a
blue purple #5729ce
azure #069af3
bright red #ff000d
pinkish red #f10c45
cornflower blue #5170d7
light olive #acbf69
grape #6c3461
greyish blue #5e819d
purplish blue #601ef9
yellowish green #b0dd16
greenish yellow #cdfd02
medium blue #2c6fbb
dusty rose #c0737a
light violet #d6b4fc
midnight blue #020035
bluish purple #703be7
red orange #fd3c06
dark magenta #960056
greenish #40a368
ocean blue #03719c
coral #fc5a50
cream #ffffc2
reddish brown #7f2b0a
burnt sienna #b04e0f
brick #a03623
sage #87ae73
grey green #789b73
white #ffffff
robin's egg blue #98eff9
moss green #658b38
steel blue #5a7d9a
eggplant #380835
light yellow #fffe7a
leaf green #5ca904
light grey #d8dcd6
puke #a5a502
pinkish purple #d648d7
sea blue #047495
pale purple #b790d4
slate blue #5b7c99
blue grey #607c8e
hunter green #0b4008
fuchsia #ed0dd9
crimson #8c000f
pale yellow #ffff84
ochre #bf9005
mustard yellow #d2bd0a
light red #ff474c
cerulean #0485d1
pale pink #ffcfdc
deep blue #040273
rust #a83c09
light teal #90e4c1
slate #516572
goldenrod #fac205
dark yellow #d5b60a
dark grey #363737
army green #4b5d16
grey blue #6b8ba4
seafoam #80f9ad
puce #a57e52
spring green #a9f971
dark orange #c65102
sand #e2ca76
pastel green #b0ff9d
mint #9ffeb0
light orange #fdaa48
bright pink #fe01b1
chartreuse #c1f80a
deep purple #36013f
dark brown #341c02
taupe #b9a281
pea green #8eab12
puke green #9aae07
kelly green #02ab2e
seafoam green #7af9ab
blue green #137e6d
khaki #aaa662
burgundy #610023
dark teal #014d4e
brick red #8f1402
royal purple #4b006e
plum #580f41
mint green #8fff9f
gold #dbb40c
baby blue #a2cffe
yellow green #c0fb2d
bright purple #be03fd
dark red #840000
pale blue #d0fefe
grass green #3f9b0b
navy #01153e
aquamarine #04d8b2
burnt orange #c04e01
neon green #0cff0c
bright blue #0165fc
rose #cf6275
light pink #ffd1df
mustard #ceb301
indigo #380282
lime #aaff32
sea green #53fca1
periwinkle #8e82fe
dark pink #cb416b
olive green #677a04
peach #ffb07c
pale green #c7fdb5
light brown #ad8150
hot pink #ff028d
black #000000
lilac #cea2fd
navy blue #001146
royal blue #0504aa
beige #e6daa6
salmon #ff796c
olive #6e750e
maroon #650021
bright green #01ff07
dark purple #35063e
mauve #ae7181
forest green #06470c
aqua #13eac9
cyan #00ffff
tan #d1b26f
dark blue #00035b
lavender #c79fef
turquoise #06c2ac
dark green #033500
violet #9a0eea
light purple #bf77f6
lime green #89fe05
grey #929591
sky blue #75bbfd
yellow #ffff14
magenta #c20078
light green #96f97b
orange #f97306
teal #029386
light blue #95d0fc
red #e50000
brown #653700
pink #ff81c0
blue #0343df
green #15b01a
purple #7e1e9c
Reference in New Issue